20 research outputs found

    Skaz in genre songs by Alexander Galich

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    This article is devoted to an analysis of genre songs by Alexander Galich. Thanks to the epic element presented in these songs, the poet uses skaz to create a portrait of a contemporary epoch. By introducing skaz, which is a method of narration imitating the oral utterance, the author strictly refers to the literary tradition of Gogol, Babel and Zoshchenko. The main role of Galich’s skaz is irony, which can be perceived only by a prepared reader, whom the poet is counting on.This article is devoted to an analysis of genre songs by Alexander Galich. Thanks to the epic element presented in these songs, the poet uses skaz to create a portrait of a contemporary epoch. By introducing skaz, which is a method of narration imitating the oral utterance, the author strictly refers to the literary tradition of Gogol, Babel and Zoshchenko. The main role of Galich’s skaz is irony, which can be perceived only by a prepared reader, whom the poet is counting on.This article is devoted to an analysis of genre songs by Alexander Galich. Thanks to the epic element presented in these songs, the poet uses skaz to create a portrait of a contemporary epoch. By introducing skaz, which is a method of narration imitating the oral utterance, the author strictly refers to the literary tradition of Gogol, Babel and Zoshchenko. The main role of Galich’s skaz is irony, which can be perceived only by a prepared reader, whom the poet is counting on

    The analysis of the poem „Epitaph for Vladimir Vysotsky” of Jacek Kaczmarski as intertext

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    This article is devoted to the analysis of the poem Epitafium dla Włodzimierza Wysockiego (Epitaph for Vladimir Vysotsky) of Jacek Kaczmarski. In this poem the Polish bard conducts an intertextual dialogue with outstanding Russian poet and singer Vladimir Vysotsky.This article is devoted to the analysis of the poem Epitafium dla Włodzimierza Wysockiego (Epitaph for Vladimir Vysotsky) of Jacek Kaczmarski. In this poem the Polish bard conducts an intertextual dialogue with outstanding Russian poet and singer Vladimir Vysotsky.This article is devoted to the analysis of the poem Epitafium dla Włodzimierza Wysockiego (Epitaph for Vladimir Vysotsky) of Jacek Kaczmarski. In this poem the Polish bard conducts an intertextual dialogue with outstanding Russian poet and singer Vladimir Vysotsky

    Авторская песня как многокодовый феномен

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    This work is devoted to the analysis of author song as a multi-coded phenomenon. Thanks to its syncretic form, author song possesses an enormous potential for multi-layered transmission of meanings. Therefore, the singing poet affects the audience by means of an artistic text. What is more, he intensifies aesthetic impressions owing to the melody, the performance and the stage gestures. This result is impossible to gain through traditional poetry reading. Moreover, the primacy of the verbal code classifies author song as a literary phenomenon.  At the same time, the synthetic nature and open genre of author song make it a space for creative experiment within the scope of music, literature, theatre and painting.Настоящая статья посвящена анализу авторской песни как многокодового феномена. Благодаря синкретичной форме она имеет возможность многослойной передачи смыслов. Поющий поэт влияет на реципиента с помощью художественного текста, а также усиливает эстетические впечатления благодаря мелодии, исполнению и сценическому жесту. Произведенный эффект невозможен в случае традиционной формы восприятия лирики. Примат вербального кода в авторской песне причисляет ее к литературным явлениям. Синкретическая природа и  жанровая открытость авторской песни превращают ее в пространство для творческого эксперимента в области музыки, литературы, театра и живописи

    Интертекстуальность в поэзии Владимира Высоцкого

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    Celem niniejszej pracy było ukazanie utworów poetyckich Włodzimierza Wysockiego w aspekcie ich związków międzytekstowych z dziełami rozmaitych autorów oraz z innymi rodzajami sztuki – filmem i teatrem. W jego realizacji kluczowym okazało się rozpoznanie i opis szeregu intertekstualnych chwytów, na których bazował Wysocki w swoim procesie twórczym. Dodatkowo skoncentrowano się na przedstawieniu refleksji kulturologicznej, która stanowiła istotę wierszy poety-aktora. Przeprowadzone badania dowiodły, iż sens wygenerowany przez tekst artystyczny barda może być całkowicie zrozumiały jedynie w szerokim kontekście literacko-kulturowym. Wysocki, prowadząc wyrafinowaną grę z tekstami wybitnych autorów na przestrzeni całej drogi poetyckiej, chciał nawiązać kontakt z ich spuścizną oraz wskrzesić pamięć o jej twórcach. Dzięki temu wpisał się na karty literatury rosyjskiej jako wybitny mistrz słowa artystycznego, pragnący swoją intertekstualną poezją zapełnić lukę w tradycji kulturowej

    Ирония в поэзии Владлена Гаврильчика

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    This article is devoted to the analysis of irony in Vladlen Gavrilchik’s lyrics, which belong to two directions in modern Russian poetry – “neo-primitive”, and “ironic, caricature-grotesque poetry”. Irony is one of the main literary techniques used by the Russian primitive poet. In the speech of Gavrilchik’s characters there is a hidden living author’s word, saturated with a hidden meaning. The recipient’s ignorance of the irony will certainly lead to interpretative failures. Therefore, Gavrilchik the ironist addresses his poetry to a reader who understands his poetic jokes and ironic games. The article also shows that Gavrilchik depicts Soviet reality in an ironic manner; he ironically reinterprets also socialist-realist images, simultaneously mocking the founders of socialist-realist poetics

    Motyw nadziei w najnowszej poezji Dmitrija Strocewa

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    This article is devoted to the analysis of the motif of hope in the latest poetry of the Belarusian independent poet Dmitry Strotsev. The peaceful Belarusian revolution of 2020 became a source of inspiration for Strotsev and influenced the form and content of his latest works. The methodological basis of the research is focused on the observations on hope made by the French philosopher Gabriel Honoré Marcel in the essay Outline of the phenomenology and metaphysics of hope (1942), and by the priest Józef Tischner in the essay Binding of Hope (1973). In Strotsev’s latest poetry, the theme of hope is combined with the heroic peaceful struggle for freedom undertaken by Belarusian society and is inscribed in an intertextual dialogue with the Bible. The poet presents a collective portrait of people filled with hope, which is an impulse for them to act. It shows society at the time of a test of enslavement. The answer to enslavement is opposition born of hope. The experience of heroism also flows from hope. Strotsev’s works not only immortalize the people who fought for freedom, but also multiply the hope inherent in all those who take up a heroic fight against evil. Hope allows them to visualize the “fragility” and “impermanence” of evil. It is also a comfort to those who are suffering from loss. It also helps not to succumb to despair.This article is devoted to the analysis of the motif of hope in the latest poetry of the Belarusian independent poet Dmitry Strotsev. The peaceful Belarusian revolution of 2020 became a source of inspiration for Strotsev and influenced the form and content of his latest works. The methodological basis of the research is focused on the observations on hope made by the French philosopher Gabriel Honoré Marcel in the essay Outline of the phenomenology and metaphysics of hope (1942), and by the priest Józef Tischner in the essay Binding of Hope (1973). In Strotsev’s latest poetry, the theme of hope is combined with the heroic peaceful struggle for freedom undertaken by Belarusian society and is inscribed in an intertextual dialogue with the Bible. The poet presents a collective portrait of people filled with hope, which is an impulse for them to act. It shows society at the time of a test of enslavement. The answer to enslavement is opposition born of hope. The experience of heroism also flows from hope. Strotsev’s works not only immortalize the people who fought for freedom, but also multiply the hope inherent in all those who take up a heroic fight against evil. Hope allows them to visualize the “fragility” and “impermanence” of evil. It is also a comfort to those who are suffering from loss. It also helps not to succumb to despair.This article is devoted to the analysis of the motif of hope in the latest poetry of the Belarusian independent poet Dmitry Strotsev. The peaceful Belarusian revolution of 2020 became a source of inspiration for Strotsev and influenced the form and content of his latest works. The methodological basis of the research is focused on the observations on hope made by the French philosopher Gabriel Honoré Marcel in the essay Outline of the phenomenology and metaphysics of hope (1942), and by the priest Józef Tischner in the essay Binding of Hope (1973). In Strotsev’s latest poetry, the theme of hope is combined with the heroic peaceful struggle for freedom undertaken by Belarusian society and is inscribed in an intertextual dialogue with the Bible. The poet presents a collective portrait of people filled with hope, which is an impulse for them to act. It shows society at the time of a test of enslavement. The answer to enslavement is opposition born of hope. The experience of heroism also flows from hope. Strotsev’s works not only immortalize the people who fought for freedom, but also multiply the hope inherent in all those who take up a heroic fight against evil. Hope allows them to visualize the “fragility” and “impermanence” of evil. It is also a comfort to those who are suffering from loss. It also helps not to succumb to despair.This article is devoted to the analysis of the motif of hope in the latest poetry of the Belarusian independent poet Dmitry Strotsev. The peaceful Belarusian revolution of 2020 became a source of inspiration for Strotsev and influenced the form and content of his latest works. The methodological basis of the research is focused on the observations on hope made by the French philosopher Gabriel Honoré Marcel in the essay Outline of the phenomenology and metaphysics of hope (1942), and by the priest Józef Tischner in the essay Binding of Hope (1973). In Strotsev’s latest poetry, the theme of hope is combined with the heroic peaceful struggle for freedom undertaken by Belarusian society and is inscribed in an intertextual dialogue with the Bible. The poet presents a collective portrait of people filled with hope, which is an impulse for them to act. It shows society at the time of a test of enslavement. The answer to enslavement is opposition born of hope. The experience of heroism also flows from hope. Strotsev’s works not only immortalize the people who fought for freedom, but also multiply the hope inherent in all those who take up a heroic fight against evil. Hope allows them to visualize the “fragility” and “impermanence” of evil. It is also a comfort to those who are suffering from loss. It also helps not to succumb to despair

    Американская мечта Сергея Есенина

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    The present paper is an attempt to interpret the works of Esenin, which were created under the influence of his journey to the United States of America in 1922 and 1923. The considerations are focused on the discussion about culture and civilization in the cultural aspect of Russia and America. The polemics between Esenin and Mayakovski has also been emphasized as the Black Man’s author’s foreign trip was to a large extent motivated by his willingness to prove his poetic superiority over the outstanding futurist

    Творчество Виктора Астафьева в польской литературной критике

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     This article is devoted to the reception of Viktor Astafyev’s works by Polish literary critics. The authors examined Polish critical studies starting from the 1990s. Those elements that have not been analyzed yet are used to shed light on the works of this village prose writer. At the same time, the authors underline Viktor Astafyev’s religious awareness, pro-ecological way of thinking and his involvement in Russia’s current problems

    Pain predictors in a population of temporomandibular disorders patients

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    The aim of the present study was to assess the potential role of some biological, psychological, and social factors to predict the presence of painful temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) in a TMD-patient population. The study sample consisted of 109 consecutive adult patients (81.7% females; mean age 33.2 ± 14.7 years) who were split into two groups based on Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) diagnoses: painful TMD and non-painful TMD. The presence of pain was adopted as the depended variable to be identified by the following independent variables (i.e., predictors): age, gender, bruxism, tooth wear, chewing gum, nail biting, perceived stress level, chronic pain-related impairment (GCPS), depression (DEP), and somatization (SOM). Single-variable logistic regression analysis showed a significant relationship between TMD pain and DEP with an odds ratio of 2.9. Building up a multiple variable model did not contribute to increase the predictive value of a TMD pain model related to the presence of depression. Findings from the present study supported the existence of a relationship between pain and depression in painful TMD patients. In the future, study designs should be improved by the adoption of the best available assessment approaches for each factor

    The Autobiographical Element in Zachar Prilepin’s Novel The Pathologies

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    This article is devoted to the analysis of the autobiographical element in the novel by Zachar Prilepin The Pathologies. It can be noticed that the contemporary Russian writer resigns from postmodernism poetics and turns to the tradition of realistic literature. What is more, he wants to overcome the crisis of authorship. The novel The Pathologies is also a response to the esthetic need of modern readers, who are interested in broadly understood autobiography and observation of life in all its dimensions. Prilepin – a veteran of The First and the Second Chechen Wars – shares his soldier’s experience and emotions. The autobiographical element is present in The Pathologies on various levels (hero, narration, extreme situation)