20 research outputs found

    Análisis de la situación actual del turismo de sol y playa en el Caribe: un estudio de caso

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    En los últimos años las islas han ido desarrollando un cambio significativo en su modelo económico, mejorando y segmentando su oferta turística. De esta forma, además del clásico turismo de sol y playa, se ha incentivado la oferta cultural, gastronómica o ecológica. El destino objeto de nuestro estudio, República Dominicana, se consolida como uno de los principales destinos de esta tipología turística en la región del Caribe. En este artículo presentamos los resultados de una investigación, basada en entrevistas y observación de campo, con la finalidad de analizar la situación actual del turismo de sol y playa en República Dominicana, para lo cual se ha contado con la colaboración de diferentes actores implicados en el desarrollo del turismo en el país. Los principales resultados de esta investigación se muestran a través de una matriz DAFO (debilidades, amenazas, fortalezas y oportunidades)In recentyears the islands have developed a significant change in its economic model, improvingand segmenting its tourismoffer. Thus, besides theclassic sun and beach tourism, the cultural, gastronomic and ecological offer has been encouraged.The target destination of our study, Dominican Republic, has become one of the major tourist destinations of this type in the Caribbean region. In this paper,we present the results of an investigation, based on interviews and field observation, in order to analyze the current situation of tourism of sun and beach in Dominican Republic, for which it has enjoyed the cooperation of different actors involved in tourism development in the country. The main results of this research can be highlighted through a SWOT matrix (weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities

    Un análisis de las amenazas del cambio climático en República Dominicana desde una perspectiva turística

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    El cambio climático se está convirtiendo en el principal problema ambiental para la Humanidad, produciendo cambios en los comportamientos de las personas y demás seres vivos. Entre estos cambios, están aquellos relacionados con el turismo, debido a que muchas áreas geográficas modificarán su clima y parte de su territorio, influyendo así en la oferta y la demanda turística. República Dominicana es un país consolidado en el turismo de sol y playa, si bien, en los últimos años han surgido nuevos tipos de turismo, que se configuran como una herramienta importante para el desarrollo socioeconómico del país. Sin embargo, este país se encuentra entre los principales destinos más vulnerables al cambio climático. En este sentido, el objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las amenazas del cambio climático y su repercusión para el turismo del país. Para ello, la metodología empleada ha consistido en una profunda revisión de la literatura científica, en la entrevista y en la observación participante.Climate change is becoming a major environmental problem for Humanity, and as such, it could cause changes in the behavior of people. Among these changes are those related to tourism, because many geographic areas will change their climate and part of its territory, which will produce various changes in tourist supply and demand. Dominican Republic is a country consolidated in sun and beach tourism, although in recent years there have been new types of tourism that are configured as an important tool for socio- economic development. However, this country is among the main destinations most vulnerable to climate change. The purpose of this research is to analyze the threats of climate change and its impact on tourism in the country. The methodology has been taken two ways: a thorough review of the scientific literature has been made, and secondly, qualitative techniques has been taken into account: interview and observation

    Ecoturismo y desarrollo sostenible. El caso de República Dominicana

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    En los últimos años las islas han ido desarrollando un cambio significativo en su modelo económico, mejorando su oferta turística. De esta manera podemos segmentar según los principales atractivos que atraen turistas en: Turismo de sol y playa, turismo cultural, gastronómico, ecoturismo, agroturismo, etc. Este sector puede implicar un importante crecimiento socioeconómico para la zona y, a su vez, servir para fortalecer otras actividades empresariales. Para ello, la puesta en valor de diferentes recursos está articulando la creación de una oferta turística sostenible que sirve para dar respuesta a la demanda de unos viajeros cada vez más exigentes y que buscan nuevas experiencias. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es contribuir a la investigación del sector turístico en República Dominicana, con la finalidad de definir, analizar y evaluar la situación del ecoturismo en el país, a través de un estudio cuantitativo, basado en la realización del trabajo de campo. La metodología utilizada para desarrollar esta investigación consiste en una combinación de entrevistas, encuestas y observación de campo. Para la realización de esta investigación se cuenta con la colaboración de diferentes actores implicados con el turismo de República Dominicana.The islands have had a significant change in its economic model in recent years, to improve the supply for tourism. In this way, we can segment according to the main attractions that attract tourists in: tourism of sun and beach, cultural tourism, gastronomic tourism, ecotourism, rural tourism... In turn this sector can involve a significant socio-economic growth to the area and, in turn, serve to strengthen other business activities. Here, the enhancement of different resources is articulating the creation of a sustainable tourist offer that serves to respond to the demand for a more discerning travelers and looking for new experiences. The main objective of this paper is to define, analyze and evaluate the situation of tourism in Dominican Republic, through a quantitative study, based on a fieldwork, which analyses the ecotourism in this country. The methodology consists of a combination of interviews, surveys and fieldwork. For which we have the collaboration of different actors involved in tourism from Dominican Republic

    Tourism and mobile devices: provenance of academic research through a bibliometric study

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    Purpose – This paper aims to outline a map of all the research that exists on mobile technology and tourism archived in the two main databases worldwide (Web of Science and Scopus). Accordingly, with the identification of all the scientific articles that deal with both mobile technology and tourism, the authors seek to ascertain the evolution of mobile technology in the tourism sector through the years, countries, universities and authors and determine the various collaborations brought about between authors, universities, institutions and/or companies in various research projects. Finally, it also allows the authors to distinguish the main topics under study within the scope of ‘mobile tourism’. Design/methodology/approach – A mixed methodology has been carried out. The search focused on the principal databases of bibliographic references and citations of periodical publications, such as articles from scientific journals, books and other types of printed material. Once the results were obtained in the respective databases, it was necessary to be able to work with them. In this respect, the authors had to extract the relevant data and dump it in a bibliographic reference manager, for which they chose Mendeley. After this, the tabulation of data was performed in Excel and tables and graphs were created from all the data collected. Findings – The main results obtained and analyzed are the number of articles per year, countries and universities. In the same way, it is interesting to highlight the number of countries and universities that participate in each article under study. On the other hand, an analysis has been carried out regarding the number of articles per author, as well as the topics dealt with in the different articles. Originality/value – This analysis reveals the role that has been played by mobile phones in tourism since the first scientific article was recorded in 2002. In this regard, in recent years there has been a significant increase in the number of articles, finally resulting in moderate figures in relation to countries (40) and universities (233) that have formed part of the subject matter under study. In contrast to other areas of research in tourism, the relevance of this subject is therefore evident, as is the need for greater background knowledge to establish research models adapted to the new reality of tourism in a world of ever-increasing mobility

    Mapping the more highlights items by Tripadvisor comments when choosing a hotel in Seville

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    Tripadvisor se ha convertido en una fuente de información primordial a la hora de elegir un hotel. De esta forma, los comentarios vertidos en su web pasan a ser un factor determinante para muchos usuarios en la selección de su alojamiento, hecho al que no permanece ajeno el empresario hotelero. Por tanto, estudios como el que aquí se presentan ayudan a identificar cuáles son los ítems más valorados por el cliente, haciéndole experimentar una estancia diez. Así pues, en esta investigación se analiza los comentarios calificados como excelente en los hoteles de 4 y 5 estrellas de Sevilla, de tal forma que los resultados determinan la ubicación, los servicios, las instalaciones y las habitaciones como los aspectos más valorados.Tripadvisor has become a prime source of information when choosing a hotel. Thus, the comments in the Tripadvisor web become a determining factor for many users in selecting their accommodation, a fact that hoteliers cannot ignore. Therefore, studies such as presented here help to identify the most valued items by clients, making their stay experience as perfect. Hence, in this research the comments rated as excellent in 4 and 5 stars’ hotels in Seville are analyzed, so the results determine that location, services, facilities and rooms as the most valued aspects

    The perfect stay in 4 and 5 star hotels in Seville through the analysis of comments on TripAdvisor. Determination of the main items

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    Si en algo coinciden hoy en día la mayor parte de los empresarios hoteleros es que las opiniones online realizadas por los usuarios turísticos suponen una gran fuente de información para la oferta turística. Por ello, se cree necesario analizar cuáles son los principales ítems valorados para considerar una estancia perfecta en hoteles de cuatro y cinco estrellas de la ciudad de Sevilla. Para ello, se utilizará como base de datos la web de viajes TripAdvisor, y como herramienta de análisis cualitativo el software NVivo10. Los datos obtenidos apuntan a que los ítems más valorados son la ubicación, los servicios ofrecidos y las instalaciones, las habitaciones, el trato y la eficacia del personal, el precio, la calidad y la limpieza.Today, if anything matches most hoteliers is that online tourist opinions made by users are a great source of information for tourism. Therefore, it is believed that it is necessary to analyze what are the main appreciated items in order to consider a perfect stay in hotels of four and five stars in the city of Seville. To do this, the TrivAdvisor web will be used as a database and the NVivo10 software as a qualitative analysis tool. The data obtained suggest the most valued items are location, services and facilities, as well as rooms, dealing and staff efficiency, price, quality and cleanliness

    Cómo actuar de manera eficiente en la comercialización online del sector hotelero andaluz

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    A pesar de encontrarnos en tiempos de profunda crisis económica, el sector turístico está contribuyendo notablemente a paliar los efectos de la misma en nuestra comunidad, ya que se trata de un sector tractor de otros sectores. El entorno globalizado en el que estas empresas se desenvuelven, hace especialmente importante que las mismas, no sólo las grandes sino también las pymes, despierten a la llamada de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TICs) y estén presentes en los mercados virtuales. La investigación que aquí se plantea pretende conocer las herramientas de comercialización online que están siendo empleadas por las empresas del sector hotelero andaluz y cómo están siendo gestionadas. Asimismo, dada la gran potencialidad del comercio online en las estrategias de venta y captación de mercado, intentamos proponer un decálogo de recomendaciones de forma que estas TICs se empleen de manera eficiente desde su concepción. El trabajo que se presenta forma parte de una investigación mucho más amplia, pero tras los primeros resultados recogidos hemos considerado conveniente presentar algunos avances.In spite of going through times of deep economic crisis, the tourism sector is significantly contributing to mitigate its effects on our community, because tourism is an influential industry in Spain. The global environment in which companies of the sector operate, makes it especially important for them (not only large ones but also SMEs) to take advantage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and to be on virtual marketplaces. The research proposed here, aims to identify online marketing tools which are being employed by hospitality companies in Andalusia and how they are being managed. Due to the potential of e-commerce in sales strategies and in gaining market share, a set of recommendations are proposed so that these ICTS are efficiently employed from their conception. The paper is part of a much broader research, but after collecting the first results, it has been considered appropriate to submit some progress

    Using the Social-Local-Mobile App for Smoking Cessation in the SmokeFreeBrain Project: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Smoking is considered the main cause of preventable illness and early deaths worldwide. The treatment usually prescribed to people who wish to quit smoking is a multidisciplinary intervention, combining both psychological advice and pharmacological therapy, since the application of both strategies significantly increases the chance of success in a quit attempt. Objective: We present a study protocol of a 12-month randomized open-label parallel-group trial whose primary objective is to analyze the efficacy and efficiency of usual psychopharmacological therapy plus the Social-Local-Mobile app (intervention group) applied to the smoking cessation process compared with usual psychopharmacological therapy alone (control group). Methods: The target population consists of adult smokers (both male and female) attending the Smoking Cessation Unit at Virgen del Rocío University Hospital, Seville, Spain. Social-Local-Mobile is an innovative intervention based on mobile technologies and their capacity to trigger behavioral changes. The app is a complement to pharmacological therapies to quit smoking by providing personalized motivational messages, physical activity monitoring, lifestyle advice, and distractions (minigames) to help overcome cravings. Usual pharmacological therapy consists of bupropion (Zyntabac 150 mg) or varenicline (Champix 0.5 mg or 1 mg). The main outcomes will be (1) the smoking abstinence rate at 1 year measured by means of exhaled carbon monoxide and urinary cotinine tests, and (2) the result of the cost-effectiveness analysis, which will be expressed in terms of an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. Secondary outcome measures will be (1) analysis of the safety of pharmacological therapy, (2) analysis of the health-related quality of life of patients, and (3) monitoring of healthy lifestyle and physical exercise habits. Results: Of 548 patients identified using the hospital’s electronic records system, we excluded 308 patients: 188 declined to participate and 120 did not meet the inclusion criteria. A total of 240 patients were enrolled: the control group (n=120) will receive usual psychopharmacological therapy, while the intervention group (n=120) will receive usual psychopharmacological therapy plus the So-Lo-Mo app. The project was approved for funding in June 2015. Enrollment started in October 2016 and was completed in October 2017. Data gathering was completed in November 2018, and data analysis is under way. The first results are expected to be submitted for publication in early 2019. Conclusions: Social networks and mobile technologies influence our daily lives and, therefore, may influence our smoking habits as well. As part of the SmokeFreeBrain H2020 European Commission project, this study aims at elucidating the potential role of these technologies when used as an extra aid to quit smoking

    Eficiencia en la venta electrónica del turismo: una aproximación al “mobile” como nuevo canal de ventas

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    La realidad que vivimos día a día no puede pasar desapercibida ante la presencia de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs); tanto es así que en algunos casos están llevando al cambio del paradigma de negocio tradicional, o en su caso, directamente está teniendo lugar la creación de empresas con base tecnológica. En este sentido, el turismo se encuadra como sector puntero, no sólo en nuestro país, sino en el resto del mundo, tal cual nos indica la Organización Mundial del Turismo (OMT). Esta situación nos lleva a analizar el espectro en el que nos movemos, qué herramientas son empleadas en la comercialización electrónica del turismo y como deben ser utilizadas éstas para su máximo rendimiento. Son muchas las empresas turísticas españolas que se engancharon al carro del comercio electrónico (e-commerce), y no habiendo consumado esta fase de adaptación, el mobilecommerce (m-commerce) comienza a invadir nuestro país, con importantes niveles de éxito contrastado en países como Reino Unido y Japón. Es por ello, que nos vemos inducidos no sólo a estudiar lo que ha ocurrido y está ocurriendo en el e-commerce, sino también a trabajar a fondo sobre la realidad del mobile como un potente instrumento de venta en el sector turístico.The reality we live day to day cannot go unnoticed in the presence of the Technologies of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), so much so that in some cases those ones are leading the traditional business paradigm, or in any case, it has taken place the directly creation of technology-based businesses. In this sense, tourism is considered as a leading sector, not only in our country, but throughout the world, as it is indicatedbythe World Tourism Organization (WTO). This situation moves us to analyze the spectrum in which we move, what tools are used in the tourism electronic marketing and how these should be used for maximum performance. Many Spanish tourism companies adopted the electronic commerce (e-commerce) model, but without have finished this adaptation phase the mobile commerce (m-commerce) began to invade our country, with significant levels of success in countries as United Kingdom and Japan. This reason we are studying what has happened and is happening in e-commerce, and work very hard about mobile as a powerful sales tool in the tourism sector

    A Mobile Health Solution Complementing Psychopharmacology-Supported Smoking Cessation: Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Smoking cessation is a persistent leading public health challenge. Mobile health (mHealth) solutions are emerging to improve smoking cessation treatments. Previous approaches have proposed supporting cessation with tailored motivational messages. Some managed to provide short-term improvements in smoking cessation. Yet, these approaches were either static in terms of personalization or human-based nonscalable solutions. Additionally, long-term effects were neither presented nor assessed in combination with existing psychopharmacological therapies. Objective: This study aimed to analyze the long-term efficacy of a mobile app supporting psychopharmacological therapy for smoking cessation and complementarily assess the involved innovative technology. Methods: A 12-month, randomized, open-label, parallel-group trial comparing smoking cessation rates was performed at Virgen del Rocío University Hospital in Seville (Spain). Smokers were randomly allocated to a control group (CG) receiving usual care (psychopharmacological treatment, n=120) or an intervention group (IG) receiving psychopharmacological treatment and using a mobile app providing artificial intelligence–generated and tailored smoking cessation support messages (n=120). The secondary objectives were to analyze health-related quality of life and monitor healthy lifestyle and physical exercise habits. Safety was assessed according to the presence of adverse events related to the pharmacological therapy. Per-protocol and intention-to-treat analyses were performed. Incomplete data and multinomial regression analyses were performed to assess the variables influencing participant cessation probability. The technical solution was assessed according to the precision of the tailored motivational smoking cessation messages and user engagement. Cessation and no cessation subgroups were compared using t tests. A voluntary satisfaction questionnaire was administered at the end of the intervention to all participants who completed the trial. Results: In the IG, abstinence was 2.75 times higher (adjusted OR 3.45, P=.01) in the per-protocol analysis and 2.15 times higher (adjusted OR 3.13, P=.002) in the intention-to-treat analysis. Lost data analysis and multinomial logistic models showed different patterns in participants who dropped out. Regarding safety, 14 of 120 (11.7%) IG participants and 13 of 120 (10.8%) CG participants had 19 and 23 adverse events, respectively (P=.84). None of the clinical secondary objective measures showed relevant differences between the groups. The system was able to learn and tailor messages for improved effectiveness in supporting smoking cessation but was unable to reduce the time between a message being sent and opened. In either case, there was no relevant difference between the cessation and no cessation subgroups. However, a significant difference was found in system engagement at 6 months (P=.04) but not in all subsequent months. High system appreciation was reported at the end of the study. Conclusions: The proposed mHealth solution complementing psychopharmacological therapy showed greater efficacy for achieving 1-year tobacco abstinence as compared with psychopharmacological therapy alone. It provides a basis for artificial intelligence–based future approaches. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03553173; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03553173 International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): RR2-10.2196/12464H2020 European Commission research and innovation program grant agreement 68112