462 research outputs found

    Cross-Layer Optimization in OFDM Wireless Communication Network

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    The wide use of OFDM systems in multiuser environments to overcome problem of communication over the wireless channel has gained prominence in recent years. Cross-layer Optimization technique is aimed to further improve the efficiency of this network. This chapter demonstrates that significant improvements in data traffic parameters can be achieved by applying cross-layer optimization tech- niques to packet switched wireless networks. This work compares the system capacity, delay time and data throughput of QoS traffic in a multiuser OFDM system using two algorithms. The first algorithm, Maximum Weighted Capacity, uses a cross-layer design to share resources and schedule traffic to users on the network, while the other algorithm (Maximum Capacity) simply allocates resources based only on the users channel quality. The results of the research shows that the delay time and data throughput of the Maximum Weighted Capacity algorithm in cross layer OFDM system is much better than that of the Maximum Capacity in simply based users channel quality system. The cost incurred for this gain is the increased complexity of the Maximum Weighted Capacity scheme

    Cross-layer Optimization Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks

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    The rapid increase of the Internet and wireless communication in the past few years has made personal communication easier and less. The use of potable wireless devices for example smart phones and PDAs is on the increase. Video conferencing, and Multimedia streaming are expected to attract an increasing number of users in the nearest possible future. The requirement for such applications to run efficiently and effectively would be availability of higher resources, such as processing power, high battery life and data rate capabilities, just to mention a few. The TCP/IP protocol suite provides the protocols which is the standard for communications in the Internet today. However, they are not suitable for the next generation wireless devices and the mobile systems; this performance degradation is due to the limitations of wireless medium in terms of bandwidth, information loss, and latency which will be looked at in this paper. This paper compares the delay time of real time and non-real time traffic using two algorithms. Maximum Weighted Capacity uses a cross-layer optimization to share resources, while Maximum Capacity allocates resources based only on the users channel capacity. Keywords: Cross-layer optimization, TCP/IP, Maximum Capacity, Maximum Weighted Capacity, channel capacit

    Cognitive Disinhibition and Creativity

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    Eysenck (1995) and Martindale (1999) have proposed that creativity is characterized by cognitive disinhibition. Cognitive disinhibition is hypothesized to underlie many of the cognitive processes that have been associated with creative cognition, such as defocused attention and wide associative horizon. Whereas Eysenck (1995) argued that lower cognitive inhibition is a relatively permanent characteristic of the thinking style of creative people, Martindale (1999) has argued that creative people can focus or defocus attention depending on task demands. This dissertation describes four experiments that were designed to test the disinhibition theory in general, and specific predictions derived from Eysenck\u27s and Martindale\u27s versions of the theory in particular. In the first experiment, participants were presented with pairs of stimuli and instructed to determine whether the two stimuli were related. Participants who scored higher on the Remote Associates Test were faster in this task compared to those who scored lower. The result supported Eysenck\u27s (1995) and Martindale\u27s (1999) theories, suggesting that in creative people priming a concept is likely to activate representations of that concept more quickly than it would in noncreative people. The second experiment involved an investigation of the relationship between creativity and performance on a proactive inhibition task. The proactive inhibition task involves memory performance on five successive trials. Participants with higher scores on the Creative Personality Scale performed worse on the third trial than those with lower scores. This finding did not support the disinhibition theory. The third experiment was an investigation of the relationship between creativity and performance on a dichotic listening task. The results demonstrated that participants with higher scores on the Creative Personality Scale had better memory for words that were presented to the shadowed ear. Participants with higher scores on the Remote Associates Test had better memory for high-association words in the unattended ear. These results suggest that creative people can focus attention successfully, unless conditions facilitate a switching to a defocused mode. The fourth experiment involved the identification of colors that varied in terms of ambiguity. Creative participants were faster in identifying colors regardless of ambiguity. The addition of a concurrent task to the color identification task had a more detrimental effect on the performance of noncreative females than it did on the performance of creative females. The results suggest that in this experiment, ambiguity was conceptualized differently than it was by Kwiatkowski, Vartanian, and Martindale (1999), who found that creative participants were slower in a task that involved ambiguity

    Development of Wind Turbine Generator and Solar Hybrid Power System Model for Rural Electrification

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    The countries that are most energy-consuming, where there are industrial developments, where the energy demand is highest are the advanced and developing countries in the world (Mustafa, 2018). For instance, the average power per capital (watts per person) in the United States is 1,377 Watts. In Canada, it is as high as 1,704 Watts per person and in South Africa; it is 445 Watts per person. The average power per capital in Australia is 1,112 Watts and in New Zealand it is 1,020 W per person. Whereas, the average power per capital (watts per person) in Nigeria is 14 W per person. (Austin, O. O et.al, 2020). Also, power supply in many parts of Africa is erratic and characterized with a lot of faults and outages. In Nigeria, it is estimated that only 40 % of Nigerians are connected to the national grid and the connected population are exposed to frequent power outages (Abubakar et al, 2015, Austin O.A, 2020). Unfortunately, the effects of incessant power supply have destroyed many industrial activities, reduced employment and has increased crime activities in many parts of the continent (Africa). Therefore, in order to provide urgent solution to these problems and satisfy the high energy demand in African residential and industrial environments, electrical energy should be reliable, affordable, effective, and sustainable. This calls for an urgent establishment of alternative Renewable Hybrid Power Supply System which will provide continuous, reliable and effective power supply to the consumers

    Kedudukan Anak Angkat Dalam Mewaris Menurut Hukum Perdata

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana akibat hukum terhadap pengangkatan anak dan bagaimana pengaturan tentang kedudukan anak angkat dalam mewaris menurut hukum perdata. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normative disimpulkan: 1. Pengangkatan anak berakibat pada hak mewaris, juga suatu perbuatan hukum yang mengalihkan seorang anak dari lingkungan kekuasaan orang tua atau wali yang sah yang bertanggung jawab atas perawatan, pendidikan dan membesarkan anak tersebut, kedalam lingkungan keluarga orang tua angkat. Setiap anak berhak atas kelangsungan hidup, tumbuh dan berkembang, berpartisipasi serta berhak atas perlindungan dari tindak kekerasan dan diskriminasi serta hak sipil dan kebebasan. 2. Didalam KUHPerdata tidak diatur mengenai ketentuan mewaris untuk anak angkat, namun didalam staatblad 1917 Nomor 129 mengatur tentang akibat hukum pengangkatan anak yaitu anak angkat menjadi sejajar kedudukannya dengan anak kandung. Oleh karena itu, anak angkat menurut hukum Perdata dapat mewaris lewat ketentuan hibah dan wasiat

    Hate Speech on the Internet: Crime or Free Speech?

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    The Internet has a lot of positive features. It gives users fast access to information, allows for communication with others who might otherwise be out of reach, and much more; however, the Internet allows for a lot of negativity as well. There has been an increase in hate based activity on social media, and the anonymity and flexibility afforded by the Internet has made harassment and expressions of hate easy, thus making it much harder to implement traditional law enforcement. This paper gives a history of hate speech in America, and examines the difficulties of regulating hate speech on the Internet through various hate speech cases. It explores the need of the legal system to clarify the difference between unprotected and protected speech, and narrow and clarify what constitutes a “true threat” or “intent”. The paper progresses to consider how social media platforms stop harm caused by hate speech and includes solutions proposed by legislators on how to regulate unprotected categories of speech. Further, it argues that there needs to be a clear, universally accepted definition of hate speech, and provide lower Courts with guidance. This paper proves that without a proper clarification or a definition, it will remain confusing for all

    Racial/Ethnic Differences in Attitudinal Treatment Engagement Among Adolescents and Young Adults

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    Low engagement in mental health treatment is a problem across racial/ethnic, socioeconomic, and gender lines. Disparities in treatment engagement are particularly evident among certain racial/ethnic groups and may result in part from different beliefs about mental health and psychotherapy (Yasui et al., 2017). Despite evidence of engagement disparities, there is limited research on the attitudes that youth of color have toward mental health treatment. The current studies investigate racial/ethnic differences in beliefs about treatment among adolescents and young adults. Study 1 was a retrospective cohort analysis examining self-reported readiness for psychotherapy among adolescents admitted to a psychiatric inpatient unit. Results demonstrated no global racial/ethnic differences in readiness for psychotherapy, but there was a significant race by gender interaction with Black males reporting higher disinterest in psychotherapy. Study 2 was an experimental study of university students investigating the influence of mental health clinic diversity, ethnic-racial identity, and discrimination on treatment attitudes. Results again indicated few group differences, except that Black participants had significantly more negative expectations about the therapy process. Clinician diversity was not related to treatment attitudes. Discrimination and ethnic-racial identity were significantly related to attitudes and the relationship between Public Regard and attitudes was moderated by race/ethnicity. Overall findings indicate many similarities across racial/ethnic groups, but also highlight the need to identify individual factors, such as ethnic-racial identity, that may contribute to negative attitudes toward treatment for some youth of color

    Reliability and Improvement of Electric Power Generation and Distribution (Ikorodu, Lagos State, Nigeria as a Case Study)

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    The present unreliable and erratic power supply is a pointer to the fact that there is a great need for fault evaluation and reliability studies of electric power system in the Nigeria. The recent blackout in the country has grounded many activities and has destroyed many industrial processes. Also, the power industries face a lot of problems. Some of the highest priority issues being generation of sufficient power, urgent clearance of faults, adequate protection and increase reliability of the system, that is, bringing a steady uninterrupted power supply to the consumers. The Nigerian power problem resulted to incessant planned, forced and unplanned outages. In addition, it has resulted to erratic and unreliable supply of electricity in the country. It has reduced productivity and has increased unemployment rate in the country to over 40million (this figure is over 70% of Nigerian youths. It has led many of the youths in the country to crime. It has led many of the deaths of many innocent people in the country. Hence, an analytical method is developed to assess the dynamic- reliability of the distribution system, as well as optimizes the occurrence of faults along each of the individual consumer point in a feeder in order to improve the performance of the system. This research publication therefore evaluates the occurrence of faults which is about 856 occurrences during a period of 8 years and outages which range between 1118 to 3785 hours per annum along the distribution lines, also the failure rates of each of the feeders were analyzed in order to improve on the supply of electricity in the distribution network. The reliability of the system which ranges between 8.57*10-12to 9.548*10-5 were analyzed; and fault clearing techniques were carried out. Efforts were made to adequately assess the failure rates of the feeders which range between 0.003 and 0.001 and reliability of the distribution system. Efforts were also made to improve the performance of the system. As a result, it was possible to establish improvement techniques which ensure adequate and constant supply of electricity to all the consumers for industrial growth and employment: a basic solution to increasing crime rate in the country
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