99 research outputs found

    Ethanol and sugar tolerance of wine yeasts isolated from fermenting cashew apple juice

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    Seventeen wine yeasts isolated from fermenting cashew apple juice were screened for ethanol and sugar tolerance. Two species of Saccharomyces comprising of three strains of S. cerevisiae and one S. uvarum showed measurable growth in medium containing 9% (v/v) ethanol. They were equally sugar-tolerant having good growth in medium containing 25% (w/v) glucose. Two of the strains (S. cerevisiae) were found to posses higher invertase activities than the remaining two. Further search for industrially useful yeasts in tropical fruits is suggested.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 4 (7), pp. 660-662, 200

    Political Systems And Economic Development In Sub-Sahara: A Multivariate Time Series Analysis

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    Lipset’s definition (1959) of democracy was used to test the correlation between economic development and the adoption of democracy among countries. Individual country analysis was conducted, followed by regional analysis and a significant positive correlation coefficient of 0.5 was obtained.  This showed that as the level of economic development increases, the level of democracy equally increases in Sub-Sahara Africa.  One limitation of this study is that it is important to note that if this analysis is conducted on an individual country basis, such a causal relationship might not fully exist and, therefore caution should be taken when interpreting these empirical results

    Effects of Raw Ethanolic Seed Extract of Tetracarpidium conophorum on Heamatological and Histopathological Parameters in Swiss Albino Mice Infected with Plasmodium berghei

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    Study was carried out to determine the heamatological and histopathological effects of raw ethanolic seed extract of Tetracarpidium conophorum in swiss albino mice infected with Plasmodium berghei (NK65). Standard methods were employed to determine the heamatological, histopathological indices and biochemical assay. The experimental mice were acclimatized for seven days before the commencement of treatment. Mice were grouped into six groups (A, B, C, D, E and F) of four mice each. The mice in group B were treated with a standard antimalarial drug (chloroquine as positive control) at a dose of 5 mg/kg body weight, while mice in groups D, E and F was administered with increasing dosages (200, 400, 600 mg/kg body weight) of seed extracts for four consecutive days respectively. Group C (Normal control) served as mice that was not infected and treated. Heamatological analysis revealed an increase in Packed Cell Volume, Red Blood Cells, Heamoglobin and Platelet values of all mice in groups D, E and F (mice administered different concentrations of the extract). Mice in group B (chloroquine treated group) have the highest value. Mice in group A (negative control) exhibited lowest values of Heamoglobin, Platelet, Red blood cells, and Packed Cell Volume. There was significant increase in the levels of Alanine Transaminase and Aspartate Transaminase in group A (infected and not treated) compared to mice in groups C, D, and E. Restorative effects of seed extract was observed on the liver and kidney of mice at dose levels (400 and 600 mg/kg) used, but the seed extract at the dose of 600 mg/kg was observed to have adverse effects on the liver of the mice. This study therefore shows that Tetracarpidium conophorum was able to boost the formation of heamatological indices and was not toxic to the organs (liver and kidney) in mice

    The Production of A Low dietary Bulk Density Cassava-Based Weaning Food using fermentation

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    Fermentation is an ancient food-processing technique, employed in the preparation of cassava flours for home consumption. This study compares two fermentation procedures practiced at the village level in Nigeria. In the first procedure, sliced cassava chips are soaked in water for 3 days; in the second . procedure, the sliced cassava chips are heaped together and covered with straw for 3 days (air-fermentation). Cassava flours processed by these two methods were used to make two types of cassava flour porridges, and one type of cassava flour porridge prepared…from unfermented cassava. Viscosity measurements were carried out on these porridge. Fermentation by soaking had no marked effect in reducing viscosity and it also produces a whiter flour than flour produced by air fermentation. Viscosity curves, obtained after plotting viscosity against percentage concentration, showed that viscosity is reduced in fermented cassava flours, especially those that are air-fermented, and is reduced still further in cassava flours mixed with legumes. The use of legumes also creates higher nutrient densities in the porridges, but reduced the viscosity of the gruels Keywords: cassava, fermentation, weaning foods. Agrosearch Vol. 7 (1&2) 2005: pp. 5-1

    Exploring the Neglect of Accounting Theory in Current Academic Research in Nigeria

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    It has become a general perception that studies in Accounting Theory, though an essential part of accounting research is gradually becoming extinct. While globally, there is a dearth of studies and researches on accounting theory, in Nigeria, such studies are literally almost nonexistent. Hence, the motivation for this study to explore the neglect of accounting theory in current academic research in Nigeria. To achieve the objectives of this study, the researchers employed case study method of research, adopting the Department of Accounting, in one of the private Universities in Nigeria as a study area. Analyzing the result of the survey, critical findings revealed among others, that factors such as Methodology, Social, Resources, Technology and Regulatory issues are the causes of neglect of accounting theory in Nigeria’s Academic Area. It is recommended among others that there should be development of electronic databases of accounting researches to ease the data gathering difficulties, as well as making research and seminars in accounting theory compulsory for accounting students to stimulate interest in accounting theory in other to develop capacity and avoid extinction

    Fake News as Aberration in Journalism Practice: Examining Truth and Facts as Basis of Fourth Estate of the Realm

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    The deliberate publication of fake news by any media organisation or online network is an aberration in journalism practice. And such sophist intentions and dissemination of falsehood to the people through the virtual media, social media and old media is a depravity against humanity to spread mischief, acrimony, crises, disease, corruption, and squalor. It is total negation of journalism values and news values. Thus, this chapter seeks to examine the concept of newsworthiness in the wake of resurrection of the ghost of fake news in this digital age, which was the practice in the age of ignorance when unlettered men abound as journalists. It investigates the ideological constructs of news because it is a violation of journalism practice for any organisation to base its ideology on the publication of fake news. This study highlights news production process in tandem with the socio-cultural interests, political philosophy, and economic interests of the sponsors, financiers, and owners of the media. The chapter critically examines factors of news or factors of newsworthiness in relation to the concept of fake news. If the twelve factors of news are frequency, threshold, unambiguity, meaningfulness, consonance, unexpectedness, continuity, composition, reference to elite nations, reference to elite people, reference to elite persons, and reference to something negative, should there be anything fake called News? In narrative and argumentative form, the study concludes that anything fake or any information that is based on falsehood cannot be regarded as News. If it is news, it must be based on Truth and Facts. If it is news, it must be new. If it is news, it must be based on actualities. If it is news, it must be based on evidences. If it is news, it must be fair. If it is news, it must be based on realities. If it is news, it must not be based on vendetta. If it is news, it must not be hoax. If it is news, it must not be fallacy. If it is news, it must not be innuendoes

    Effect of drying method on the quality and storability of ‘egusi\' melon seeds (Colocynthis citrullus L.)

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    The effect of sun-, oven-, smoke- and solar drying on the physicochemical properties and storability of melon seeds (Colocynthis citrullus L.) was investigated. Oven drying most significantly reduced the moisture content, followed by smoke drying and solar drying in decreasing order. The proximate composition of seeds was not significantly affected by the drying methods, but panelists most preferred the oven-dried seeds in the sensory analysis. Oven- and smoke dried seeds had the lowest incidence of diseased seeds, moisture content and level of Aspergillus spp. infestation and also recorded the highest seed germination and oil content in stores. The peroxide values and percentage free fatty acids were lowest in oven dried seeds, followed by the smoke dried seeds and the lowest in sun dried seeds. Thus, oven- and smoke drying could be used to dry melon seeds, particularly during the first season harvest when sun drying often proves difficult.Key words: Drying method, melon seeds, quality, storability. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 4 (8), pp. 799-80

    Comparative efficacy of herbal and synthetic methionine on performance of some haematological and biochemical parameters in domestic laying hens

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    A feeding trial was conducted to determine the bioefficacy of herbal methionine (HM) compared to synthetic methionine (SM) in the diets of domestic laying hens. The herbal methionine (Meth-o-Tas®) was supplied by Intas Pharmaceutical Limited, India. The HM and SM were added to a standard diet at 0.5 and 1.0 kg per ton and fed to 144 laying birds, 30 weeks of age, housed in 3 birds per cage unit. The birds were divided into 4 dietary treatments of 36 birds each and each treatment group was replicated 4 times with 9 birds per replicate. The trial lasted for 112 days and was divided into 4 periods of 28 days each. At the end of the feeding trial, 2 birds per replicate, representing 8 birds per treatment were sacrificed for the determinations of haematological and plasma biochemical profiles, liver weight and abdominal fat pad. Layers fed on diets supplemented with HM produced less (P ≤ 0.01) eggs, had lower egg mass output (P ≤ 0.01) and final body weight (P ≤ 0.05) and poorer feed conversion efficiency (P ≤ 0.05) than those layers fed on diets supplemented with SM. Feed intake was not affected (P ≥ 0.05) by dietary methionine source. Exterior and interior egg quality characteristics such as egg weight, shell thickness, albumen weight and albumen height decreased (P ≤ 0.05) with dietary supplementation of HM. Dietary supplementation of HM reduced (P ≤ 0.05) abdominal fat pad. Total protein and albumin decreased (P ≤ 0.05) with dietary supplementation of HM. Plasma and liver total cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations were lowered (P ≥ 0.05) in birds fed on diets supplemented with HM. The activities of plasma and liver alanine transferase (ALT), aspartate transferase (AST) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were not altered (P ≥ 0.05) by HM supplementation. All haematological variables determined were not affected by HM supplementation. Under the conditions of this study, it was concluded that herbal methionine (Meth-o-Tas®) is not an effective substitute for synthetic methionine for optimum production performance.Keywords: Herbal methionine, synthetic methionine, performance, laying hen

    Cellulase Sources in the Eudrilid Earthworm, Eudrilus Eugeniae

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    Earthworms have been known to breakdown leaf litter to release the nutrients laden in the leaves. Their ability to breakdown leaf litter implies that they have a source of cellulose. The present work looked at these sources to establish if they were exogenous or endogenous in origin. Earthworm samples of the species Eudriluseugeniaewere fed with tissue paper as cellulose source. The resulting faecal droppings were subjected to various carbohydrate tests to confirm the final products. Some of the worms were defaunated by treating with antibiotics to ensure the cellulose source was exogenous. Survival tests were also carried out on the faunated and defaunated earthworms. The results showed by Molisch's test the presence of carbohydrate in both fresh and egested tissue paper; while Benedict test and Barfoed's test indicate that the ingested tissue paper was digested to monosaccharide level. Seliwanoff's test also confirmed that the breakdown product was the monosaccharide fructose. Result of the survival test showed a significantly higher survival rate in the faunated than the defaunated earthworms. The results also showed that cellulose is of both exogenous and endogenous source to the earthworms. It is thus proposed that in plant litter treatments introduction of earthworms should be encouraged above merely introducing microbes as the gut of the worms is here shown to support microbial activity

    Unusually High Prevalence of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria among Male University Students on Redemption Camp, Ogun State, Nigeria

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    Differences are known to occur in prevalence rates in urinary tract infections (UTI) between men and women due to the difference between the urinary tracts of the sexes. Moreover, different organisms are known to infect and cause bacteriuria in men. When urine samples from 55 apparently healthy male students of Redeemer’s University were examined, nine bacteria species including Micrococcus luteus, Viellonella parvula, Micrococcus varians, Streptococcus downei, Streptococcus pneumonia, Bacillus subtilis, Streptococcus pyrogenes, Staphylococcus saprophyticus,and Enterococcus aquimarinus were isolated from the samples. The two most prevalent organisms reported in this study were Micrococcus luteus (40%) and Micrococcus varians (27.3%). The implication of the high prevalence rates (54.5%) of asymptomatic bacteriuria obtained in this population is discussed.Key words: Asymptomatic UTI, bacteriuria, Micrococcus luteu
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