30 research outputs found

    Retrospective ınvestigation of ınpatients with urinary ınfection in an university medical center

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    Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Arastırma ve Uygulama Hastanesi Infeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji Klinigi'nde yatırılarak tedavi edilen üriner sistem infeksiyonlu hastalar geriye dönük olarak incelenerek tanı ve tedavi yaklasımlarınındegerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Arastırma ve Uygulama Hastanesi Infeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji Klinigi'nde 01.01.200101.01.2009 tarihleri arasında yatırılarak tedavi edilen 73'ü kadın (%68,2), 34'ü erkek (%31,8) toplam 107 hasta geriye dönük olarak degerlendirildi. Hastalarda en sık rastlanılan belirtiler ates, dizüri ve kostavertebral açı hassasiyeti olarak saptandı. Alınan idrar kültürlerinde %68.2, kan kültürlerinde ise % 35.7 oranında üreme saptandı. Idrar ve kan kültürlerinde en sık üreyen mikroorganizma . Hastaların 79'unda (%74,7) tedaviye empirik olarak, diger hastalara ise (n=27 %25,3) kültür-antibiyogram sonucu ile baslanmıstı. Empirik tedavide birinci seçenek olarak seftriaksonun (n=65, %83) kullanıldıgı tespit edildi. Çalısmamızda tedaviye empirik olarak baslama oranının yüksek oldugu dikkatimizi çekmistir. Bu durumun düzeltilebilmesi için empirik tedavi baslama ölçütlerinin belirlenmesi önemlidir.It was aimed to evaluate the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to urinary infections by retrospectively investigating the data belonged to inpatients with urinary infection treated in the clinic of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology ofAdnan Menderes University Medical Center. 107 patients (73 female and 34 male) treated in the Clinic of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology of Adnan Menderes University Medical Center between 01.01.2001 and 01.01.2009 were retrospectively investigated. The most commonly observed symptoms in the patients were fever, dysuria and costovertebral angle tenderness. Germinal reproduction was detected in the urinary and blood cultures in a ratio of 68.2% and 35.7%, respectively. was the most commonly detected microorganism in the blood and urine cultures. While 74.7 % of the patients (n=79) were treated by empiric antibiotics due to urgency, 25,3 % of the patients were treated based on culture and antibiogram results. Ceftriaxone was the first choice in the empiric treatment (n=65; 83%). We observed that the rate of starting to therapy empirically was higher. That's why it is important to determine the starting criteria of empiric treatment

    Isostatic Moho undulations and estimated elastic thicknesses of the lithosphere in the central Anatolian plateau, Turkey

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    In this paper, the flexural isostatic deformation of the crustal structure and an average effective elastic thickness (EET) of the lithosphere in the central Anatolian plateau has been estimated. We have used the Vening-Meinesz model to calculate the isostatic Moho depths or crustal thicknesses due to topographic loads. The maximum Moho deepening is under the Alpine Orogenic belt throughout the southern part of Anatolian plate, whereas the Moho depths are relatively shallow in the northwestern and central parts of the region. An average EET of central Anatolia's lithosphere is calculated by multispectral coherence between EGM08 Bouguer anomalies and ETOPO1 topographic data sets. Application of spectral coherence estimation provides an average EET value of 21.3 km and hence points out that the lithosphere is deflected. In addition, density contrasts of the horizontally and vertically extended in the uppermost crust were estimated using compact gravity inversion. We interpret the uppermost crustal blocks in terms of density contrasts may contribute to the total crustal load in addition to topographic loading


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    13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference, SGEM 2013 -- JUN 16-22, 2013 -- Albena, BULGARIA --This study presents that wet, bulk, and dry deposition types were investigated simultaneously in two areas in the Kirklareli city center and Kirklareli rural area in the period of June 2011 - September 2011. The rural area is located 3 km southwest of Kirklareli. During the study period, 8 wet, 8 bulk, and 12 dry samples were collected simultaneously in both sampling areas. The samples were analyzed for Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, K+, NH4(+), Cl-, NO3- and SO42- in addition to pH and altogether 252 analysis were carried out. This paper presents a comparison between wet, bulk, and dry deposition concentrations of ions in the urban and the rural areas. Mg2+ was found to be the dominant cation for wet and bulk depositions in both sampling areas. The pH values of the wet deposition in the urban area varied from 6.04 to 6.75. The arithmetic mean concentrations of ions sampled in the rural area in the wet deposition were 17-75% higher than that of the urban area.WOS:0003659921000732-s2.0-8489258318


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    13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference, SGEM 2013 -- JUN 16-22, 2013 -- Albena, BULGARIA --This study presents the chemical composition of wet, bulk, and dry deposition in the urban and in the rural area of Kirklareli city (Turkey) during the period of March 2011 June 2011. During the sampling period, 12 wet, 12 bulk, and 12 dry samples were collected simultaneously in the city center and in the rural area. Concentrations of main cations (Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, K+, NH4+) and main anions (Cl-, NO3-, SO42-) were determined in wet, bulk, and dry samples; pH was also measured in these three deposition types. Predominant ions were identified. The mean wet deposition concentrations of all ions except K+ sampled in the city center were found to be higher than those of the rural area. The average pH values of the wet deposition in the urban and the rural area of Kirklareli city were found 6.53 and 6.45, respectively. The study showed that Ca2+ was the dominant cation and SO42- the dominant anion in all deposition samples in the city center. Ion sources in the wet, bulk, and dry depositions were found by calculating the enrichment factors (EFs).WOS:0003659921000892-s2.0-8489261274

    Lithospheric flexural strength and effective elastic thicknesses of the Eastern Anatolia (Turkey) and surrounding region

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    International audienceThe Lithospheric structure of Eastern Anatolia and the surrounding region, including the northern part of the Arabian platform is investigated via the analysis and modeling of Bouguer anomalies from the Earth Gravitational Model EGM08. The effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere (EET) that corresponds to the mechanical cores of the crust and lithospheric mantle is determined from the spectral coherence between Bouguer anomalies and surface elevation data. Its average value is 18.7 km. From the logarithmic amplitude spectra of Bouguer anomalies, average depths of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB), Moho, Conrad and basement in the study area are constrained at 84 km, 39 km, 16 km and 7 km, respectively. The geometries of the LAB and Moho are then estimated using the Parker-Oldenburg inversion algorithm. We also present a lithospheric strength map obtained from the spatial variations of EET determined by Yield Stress Envelopes (YSE). The EET varies in the range of 12–23 km, which is in good agreement with the average value obtained from spectral analysis. Low EET values are interpreted as resulting from thermal and flexural lithospheric weakening. According to the lithospheric strength of the Eastern Anatolian region, the rheology model consists of a strong but brittle upper crust, a weak and ductile lower crust, and a weak lower part of the lithosphere. On the other hand, lithosphere strength corresponds to weak and ductile lower crust, a strong upper crust and a strong uppermost lithospheric mantle for the northern part of the Arabian platform


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    11th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference -- JUN 20-25, 2011 -- Albena, BULGARIA -- Minist Env & Water, Bulgarian Acad Sci, Acad Sci Czech Republ, Acad Sci IR Iran, Latvian Acad Sci, Polish Acad Sci, Russian Acad Sci, Serbian Acad Sci & Arts, Slovak Acad Sci, Natl Acad Sci Ukraine, Bulgarian Ind Assoc, Bulgarian Acad Sci, Albena Wellness DestinatThis study presents the relationships between the wet deposition fluxes of chemical species, their concentrations and the rain intensity in the precipitation events which took place on a) November 10th, 2007 b) September 08th, 2007, 29 sequential rain samples were collected in those three precipitation events in Istanbul-Turkey using a sequential precipitation sampler. Temporal variation of chemical species were investigated during the events and found that the variability of ion concentrations were similar to each other for almost all of the precipitation events. With progressing time during the rain events, concentrations of pollutants in the atmosphere decreased, thus leading to less and less measured concentration of all chemical species in the rainwater. It is believed that the dominant factor in this reduction was washout and rainout scavenging acting together in the beginning of the precipitation event. There was strong correlation between rain intensity and wet deposition flux for all ions except K+ in the sequential samples collected on November 10th, 2007. Strongest relation between the concentrations of chemical species and wet deposition fluxes was obtained for September 08th, 2007.Scientific Research Center of Marmara University (BAPKO)Marmara University [FEN-BGS-120707-0153]This work was financially supported by The Scientific Research Center of Marmara University (BAPKO) with project no FEN-BGS-120707-0153.WOS:0003073663001642-s2.0-8489072885


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    The preliminary goal of this study was to design, construct and apply a new automatic sequential precipitation sampling instrument. The proposed sequential sub-event sampler was designed in two sections: mechanical and electronical sections. The mechanical part includes a series of 100 mL sampling bottles on it, and a metallic body. The electronic part is composed of digital and analog sensors, various electronic material and a computer as the main controller of the system. Commands generated by the computer control the system, and the sub-event sampling period and the volume can be adjusted. Besides the volume and time controlled sampling, intelligent control and sampling is possible by developing adequate algorithms. Since the system consists of automatic sensors that can be controlled by the computer, anthropogenic errors in sampling are expected to be kept at minimum. The proposed instrument is open to development and additions can be easily made. The application phase includes collection of sequential precipitation samples, their analysis and an attempt to determine the sources of environmental pollution. The developed equipment was used to collect samples for five rain events that took place on 7 September 2007. The samples were analyzed for Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+ and K+ to obtain the temporal variation of the chemical composition during the precipitation event.Scientific Research Center of Marmara University (BAPKO)Marmara University [FEN-E-040310-0039]; Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [109R022]This work was financially supported by The Scientific Research Center of Marmara University (BAPKO) with project No. FEN-E-040310-0039 and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) with project 109R022.WOS:0003208285000252-s2.0-8488320689

    Ion Concentrations And Sources Of Sequential Sampling Of Wet Deposition In Istanbul, Turkey

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    This study presents the relationships between ion concentrations and sources of ions in the precipitation events which happened on a) September the 08th, 2007 b) November the 10th, 2007 and c) December the 05th, 2007. Fortyfour sequential rain samples were collected in three rain events that were sampled in Istanbul-Turkey making use of a sequential rain sampler. Concentration of the main cations (K+, Ca2+, Na+, and Mg2+) and main anions (Cl-, SO42-, and NO3-) were analyzed. The ratio of the mean Ca2+ (0.85) nonsea salt concentration to the mean total concentration led to the conclusion that most of the Ca2+ came from soil. This ratio for SO42ranged between 0.49 and 0.98, indicates a possible conclusion that the domestic heating and industrial activities were the main source of this io


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    8th International Scientific Conference on Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection -- JUN 16-20, 2008 -- Sofia, BULGARIA --The preliminary goal of this study is to design, construct and test an automatic sequential precipitation sampling instrument. Testing includes collection of sequential precipitation samples, analyzing them and trying to find the sources of environmental pollution. Proposed sequential sub-event sampler is composed of two parts; mechanic and electronic hardware. Mechanical part includes a stepped 100 ml sampler cups on it, and a metallic body. Electronic part is composed of digital and analog sensors, various electronic materials and a computer as the main controller of the system. Commands generated by the computer or received from the internet, control the system, and sub-event sampling period and volume can be modified. Besides the volume and time controlled sampling, intelligent control and sampling is possible by developing adequate algorithms. Since the system consists of automatic sensors that can be controlled by the computer, anthropogenic errors in sampling are expected to be kept at minimum. The proposed instrument is open to development and additions can easily be made. The developed equipment was used to collect samples for one sub-event took place on 8(th) of September 2007 and the samples were analyzed for pH, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, to obtain the temporal variation of the chemical composition during the precipitation event.TUBITAKTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [105Y313]This work is financially supported by TUBITAK with projects 105Y313.WOS:0002757954000812-s2.0-8488323173