179 research outputs found

    Discourse Analysis of Cross-Cultural Competencies in International Business Management

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    A broad range of literature available discusses the activities to prepare managers for becoming cross-culturally competent. In keeping up with the increased emphasis of cultural competences in the international business management, the major question is, what kind of cross cultural competencies would make firm managers better to respond to the whole range of challenges that globalization offers?. Consequently, this paper has reviewed the concept of culture in the literature through discourse analysis and found that in the field of international business management, the concept of cross-cultural competence is still viewed as the skill or ability of providing effective cross-cultural interactions and the ability of the business to function effectively in different culture environment. Discourse analysis is a qualitative research approach that offers the potential to challenge our thinking about the reality of culture in any social settings

    Understanding the Internationalization Process of Small-to Medium-Sized Manufacturing Enterprises (SMEs): Evidence from Developing Countries

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    This study explores how firm specific and key personnel factors (resources) influence the internationalization process of small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in manufacturing sector in developing countries. SME internationalization has been widely researched but little is known of how and why internationalization takes place in the developing countries, and such lack of evidence in the literature provides strong grounds for this study. The findings indicate that, compared to non-SMEs, developing countries SMEs are less likely to venture into international markets, and those that do, do so to a lesser degree; they are also less likely to engage in networking with other business, but are more likely to exhibit growth intention. Various paces and myriad of entry modes determine the pattern of internationalization undertaken. A traditional internationalization pattern is strongly evident, although some SMEs exhibited born-again global internationalization pattern as a result of occurrence of some critical events within the firm. These include the appointment of managers with the requisite expertise; knowledge and access to international business information. The main drivers of internationalization centered on key personnel managerial capabilities and firm specific factors such as organizational process and networking abilities. The study also found that the production capabilities, domestic market conditions, outcomes (financial and non-financial), are all critical to the international expansion of SMEs in developing countries. Compared to solely focus on the domestic marketplace, there were some financial benefits to be gained by developing countries SMEs in venturing overseas. However, the extent to which they did so had no observable effect on financial performance. Internationalization was found to place a substantial stress and conflicts among the managers and their dependent families. This study provides new knowledge and important insights that will benefit the manufacturing and other sectors in the developing countries. Keywords: Internationalization, SMEs, Manufacturing, Developing countrie

    A mobile application to locate shop/items and handymen

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    Applied project submitted to the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, Ashesi University, in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Science degree in Management Information Systems, April 2019Shopping is one essential activity in every individual’s life. Without shopping, individuals will not have access to things they need to live comfortably. Handymen also make our lives easier by offering services we cannot provide for ourselves either due to lack of skills, time constraints or unavailability of necessary tools. Shopping and finding handymen are relatively easier in developed countries because of the ease of accessing shopping centers, and handymen. However, in developing countries, bad roads and traffic congestion, security and safety threats make these activities much more difficult. In this project, a mobile application to locate shops, items, and handymen is developed to increase the accessibility rate of shops and items, while decreasing security and safety threats associated with hiring handymen.Ashesi Universit


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    PhDThis thesis investigates the characteristics and impacts of large wood accumulations within river reaches of different size and style. Four reaches were studied: (i) a wide, braided, headwater reach, characterised by dead wood (Tagliamento River, Italy); (ii) a lower gradient, wide, braided reach, characterised by resprouting wood (Tagliamento River, Italy); (iii) a low gradient, single thread reach with a natural supply of dead wood (Highland Water, UK), and (iv) a low gradient, single thread reach that has been restored by felling trees into the river (River Bure, UK). In each reach, quantities of wood, types of accumulation and their association with sediment retention, landform and propagule bank development were investigated, generating four main findings: 1. There were marked differences in the size and character of large wood accumulations among the four reaches. 2. Retention of fine sediment and organic matter by wood was observed on all four reaches, giving rise to notable spatial heterogeneity in surface sediments. 3. Sediment retention resulted in the development of different landforms among the four reaches. In the two multi-thread reaches, accretion of finer sediment around large wood led to island development. In the naturally-functioning single-thread reach, wood jams spanned the river channel, accumulating sediment and organic matter to produce unvegetated wood jams, and inducing other landforms, notably pools and bars. Such geomorphic heterogeneity was anticipated in the restored reach, but to date this has not significantly occurred. 4. Spatio-temporal variations were observed in propagule abundance and species richness within different wood-related mesohabitats. Higher abundance and species richness were associated with finer, more organic sediments retained within wood accumulations and related mesohabitats. In the restored reach such associations were not statistically significant, further indicating that responses to wood emplacement take longer than the 4 years since restoration. iv Overall, this research has strengthened the evidence concerning the differing nature of wood accumulations in rivers of different size and style, and it has demonstrated the importance of large wood for retaining organic matter and plant propagules, resources essential for riparian vegetation succession and for the success of river restoration efforts.Queen Mary, University of London studentshi

    The Economic Dimensions of Slums in the Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana

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    Over half of the population in developing countries lives in slums. Issues of slums happen to be global rather than regional phenomenon hence; various measures have been adopted by several stakeholders to manage its development. Despite the kingpin roles they play in the urban economy, the problems which retard their growth and development within the slums are enormous. Slum dwellers are thus faced with daily eviction threats fuelled by the belief that their existence is detrimental to the continued growth and development of the urban areas. The study concludes that for the new paradigm of “cities without slums” to be realistic and achievable, slums should be upgraded rather than subjecting it to evictions and demolishing as the latter will be addressing the effects instead of the problem itself. Keywords: Slum Development, Urbanization, Slum Dwellers, Poverty, Migratio

    Generational Cohort and Work-Life Balance Policies Preference Among University Senior Teaching Staff in Ghana: Does Gender Matter?

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    The study sought to examine work-life balance (WLB) policies preference among generational cohorts concerning gender. Being quantitative, a population of 714 with a sample size of 333 was selected, but 306 responded. The main independent variable was gender while the dependent variable was work-life balance policies with four dimensions: Flexible Work Arrangement; Wellness and Personal Development; Leave Arrangement and Dependent Care Assistance. The data was analysed using inferential statistics. The study results showed that except for Wellness and Personal Development, where gender difference between males and females of Generation Y existed, gender did not differ significantly from the rest of the policies. Therefore, it was recommended that there should be equal treatment of both males and females in implementing WLB policies

    Corporate image of the Ghanaian banking industry: do the perceptions of employees differ from customers?

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    The purpose of this paper was to examine the differences in perception of corporate image of Ghanaian Banks. Using a case study of two banks, a multinational bank and a locally owned Ghanaian bank, primary data were collected from staff as internal audience and customers as external audience through a survey of (500) questionnaires. Our results tested at the 5% level of significance show that in both the multinational and local banks, the perceptions of the employees and the customers are different. Whereas the employees of both banks responded favourably, responses by customers of both banks were unfavourable

    Multi-level and Multi-Actor Governance of National Health Insurance Scheme in Ghana: An exploration of the perceived challenges in the Bosumtwi District

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    National health insurance scheme has been used as a strategy to address health inequalities in Ghana in the past ten years. In ensuring all inclusive governance, the government has instituted a system which aims at bringing together various actors at all levels of government. However, little is known about the challenges involved in such multi-level and multi-actor system. In order to open this ‘black box’, we explored the views of those involved at the district levels to understand the challenges that are associated with this system of governance. We used face-to-face interviews and document review. The study area was Bosumtwi District and the sample size was 25 stakeholders. Data were recorded and later analysed. The findings of the study revealed some challenges which include: working with different set of stakeholders with incompatible interests and divergent goals; the existence of power differentials; limited opportunities for various stakeholders at lower levels to make independent decisions and finally, the problem of coordinated action. It was concluded that while the system is a laudable idea, it would be better if such system helps to bring various actors to existing hierarchical and state-centric apparatuses so as to enhance better coordination of ideas.

    Innovation, Environmental Antecedents and Performance Outcomes of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies in Ghana

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    The purpose of the study was to ascertain the effects of innovation types and environmental antecedents on performance outcomes of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies in Ashanti region, Ghana. Specifically, the study measures the mediating effects of environmental antecedents on the performance outcomes of the MMDAs. A total of 280 responses received from interested workers of the MMDAs were used for the study. As a result of the Covid-19 and its related restrictions, the questionnaire was developed using Google forms. Data were collected through social media and the responses received were screened and used for the analysis. The questionnaire was based on measurement scales for the key variables (innovation types, environmental antecedent, performance outcomes) understudy. SPSS and Sobel Test were used to estimate the mediation effect. The study results revealed that there is a significant but negative relationship between innovation types and performance outcomes at the MMDAs. Similarly, a significant and positive relationship was found between environmental antecedent and performance outcomes of the MMDs. Again, the results showed that there is a relationship between innovation types and performance outcomes of the MMDAs. Finally, the results showed that environmental antecedents mediate the relationship between innovation types and performance outcomes of the MMDAs. Based on the findings, the study recommends that managers of the MMDAs should continue to monitor and control the various environmental (public demands, political demand, regulatory frameworks, competition) forces within the public sector in order to realize the full potential of innovation and its role in facilitating performance outcome. Also, the MMDAs should embrace the innovation types (process innovation, process innovation, governance innovation, and conceptual innovation) in order to achieve higher performance outcomes (effectiveness, efficiency, citizen involvement and participation and customer satisfaction)

    A strategic promotional plan for Live Truth Live Catholic

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    Applied project submitted to the Department of Business Administration, Ashesi University, in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, May 2020Live Truth Live Catholic (LTLC) is a Catholic book and gift store located in East Legon, Accra, and has been operating since March 2019. At LTLC, they have an extensive product range such as religious books, rosaries, jewelry, CDs/DVDs, sacramentals, Holy water, and clerical shirts among several other products. The management of LTLC expressed that they have a low customer base. A needs assessment showed that their promotional efforts have proved ineffective, resulting in low customer acquisition and retention because their current promotional strategy is not appropriate for the type of market that they operate in. Their promotional strategy is only reaching 0.07% of their potential customers because it is not targeted correctly. Literature suggests that when developing effective promotional plans or strategies, businesses have to consider the characteristics of their target audience, factor in their promotional goals or objectives, and identify the tasks that are essential in achieving these objectives. The proposed solution uses elements of the promotion mix to develop a customized promotional strategy that comprises of advertising, direct marketing and sales promotion. To carry out these strategies, LTLC has to consider the stages a consumer will go through before they decide to make a purchase at their shop through the use of the AIDA model: attention, interest, desire, and action. Each element of the promotion mix can be used to achieve one or more stages in the AIDA model.Ashesi Universit