181 research outputs found

    Body Condition Score Is Not Correlated to Gastric Ulcers in Non-Athlete Horses

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    Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS) is a worldwide disease of the stomach that can be found in different categories of horses. Different clinical signs may be present, but a large number of horses are asymptomatic. The aim of this study was to identify a possible correlation between body condition score (BCS) and EGUS in a population of horses. A total of 203 non-athlete horses were submitted for gastroscopies, and the presence and severity of lesions of the glandular and squamous mucosa were recorded. A board-certified veterinarian blinded to the gastroscopy results assessed the BCS of the horse. In the study population, no correlation was found between BCS and the presence of gastric lesions in either the glandular or the squamous mucosa. The disease of the squamous or glandular mucosa cannot be excluded based only on the presence of normal or increased BCS in non-athlete horses

    Evaluation of a questionnaire to detect the risk of developing ESGD or EGGD in horses

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    Equine gastric ulcer syndrome (EGUS) affects various categories of horses worldwide. This syndrome is now divided into two different diseases, based on the presence of lesions on either the squamous (Equine Squamous Gastric Disease, ESGD) or the glandular (Equine Glandular Gastric Disease, EGGD) mucosa. Diagnosis is based on the evaluation of the presence of gastric lesions with gastroscopic examination. As a gastroscopy can be considered expensive by clients, therapy is started often on the basis of clinical signs only. The aim of this study was to validate a questionnaire to detect the risk of developing ESGD or EGGD. The owners of 418 horses that were submitted to gastroscopic evaluation were asked to answer a questionnaire on risk factors for ESGD and EGGD. Horses were divided into three groups based on the results of the questionnaire and their risk of developing gastric lesions. In our population the survey was not useful to detect the presence and the severity of the lesions detected during gastroscopic examination, however answers to some of the questions did correlate with the development of gastric lesions. The questionnaire could therefore be a useful tool to evaluate the risk of ESGD or EGGD. Having owners periodically complete the survey could also make them more aware of changes in the conditions of the horses that could lead to gastric lesions. This could then help them seek advice from veterinarians on how to manage this potential ris

    A spectroscopic and molecular dynamics study on the aggregation process of a long-acting lipidated therapeutic peptide: the case of semaglutide

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    The aggregation properties of semaglutide, a lipidated peptide drug agonist of the Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor recently approved for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, have been investigated by spectroscopic techniques (UV-Vis absorption, steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence, and electronic circular dichroism) and molecular dynamics simulations. We show that in the micromolar concentration region, in aqueous solution, semaglutide is present as monomeric and dimeric species, with a characteristic monomer-to-dimer transition occurring at around 20 μM. The lipid chain stabilizes a globular morphology of the monomer and dimer species, giving rise to a locally well-defined polar outer surface where the lipid and peptide portions are packed to each other. At very long times, these peptide clusters nucleate the growth of larger aggregates characterized by blue luminescence and a β-sheet arrangement of the peptide chains. The understanding of the oligomerization and aggregation potential of peptide candidates is key for the development of long acting and stable drugs

    Recombinant human luteinizing hormone co-treatment in ovarian stimulation for assisted reproductive technology in women of advanced reproductive age: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

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    Introduction: Several studies suggest that luteinizing hormone (LH) could improve IVF outcome in women of advanced reproductive age by optimizing androgen production. In this review, we assessed the role of recombinant-human LH (r-hLH) and recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone (r-hFSH) co-treatment in ovarian stimulation for assisted reproductive technology in women of advanced reproductive age candidates for assisted reproduction. Material and methods: Using a preregistered protocol we systematically searched Medline/PubMed, Scopus and the ISI Web of Science databases to identify randomized controlled trials in which r-hFSH monotherapy protocols were compared with r-hFSH/r-hLH co-treatment in women ≥35 years undergoing fresh IVF cycles. We calculated the pooled odds ratio (OR) for dichotomous data and the weight mean difference (WMD) for continuous data with an associated 95% confidence interval (CI). The meta-analyses were conducted using the random-effect model. P values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Subgroup analyses of all primary and secondary outcomes were performed only in women aged 35–40 years. Results: Twelve studies were identified. In women aged between 35 and 40 years, r-hFSH/r-hLH co-treatment was associated with higher clinical pregnancy rates (OR 1.45, CI 95% 1.05–2.00, I2 = 0%, P = 0.03) and implantation rates (OR 1.49, CI 95% 1.10–2.01, I2 = 13%, P = 0.01) versus r-hFSH monotherapy. Fewer oocytes were retrieved in r-hFSH/r-hLH-treated patients than in r-hFSH-treated patients both in women aged ≥35 years (WMD -0.82 CI 95% -1.40 to − 0.24, I2 = 88%, P = 0.005) and in those aged between 35 and 40 years (WMD -1.03, CI − 1.89 to − 0.17, I2 = 0%, P = 0.02). The number of metaphase II oocytes, miscarriage rates and live birth rates did not differ between the two groups of women overall or in subgroup analysis. Conclusion: Although more oocytes were retrieved in patients who underwent r-hFSH monotherapy, this meta-analysis suggests that r-hFSH/r-hLH co-treatment improves clinical pregnancy and implantation rates in women between 35 and 40 years of age undergoing ovarian stimulation for assisted reproduction technology. However, more RCTs using narrower age ranges in advanced age women are warranted to corroborate these findings

    Die Bedeutung von Rhamnolipiden in der Pathogenese epithelialer Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infektionen

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) ist ein ubiquitär vorkommendes, gramnegatives, monotrich begeißeltes, aerob lebendes Stäbchenbakterium. Das opportunistisches Pathogen befällt Menschen, Tiere, Insekten, Nematoden und Pflanzen und ist unter anderem aufgrund seiner Toleranz gegenüber einer Vielzahl von Desinfektionsmitteln und Antibiotika einer der wichtigsten Verursacher von nosokomialen Infektionen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit geben einen Hinweis darauf, dass P. aeruginosa das angeborene Immunsystem mit Hilfe von Rhamnolipid, einem vom Bakterium selbst produzierten Surfactant, umgeht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die Flagellin-induzierte hBD2-Expression in humanen Keratinozyten durch bakterielle Überstände von P. aeruginosa, die in der stationären Phase generiert wurden, supprimiert wird. Der supprimierende Faktor konnte in Versuchen als hitzestabil und durch Säure ausfällbar identifiziert werden. Außerdem blieb er bei Behandlung mit Proteinase K unbeeinflusst, es handelt sich deshalb nicht um ein Protein. Weitere Untersuchungen konnten den Faktor als Rhamnolipid identifizieren. Eine Kostimulation von Keratinozyten mit aufgereinigtem Rhamnolipid in Mengen unterhalb der zytotoxischen Konzentration zusammen mit Flagellin zeigte ebenfalls eine Supprimierung der induzierten hBD2-Expression. Ähnliche Effekte konnten bei Kostimulation der Keratinozyten mit Flagellin und BAPTA-AM, einem intrazellulären Calciumchelator, erreicht werden. Neben Flagellin als Induktor ließ sich auch die PMA-induzierte hBD2-Expression supprimieren. Dies lässt vermuten, dass Rhamnolipide mit Calcium-abhängigen Signalkaskaden, wie der PKC-Signalkaskade, interferieren. Die Versuche dieser Arbeit zeigen damit einen Weg, über den es P. aeruginosa möglich ist, sich auf der Haut zu etablieren, ohne seinen Hauptpathogenitätsfaktor, das Flagellin, verstecken zu müssen

    Immune characterization of breast cancer metastases: prognostic implications.

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    BACKGROUND: Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) evaluated in primary breast cancer (BC) convey prognostic information. Limited data in the metastatic setting are available. METHODS: Secondary lesions from 94 BC patients, 43 triple-negative (TN) and 51 HER2-positive, were evaluated for TILs and expression of CD8, FOXP3, and PD-L1 by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: TILs levels on metastasis were generally low (median 5%) and did not differ between TN and HER2+ tumors. Younger patients showed significantly lower TILs (p\u2009=\u20090.002). In HER2+ patients, TILs were higher in lung metastases as compared to other sites (p\u2009=\u20090.038). TILs composition was different across metastatic sites: skin metastases presented higher FOXP3 (p =\u20090.002) and lower CD8/FOXP3 ratio (p\u2009=\u20090.032). Patients treated for metastatic BC prior to biopsy had lower CD8 (overall: p\u2009=\u20090.005, HER2+: p\u2009=\u20090.011, TN: p\u2009=\u20090.075). In TN patients, median overall survival (OS) was 11.8 and 62.9 months for patients with low and high TILs, respectively (HR 0.29, 95%CI 0.11-0.76, log-rank p\u2009=\u20090.008). CD8/FOXP3 ratio was also prognostic in TN patients (median OS 8.0, 13.2, and 54.0 months in 1st, 2nd and 3th tertile, log-rank p\u2009=\u20090.019). Both TILs and CD8/FOXP3 ratio were independent factors at multivariate analysis. Counterintuitively, in HER2+ BC, low TILs tumors showed better prognosis (median OS 53.7 vs 39.9 months in TILs low and TILs high, not statistically significant). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate the relevance of TILs as prognostic biomarker for TNBC even in the advanced setting and provide novel hypothesis-generating data on potential sources of immune heterogeneity of metastatic BC

    Association of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes with distant disease-free survival in the ShortHER randomized adjuvant trial for patients with early HER2+ breast cancer.

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    BACKGROUND: There is the need to identify new prognostic markers to refine risk stratification for HER2-positive early breast cancer patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) with distant disease-free survival (DDFS) in patients with HER2-positive early breast cancer enrolled in the ShortHER adjuvant trial which compared 9 weeks versus 1-year trastuzumab in addition to chemotherapy, and to test the interaction between TILs and treatment arm. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Stromal TILs were assessed for 866 cases on centralized hematoxylin and eosin-stained tumor slides. The association of TILs as 10% increments with DDFS was assessed with Cox models. Kaplan-Meier curves were estimated for patients with TILs\u2009 6520% and TILs\u2009&lt;20%. Median follow-up was 6.1\u2009years. RESULTS: Median TILs was 5% (Q1-Q3 1%-15%). Increased TILs were independently associated with better DDFS in multivariable model [hazard ratio (HR) 0.73, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.59-0.89, P\u2009=\u20090.006, for each 10% TILs increment]. Five years DDFS rates were 91.1% for patients with TILs\u2009&lt;20% and 95.7% for patients with TILs\u2009 6520% (P\u2009=\u20090.025). The association between 10% TILs increments and DDFS was significant for patients randomized to 9\u2009weeks of trastuzumab (HR 0.60, 95% CI 0.41-0.88) but not for patients treated with 1\u2009year of trastuzumab (HR 0.89, 95% CI 0.71-1.12; test for interaction P\u2009=\u20090.088). For patients with TILs\u2009&lt;20%, the HR for the comparison between the short versus the long arm was 1.75 (95% CI 1.09-2.80, P=0.021); whereas, for patients with TILs\u2009 6520% the HR for the comparison of short versus long arm was 0.23 (95% CI 0.05-1.09, P\u2009=\u20090.064), resulting in a significant interaction (P\u2009=\u20090.015). CONCLUSIONS: TILs are an independent prognostic factor for HER2-positive early breast cancer patients treated with adjuvant chemotherapy and trastuzumab and may refine the ability to identify patients at low risk of relapse eligible for de-escalated adjuvant therapy
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