152 research outputs found

    Cacerolazo: emociones y memoria en el movimiento estudiantil 2011

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    El artículo revisa las experiencias de cuatro activistas involucrados/as en las protestas del 4 de agosto en el contexto del movimiento estudiantil del mismo año. A través de sus relatos es posible ver la irrupción de memoria de la dictadura, producto de las emociones de rabia e impotencia ante la extrema violencia policial de aquel día. Estas emociones son expresadas y enmarcadas a través del repertorio del cacerolazo, el cual contextualiza la lucha por la educación pública con la lucha contra la dictadura.The article reviews the experiences of four activists involved in the August 4 protests in the context of the student movement of the same year. Through their stories it is possible to see the bursting of memory of the dictatorship, the product of the emotions of anger and powerlessness in the face of the extreme police violence of that day. These emotions are expressed and framed through the repertoire of the cacerolazo, which contextualizes the struggle for public education with the struggle against the dictatorship in Chile.Este ensaio revela as experiências de quatro estudantes envolvidos nas mobilizações do 4 de agosto de 2011 no contexto do movimento estudantil desse mesmo ano. A través desses relatos é possível notar a irrupção da memória da ditadura, trazida pela raiva e frustração perante a extrema violência policial daquele dia. Estas emoções são expressadas a traves do repertorio do "panelaço" que, com sucesso, contextualiza a luta pela educação pública com a luta contra a ditadura no Chile

    The SMEs and the Human Resources: An Empirical Analysis of Training, Rotation and Ownership Structure

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    This paper presents the main results of a study aimed at approaching the reality of both family and no family small and medium-size enterprises in La Rioja, as they represent an overwhelming majority in the region. Some key aspects linked to the management of human resources such as staff and executive training and development, labour stability and property structure have been analysed. This work covers the main results obtained and outlines and assesses these enterprises, as well as their main perceptions of the issues analysed.Family-firms, human resources, SMEs, labour stability

    Towards a Sustainable and Adaptive Groundwater Management: Lessons from the Benalup Aquifer (Southern Spain)

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    Reversing the chemical and quantitative impacts derived from human activity on aquifers demands a multidisciplinary approach. This requires, firstly, to update the hydrogeological knowledge of the groundwater systems, which is pivotal for the sustainable use of this resource, and secondly, to integrate the social, economic and administrative reality of the region. The present work focuses on the Benalup aquifer, whose exploitation plays a major role in the economy of the area, based mainly on irrigated agriculture. This activity has had negative consequences for the aquifer in quantitative and chemical terms, leading to its declaration as in poor condition. The study presented here shows the results obtained from the application of hydrogeological techniques, remote sensing and citizen participation tools, which have allowed us to deepen and improve the current knowledge of the system's hydrogeological, geometric, administrative and social aspects. Additionally, the lessons learned from this case study are analyzed. The deficiencies detected are discussed, and alternatives aimed at the sustainable use of groundwater are proposed, such as the possibility of a joint use of surface and groundwater resources, the creation of a Water User Association responsible for the management of groundwater and the need for greater efforts aimed at educating and raising awareness of water conservation among citizens

    Modeling River Runoff Temporal Behavior through a Hybrid Causal-Hydrological (HCH) Method

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    The uncertainty in traditional hydrological modeling is a challenge that has not yet been overcome. This research aimed to provide a new method called the hybrid causal-hydrological (HCH) method, which consists of the combination of traditional rainfall-runoff models with novel hydrological approaches based on artificial intelligence, called Bayesian causal modeling (BCM). This was implemented by building nine causal models for three sub-basins of the Barbate River Basin (SW Spain). The models were populated by gauging (observing) short runoff series and from long and short hydrological runoff series obtained from the Temez rainfall-runoff model (T-RRM). To enrich the data, all series were synthetically replicated using an ARMA model. Regarding the results, on the one hand differences in the dependence intensities between the long and short series were displayed in the dependence mitigation graphs (DMGs), which were attributable to the insufficient amount of data available from the hydrological records and to climate change processes. The similarities in the temporal dependence propagation (basin memory) and in the symmetry of DMGs validate the reliability of the hybrid methodology, as well as the results generated in this study. Consequently, water planning and management can be substantially improved with this approach

    Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) in Hydrology: A Review

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    In less than two decades, UASs (unmanned aerial systems) have revolutionized the field of hydrology, bridging the gap between traditional satellite observations and ground-based measurements and allowing the limitations of manned aircraft to be overcome. With unparalleled spatial and temporal resolutions and product-tailoring possibilities, UAS are contributing to the acquisition of large volumes of data on water bodies, submerged parameters and their interactions in different hydrological contexts and in inaccessible or hazardous locations. This paper provides a comprehensive review of 122 works on the applications of UASs in surface water and groundwater research with a purpose-oriented approach. Concretely, the review addresses: (i) the current applications of UAS in surface and groundwater studies, (ii) the type of platforms and sensors mainly used in these tasks, (iii) types of products generated from UAS-borne data, (iv) the associated advantages and limitations, and (v) knowledge gaps and future prospects of UASs application in hydrology. The first aim of this review is to serve as a reference or introductory document for all researchers and water managers who are interested in embracing this novel technology. The second aim is to unify in a single document all the possibilities, potential approaches and results obtained by different authors through the implementation of UASs

    Precipitation Variability and Drought Assessment Using the SPI: Application to Long-Term Series in the Strait of Gibraltar Area

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    The standardized precipitation index (SPI) provides reliable estimations about the intensity, magnitude and spatial extent of droughts in a variety of time scales based on long-term precipitation series. In this work, we assess the evolution of monthly precipitation in the Barbate River basin (S. Iberian Peninsula) between 1910/11 and 2017/18 through the generation of a representative precipitation series for the 108-year period and the subsequent application of the SPI. This extensive series was obtained after processing all the precipitation data (67 stations) available within and nearby the basin and subsequent complex gap-filling stages. The SPI identified 26 periods of drought, 12 of them severe and 6 extreme, with return periods of 9 and 18 years, respectively. Complementary analysis evidenced changes in precipitation cyclicity, with periodicities of 5 and 7-8 years during the first and second half of the study period, respectively. Additionally, the amplitude of pluviometric oscillations increased during the second half of the period, and extreme events were more frequent. While the decade 1940-1950 was very dry, with precipitation 11% below the basin's average, 1960-1970 was very humid, with precipitation 23% above average. Contrary to the results of climate change projections specific to this area, a clear downward trend in precipitation is not detected

    Redes de parentesco en las familias de Santiago de Chile

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    El siguiente artículo busca caracterizar las familias chilenas a través del análisis de redes. Para ello, se aplican técnicas de análisis que combinan entrevistas cualitativas, análisis de redes ego-centradas y análisis narrativos de los individuos de tal forma de identificar las redes que se constituyen según el género y el parentesco que adoptan las familias, ampliando las concepciones tradicionales sobre la estructura familiar. A través de los datos cualitativos, las cartas de parentesco realizadas y la conformación de redes, se propone una estrategia de análisis a través de técnicas mixtas de investigación. Los resultados indican que las familias pueden ser categorizadas y comprendidas utilizando este tipo de acercamiento. Mientras que las familias de Santiago pueden ser descritas en cuatro tipologías: redes de camarilla, de familia cohesionada, de familias con redes extendidas y/o ramificadas, y red familiar de centro-periferia.The main objective of the following article is characterized the families in Santiago of Chile. To achieve this objective a network social analysis was applied using qualitative interviews, ego-centered networks, and narrative analysis constructed by the individuals, expanding the traditional understanding of the family structure. Through qualitative data, kinship letters and the formation of qualitative networks, typologies of social networks are constituted through mixed research techniques. This strategy brings a more precise characterization of the family networks can be obtained. While the families of Santiago can be described in four typologies: clique networks, cohesive family, families with extended and/or branched networks, and family center-periphery network

    The SMEs and the Human Resources: An Empirical Analysis of Training, Rotation and Ownership Structure

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    [ES] Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar los principales resultados de un estudio que pretende acercarse a la realidad de las pequeñas y medianas empresas riojanas, tanto familiares como no familiares, ya que son mayoría abrumadora en la Comunidad. Se ha realizado un análisis descriptivo de algunos aspectos relevantes de la gestión de los recursos humanos como la formación y el desarrollo de sus trabajadores y directivos, la estabilidad laboral y la estructura de propiedad. En el presente trabajo ofrecemos los principales resultados con respecto a estas cuestiones, esbozando una descripción y valoración de estas empresas, así como un perfil de sus percepciones principales en relación a las cuestiones analizadas.[EN] This paper presents the main results of a study aimed at approaching the reality of both family and no family small and medium-size enterprises in La Rioja, as they represent an overwhelming majority in the region. Some key aspects linked to the management of human resources such as staff and executive training and development, labour stability and property structure have been analysed. This work covers the main results obtained and outlines and assesses these enterprises, as well as their main perceptions of the issues analysed.Deseamos expresar nuestro más sincero agradecimiento a las empresas riojanas por los datos facilitados y a la Comunidad Autónoma de La Rioja por la ayuda concedida dentro del Plan Riojano de I+D+i/Angi 2001/20

    Learning from hydrological and hydrogeological problems in civil engineering. Study of reservoirs in Andalusia, Spain

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    This study presents a novel review of seven case histories of Andalusian reservoirs (Southern Spain) affected by different hydrological and hydrogeological problems that have led to severe malfunctions. The failures reported are related to (i) water quality degradation due to salinization and acid mine drainage, (ii) leakage in karstified terrains, (iii) environmental and hydrogeological impacts associated with an inadequate water planning and (iv) large evaporative losses from the reservoir. Detailed information on the geological context, hydrological/hydrogeological origin of the problem, repercussions on infrastructure functioning and remedial measures applied or proposed has been gathered for each case. Results of on-site research carried out by the authors in some of the locations studied and a comparative analysis of similar case histories at international level are also included. The purpose of this work is to emphasize the need of learning from past mistakes and provide guidance for future dam construction works, especially in the Mediterranean region. It also highlights the role of geological and hydrogeological research in dam sitting and the consequences of inadequate terrain characterisation, biased hydrological planning and data misinterpretation or undervaluation. This review evidences the need of conducting comprehensive studies that do not only focus on the infrastructure itself, but also on non-constructive aspects (monitoring of geological features and hydrological variables) and relevant processes (e.g. leakage, salinization and contamination) that might compromise the efficient functioning of the infrastructur