144 research outputs found

    IFI Interiors Deklarasyonunun retorik analizi

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    In 2011; after a series of workshops, round table discussions, think-tank sessions and meetings with hundreds of professionals from various fields, International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers (IFI) introduced a striking document coined “IFI Interiors Declaration” as a manifestation of the interiors discipline. This manifesto focuses on the interiors phenomenon through seven predetermined concepts as value, relevance, responsibility, culture, business, knowledge and identity. The IFI Interiors Declaration (IFI ID) is a consensus based vision/mission statement that is manifesting the discipline of interiors through its purpose and value. Rather than trying to come up with a detailed explanatory document like a constitution, it was aimed to provide a more general and brief document for interiors internationally. The study aims to reconsider this historical document through a rhetorical analysis which aims to examine and understand the discourse of the declaration through seven specific concepts in relation with several other discourses and theories. It is concluded that the IFI Interiors Declaration is open for interpretation in relation with cultural and regional means but as a common understanding it is specifically addressing the fact that interior architecture/design supports life and humanity by all its activities, functions and actions.2011 yılında; Uluslararası İçmimarlar/Tasarımcılar Federasyonu (IFI), bir dizi çalıştay, yuvarlak masa tartışmaları, think-tank oturumları ve çeşitli alanlardan yüzlerce profesyonelle yapılan toplantıların ardından, iç mekan disiplininin bir tezahürü olarak ortaya atılan “İç Mekanlar Deklarasyonu” adlı çarpıcı bir belgeyi tanıttı. Bu manifesto; değer, ilinti, sorumluluk, kültür, iş dünyası, bilgi ve kimlik gibi önceden belirlenmiş yedi kavram aracılığıyla iç mekan olgusuna odaklanmaktadır. IFI İç Mekanlar Deklarasyonu (IFI ID), amacı ve değeri aracılığıyla iç mekan disiplinini ortaya koyan fikir birliğine dayalı bir vizyon/misyon beyanıdır. Anayasa gibi detaylı açıklayıcı bir belge ortaya konulmaya çalışmak yerine, iç mimarlık üzerine uluslararası düzeyde daha genel ve kısa bir belge konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışma, bu tarihsel belgeyi deklarasyonun söyleminin dayandığı yedi özel kavram üzerinden diğer birçok söylem ve kuramla bağlantılı olarak incelemeyi ve anlamayı amaçlayan retorik bir analizle yeniden ele almayı amaçlamaktadır. IFI İç Mekanlar Deklarasyonu'nun kültürel ve bölgesel anlamda yoruma açık olduğu ancak ortak bir anlayış olarak iç mimarinin tüm faaliyet, işlev ve eylemleriyle yaşamı ve insanlığı desteklediği gerçeğini özel olarak ele aldığı sonucuna varılmıştır.Publisher's Versio

    Biochemical characterization of wild-type and mutant (Q9F and S21Y/V22D) iron oxidases isolated from Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans M1

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    We would like to thank Karadeniz Technical University Research Foundation (grant no. 1055) for their financial support.Iron oxidase, a member of the high potential iron-sulfur protein (HiPIP) family within the iron-sulfur cluster, was thought to be involved in the iron respiratory electron transport chain in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. A. ferrooxidans M1 strain was isolated from Murgul copper mine. The iro gene of this bacterium encoding iron oxidase was cloned, and the complete nucleotide sequence was disclosed. The gene was cloned and overexpressed successfully. The highly conserved amino acid residues within the iron oxidase enzyme sequence were determined, and their Q9F and S21Y/V22D recombinants were created through site-directed mutagenesis. Wild-type and recombinant iron oxidase enzymes were purified and further characterized. The biochemical properties and kinetic parameters of wild-type and mutant enzymes were determined and compared. The optimal temperature of the wild-type enzyme was 25 degrees C, and maximal activity was observed at pH 4.0. The Km and Vmax values of wild-type enzyme were 0.27 +/- 0.09 mM and 0.083 +/- 0.01 mu mol/min/mg protein, respectively. Although the mutant enzymes were almost comparable to wild-type enzyme, their maximal activities moved from pH 4.0 to pH 3.5, and pH stability of S21Y/V22D mutant was improved compared to wild type

    The prophylactic efficacy of Anatolian propolis in individuals at high risk of COVID-19

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    OBJECTIVE: No prophylactic treatment is available for individuals at high risk of developing COVID-19. This study, which was conducted between December 25, 2020, and January 25, 2021, is one of the first clinical studies to evaluate the efficacy of Anatolian propolis supplement against COVID-19. The aim was to obtain evidence on the prophylactic use of Anatolian propolis in individuals at high risk of developing COVID-19. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: This volunteer-based study was conducted in two centers. The study involved 209 healthcare professionals (physicians, nurses, medical secretaries) from Emergency Medicine Department of Medical Faculty of Ataturk University and Emergency Medicine Department of Rize Recep Tayyip Erdogan University. 204 participants meeting the study criteria were divided into two groups as experimental group and control group. The experimental group received 20 drops of BEE’O UP (BEE&YOU) 30% Propolis drops twice a day during a follow-up period of 1 month. The control group received no supplement but was followed up. The participants showing symptoms during the study and all the participants at the end the study were subjected to PCR testing. RESULTS: The evaluation of the results of PCR testing at the end of the study has shown that 14 participants from the control group and only 2 participants from the experimental group, who received Anatolian propolis supplement, were reported as positive cases. CONCLUSIONS: It has been found that a statistically significant protection was induced against COVID-19 infection in 98% of the experimental group, who received Anatolian propolis, compared to the control group

    Brevibacillus gelatini sp nov., isolated from a hot spring

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    Two Gram-stain-positive, moderately thermophilic, endospore-forming, rod-shaped, motile bacteria designated PDF4(T) and PDF10, were isolated from Camkoy hot spring in the provinces of Aydin, Turkey and were characterized in order to determine their phylogenetic position. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed that the two strains belonged to the genus Brevibacillus. Strain PDF4(T) showed highest 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity to strain PDF10 (99.5 %), Brevibacillus brevis DSM 30(T) (98.9 %), Brevibacillus parabrevis DSM 8376(T) (98.6 %) and Brevibacillus formosus DSM 9885(T) (98.5 %); similarities to other species of the genus Brevibacillus were less than 98.5 %. The predominant fatty acids of strain PDF4(T) were anteiso-C-15 : 0 (60.0 %) and iso-C-15 : 0 (22.3 %). The polar lipids of strain PDF4(T) consisted of diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylmonomethylethanolamine, an unknown phospholipid, two unknown lipid, an unknown aminophospholipid and two unknown aminolipids. MK-7 was detected as a sole respiratory quinone, and the cell wall of strain PDF4(T) contained meso-diaminopimelic acid. The DNA G + C content of strain PDF4(T) was 51.7 mol%. DNA-DNA hybridization showed less than 60 % relatedness between strain PDF4(T) and type strains of the most closely related species given above. Based on these data, the two strains are considered to represent a novel species of the genus Brevibacillus, for which the name Brevibacillus gelatini sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is PDF4T (=NCCB 100559(T) =DSM 100115(T)).Karadeniz Technical University 2008.111.04.

    Comparison of respiratory parameters with and without mouth guard in Karate PlayersKaratecilerde ağız koruyuculu ve ağız koruyucusuz ölçülen solunum parametrelerinin karşılaştırılması

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    This study aimed to examine the effects of using a mouth guard in Karate on respiration parameters. The study sample consisted of 10 volunteer elite male karate athletes who participated in the National Karate Team and still practice the sport (24.4±6.3years, 176.2±7.4 cm, 71±4.1 kg). The athletes were exposed to respiration tests without and with mouth guard with 2 days interval that give FVC, FEV1, MVV and PEF values. In the light of the found parameters, were no meaningful differences were observed in measurements of parameters between the measurements with and without a mouth guard (p > 0.05).  The athletes continued their routine training between pre-test and post-test. In conclusion it was seen that the use of mouth guard did not directly affect the breathing performance.Extended English abstract is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.ÖzetBu çalışmada Karate sporundaki ağız koruyucusu kullanımının solunum parametrelerine etkisini incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmaya Karate Milli Takımı’nda yer almış ve aktif spor yaşantısı devam eden gönüllü 10 erkek elit karate sporcusu (24,4±6,3yıl, 176,2±7,4 cm, 71±4,1 kg) dahil edilmiştir. Sporcular FVC, FEV1 MVV, PEF değerlerinin elde edildiği solunum testlerine 2 gün ara ile dişliksiz ve dişlikli olarak katılmıştır. Kaydedilen parametreler ışığında,  dişlikli ve dişliksiz ölçümler arasında istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı bir ilişki gözlenmemiştir (p > 0.05). Sporcular ön test ve son test arası rutin antrenmanlarına devam etmiştir.  Sonuç olarak, dişlik kullanımının solunum performansını direkt olarak etkilemediği görülmüştür

    Investigation of the Effects of Ghrelin and Kisspeptin Levels in Liver Tissue of Rats Fed with High Fructose Diet -A Histological Study

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    Purpose: High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is used commonly in the food industry and has been associated with various diseases including obesity, diabetes and fatty liver. Ghrelin, an orexigenic hormone with widespread receptors in many tissues, exerts various central and peripheral effects. Food intake may reduce its synthesis. Kisspeptin plays a major role in reproductive hormones and its receptors are expressed in tissues with high metabolic activity, such as the liver. This study aims to investigate the effects of HFCS consumption on liver tissue and its relationship with Kisspeptin and Ghrelin levels. Materials and Methods: Fourteen adult male Wistar albino rats, aged eight to ten weeks, were used in this study and divided into two groups; Control and HFCS (n=7). Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-α), Ghrelin, and Kisspeptin levels in the liver tissues of the rats were measured using an immunohistochemical method and subsequently analyzed through histoscoring. Results: Our data revealed a significant increase in Kisspeptin, Caspase 3, and TNF-α levels and a decrease in Ghrelin levels in the HFCS group compared to the Control group. Conclusion: In conclusion, our study demonstrates, for the first time, changes in liver Kisspeptin levels induced by a high fructose diet. Furthermore, the consumption of HFCS in food led to inflammatory activation, tissue damage, and reduced Ghrelin levels

    An ethno-veterinary study on plants used for the treatment of livestock diseases in Genç (Bingöl-Turkey)

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    81-88There are a very limited number of studies on plants traditionally used in animal diseases in Turkey. As a result, valuable information is getting lost. Traditional plant use in Genç District (Turkey) was recorded by semi-structured interviews with breeders and shepherds. The collected information was subjected to quantitative analysis using the informant consensus factor. It was recorded that a total of 53 plants from 24 families were used in the traditional treatment of animal diseases. 8 of these plants are endemic plants with a narrow distribution area and were recorded for the first time by us. The breeders stated that they applied such plants to animals with peace in mind as these plants had been used for human treatment as well. This study is the first ethnoveterinary study conducted in the province. Phytochemical studies need to be carried out on medicinal plants used in livestock around Bingöl Province. We believe that the use of this preliminary information obtained from ethnoveterinary studies by researchers will contribute to the production of natural animal medicines