465 research outputs found

    Coupled S=1/2S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chains in an effective staggered field

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    We present a systematic study of coupled S=1/2S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chains in an effective staggered field. We investigate several effects of the staggered field in the {\em higher} ({\em two or three}) {\em dimensional} spin system analytically. In particular, in the case where the staggered field and the inter-chain interaction compete with each other, we predict, using mean-field theory, a characteristic phase transition. The spin-wave theory predicts that the behavior of the gaps induced by the staggered field is different between the competitive case and the non-competitive case. When the inter-chain interactions are sufficiently weak, we can improve the mean-field phase diagram by using chain mean-field theory and the analytical results of field theories. The ordered phase region predicted by the chain mean-field theory is substantially smaller than that by the mean-field theory.Comment: 13pages, 12figures, to be published in PR

    Frustration of decoherence in YY-shaped superconducting Josephson networks

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    We examine the possibility that pertinent impurities in a condensed matter system may help in designing quantum devices with enhanced coherent behaviors. For this purpose, we analyze a field theory model describing Y- shaped superconducting Josephson networks. We show that a new finite coupling stable infrared fixed point emerges in its phase diagram; we then explicitly evidence that, when engineered to operate near by this new fixed point, Y-shaped networks support two-level quantum systems, for which the entanglement with the environment is frustrated. We briefly address the potential relevance of this result for engineering finite-size superconducting devices with enhanced quantum coherence. Our approach uses boundary conformal field theory since it naturally allows for a field-theoretical treatment of the phase slips (instantons), describing the quantum tunneling between degenerate levels.Comment: 11 pages, 5 .eps figures; several changes in the presentation and in the figures, upgraded reference

    Theory of Low Temperature Electron Spin Resonance in Half-integer Spin Antiferromagnetic Chains

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    A theory of low temperature (T) electron spin resonance (ESR) in half-integer spin antiferromagnetic chains is developed using field theory methods and avoiding previous approximations. It is compared to experiments on Cu benzoate. Power laws are predicted for the line-width broadening due to various types of anisotropy. At T -> 0, zero width absorption peaks occur in some cases. The second ESR peak in Cu benzoate, observed at T<.76K, is argued not to indicate Neel order as previously claimed, but to correspond to a sine-Gordon "breather" excitation.Comment: 4 pages, REVTEX, 3 PostScript figures embedded in tex

    String Junctions and Holographic Interfaces

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    In this paper we study half-BPS type IIB supergravity solutions with multiple AdS3×S3×M4AdS_3\times S^3\times M_4 asymptotic regions, where M4M_4 is either T4T^4 or K3K_3. These solutions were first constructed in [1] and have geometries given by the warped product of AdS2×S2×M4AdS_2 \times S^2 \times M_4 over Σ\Sigma, where Σ\Sigma is a Riemann surface. We show that the holographic boundary has the structure of a star graph, i.e. nn half-lines joined at a point. The attractor mechanism and the relation of the solutions to junctions of self-dual strings in six-dimensional supergravity are discussed. The solutions of [1] are constructed introducing two meromorphic and two harmonic functions defined on Σ\Sigma. We focus our analysis on solutions corresponding to junctions of three different conformal field theories and show that the conditions for having a solution charged only under Ramond-Ramond three-form fields reduce to relations involving the positions of the poles and the residues of the relevant harmonic and meromorphic functions. The degeneration limit in which some of the poles collide is analyzed in detail. Finally, we calculate the holographic boundary entropy for a junction of three CFTs and obtain a simple expression in terms of poles and residues.Comment: 54 pages, 6 figures, pdf-LaTeX, v2: minor change

    Direct perturbation theory on the shift of Electron Spin Resonance

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    We formulate a direct and systematic perturbation theory on the shift of the main paramagnetic peak in Electron Spin Resonance, and derive a general expression up to second order. It is applied to one-dimensional XXZ and transverse Ising models in the high field limit, to obtain explicit results including the polarization dependence for arbitrary temperature.Comment: 5 pages (no figures) in REVTE

    The Origin of Magnetic Interactions in Ca3Co2O6

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    We investigate the microscopic origin of the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic spin exchange couplings in the quasi one-dimensional cobalt compound Ca3Co2O6. In particular, we establish a local model which stabilizes a ferromagnetic alignment of the S=2 spins on the cobalt sites with trigonal prismatic symmetry, for a sufficiently strong Hund's rule coupling on the cobalt ions. The exchange is mediated through a S=0 cobalt ion at the octahedral sites of the chain structure. We present a strong coupling evaluation of the Heisenberg coupling between the S=2 Co spins on a separate chain. The chains are coupled antiferromagnetically through super-superexchange via short O-O bonds.Comment: 5 Pages, 3 Figures; added anisotropy term in eq. 9; extended discussion of phase transitio

    Metallic Ferromagnetism in the Kondo Lattice

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    Metallic magnetism is both ancient and modern, occurring in such familiar settings as the lodestone in compass needles and the hard drive in computers. Surprisingly, a rigorous theoretical basis for metallic ferromagnetism is still largely missing. The Stoner approach perturbatively treates Coulomb interactions when the latter need to be large, while the Nagaoka approach incorporates thermodynamically negligible electrons into a half-filled band. Here, we show that the ferromagnetic order of the Kondo lattice is amenable to an asymptotically exact analysis over a range of interaction parameters. In this ferromagnetic phase, the conduction electrons and local moments are strongly coupled but the Fermi surface does not enclose the latter (i.e. it is small). Moreover, non-Fermi liquid behavior appears over a range of frequencies and temperatures. Our results provide the basis to understand some long-standing puzzles in the ferromagnetic heavy fermion metals, and raises the prospect for a new class of ferromagnetic quantum phase transitions.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, including Supporting Informatio

    Pairing of Cooper pairs in a Josephson junction network containing an impurity

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    We show how to induce pairing of Cooper pairs (and, thus, 4e4e superconductivity) as a result of local embedding of a quantum impurity in a Josephson network fabricable with conventional junctions. We find that a boundary double Sine-Gordon model provides an accurate description of the dc Josephson current patterns, as well as of the stable phases accessible to the network. We point out that tunneling of pairs of Cooper pairs is robust against quantum fluctuations, as a consequence of the time reversal invariance, arising when the central region of the network is pierced by a dimensionless magnetic flux ϕ=π\phi = \pi. We find that, for ϕ=π\phi = \pi, a stable attractive finite coupling fixed point emerges and point out its relevance for engineering a two level quantum system with enhanced coherence.Comment: 5 Pages, 5 Figures. Small modifications, ref.[11] added. To appear in EP

    Power dissipation for systems with junctions of multiple quantum wires

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    We study power dissipation for systems of multiple quantum wires meeting at a junction, in terms of a current splitting matrix (M) describing the junction. We present a unified framework for studying dissipation for wires with either interacting electrons (i.e., Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid wires with Fermi liquid leads) or non-interacting electrons. We show that for a given matrix M, the eigenvalues of M^T M characterize the dissipation, and the eigenvectors identify the combinations of bias voltages which need to be applied to the different wires in order to maximize the dissipation associated with the junction. We use our analysis to propose and study some microscopic models of a dissipative junction which employ the edge states of a quantum Hall liquid. These models realize some specific forms of the M-matrix whose entries depends on the tunneling amplitudes between the different edges.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures; made several minor changes; this is the published versio

    Duality between normal and superconducting junctions of multiple quantum wires

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    We study junctions of single-channel spinless Luttinger liquids using bosonisation. We generalize earlier studies by allowing the junction to be superconducting and find new charge non-conserving low energy fixed points. We establish the existence of g1/gg \leftrightarrow 1/g duality (where gg is the Luttinger Liquid parameter) between the charge conserving (normal) junction and the charge non-conserving (superconducting) junction by evaluating and comparing the scaling dimensions of various operators around the fixed points in normal and superconducting sectors of the theory. For the most general two-wire junction, we show that there are two conformally invariant one-parameter families of fixed points which are also connected by a duality transformation. We also show that the stable fixed point for the two-wire superconducting junction corresponds to the situation where the crossed Andreev reflection is perfect between the wires. For the three-wire junction, we study, in particular, the superconducting analogs of the chiral, DPD_P and the disconnected fixed points obtained earlier in the literature in the context of charge conserving three-wire junctions. We show that these fixed points can be stabilized for g<1g < 1 (repulsive electrons) within the superconducting sector of the theory which makes them experimentally relevant.Comment: Figures added. Final version to appear in Phys. Rev.