1,397 research outputs found

    Corporate Social Responsibility: Considerations for Sport Management in the Age of Neoliberalism

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 10(6): 900-914, 2017. For financial reasons, in efforts to maintain legitimacy, and in response to social pressures, sport organizations increasingly engage with corporate social responsibility (CSR). However, with the rise of global neoliberalism, the logic of CSR can be problematic. In this essay, we provide a brief overview, critique, and reconstruction of CSR in the sport industry. Specifically, we call into question three popularized forms of CSR: (1) diversity, inclusion, and diversity management, (2) environmental responsibility, and (3) health and physical activity-based initiatives. In a neoliberal context, CSR in sport provides, at best, a limited response to social issues. At their worst, CSR initiatives may be socially irresponsible programs that further engender inequalities and inequities while a neoliberal logic serves to rationalize and augment sport organizations’ place(s) in society. We discuss these issues and challenge the field of sport management to further consider how we may demonstrate a more legitimate social concern in the 21st centur

    Ten Years» Experience of Aortic Aneurysm Associated with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    AbstractBackground: aortic aneurysm is a rare but life-threatening cardiovascular complication in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The purpose of this study was to clarify the characteristic clinical features and the pathological mechanism of aneurysmal formation in these patients. Methods: among 429 patients operated on for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) during the past 10 years, five cases with SLE were treated surgically. Their clinical data were reviewed, and the resected aneurysmal wall of the five patients was also examined histologically. Results: the mean age of the patients with SLE was 55 years, which was statistically younger than that of the other patients (mean 77 years, s.d. 7.9, p <0.05). They had received long-term corticosteroid therapy for the treatment of SLE for a mean of 23 years. Histologically, destruction of the medial elastic lamina was characteristic. Four patients had no complications in the postoperative follow-up period (mean 4 years), while the remaining patient died of rupture of a dissecting aneurysm two years after operation.Conclusion : prolonged steroid therapy may play a major role in accelerating atherosclerosis, which can result in aortic aneurysmal enlargement, possibly together with primary aortic wall involvement and/or vasculitic damage in patients with SLE

    Espacialização da pecuária de corte sul-mato-grossense.

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    A economia do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul baseia-se principalmente na agricultura e pecuária, e o estado é subdivido em quatro mesorregiões: Centro-Norte, Pantanal, Sudoeste e Leste. Para espacializar a produção da pecuária bovina sul-mato-grossense, foram usados dados censitários e geocódigos municipais do IBGE e procedimentos do sistema de informação geográfica (SIG). As mesorregiões Leste e Sudoeste comportam o maior número de cabeças, da ordem de seis milhões. A mesorregião do Pantanal possui imensas áreas alagadas e favorece a exploração extensiva, e a mesorregião Centro-Norte, localizada mais próxima aos grandes mercados consumidores, têm cerca de quatro milhões de cabeças. A taxa geométrica de crescimento (TGC) do rebanho bovino de 2006 a 2011 apresenta padrão irregular, com variação de -6,86 a +7,31, -5,60 a +13,33, -2,65 a +6,65 e -5,15 a +2,45 para as regiões Pantanal, Centro-Norte, Sudoeste e Leste, respectivamente. Em termos nacionais, as projeções da TGC (2007 a 2023) para consumo e exportação são da ordem de 30% e 22,4%, respectivamente, enquanto a TGC para produção nesse mesmo período é da ordem de 18,4%. Esses números representam menos oferta interna e potencial aquecimento dos preços domésticos, contribuindo, assim, para um possível aumento da taxa de inflação no período analisado

    Spontaneous emission of an atom placed near a nanobelt of elliptical cross-section

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    Spontaneous emission of an atom (molecule) placed near a nanocylinder of elliptical cross-section of an arbitrary composition is studied. The analytical expressions have been obtained for the radiative and nonradiative channels of spontaneous decay and investigated in details.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figure

    Countable and Full Exchange Rings

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    We show that a suitable ring with a ``nice'' topology, in which convergent limits of units are units, is an \aleph_0-exchange ring. We generalize the argument to show that a semi-regular ring, R, with a ``nice'' topology, is a full exchange ring. Putting these results in the language of modules, we show that a cohopfian module with finite exchange has countable exchange. Also, all modules with Dedekind-finite, semi-regular endomorphism rings are full exchange modules.Comment: 15 page

    Dimensional Dependence of Black Hole Formation in Self-Similar Collapse of Scalar Field

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    We study classical and quantum self-similar collapses of a massless scalar field in higher dimensions, and examine how the increase in the number of dimensions affects gravitational collapse and black hole formation. Higher dimensions seem to favor formation of black hole rather than other final states, in that the initial data space for black hole formation enlarges as dimension increases. On the other hand, the quantum gravity effect on the collapse lessens as dimension increases. We also discuss the gravitational collapse in a brane world with large but compact extra dimensions.Comment: Improved a few arguments and added a figur

    Who's Afraid of Naked Singularities?

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    To probe naked spacetime singularities with waves rather than with particles we study the well-posedness of initial value problems for test scalar fields with finite energy so that the natural function space of initial data is the Sobolev space. In the case of static and conformally static spacetimes we examine the essential self-adjointness of the time translation operator in the wave equation defined in the Hilbert space. For some spacetimes the classical singularity becomes regular if probed with waves while stronger classical singularities remain singular. If the spacetime is regular when probed with waves we may say that the spacetime is `globally hyperbolic.'Comment: 25 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Gravitational collapse of massless scalar field and radiation fluid

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    Several classes of conformally-flat and spherically symmetric exact solutions to the Einstein field equations coupled with either a massless scalar field or a radiation fluid are given, and their main properties are studied. It is found that some represent the formation of black holes due to the gravitational collapse of the matter fields. When the spacetimes have continuous self-similarity (CSS), the masses of black holes take a scaling form MBH(PP)γM_{BH} \propto (P - P^{*})^{\gamma}, where γ=0.5\gamma = 0.5 for massless scalar field and γ=1\gamma = 1 for radiation fluid. The reasons for the difference between the values of γ\gamma obtained here and those obtained previously are discussed. When the spacetimes have neither CSS nor DSS (Discrete self-similarity), the masses of black holes always turn on with finite non-zero values.Comment: Two figures have been removed, and the text has been re-written. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    How members of the human gut microbiota overcome the sulfation problem posed by glycosaminoglycans

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    The human microbiota, which plays an important role in health and disease, uses complex carbohydrates as a major source of nutrients. Utilization hierarchy indicates that the host glycosaminoglycans heparin (Hep) and heparan sulfate (HS) are high-priority carbohydrates for Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, a prominent member of the human microbiota. The sulfation patterns of these glycosaminoglycans are highly variable, which presents a significant enzymatic challenge to the polysaccharide lyases and sulfatases that mediate degradation. It is possible that the bacterium recruits lyases with highly plastic specificities and expresses a repertoire of enzymes that target substructures of the glycosaminoglycans with variable sulfation or that the glycans are desulfated before cleavage by the lyases. To distinguish between these mechanisms, the components of the B. thetaiotaomicron Hep/HS degrading apparatus were analyzed. The data showed that the bacterium expressed a single-surface endo-acting lyase that cleaved HS, reflecting its higher molecular weight compared with Hep. Both Hep and HS oligosaccharides imported into the periplasm were degraded by a repertoire of lyases, with each enzyme displaying specificity for substructures within these glycosaminoglycans that display a different degree of sulfation. Furthermore, the crystal structures of a key surface glycan binding protein, which is able to bind both Hep and HS, and periplasmic sulfatases reveal the major specificity determinants for these proteins. The locus described here is highly conserved within the human gut Bacteroides, indicating that the model developed is of generic relevance to this important microbial community

    Gravitational Collapse of a Radiating Shell

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    We study the collapse of a self-gravitating and radiating shell. Matter constituting the shell is quantized and the construction is viewed as a semiclassical model of possible black hole formation. It is shown that the shell internal degrees of freedom are excited by the quantum non-adiabaticity of the collapse and, consequently, on coupling them to a massless scalar field, the collapsing matter emits a burst of coherent (thermal) radiation.Comment: LaTeX, 34 pages, 21 EPS figures include