1,247 research outputs found

    Nutrient-Dense Orange-Fleshed Sweetpotato: Advances in Drought-Tolerance Breeding and Understanding of Management Practices for Sustainable Next-Generation Cropping Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Almost half of children < 5 years old living in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) suffer from vitamin A deficiency and 60% suffer from iron deficiency. Thus, there has been a strong commitment to breeding for, promoting awareness of, and delivering adapted pro-vitamin A rich orange-fleshed sweetpotato (OFSP) in SSA during the past two decades and for enhanced iron content since 2014. This review article focuses on major breeding efforts in SSA to enhance the drought tolerance of OFSP and reviews integrated crop management practices for improved and sustained sweetpotato production in SSA farming systems. Under climate change, the frequency and severity of droughts is expected to increase. Technical issues are presented in the context of addressing challenges along the entire value chain to ensure adoption. First, the use of an accelerated breeding scheme reduced the breeding cycle from 8–10 to 4–5 years. Since 2010, 19 drought-tolerant OFSP cultivars have been released in Mozambique, 7 in Malawi, and 2 in South Africa. Moreover, research in four breeding populations using the heterosis exploiting breeding scheme (HEBS) demonstrated that within one breeding cycle of 5 years, clones with significantly higher root yield, abiotic tolerance, host plant resistance to pests and diseases, and early maturity can be produced. In the future, HEBS will be combined with greater use of modern genomic tools, new phenotyping tools, and CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing. Second, beyond genetic enhancements, evidence is presented that using improved crop management systems, existing sweet potato yields can be increased 2–4 times. Current knowledge is reviewed concerning sweetpotato’s role in diverse farming systems, but integrated crop management is clearly under researched. Third, the outlook for drought tolerance breeding indicates that two distinct classes of nutrient-rich cultivars are emerging: (1) Early maturing cultivars (< 4 month growing period) that escape drought but also serve humid environments with small landholding size per capita; and (2) Medium maturing (4–6 month growing period) cultivars that avoid drought, are drought tolerant and exhibit continuous root formation. Increasing commercialization of the crop and climate change will drive demand, and the willingness of farmers to invest in improved sweetpotato crop management


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    El diseño social es la actividad que conlleva la responsabilidad de los profesionales en el desarrollo económico, social y cultural de las comunidades con miras al progreso, por este motivo el objetivo de la presente investigación fue evaluar la aplicabilidad del diseño social desde los procesos psicosociales, la comunicación visual y la publicidad en la comunidad. La metodología fue documental, descriptiva y exploratoria de análisis cualitativos y cuantitativos teniendo como herramienta principal la encuesta, con el propósito de documentar el nivel de conocimiento que poseen los microempresarios de la zona con respecto a publicidad y comunicación visual en el entorno psicosocial en el que se desarrollan. Los resultados demostraron que al documentar las actividad comercial y los ingresos económicos percibidos, más los gastos de la casa y la familia, variables psicosociales importantes, de las cuales se notó una alta percepción en los indicadores regular y aceptable con respecto a los ingresos económicos que estas personas perciben y que se convierten para la mayoría en una ayuda para solventar los gastos de la casa y de la familia, pero con un marcado desconocimiento en las ventajas y beneficios que podría otorgar la publicidad y la comunicación visual en sus negocios, desde la&nbsp; aplicación del diseño social desde los procesos psicosociales, la comunicación visual y la publicidad, para impulsar proyectos que mejoren la matiz productiva, brindando conocimientos teóricos y técnicos sobre la importancia del diseño gráfico y la publicidad. &nbsp; Abstract Social design is the activity that involves the responsibility of professionals in the economic, social and cultural development of communities with a view to progress, for this reason the objective of this research it was to evaluate the applicability of social design from the processes psychosocial, visual communication and publicity in the community. The methodology was documentary, descriptive and exploratory of qualitative and quantitative analysis having as main tool the survey, with the purpose of documenting the level of knowledge that micro entrepreneurs in the area have regarding advertising and visual communication in the psychosocial environment in which they develop. The results showed that when documenting the commercial activity and the income received, plus the expenses of the house and the family, important psychosocial variables, of which a high perception was observed in the indicators, regular and acceptable with respect to the economic income that These people perceive and that for the majority they become an aid to solve the expenses of the house and the family, but with a marked ignorance in the advantages and benefits that the publicity and the visual communication in their businesses could grant, from the application of social design from psychosocial processes, visual communication and advertising, to promote projects that improve the productive nuance, providing theoretical and technical knowledge on the importance of graphic design and advertising

    Estudio Preliminar Sobre La Decoloración Del Residual Líquido De La Producción De Papel Mediante Ozonización

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    Preliminarily, the relationship between Color Reduction (%RC), Total Suspended Solids concentration (SST), and as independent variable, the time of Ozone Oxidation Process, was evaluated with reference values of DQO of the black liquor adjusting its concentration from SST to 300 and 50mg/dm3. A batch reactor of 12,60dm3, an effective height of 3,2dm and an ozone generating device from SEFILTRA company (air flow of 2dm3/min, c(O3) of 9,50mg/dm3 with a O3(g) production 19mg/min) was used. The polynomic correlation was determined from 192 data sets with satisfactory adjustment level (R=0,92; p &lt;0,001). Although, preliminarily, the DQO reduction (%RDQO) was not included in the polynomial relationship, it can be concluded that: a) The %RC and %RDQO is reduced when color and DQO increases from the ozonized sample at same time intervals; this reduction is greater when the SST levels of the ozonized sample increases. b) The %RC and %RDQO decrease when the SST level of the ozonized sample increases. c) Depending on the initial color, of the DQO and of the SST level of the sample, values from 10 to 53 %Rc were obtained after 10 min, and of 66 to 94 %Rc after 60 min
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