131 research outputs found

    The effects of leisure time activities on the well-being in mid-to-late adulthood after retirement

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    One of the most important events of life is the transition from work to retirement. It might have negative and positive effects on health mentally and physically based on the lifestyles, and leisure activities adopted by the people. After retirement, most of the properties gained through the pre-retirement area might change and even be lost such as the social role. If the transition period is hard to get through, it might result in feeling lost, ineffective, and isolated. The current paper aims to present a literature review, focusing on different studies conducted in various countries, to get a general idea of how the transition period is going with outcomes. In addition, the article provides insight into the impact of leisure on adult well-being through a mixed comparison of cross-sectional studies on the topic. The paper also highlights the importance of retirement education and planning both before and after retirement, as recent findings on older adults suggest that trends in how to spend leisure time differently than in the past are changing. Therefore, further research is needed to be conducted to understand the impact of new leisure activities on well-being in later adulthood

    Adult education policies of the government of Democrat PartyDemokrat Parti iktidarının halk eğitimi politikaları

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    The revolutionary developments performed with the establishment of Turkish Republic changed the political, social, legal and economic structure of Turkish society. Among these developments, education had a significant part. In the Republican period, there were many efforts to make the public more conscious and organized through the Turkish Hearth movement, public schools and community centres. Foreign educational specialists and teachers also contributed to these efforts, which were oriented to modernising education.The Democratic Party (DP), a milestone in Turkey’s post-Republican political history, made many achievements in a variety of fields, such as health, economy and foreign policy. Moreover, it significantly improved public education. This study analyses the DP’s public education efforts in the 1950s, when the DP invited Professor Watson Dickerman, a specialist in the field of adult (public) education, to Turkey to take his advice about these projects. Dickerman investigated and analysed the field of adult education in Turkey and filed a report to the Ministry of Education including his observations and suggestions. Dickerman’s report about adult education considerably influenced the DP’s adult education policy. Following his report, the DP established the Department of Adult Education in 1951, which was subject to the General Directorate of Higher Education and the Ministry of Education.In 1952, the Office of Adult Education went into service. The activities of this institution were conducted in villages and sub-districts. Public lecture rooms were opened in villages and sub-districts in 1953, and community colleges were founded in districts in 1956. The General Directorate of Adult Education was founded on August 29, 1960. Its main goals were to enlarge the sphere of influence of adult education services and to manage nationwide activities systematically under one institution. These improvements demonstrate that adult education activities were important to the DP, and that adult education was systematised. ÖzetTürkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kurulması ile birlikte, Türk toplumunun siyasi, sosyal, hukuki ve ekonomik yapısını değiştirecek çeşitli inkılâp hareketleri yapılmıştır. Bu inkılap hareketleri içerisinde eğitim önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Cumhuriyet Dönemi’nde Atatürk’ün önderliğinde, Türk Ocakları, Millet Mektepleri ve Halkevleri hareketiyle, halkın bilinçlenmesi ve örgütlenmesinin sağlanmaya çalışıldığı görülmektedir. Ayrıca bu dönemde, eğitim alanında modernleşmeyi sağlamak amacıyla yabancı eğitim uzmanlarından ve öğretmenlerden yararlanılmıştır. Cumhuriyet sonrası Türkiye siyasi tarihinde önemli bir dönüm noktası olan Demokrat Parti, sağlık, ekonomi, dış politika gibi birçok alanda önemli başarılara öncülük etmiştir. Bu başarıların yanı sıra Demokrat Parti’nin halk eğitimi alanında da oldukça önemli adımlar attığı görülmüştür. Araştırmada Demokrat Parti iktidarının 1950-1960 yılları arasında uyguladığı halk eğitimi çalışmalarının incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yapılan araştırma sonucunda Demokrat Parti’nin halk eğitimi alanında faydalanmak üzere Halk eğitimi uzmanı Prof. Watson Dickerman’ı Türkiye’ye davet ettiği bilgisine ulaşılmıştır. Dickerman, halk eğitimi alanında yaptığı çeşitli incelemeler sonucundaki gözlemlerini ve önerilerini Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’na rapor halinde sunmuştur. Dickerman’ın halk eğitimi alanındaki önerileri ve sunduğu raporun, DP iktidarının halk eğitim politikasına önemli etkileri olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sunulan raporları dikkate alan Demokrat Parti iktidarı, 1951 yılında Bakanlık bünyesi içinde idari olarak Yüksek Öğrenim Genel Müdürlüğü’ne bağlı olan Halk Eğitim Şubesi’ni kurmuştur. 1952 yılında ise bir ‘Halk Eğitim Bürosu’ kurulmuştur.  Bu kurumun faaliyetleri kısa zamanda köylere, bucaklara aktarılmış, 1953 yılında köy ve bucaklarda ‘Halk Okuma Odaları’, 1956 yılında da ilçelerde ‘Halk Eğitimi Merkezleri’ açılmaya başlanmıştır. 29 Ağustos 1960 tarihinde halk eğitimi hizmetlerinin etki alanını genişletmek ve etkinliklerini sistemli olarak yurt genelinde sürdürecek olan bir kuruluşla yürütmek üzere, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’na bağlı olarak ‘Halk Eğitimi Genel Müdürlüğü’ kurulmuştur. Bu gelişmelerin hepsi Demokrat Parti döneminde halk eğitimi çalışmalarına önem verildiğini ve halk eğitiminin sistemli hale getirildiğini göstermektedir.

    Political activities of Bayezid Deputy Süleyman Sudi (Acarbay) Bey who was put on the agenda of chamber of deputies concerning the investigation of his personal correspondence

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    1866 yılında Bayezit'te doğan Süleyman Sûdî Bey, Tutak Aşar ve Ağnam Memuru Kapılar Kethüdâsızâde Abdülkadir Ağa'nın oğludur. İlk ve ortaöğrenimini Bayezit'te tamamlayan Süleyman Sûdî Bey ayrıca medrese eğitimi de almıştır. 1883 yılında Karakilise Mahkemesi'nde kâtiplik görevine başlayan Süleyman Sûdî Bey, 1887'de Tutak Bidayet Mahkemesi birinci katipliğine atanmışsa da 1892 yılında Eleşkird Bidayet Mahkemesi katipliğine nakledilmiştir. 1904 yılında bu görevden azledilen Süleyman Sûdî Bey, aynı yıl tekrar Tutak Bidayet Mahkemesi katipliğine atanmıştır. II. Meşrutiyet'in ilanından sonra yapılan seçimlerde 16 Ocak 1909 tarihinde Bayezit Mebusu seçilen Süleyman Sûdî Bey, ikinci dönem Meclis-i Mebusan'da da aynı görevine devam etmiştir. 23 Temmuz 1912'de Meclisin feshi ile mebusluk görevi sona eren Süleyman Sûdî Bey'in 1912-1918 yılları arasındaki faaliyetleri hakkında fazla bilgi bulunmamaktadır. 1918 yılında Mondros Mütarekesi sonrasında başlayan Millî Mücadeleye katılan Süleyman Sûdî Bey, Birinci TBMM'ne Bayezit Mebusu olarak seçilmiş ve 15 Mayıs 1920'de Meclise katılmıştır. Mecliste Dâhiliye (İçişleri) ve Dilekçe Encümenleri ile Memurin Muhakemâtı Tetkik Kurulu'nda görev alan Süleyman Sûdî Bey ayrıca işgalden kurtarılan bölgeler muhacirleri için komisyonda çalışmıştır. Bu dönemde 3 kanun önergesi ve 4 soru önergesi veren Süleyman Sûdî Bey, 1'i gizli oturumda olmak üzere Meclis'te 12 kez konuşma yapmıştır. 1923 yılında yapılan II. TBMM seçimlerinde yine Bayezit Mebusu seçilen Süleyman Sûdî Bey bu dönemde; 1 kanun teklifi, 3 önerge vermiş ve 9 konuşma yapmıştır. 7 Ocak 1928 tarihinde Bayezit'te vefat eden Süleyman Sûdî Bey'in ailesi “Acarbay” soyadını almıştır. Süleyman Sûdî Bey'in Meclisteki faaliyetleri arasında; Bayezit Livası'nın müstakil liva (bağımsız sancak) olarak idaresi için 1920 yılında verdiği kanun teklifinin TBMM tarafından kabul edilmesi ve yasalaşması önemlidir. Süleyman Sûdî Bey'in bir başka teklifi; 1924 yılında Karaköse Kaza merkezinde Gazi Mustafa Kemal Paşa'nın ismi ile bir idadi açılmasına dairdir. Bu teklif TBMM Maarif Encümeni'nde görüşülürken Maarif Vekili İsmail Safa Bey de toplantıya katılmıştır. Bu toplantıda; Karaköse'de idadiye talebe yetiştirecek yeteri kadar iptidai mektep bulunmadığı gerekçesiyle bu teklif kabul görmemiş, ancak 1924 yılında Doğu Anadolu'da 10 tane yatılı iptidai mektep açılması planlandığı için bu teklifin Maarif Vekaleti'ne havale edilmesi kararlaştırılmıştır. Bayezit'in yetiştirdiği önemli siyasi şahsiyetlerden birisi olan Süleyman Sûdî Bey, memuriyetlerinin yanında hem Meclis-i Mebusan'da ve hem de TBMM'nde ikişer dönem mebusluk görevinde bulunmuştur. Bu görevleri sırasında gerek yerel ve gerekse ülke genelini ilgilendiren konularla ilgili olarak yasama faaliyetlerinde bulunmuştur.Süleyman Sûdî Bey, born in 1866, was the son of Abdülkadir Ağa. He completed his elementary and secondary education in Bayezit, and then, he took lectures in madrasah. Süleyman Sûdî Bey, who began his carrier as a clerk in the court of Karakilise, appointed to the first secretary of Court of First Instance of Tutak in 1887. Then, he was transferred to the secretary of Court of First Instance of Eleşkird in 1892. In 1904, he was dismissed from this duty, and appointed back to the first secretary in Tutak. As the result of elections held on January 9th, 1909, after the promulgation of the second constitutional era, he was elected as the deputy of Bayezit sanjak; and he continued this service in the second term as well. Few details are known about life of Süleyman Sûdî Bey, whose deputyship expired due to the annulment of the parliament on July 23rd, 1912. He was elected as Bayezit representative to the first Grand National Assembly during the National Struggle began after the Armistice of Mudros in 1918, and he joined to the assembly on May 15th, 1920. In his service in the assembly, he served in the Committee of Internal Affairs (Dahiliye Encümeni) and Committee on Petitions (Dilekçe Encümeni), and in the Board of Review for Examination of Government Employees (Memurin Muhakematı Tetkik Kurulu). He also worked for the commission set up for refugees from liberated areas. During this period, Süleyman Sûdî Bey tabled four motions for parliamentary question, and introduced three bills for law drafts. He also made twelve speeches in the parliament, including one speech in a secret session. Süleyman Sûdî Bey, who was elected as Bayezit representative to the second Grand National Assembly in 1923; introduced one law draft and tabled a motion and made nine speeches in the parliament. He deceased on January 7th, 1928 in Bayezit, and his family took "Acarbay" surname. Within his services in the assembly, his proposal for law draft in 1920, which was enacted, on administration of Bayezit as independent sanjak (müstakil sancak) is notable. Another proposal of Süleyman Sûdî Bey was opening of a high school by the name of Mustafa Kemal Pasha in the downtown of Karaköse district. Minister of Education İsmail Safa Bey attended the meeting on Süleyman Sûdî Bey's proposal in Committee of Education in the parliament. In this meeting, the proposal was refused due to the inadequacy of elementary education institutions in the area to raise sufficient number of students to the secondary education. Yet, in the same year, the decision to facilitate ten elementary boarding schools in Eastern Anatolia was taken; and his proposed project was transferred to the Ministry of Education. As one of the notable characters raised in Bayezit, Süleyman Sûdî Bey, along with his official duties, served as a deputy both in the Chamber of Deputies and in the Grand National Assembly, for two terms in each. During his service, he participated in legislative activities on national matters, as well as local issues

    Iyengar Yoga Increases Cardiac Parasympathetic Nervous Modulation Among Healthy Yoga Practitioners

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    Relaxation techniques are established in managing of cardiac patients during rehabilitation aiming to reduce future adverse cardiac events. It has been hypothesized that relaxation-training programs may significantly improve cardiac autonomic nervous tone. However, this has not been proven for all available relaxation techniques. We tested this assumption by investigating cardiac vagal modulation during yoga.We examined 11 healthy yoga practitioners (7 women and 4 men, mean age: 43 ± 11; range: 26–58 years). Each individual was subjected to training units of 90 min once a week over five successive weeks. During two sessions, they practiced a yoga program developed for cardiac patients by B.K.S. Iyengar. On three sessions, they practiced a placebo program of relaxation. On each training day they underwent ambulatory 24 h Holter monitoring. The group of yoga practitioners was compared to a matched group of healthy individuals not practicing any relaxation techniques. Parameters of heart rate variability (HRV) were determined hourly by a blinded observer. Mean RR interval (interval between two R-waves of the ECG) was significantly higher during the time of yoga intervention compared to placebo and to control (P < 0.001 for both). The increase in HRV parameters was significantly higher during yoga exercise than during placebo and control especially for the parameters associated with vagal tone, i.e. mean standard deviation of NN (Normal Beat to Normal Beat of the ECG) intervals for all 5-min intervals (SDNNi, P < 0.001 for both) and root mean square successive difference (rMSSD, P < 0.01 for both). In conclusion, relaxation by yoga training is associated with a significant increase of cardiac vagal modulation. Since this method is easy to apply with no side effects, it could be a suitable intervention in cardiac rehabilitation programs

    Help activities for the national defense services of the charitable society during The Second World War

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    1928’de kurulan Yardım Sevenler Cemiyeti özellikle İkinci Dünya Savaşı yıllarında en önemli yardım kuruluşlarından biri olmuştur. Cemiyet sosyal yardım faaliyetleri kadar, kadınları cephe gerisi işlere hazırlayarak teknik bilgilerini arttırma çalışmaları da yapmıştır. Hayır işlerinde ve orduya tıbbi malzeme, giyecek eşya üretiminde kadınları aktif hale getirmiştir. Kadınları yardım faaliyetlerinde bulunmaya ve ordu için gönüllü olarak çalışmaya teşvik etmiştir. Faaliyetlerini yürütürken devletin sağladığı olanaklardan ve mali destekten yararlanan cemiyet üye taahhütleri, sinema, rozet ve yardım geceleri hasılatı gibi kaynakları kullanarak maddi gücünü sürekli arttırmıştır. Kuruluş amacı yardım derneği olan Yardım Sevenler Cemiyeti, sosyal yardımlarına ek olarak savaşa girme tehlikesi karşısında kadınları cephe gerisi işlerde kullanmaya ve kadınların savaş, savaştan korunma ve hasta bakımı gibi konularda teknik bilgilerini arttırmaya çalışmıştır. Siyasetçi eşleri gibi tanınmış bayanların desteğini alıp, basının kitleleri harekete geçirebilme gücünü kullanan cemiyetin açtığı kurslara ve düzenlediği etkinliklere yoğun katılım olmuştur. Yardım Sevenler Cemiyeti İkinci Dünya Savaşı yıllarında zor durumda kalmış insanlara yardım eli uzatmak kadar milli müdafaa hizmetlerine de yardımcı olmuştur.The Charitable Society founded in 1928 has become one of the most important charitable organizations especially during the Second World War. As well as social assistance activities, the society has worked to increase its technical knowledge by preparing women to work behind the front. It has made women active in charity and in the production of medical supplies and clothing for the army. It encourages women to participate in charity activities and to work voluntarily for the army. Benefiting from the state's opportunities and financial support while carrying out its activities, the community's member commitments have continuously increased its financial power by using resources such as cinema, badges and revenues at night. The Charity society, which is the help society, has tried to use women to work behind the scenes in the face of the danger of entering the war in addition to social assistance, and to increase women's technical knowledge on issues such as war, war prevention and patient care. There has been intense participation in the courses and activities of the society, which uses the power of the press to mobilize the masses by receiving the support of well-known women such as politicians wives. The Charity society has helped the people who were in a difficult situation during the Second World War as well as the National Defense services

    Relation between the frequency of CD34+ bone marrow derived circulating progenitor cells and the number of diseased coronary arteries in patients with myocardial ischemia and diabetes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bone marrow-derived circulating progenitor cells (BM-CPCs) in patients with coronary heart disease are impaired with respect to number and mobilization. However, it is unknown whether the mobilization of BM-CPCs depends on the number of diseased coronary arteries. Therefore, in our study, we analysed the correlation between the diseased coronary arteries and the frequency of CD34/45+ BM-CPCs in peripheral blood (PB) in patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The frequency of CD34/45<sup>+ </sup>BM-CPCs was measured by flow cytometry in 120 patients with coronary 1 vessel (IHD1, n = 40), coronary 2 vessel (IHD2, n = 40), coronary 3 vessel disease (IHD3, n = 40) and in a control group of healthy subjects (n = 40). There was no significant difference of the total number of cardiovascular risk factors between IHD groups, beside diabetes mellitus (DM), which was significantly higher in IHD3 group compared to IHD2 and IHD1 groups.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The frequency of CD34/45<sup>+ </sup>BM-CPCs was significantly reduced in patients with IHD compared to the control group (CD34/45<sup>+</sup>; p < 0.001). The frequency of BM-CPCs was impaired in patients with IHD3 compared to IHD1 (CD34/45<sup>+</sup>; p < 0.001) and to IHD2 (CD34/45<sup>+</sup>; p = 0.001). But there was no significant difference in frequency of BM-CPCs between the patients with IHD2 and IHD1 (CD34/45<sup>+</sup>; p = 0.28). In a subgroup we observed a significant negative correlation between levels of hemoglobin AIc (HbAIc) and the frequency of BM-CPCs (CD34/45<sup>+</sup>; p < 0.001, r = -0.8).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The frequency of CD34/45<sup>+ </sup>BM-CPCs in PB is impaired in patients with IHD. This impairment may augment with an increased number of diseased coronary arteries. Moreover, the frequency of CD34/45<sup>+ </sup>BM-CPCs in ischemic tissue is further impaired by diabetes in patients with IHD.</p

    Ekstrüzyon işleminin havuç posası eklenmiş ürünlerin fonksiyonel özellikleri ve lutein ve beta-karotenin in-vitro biyoerişilebilirlikleri üzerine etkisi.

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    In this study, effects of extrusion on the functional properties of carrot pulp added extrudates was investigated. Extrusion was performed at four different conditions. Two different temperature profile and two different screw speeds were investigated. Change in antioxidant activity, phenolic content, β-carotene and lutein content and their in-vitro bioaccessibilities after extrusion were investigated. Antioxidant activity and total phenolic content was determined by DPPH and Folin–Ciocalteu method, respectively. It was found that extrusion process significantly decreased (p≤0.05) the level of both the antioxidant activity and the total phenolic content, but the extrusion temperature and the shear rate did not cause a significant change (p>0.05) within the ranges studied. Effect of conventional heating process on antioxidant activity and phenolic content was also investigated, where no significant changes were observed (p>0.05). The quantification of carotenoids was conducted with HPLC. It is investigated that extrusion process resulted in the loss of β-carotene and lutein content at specified conditions. Extrusion process at 130°C last zone temperature did not affect the lutein in-vitro bioaccessibility while increased the in-vitro bioaccessibility at 160°C (p≤0.05). In-vitro bioaccessibility of β-carotene increased after extrusion both at 130°C and 160°C last treatment zone temperaturesM.S. - Master of Scienc

    Anincomplete project of the republican Turkey: The construction of Afyon Antalya railway

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    Demiryolu en ucuz ve en güvenli ulaşım araçlarından birisidir. XIX. yüzyılın ilk yansında kullanılmaya başlanan demiryolu, Osmanlı Devleti’nde de yaygınlaşmaya başlamıştır. Ekonomik sıkıntıları nedeniyle Osmanlı Devleti demiryollarını çoğunlukla yabancı şirketlere yap-işlet- devret yöntemi ile yaptırmıştır. Anadolu’nun önemli kavşak noktalarından biri olan Afyonkarahisar, 1890’da İzmir-Kasaba Demiryollarının tamamlanmasıyla İzmir’e, 1895'te tamamlanmış olan Anadolu Demiryolları ile de İstanbul’a bağlanmıştır. Fakat bu iki demiryolu birbiri ile bağlantılı değildi. Diğer taraftan Antalya bölgesinin İstanbul ve diğer yerlerle irtibatının sağlanabilmesi için Antalya ve çevresinde demiryolu yapımı için İtalyanlar çeşitli projeler hazırlamışlardı. Kurtuluş Savaşı yıllarında askeri açıdan önemli olan Antalya’yı iç bölgelere bağlayacak bir demiryolu yapımı gündeme geldi. Ancak uygulamaya geçirilemedi. 1930'larda tekrar başlayan çalışmalarda. Aydın Demiryolu Şirketi’niıı imtiyaz hakkından dolayı engellemesi ile karşılaşıldı. Sonuçta Aydın Demiryolu bu şirketten satın alındı. 1933’te Afyon-Antalya Demiryolu yapımı ile ilgili kanun kabul edildi. 325 km. uzunluğunda olacak demiryolunun 4 yılda bitirilmesi tahmin edilmişti. Ancak ekonomik kaynak yetersizliği nedeniyle Burdur’a kadar olan kısmı tamamlanabildi. Ekonomik, askeri ve turizm açısından önemli olan bu demiryolunun Antalya Limanı’na kadar yapılması gerekmektedir.The ıailvvay is one of the cheapest and the safest vehicle of transportation. Railvvay began to utilizc in the carly 19Ih century and it vvas bccamc popular in the Ottoman Empire in tlıese ycars too. Due to fınancial burdens, Ottoman railways wcre built by the forcign companics by the method of “build-opcrate-transfer” in general. Afyonkarahisar vvhich was the interseetion of the important railways connected to the Smyrna with completing the construction of Smyrna-Cassaba railvvay in 1890 and connected to İstanbul \vith the Anatolia raiKvay that was completcd in 1895. But these railvvays were not connected to cach other. Italians werc prepared some projccts about the construction of the railway around Antalya. To providc conncction \vith İstanbul and other regions the construction of the railvvay connects Antalya to its hinterlands camc to the agenda in the ycars of the Indepcndencc vvar, but it did not put into practice. The pı oject camc to the agenda again in 1930’s but Aydın Railway Company prevented the project due to its privileged rights. Undcr these circumstances, the railway was purehased by the Turkish government. An act \vas legislated conccming with Afyon-Antalya railvvay in 1933.The railvvay that is vvas 325, 01 kilometers lcngth vvould have been complcted in 4 years. Due to the fınancial problems, the railvvay vvas complcted only to Burdur. The Afyon- Antalya Railvvay that is important for cconomic, military and touristic advantages should be connected to the Antalya seaport