168 research outputs found

    Medios técnico-tácticos colectivos en boloncesto en categorías de formación

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    The objectives of this study were: a) record the view of basketball coaches on how they should evolve along the different stages of training, some Basic Tactical Media Collective (MTCBs), b) recording the views of basketball coaches on how to evolve along different stages of training some Complex Tactical Media Collective (MTCC). A questionnaire was administered to 102 coaches. The most significant results indicated that: a) formation increases with age, it is necessary to devote more time to MTCBs except to pass and progression, which should hold in the infant category, b) in the category minibasket and children, only develop MTCBs Pass and Progression and Establishment of the Odd, c) blocks begin to be important in the cadet category, d) development of counter-attack, followed by individual collective defense dominated in all categories, e) in the categories minibasket and children, he devotes little importance only to the collective defense and counterattack individual f) from the cadet category, when it puts more emphasis on improving the positional attack, g) is only dedicated to the importance zonal defense, from the junior category, and g) in all categories, it gives more importance to collective defense, which improved positional attack.Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron: a) registrar la opinión de entrenadores de baloncesto sobre cómo deben evolucionar a lo largo de las diferentes etapas de formación, algunos Medios Técnico-tácticos Colectivos Básicos (MTCBs); b) registrar la opinión de entrenadores de baloncesto sobre cómo deben evolucionar a lo largo de las diferentes etapas de formación algunos Medios Técnico-tácticos Colectivos Complejos (MTCC). Se administró un cuestionario a 102 entrenadores. Los resultados más significativos indicaron que: a) con forme incrementa la edad, es necesario dedicar más tiempo a los MTCBs, salvo al pase y progresión, que debe estar afianzando en la categoría infantil; b) en la categoría minibasket e infantil, únicamente se desarrollan los MTCBs de Pase y Progresión y Fijación del Impar; c) los bloqueos empiezan a tener importancia en la categoría cadete; d) el desarrollo del contraataque, seguido de la defensa colectiva individual, predomina en todas las categorías; e) en las categorías minibasket e infantil, apenas se le dedica importancia solo al contraataque y a la defensa colectiva individual; f) a partir de la categoría cadete, es cuando se le dedica más importancia a la mejora del ataque posicional; g) sólo se le dedica importancia a la defensa colectiva zonal, a partir de la categoría júnior; y g) en todas las categorías, se le aporta más importancia a la defensas colectivas, que a la mejora del ataque posicional

    Exploring the Nature of the Energy Barriers on the Mechanism of the Zirconocene-Catalyzed Ethylene Polymerization: A Quantitative Study from Reaction Force Analysis

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    Ethylene polymerization mediated by methyl-bis(cyclopentadienyl)-zirconium or zirconocene catalyst, [ZrCp₂CH₃]⁺, is one of the most popular catalytic reaction for polyethylene production. Rationalizing the major effects that control the polymer growth result in a challenge for computational studies. Through quantum chemical calculations, we characterized the zirconocene ethylene polymerization reaction mechanism: chain initiation (I; first ethylene insertion) [ZrCp₂CH₂CH₂CH₃]⁺, chain propagation (P; from second (P₁) to ninth (P₉) ethylene insertion) [ZrCp₂ (CH₂)₂₀CH₃]⁺, and chain termination processes (T; β-hydrogen elimination from P₅ or P₉) [ZrHCp₂ (H₂C═CH(CH₂)₁₈CH₃]⁺ are analyzed through the potential energy surface (PES) and reaction force analysis (RFA). The RFA approach involves pulling out the portion of an activation barrier that corresponds to distorting reactants into the geometries they adopt in a transition state structure until it reaches the structural relaxation toward the equilibrium geometry of the product. Because the interactions between the zirconocene and the ethylene molecule are influenced by a combination of several kinds of steric and electronic effects, it is indispensable to understanding these interactions in order to rationalize and predict in a quantitative manner the reaction barrier heights and the concomitant polymer growth. In the present work, we employ a simple procedure within the framework of the RFA and the density functional steric energy decomposition analysis (EDA) approach to quantitatively separate the different types of interactions; steric (ΔE_s), electrostatic (ΔE_e), and quantum (ΔE_q) effects in order to predict the impact of each factor on the course of the polymerization process as well as for the polymer control and design

    Frecuencia cardiaca, formas de organización y situaciones de juego en baloncesto

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    Introduction: The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of task organization and different game situations on intensity and of repetitions in basketball. Method: A quasi-experimental design with twelve players group of 12, 4 ± 0, 7 years-old average was done. Three training sessions about lay-up was realized. The independent variables were task organization and different game situations. The dependent variables were heart rate and number of repetitions, and player´s perception about intensity and work. Results: a) statistically significant differences in heart rate between the status of 1x0 and 2x2 (p =. 014), and trends towards significance between the situation of game 1x0 and 3x3 (p =. 065), b) were statistically significant differences in heart rate between the situation frequents gaming 1x0 circuit on the rows (p =. 027) and forms involving simultaneous moves (p =. 000), and the game situation 1x1 between rows with respect to the ways games with simultaneous participation (p =. 014); c) The effect of the interaction between the game situation factor and type of organization was statistically significant (F6, 42 = 9,256, p =. 000 ). Are statistically significant differences in the number of operations performed by the players on the combination of the four game situations and the three types of organization. Conclusions: a) The groups in circuits had a greater number of repetitions and intensity perceived, b) the groups in games through forms showed greater heart rate and more repetitions, and c) the group in rows presented no value to excel regard to the task structure. From the collected data, it is deduced that depending on which are the objectives of the sports abilities, will be more useful adapted to use a type of organization or another one.Introducción: El presente trabajo analiza la influencia de diferentes formas de organización y situaciones de juego sobre la intensidad y el número de intervenciones en baloncesto. Método: Se realizó un diseño cuasi-experimental, con 12 jugadores de edad 12,4 ± 0,7, años. Se realizaron tres sesiones de intervención sobre el lanzamiento a canasta en carrera (entrada a canasta). Las variables independientes fueron la forma de organización y las diferentes situaciones de juego. Las variables dependientes fueron la frecuencia cardiaca media, el número de intervenciones de lanzamientos, y la percepción de la intensidad de trabajo de los jugadores. Resultados: a) se observan diferencias estadísticamente significativas en frecuencia cardiaca entre la situación de 1x0 y la de 2x2 (p=.014), y tendencias a la significación entre la situación de juego de 1x0 y la de 3x3 (p=.065), b) Se aprecian diferencias estadísticamente significativas en frecuenta cardiaca entre la situación de juego de 1x0 en circuito con respecto a las filas (p=.027) y las formas jugadas con participación simultanea (p=.000), y en la situación de juego de 1x1 entre filas con respecto a las formas jugadas con participación simultanea (p=.014); c) El efecto de la interacción entre el factor situación de juego y tipo de organización fue estadísticamente significativo (F6,42 = 9.256, p=.000). Se aprecian diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el número de intervenciones realizadas por los jugadores en la combinación de las cuatro situaciones de juego y los tres tipos de organización. Conclusiones: a) La organización grupal con participación simultánea mediante circuitos presentó mayor número de intervenciones e intensidad percibida; b) la organización grupal con participación simultánea mediante formas jugadas con participación simultanea mostró mayor frecuencia cardiaca y más intervenciones; y c) la organización grupal con participación alternativa mediante filas no presentó ningún valor que sobresalga respecto a las formas de organización. A partir de los datos obtenidos, se deduce que dependiendo de cuáles sean los objetivos de la habilidad deportiva, será más adecuado utilizar un tipo de organización u otro

    Inside pass predicts ball possession effectiveness in NBA basketball

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    The aims of this study were to analyse the effects of using inside pass on ball possession effectiveness and to identify game performance indicators to predict inside pass success in the National Basketball Association (NBA), considering situational variables. A total of 4207 closed ball possessions (± 10 points difference) where recorded from 25 matches of the 2010 NBA Playoffs series. Ball possessions were classified whether including inside pass (n=808) or not (n=3399). Predictive analysis of use and effectiveness was made through a series of binomial logistic regressions and Classification tree analysis (CHAID). Results indicate that ball possessions including inside pass were more effective and longer in duration, finding a greater use in top-4 NBA teams regardless the game period. Additionally, inside pass effectiveness was influenced by: the receiver attitude, reception distance, and defensive help. Particularly, the analysis of combined performance indicators disclosed relevant information on attack effectiveness, suggesting players to adopt a dynamic attitude in the weak side before getting the ball, while their teammates are developing individual and collective actions to create free space and enhance inside game options and effectiveness. Current findings shed some light on specific knowledge concerning tactical behaviours in NBA basketball, contributing in the design of specific programmes to increase inside game options and players’ decision- making according to specific game constraints

    Grado de satisfacción y preferencias técnico-tácticas de jugadores de balonmano en etapas de formación según el sexo de los jugadores

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    The aims of this study are: a) analyse the technical and tactical preferences of handball players in both training and competition, differentiating between genders; b) learn which are the preferred actions of handball players, differentiating between genders; c) differentiate the numerical situations of play preferred by the players according to gender of the player. A selective study was carried out on players in the U-14 and U-16 categories who participated in Spain's 2012 Handball Championship for territorial teams (n = 1015), dividing them into two groups: a) male and b) female. The methodology used was the "Handball Player Satisfaction and Preferences Questionnaire". The most important results showed that: a) the technical-tactical action preferred for both groups is to launch the ball; b) the game phase preferred for both groups is attack; c) girls show a greater preference for defence than boys; d) some defensive actions cause great satisfaction in both groups, while some feel themselves conditioned by what they believe their coaches like and ask for. These data can be used to optimise the process of teaching and learning in boys' and girls' handball, understanding that their preferences are not the same.Los objetivos del presente estudio son: a) analizar las preferencias técnico-tácticas de jugadores de balonmano, tanto en entrenamiento como en competición, diferenciando entre sexos; b) Saber cuáles son las acciones preferidas de los jugadores de balonmano diferenciando entre sexos; y c) diferenciar las situaciones de igualdad o desigualdad numérica de juego preferidas por los jugadores según el sexo del jugador. Se desarrolló un estudio de carácter  selectivo sobre los jugadores de categoría infantil y cadete que participaron en el Campeonato de España de Balonmano por selecciones territoriales de 2012 (n=1015), diferenciando dos grupos: a) masculino y b) femenino. Se utilizó como instrumento el “Cuestionario de Satisfacción y Preferencias en Jugadores de Balonmano”. Los resultados más importantes mostraron que: a) La acción técnico-táctica favorita en ambos grupos es la de lanzar; b) La fase del juego favorita en ambos grupos es la de atacar; c) las chicas muestran una mayor preferencia por la defensa que los chicos; y d) Ciertas acciones defensivas ocasionan una gran satisfacción en ambos grupos, algo que se cree condicionado por lo que creen que les gusta y que piden sus entrenadores. Estos datos pueden servir para optimizar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del balonmano en chicos y chicas, entendiendo que sus preferencias no son las mismas

    Inside Game Effectiveness in Nba Basketball: Analysis of Collective Interactions

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    The inside game constitutes an essential aspect of modern basketball, particularly in the National Basketball Association (NBA), in where the best players of the world compete. The purpose of this study was to identify players’ dynamics that increase game performance when using inside pass in the NBA, considering game contextual effects. The sample included 808 inside passes from 25 randomly selected matches of the 2011 NBA Playoffs series. A series of logistic regression analyses were used to analyse passers and receivers’ actions and their effectiveness during inside passes, both isolated and combined. Main results revealed that the interactions combining passer’s previous actions (dribbling or faking) with receiver’s cuts towards the basket achieved the highest offensive effectiveness. Performing screens in favour to the receiver was an effective alternative to increase inside passing options since it reduces the defensive pressure. Furthermore, player’s actions prior to passing the ball were even more successful if combined and synchronized with the receivers’ displacements, especially cutting to the basket. This information allows a better understanding of basketball collective strategies, contributing to the design of precise practice tasks and so improving the training process

    Clinical characterization of PFAPA Syndrome in a Primary Care Pediatric Unit: presentation of a series of cases.

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    El Síndrome de PFAPA (Fiebre Periódica, Adenopatías, Faringitis y Aftas) entra dentro del diagnóstico diferencial de la fiebre periódica en pediatría, siendo una de sus causas más frecuentes. Aunque se sabe que se debe a una desregulación del sistema inmune, su etiología no está del todo esclarecida. Dado que los criterios diagnósticos son sencillos pero inespecíficos, debemos tener en mente un amplio grupo de enfermedades autoinflamatorias en nuestro diagnóstico diferencial. Los episodios ceden de forma brusca a la corticoterapia, mientras que para la prevención de los mismos no parece haber todavía un tratamiento del todo efectivo. Proponemos una revisión de este síndrome a raíz de cinco casos acaecidos en nuestro centro de salud.The PFAPA syndrome (Periodic Fever, Adenopathy, Pharingitis, Afthae) is part of the differential diagnosis of periodic fever in children. Although there is a dysregulation of the immune system, its etiology is not completely clear. The diagnostic criteria are simple but non-specific, so we must consider a large group of autoinflammatory diseases in our differential diagnosis. A single dose of glucocorticoids given at the onset of an episode can dramatically abort fever attacks in a few hours. Nevertheless, there isn't an effective treatment for the prevention of the episodes. We propose a review of this syndrome as a result of five cases in our health care center