42 research outputs found

    Meloda, a metric to assess open date reuse

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    Current policies demanding an increase in transparency, open government, and the implementation of smart cities necessitate publishing open data. However, there are limited mechanisms for assessing the use and value of this information. The goal of this paper is to present a new metric, Meloda , that qualifies the information and helps to assess its reusability. Meloda ’s four dimensions are described: technical standards, access, legal considerations, and data model. Finally, Meloda ’s assessment process is explained

    Meloda 5: A metric to assess open data reusability

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    An updated metric developed to assess the degree of open data reusability, called MEtric for the evaLuation of Open DAta: Meloda 5 is presented. Previous version of the metric, Meloda 4, had six dimensions: the legal licensing of data, the mechanisms to access the data, the technical standards of the datasets, the data model, the geographic content of the data and the updating frequency. With all these dimensions, the metric provides a quantitative evaluation about how reusable the datasets released are. During the last five years, this metric has been cited and used by some other authors but the extensive use of the metric has brought to light some of its limitations. In order to get deeper insights into the topic, a panel of international experts has been surveyed about two aspects of the metric. First aspect was what other factors should be considered in order to qualify the reusability of a released dataset. And the second aspect was the internal structure, the levels for every dimension of the metric; if they should be increased, merged, removed or divided. Considering the results of the survey, first, we identify the factors / dimensions that should be kept: legal licensing, access to information, technical standard, standardization, geolocation content and updating frequency of data. Second, we consider the inclusion of two new dimensions: dissemination and reputation. Then, we present the new internal structure, the levels for each dimension, and the measures to evaluate the degree of reuse of each dataset. Finally, a standardization of the metric for other steps of the data impact process, data reuse analytics and data-driven services generation are presented together with future research lines

    Information reuse in smart cities' ecosystems

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    Smart cities are service providers as well as sources of public data. The reuse of cities’ data through the application of technology enables the creation of innovative services for citizens. Apps, developed by reusing information, are considered a key indicator for the creation of services. This paper explores the main characteristics of these apps and their relationship to services. The analysis performed in the main smart cities in Europe shows the importance of timely information release and the geo-location of published data. Transport and tourism seem to be the most popular areas of application. This article builds on the area of research in previous studies and includes additional information of apps’ characteristics to meet service needs

    Criteria for the identification of ineffective open data portals: pretender open data portals

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    Open data are considered an essential resource for governments, businesses, and citizens. In that context, open data portals have potential for creating enormous economic growth. Open data portals should allow the reuse of open data, ensure the efficiency of data transmission, and enable professional initiatives based on data reuse. However, there are portals that are inefficient because they do not allow reuse of their data. The objective of this work is to define and identify open data portals that do not offer the possibility for professional reuse of their data. We refer to them as “pretender open data portals”. The following research questions are considered herein: What minimum criteria must an open data portal satisfy to enable professional reuse of open data? How can portals that do not meet these criteria be identified? And, what problems might these portals present, and how they might be solved? The results of an analysis of two samples of open data portals in Spain reveal that 63.8% and 56.1% of the portals analyzed in 2019 and 2021, respectively, can be considered pretender open data portals. The existence of pretender open data portals can have negative economic and social impacts, such as wasting public resources and projecting a negative image of the government’s open data policies. To find coordination mechanisms to develop open data portals that, through the professional re-use of their data can create economic and social value, is one important challenge. The analysis of best practices of open data portals can be also a way to go in deep in the understanding of open data reuse impact not only from a professional standpoint.

    Neuroleadership: a new way for happiness management

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    In a post-pandemic era, managers and leaders have a role to enable the changes needed to make workplaces happier and more productive. This paper aims to analyse the role of neuroleadership in the application of happiness management. Two research questions are proposed: what do we know about neuroleadership? and what role can neuroleadership play in happiness management? A mixed methodology is applied. A bibliometric technique is used to identify the main topics studied in neuroleadership. An in-depth analysis and logical reasoning are applied to propose a neuroleadership research roadmap and to present some research pathways for neuroleadership for happiness management. A neuroleadership research roadmap is proposed, considering the approaches, practices/actions, and purposes. It is observed that the consideration of the management of emotions and cognitive processes in the work environment is attracting interest to develop a leadership focused on making better workplaces. A new line of action focused on the management of happiness is emerging. In addition, neuroleadership is presented as a new way of understanding management. Their combined application can mark a before and after in business management, and for that, a proposal of future research lines and questions is developed. This paper presents four future research pathways-perspectives, reasons, adoption and implementation, and results-for studying neuroleadership for happiness management.14 página

    How to improve the competences develoment in the e-learning? A practical experience in the strategic management subject

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    [ES]El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el desarrollo de competencias en la formación on-line a través de las actividades propuestas por el profesor en la guía docente. Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio exploratorio en la asignatura de Dirección Estratégica y Política de Empresa I que se imparte en modalidad on-line en el Grado de Administración y Dirección de Empresas en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Nuestros resultados han puesto de manifiesto que existen diferencias entre la percepción del profesor y la del estudiante sobre las actividades que sirven para desarrollar cada una de las competencias definidas. Por ello, el docente debería reflexionar sobre cuáles son las actividades que propone para trabajar cada una de las competencias y, mucho más importante, definir bien qué entiende por cada competencia y cómo se alcanza

    Análisis de las competencias adquiridas en los estudios de Dirección de Empresas y su grado de aplicación en las prácticas en empresas

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    Given the emphasis on skills in the European Higher Education Sistem framework, this paper has two objectives. First, after identifying the competencies that are demanded by employers in the labor market for students of Management studies, the paper carries out a comparative analysis between the skills required by companies (life skills) and skills available to students as a result of their training (theoretical skills). Second, we analyze the effect of the expertise available in the students on the satisfaction of the company with the work performed by the student.Dada la importancia concedida a las competencias en el marco del EEES, en el presente trabajo se pretende conseguir un doble objetivo. En primer lugar, tras identificar las competencias que son más demandadas por los empresarios en el mercado laboral para los alumnos con estudios de Dirección de Empresas, se lleva a cabo un análisis comparativo entre las competencias requeridas por las empresas (competencias prácticas) y las competencias disponibles en los alumnos como resultado de su formación (competencias teóricas). En segundo lugar, se analiza el efecto que tienen las competencias disponibles en los alumnos sobre el grado de satisfacción de la empresa con la labor desempeñada por el alumno

    Open data quality metrics: Barcelona open data portal case

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    Open data are a basic infrastructure for the creation of business, products, and services. To analyze their usefulness, the differences between data access, and dissemination, and reuse must be taken into account. The objective of this research is to analyze how Berners-Lee’s 5-star model and other factors help evaluate the quality of data and its use in the Barcelona open data portal, including its relationship to downloads and themes. Results show that it may be of interest to include aspects such as data updating frequency and geolocation in the models that measure the quality of data for reuse

    Meloda, a metric to assess open data reuse

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    Current policies demanding an increase in transparency, open government and smart cities share open data publication as one of their basic pillars. However, there is a limited availability of mechanisms to assess the use and value of this information. The goal of this paper is to present a new metric, Meloda, that qualifies the information and helps to assess its reusability. Meloda’s four dimensions are described: technical standards, access, legal considerations, and data model. Finally Meloda’s assessment process is explained