83 research outputs found

    The object of transport crimes

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    Об’єкт транспортних злочинів. В статті обґрунтовується зміст об’єкту транспортних злочинів.The object of transport crimes. The content of the object of transport crimes is explained in the article.Объект транспортных преступлений. В статье обосновывается содержание объекта транспортных преступлений

    History of early life adversity is associated with increased food addiction and sex-specific alterations in reward network connectivity in obesity.

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    Background:Neuroimaging studies have identified obesity-related differences in the brain's resting state activity. An imbalance between homeostatic and reward aspects of ingestive behaviour may contribute to obesity and food addiction. The interactions between early life adversity (ELA), the reward network and food addiction were investigated to identify obesity and sex-related differences, which may drive obesity and food addiction. Methods:Functional resting state magnetic resonance imaging was acquired in 186 participants (high body mass index [BMI]: ≥25: 53 women and 54 men; normal BMI: 18.50-24.99: 49 women and 30 men). Participants completed questionnaires to assess ELA (Early Traumatic Inventory) and food addiction (Yale Food Addiction Scale). A tripartite network analysis based on graph theory was used to investigate the interaction between ELA, brain connectivity and food addiction. Interactions were determined by computing Spearman rank correlations, thresholded at q < 0.05 corrected for multiple comparisons. Results:Participants with high BMI demonstrate an association between ELA and food addiction, with reward regions playing a role in this interaction. Among women with high BMI, increased ELA was associated with increased centrality of reward and emotion regulation regions. Men with high BMI showed associations between ELA and food addiction with somatosensory regions playing a role in this interaction. Conclusions:The findings suggest that ELA may alter brain networks, leading to increased vulnerability for food addiction and obesity later in life. These alterations are sex specific and involve brain regions influenced by dopaminergic or serotonergic signalling

    Как сохранить фертильность эякулята у больных туберкулезом предстательной железы

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    In order to develop and to test the technique of restoration/preservation of fertility in prostate tuberculosis patients and to evaluate its e_ciency the open prospective comparative randomized trial was conducted which included 72 prostate tuberculosis patients. The patients were divided into 2 groups: the main group (49 patients) who had standard etiotropic treatment with sperm-protecting therapy, including selzinc plus and chorionic gonadotropic hormone and the comparison group (23 persons), who received etiotropic treatment only. Anti-tuberculosis treatment provided the negative impact on the ejaculate in prostate tuberculosis patients: two month treatment with TB drugs promoted the reduction of sperm number by 23.9% and the number pf actively moving sperms reduced by 10.6%, and the number of normal sperms reduced by 32.3%. The administration of sperm-protecting therapy increased the number of sperms by 47.8%, the actively moving forms of sperms (totally Group A and B) – by 40.5%, and the forms of normal sperms – by 41.9%.С целью разработать и апробировать способ восстановления/сохранения фертильности больных туберкулезом предстательной железы (ТПЖ) и оценить его эффективность проведено открытое проспективное сравнительное рандомизированное исследование, в которое включили 72 больных ТПЖ. Пациентов разделили на 2 группы: основную (49 человек), которым проводили стандартное этиотропное лечение в комплексе со сперматопротективной терапией (СПТ), включавшей селцинк плюс и хорионический гонадотропин, и группу сравнения (23 человека), которые получали только этиотропное лечение. Противотуберкулезная химиотерапия оказала негативное влияние на эякулят у больных ТПЖ: двухмесячный прием препаратов способствовал сокращению числа сперматозоидов на 23,9%, на 10,6% уменьшилось число активно подвижных форм сперматозоидов, на 32,3% снизилось число нормальных спермиев. Проведение СПТ больным ТПЖ увеличило число сперматозоидов на 47,8%, активно-подвижных форм сперматозоидов (суммарно группы А и В) - на 40,5%, а также нормальных форм спермиев - на 41,9%


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    Prostate tuberculosis was confirmed by morphological testing during life time in 77% of those died of tuberculosis of any localization and in 28% of respiratory tuberculosis patients. Prostate tuberculosis occupies the important place from social and medical point of view, since it leads to infertility and sexual dysfunction and also it can be sexually transmitted. Detection structure of prostate tuberculosis has been analyzed for Novosibirsk Region


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    Objectives. The possibility of modeling wind flow during the design of buildings with complex geometric shapes in order to determine comfort parameters and zones is considered.Methods. The investigation of the impact of wind on a cylindrical building was carried out using Ansys 15.0 software.Results. A finite element model of a modern art museum building having a complex geometric shape is developed for the calculation of the wind flow and the definition of comfort zones. The computational region is chosen such that its borders do not affect the calculation results. The maximum wind speed is assumed to be 44 m/s at an altitude of 10 m from the ground level, this being the maximum in the region of Novorossiysk. The topography of the earth's surface around the model was considered flat. The surface of the building was assumed to be smooth while the surface of the surrounding terrain was assumed to be rough with a roughness parameter of 0,1 m. The parameters of the building orientation relative to the wind rise were varied during the numerical modeling. Three variants of computational models with varying building location and its geometric characteristics are developed. In the first variant, the building model is stretched along the X-axis; in the second variant, the acute angle of the building model's contour is oriented along the Y-axis; in the third variant, the building model is located and oriented along the Y-axis with its obtuse angle of the external contour of the building. The calculation results of a cylindrical building for wind impact correspond to SP 20.13330.2011. The comfort parameters and zones of a building having complex geometric shape are defined by means of numerical modeling of the wind flow. The discrepancy between the object's normative characteristics and the research results is revealed during the calculation of the wind load.Conclusion. The recommendations are given for choosing the optimal location of the museum building, taking into account the comfort parameters and the greatest wind pressure; the geometric shape of the outer contour affects the location of the zones of reduced comfort; a sharp change in the boundaries of the outer contour leads to the appearance of increased pressure and wind speed and, as a consequence, a change in the direction of the vortex flows; it is necessary to apply the finite element method when modeling the wind impact for buildings of complex geometric shapes; sudden changes in the object's contour should be avoided when designing buildings and structures

    Significance of basic clinical tests changing after the Hypec procedure in patients with gastric cancer and some other tumors

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    Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy is a popular method of palliative treatment in patients with malignant abdominal tumors. This review is devoted to trace changes in general clinical tests in patients with carcinomatosis. The patients were operated on at the Clinic of Reconstructive and Plastic Medicine of the Odessa National Medical University. All patients satisfactorily tolerated this procedure. The object of the study was to track those changes with patients that took place in the immediate (prior to discharge) postoperative period. 25 patients have recruited to the study. In the group changes in 11 basic clinical and laboratory parameters among those included were monitored in the study. Hemoglobin, leukocytes, platelets, total protein, bilirubin, serum glucose concentration, liver enzymes alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase levels, thymol test and coagulogram indices. Thus, the most significant indicators, such as the concentration of hemoglobin, leukocytes and platelets, have not undergone significant changes after HIPEC. Hemoglobin decreased by 6 units (g / l), the concentration of leukocytes, on the contrary, increased by 2 units (T/l), platelet levels dropped by 61 units (also G/l). The concentration of total protein decreased by 7 units. The concentration of total bilirubin practically did not change, decreasing by about 1 unit. Indicators of AST and ALT did not increase, decreasing by 8 and 3 units, respectively. The average concentration value of blood glucose level slightly increased by almost 1 unit. Thymol levels have not changed. The prothrombin index decreased by 3 units; the concentration of fibrinogen in serum remained at approximately the same level. HIPEC procedure does not significantly affect the clinical and laboratory parameters. However, the tendency of this category of patients to hypercoagulation, hypoproteinemia and hyperglucosemia was noted

    Игровые приложения системы обучения OSA

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    For the English full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version).ABSTRACT The authors present a new solution in the field of rail distance learning - learning mobile applications. The aim of the project is to increase interest and motivation in the process of education and self-education. Examples are given of constructing a gaming platform for training tasks regarding principles of operation of railway automation and telemechanics devices. A conceptually new approach to technical on-job training is presented, based on introduction of game and competitive components, promoting enhancement of the professionalism of personnel of any qualification. The OSApp application, shown in the article, serves as an additional module to the main OSA distance learning platform. Keywords: transport, automation and telemechanics, distance learning, OSApp, OSA, technical training, neural networks, Anytime and Anywhere Learning.Полный текст на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).Авторами представлено новое решение в области самообучения и самоконтроля - игровые мобильные приложения. Целью проекта является повышение интереса и мотивации к процессу образования и самообразования. Приведены примеры построения игровой платформы для задач обучения принципам функционирования устройств железнодорожной автоматики и телемеханики. Представлен концептуально новый подход к технической учёбе на предприятии, основанный на внедрении игровой и соревновательной составляющих, что способствует совершенствованию профессионализма персонала любой квалификации. Демонстрируемое в статье приложение OSApp, разработанное авторами, служит дополнительным модулем к основной платформе дистанционного и самостоятельного обучения OSA