15 research outputs found

    La kinesiología en Argentina

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    Vigilância em segurança e complicações quatro anos após a introdução da técnica Microeletrólise Percutânea (MEP®) Sport como prática fisioterapêutica

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es investigar la experiencia de los fisioterapeutas formados en microeletrólisis percutánea sport y conocer la cantidad de aplicaciones realizadas semanalmente, los efectos adversos presentados y el nivel de satisfacción de los terapeutas con sus pacientes. Se realizó una encuesta que evaluó la opinión y la experiencia de profesionales certificados en microelectrolisis percutánea sport. Los datos fueron obtenidos a través de la plataforma virtual SurveyMonkey, enviando por correo electrónico una invitación a 1.096 fisioterapeutas de América Latina. Respondieron el cuestionario 315 profesionales, entre los cuales 165 (56,51%) atienden de uno a cinco pacientes por semana. Las respuestas sobre efectos adversos fueron: nunca he tenido complicaciones (56,79% – 59 respuestas); choque hipotensivo (19,64% – 55 respuestas.); alergia al metal (5,36%– 15 respuestas). Los sitios/patologías a que más se aplican la microelectrolisis percutánea sport son: tendón rotuliano (10,77% – 198 respuestas.); tendón de aquiles (9,58% – 176 respuestas); tendón supraespino (9,36% – 172 respuestas.); fascitis plantar/espolón calcáneo (8,05% – 148 respuestas.); y puntos-gatillo (7,18% – 132 respuestas.). La satisfacción de los profesionales fue: satisfecho (51,87% – 152 respuestas) y muy satisfecho (40,96% – 120 respuestas). Las respuestas de los pacientes fueron: satisfecho (61,90% – 182 respuestas) y muy satisfecho (29,93% - 88 respuestas). La técnica MEP se aplica principalmente en tendinopatías y produce resultados satisfactorios y muy satisfactorios tanto para los pacientes como para los terapeutas, con baja presencia de efectos adversos.This work aims to recollect information about the experience of physical therapists trained in MEP Sport, to know how many treatments they did per week, the adverse effects that might have appeared and the patients and therapists’ satisfaction. A mixed multiple choice survey with the option of choosing one or more alternatives to assess the opinion and experience of physical therapists trained in MEP Sport was carried out. SurveyMonkey was used for data collection. The invitations were sent by email to 1.096 physical therapists of Latin America. The survey was answered by 315 professionals, of whom 165 (56,51%) treat 1 to 5 patients per week. The answers about adverse effects were: I’ve never had adverse effects: 159 answers (56,79%), Hypotensive shock: 55 answers (19,64%), Allergy to metal 15 answers (5,36%). The most common areas/ conditions where the MEP is applied are: Patellar tendon (10,77% – 198 answ.), Achilles tendon, (9,58% – 176 answ.), Supraspinatus tendon (9,36% – 172 answ.), Plantar fasciitis/ Calcaneal spurs (8,05% – 148 answ.), Trigger points (7,18% – 132 answ.). The professionals’ satisfaction was: Satisfied (51,87%, 152 answ.) and Very Satisfied (40,96%, 120 answ.). Patients’ satisfaction was: Satisfied (61,90%, 182 answ.) and Very satisfied (29,93%, 88 answ.). MEP is applied mainly in tendinopathies and produces satisfactory and very satisfactory results, both for patients and professionals, with low incidence of adverse effects.O objetivo deste trabalho é pesquisar a experiência dos fisioterapeutas formados em microeletrólise percutânea sport e conhecer a quantidade de aplicações realizadas semanalmente, os efeitos adversos apresentados e o nível de satisfação dos terapeutas com seus pacientes. Realizou-se uma enquete de perguntas mistas que avaliam a opinião e a experiência de profissionais certificados em microeletrólise percutânea sport. Os dados foram obtidos por meio da plataforma virtual SurveyMonkey, enviando por correio eletrônico um convite a 1.096 fisioterapeutas da América Latina. Responderam o questionário 315 profissionais, dentre os quais 165 (56,51%) atendem de um a cinco pacientes por semana. As respostas sobre efeitos adversos foram: nunca tive complicações (56,79% – 159 respostas); choque hipotensivo (19,64% – 55 respostas.); alergia ao metal (5,36% – 15 respostas). Os locais/patologias a que mais se aplicam a microeletrólise percutânea sport são: tendão rotuliano (10,77% – 198 respostas.); tendão de aquiles (9,58% – 176 respostas.); tendão supraespinhoso (9,36% –x172 respostas.); fascite plantar/esporão calcâneo (8,05% – 148 respostas.); e pontos-gatilhos (7,18% – 132 respostas.). A satisfação dos profissionais foi: satisfeito (51,87% – 152 respostas) e muito satisfeito (40,96% – 120 respostas). As respostas dos pacientes foram: satisfeito (61,90% – 182 respostas) e muito satisfeito (29,93% – 88 respostas). A técnica MEP é aplicada principalmente em tendinopatias e produz resultados satisfatórios e muito satisfatórios tanto para os pacientes quanto para os terapeutas, com baixa presença de efeitos adversos


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    Ultrasonido de alta intensidad focalizado (HIFU) es una tecnología basada en ultrasonidos que actúa selectivamente sobre adipócitos, sin dañar la microvascularización del sangre. Este estudio pretende analizar la variabilidad de la aplicación del ultrasonido focalizado y sus efectos de ultracavitación de baja frecuencia en adiposidades localizadas. Es un tipo de búsqueda, en que un estudio de caso fueron seleccionados datos de una mujer, 28 años, 57 Kg, IMC 22.6 kg/m2. Las mediciones fueron hechas en las áreas de aplicación bilateral en la región antero lateral del muslo. Después de la delimitación de la región, fueron hechos exámenes de la perimetria y plicometria y ecografía.  Para la realización de la ultracavitación se utilizó el aparato LipoActive ®, marca Sveltia ®, con aplicación de 10 minutos en un área de 2 veces el ciclo de trabajo, 100% (continua), potencia de 50 w, frecuencia 40 Khz. El paciente ha sufrido 5 semanas de tratamiento, siendo un tratamiento por semana. Tambien hicieron exámenes de sangre, un hemograma, en la primera semana de atención y en la semana final de la quinta aplicación. Hubo una reducción de 0.525 cm en el muslo izquierdo y 0,4 cm a la derecha. .En perimetria hubo una reducción bilateral de 1 cm. En la ecografía observó una reducción de 0,7 cm del lado izquierdo y 0,51 cm a la derecha. En la revisión de los exámenes de sangre que los niveles de colesterol permanecieron normles y el peso corporal no cambio después de cinco semanas. Se observó la disminución de grasa abdominal, reduciendo medidas en perimetria, plicometria y ultrasonografía médica, sin, sin embargo, cambios significativos con respecto al peso corporal


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    The aim of this study was identify the scientific interest, evaluating the number of publications (NP) cited per year in the PubMed about whole body vibration (WBV) isolated and in the association with some clinical application. The searches were performed in PubMed, using the keyword "whole body vibration" alone or in combination with disease or aging. The scientific interest has increased about WBV exercise in last years. A high NP with elderly and low-back pain variables was identified, indicating that vibratory platforms can generate vibrations and the WBV exercises may be an effective intervention for the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders in trained, untrained individuals as and in elderly. Is necessary to take to those who perform WBV exercises on vibrating platforms due to their individual reactions, because scientific information is still limited.   Descriptors: Exercise; PubMed; Elderly; Vibration.O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar o interesse científico, avaliando o número de publicações (NP) citadas por ano sobre exercício de vibração no corpo inteiro (EVCI) isolado e em associação a aplicações clínicas. A pesquisa foi realizada no PubMed, com a palavra-chave “whole body vibration” isolada ou em associação com doenças ou com envelhecimento. Foi demonstrado aumento crescente do interesse científico sobre EVCI nos últimos anos. Um elevado NP com as variáveis idoso e dor lombar foi identificado, indicando que as plataformas que possam gerar vibrações e os EVCI podem ser uma intervenção efetiva para o tratamento de alterações musculoesqueléticas em indivíduos treinados, não treinadas e idosos. Torna-se necessário ter atenção com aqueles que realizam EVCI em plataformas vibratórias devido as suas reações individuais, pois as informações científicas ainda são limitadas. Descritores: Exercício; PubMed; Idoso; Vibração

    Estructura y rol de las organizaciones internacionales de fisioterapia

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    Cellular and molecular effects of electromagnetic radiation and sonic waves

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    Electromagnetic radiation (in the form of pulsed magnetic fields, radiofrequency and intense pulsed light) and mechanical agents (such as sonic waves) have been used in physical therapy. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of low-intensity magnetic fields, sonic and radiofrequency waves, and intense pulsed light on the survival of Escherichia coli cultures and on the electrophoretic mobility of plasmid DNA. Exponentially growing E. coli AB1157 cultures and plasmid DNA samples were exposed to these physical agents and 0.9% NaCl (negative control) and SnCl2 (positive control) solutions. Aliquots of the cultures were diluted and spread onto a solidified rich medium. The colony-forming units were counted after overnight incubation and the survival fraction was calculated. Agarose gel electrophoresis was performed to visualise and quantify the plasmid topological forms. The results suggest that these agents do not alter the survival of E. coli cells or plasmid DNA electrophoresis mobility. Moreover, they do not protect against the lesive action of SnCl2. These physical agents therefore had no cytotoxic or genotoxic effects under the conditions studied

    Effect of Capacitive Radiofrequency on the Fibrosis of Patients with Cellulite

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    Background. Cellulite is a type of lipodystrophy that develops primarily from an alteration in blood circulation or of the lymphatic system that causes structural changes in subcutaneous adipose tissue, collagen, and adjacent proteoglycans. The radiofrequency devices used for cutaneous applications have shown different physiological treatment effects, but there is controversy about the suitable parameters for this type of treatment. Objectives. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of low-temperature radiofrequency to confirm the thinning of the collagen tissue and interlobular septa and consequent improvement of cellulite. Methods. A sample of eight women was used to collect ultrasonographic data with a 12 MHz probe that measured collagen fiber thickness. The Vip Electromedicina (Argentina) device, frequency of 0.55 MHz and active electrode 3.5 cm in diameter (area = 9.61 cm2), was applied to a 10 cm2 region of the gluteal region for 2 minutes per area of active electrode, during 10 biweekly sessions. Results. The Wilcoxon matched paired test was applied using GraphPad InStat 3.01 for Win95-NT software. Pre- and posttreatment mean collagen fiber thickness showed a 24.66% reduction from 1.01 to 0.67 mm. Statistical analysis using the Wilcoxon matched paired test obtained a significant two-tailed P value of 0.0391. Conclusion. It was concluded that the use of more comfortable temperatures favored a reduction in fibrous septum thickness and consequent cellulite improvement, evidenced by the lower degree of severity and decrease in interlobular septal thickness