2,711 research outputs found

    Comparative aspects of phytase and xylanase effects on performance, mineral digestibility, and ileal phytate degradation in broilers and turkeys

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    Two experiments were performed, using broilers or turkeys, each utilizing a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement, to compare their response to phytase and xylanase supplementation with growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and ileal phytate degradation as response criteria. For both experiments, 960 Ross 308 or 960 BUT 10 (0-day-old) birds were allocated to 6 treatments: (1) control diet, containing phytase at 500 FTU/kg; (2) the control diet with xylanase (16,000 BXU/kg); (3) the control diet supplemented on top with phytase (1,500 FTU/kg); (4) diet supplemented with 1,500 FTU/kg phytase and xylanase (16,000 BXU/kg); (5) the control diet supplemented with phytase (3,000 FTU/kg); and (6) diet supplemented with 3,000 FTU/kg phytase and xylanase (16,000 BXU/kg). Each treatment had 8 replicates of 20 birds each. Water and diets based on wheat, soybean meal, oilseed rape meal, and barley were available ad libitum. Body weight gain and feed intake were measured from 0 to 28 D, and feed conversion ratio (FCR) corrected for mortality was calculated. Ileal digestibility for dry matter and minerals on day 7 and 28 were analyzed in addition to levels of inositol phosphate esters (InsP6-3) and myo-inositol. Statistical comparisons were performed using ANOVA. Xylanase supplementation improved 28D FCR in broilers and turkeys. Increasing doses of phytase reduced FI and improved FCR only in broilers. In broilers, the age × phytase interaction for phosphorous digestibility showed that increasing phytase dose was more visible on day 7, than on day 28. Mineral digestibility was lower in 28-day-old turkey compared with 7-day-old turkey. InsP6 disappearance increased with increasing phytase levels in both species, with lower levels analyzed in turkeys. InsP6 disappearance was greater in younger turkeys (day 7 compared with day 28). In conclusion, although broilers and turkeys shared several similarities in their growth and nutrient utilization responses, the outcomes of the 2 trials also differed in many aspects. Whether this is because of difference in diets (InsP or Ca level) or differences between species needs further investigation

    Political scandals, media systems, and ideological polarization: the case of the emeritus King Juan Carlos I

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    El estudio de los escándalos constituye una forma privilegiada para investigar conjuntamente los sistemas mediáticos y los políticos y los lazos que les unen. En el presente artículo se estudia en qué medida la cobertura de la corrupción política en los diarios nativos digitales y en los tradicionales posee las características de los conceptualizados como “escándalos políticamente orientados” (Mancini, 2019) y que son más habituales en los sistemas de medios pluralistas polarizados, como se ha calificado al contexto español. Para ello se toman como estudio de caso los escándalos relacionados con el rey emérito, Juan Carlos I. Para llevar a cabo la investigación se ha analizado la evolución de la cobertura mediática sobre este tema entre el 1 de julio de 2014 y el 1 de marzo de 2021 en tres periódicos en papel (El País, El Mundo y ABC). En este período se publicaron un total de 889 piezas periodísticas en estos tres diarios. Posteriormente, se ha llevado a cabo un análisis de contenido cuantitativo y cualitativo de una muestra de 334 piezas aparecidas durante el último año de análisis (2020-2021) en El País, El Mundo y ABC, así como en los nativos digitales El Español y elDiario.es. Los resultados apuntan a: la instrumentalización política del escándalo; un alto nivel de partidismo mediático (a través de los medios, se defienden las posturas particulares de los partidos políticos) en El País, elDiario.es y ABC; y una polarización ideológica (el contenido presenta dos bloques en conflicto) en ABC y elDiario.es.Research on scandals is a privileged way to explore jointly media and political systems, and the links between them. In this article, we explore how the coverage of political corruption in digital native and paper newspapers has the characteristics of politically oriented scandals (Mancini, 2019), which are more common in polarized pluralist systems, like the Spanish one. To do so, we have studied the scandals related to the former King of Spain, Juan Carlos I. In the research, we have analyzed the evolution of media coverage on the topic between July 1, 2014, and March 1, 2021 in three different paper newspapers (El País, El Mundo and ABC). During this period, 889 journalistic pieces were published in these three newspapers. Also, we have conducted a quantitative and qualitative analysis of a sample of 334 pieces from the last year covered by the research (2020-2021) on El País, El Mundo and ABC and on digital natives El Español and elDiario.es. The results show a political instrumentalization of the scandal, media partisanship (the media support some political parties’ positions) in El País, elDiario.es and ABC; and ideological polarization (analyzed content presents two politically opposed groups) in ABC and elDiario.es

    Análisis químico de muestras minoritarias por procedimientos no destructivos, FRX, de útiles metálicos de la edad del bronce del sureste español

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    En el presente trabajo se expone las earaeterísticas prineipales de un nuevo sistema de toma de muestras y su portamuestras. eon objeto de emplearlo en el análisis químici^ de muestras arqueológieas. empleando 0.2 g eomo máximo, con lo que se conserva la integridad del objeto analizado. En este caso se utiliza un espectrómetro .seeuencial Philips PW1400. de tluorcseencia de rayos X. El ci tado mcttKlo et>nsigue altas cotas de Habilidad y exactitud en los elementos quí micos elegidos para su análisis

    First observations and magnitude measurement of Starlink's Darksat

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    Measure the Sloan g' magnitudes of the Starlink's STARLINK-1130 (Darksat) and 1113 LEO communication satellites and determine the effectiveness of the Darksat darkening treatment at 475.4\,nm. Two observations of the Starlink's Darksat LEO communication satellite were conducted on 2020/02/08 and 2020/03/06 using a Sloan r' and g' filter respectively. While a second satellite, STARLINK-1113 was observed on 2020/03/06 using a Sloan g' filter. The initial observation on 2020/02/08 was a test observation when Darksat was still manoeuvring to its nominal orbit and orientation. Based on the successful test observation, the first main observation was conducted on 2020/03/06 along with an observation of the second Starlink satellite. The calibration, image processing and analysis of the Darksat Sloan g' image gives an estimated Sloan g' magnitude of 7.46±0.047.46\pm0.04 at a range of 976.50\,km. For STARLINK-1113 an estimated Sloan g' magnitude of 6.59±0.056.59\pm0.05 at a range of 941.62\,km was found. When scaled to a range of 550\,km and corrected for the solar and observer phase angles, a reduction by a factor of two is seen in the reflected solar flux between Darksat and STARLINK-1113. The data and results presented in this work, show that the special darkening coating used by Starlink for Darksat has darkened the Sloan g' magnitude by 0.77±0.050.77\pm0.05\,mag, when the range is equal to a nominal orbital height (550\,km). This result will serve members of the astronomical community modelling the satellite mega-constellations, to ascertain their true impact on both the amateur and professional astronomical communities. Concurrent and further observations are planned to cover the full optical and NIR spectrum, from an ensemble of instruments, telescopes and observatories.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letters. 5 pages, 2 figures and 4 table

    Graviton-photon oscillation in a cosmic background for a general theory of gravity

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    Graviton-photon oscillation is the conversion of gravitational waves to electromagnetic waves and vice versa in the presence of a background electromagnetic field. We investigate this phenomenon in a cosmological scenario considering a background cosmic magnetic field and assuming different gravitational frameworks. We obtain the damping term that characterizes the attenuation of the conversion probability in cosmological backgrounds. This is a general feature that is present even for standard General Relativity. Furthermore, we show that the effects of decoherence, which are due to the interaction with the cosmological expansion and with the additional degrees of freedom of alternative theories of gravity, can be relevant to the phenomenon of graviton-photon mixing.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Revisando la literatura académica sobre Altmetrías : ¿Nueva tendencia en los Estudios Métricos de Información y en la Evaluación Científica?

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    El trabajo realiza una revisión de la literatura académica sobre altmetrías publicada en revistas internacionales indizadas en Scopus abarcando el período 2010-2014. En primer lugar se presenta un análisis bibliométrico con el objetivo de identificar el volumen de la producción, así como los principales autores, revistas, instituciones, y conceptos relacionados con este nuevo campo de estudios. Luego se realiza un abordaje cualitativo en el que se analiza el contenido de los estudios en un intento por conocer la naturaleza de las investigaciones, el tipo de estrategia metodológica utilizada, conceptual o empírica, y a partir de esa categorización identificar qué se plantean estos estudios, qué indicadores y herramientas se utilizan, qué limitaciones se presentan y cuáles son las perspectivas futuras de cara a la utilización de las altmetrías como medidas de evaluación del impacto de la ciencia en la web social.Fil: Arias, Romina R.. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.Fil: González, Claudia M.. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (UNLP-CONICET); Argentina.Fil: Miguel, Sandra. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (UNLP-CONICET); Argentina