147 research outputs found

    Quality management and specific design of the admissions process in the spanish university system: Case study of a private university

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    En el curso académico 2017/18 se presenta para las universidades españolas de naturaleza pública la primera oportunidad de diseñar de forma específica sus procesos de admisión de estudiantes de Grado. Con tal motivo surge el propósito de investigar si proceder en este sentido ayuda a promover la calidad de las universidades entre sus estudiantes. Tras la realización de un cuestionario sobre 467 estudiantes de una universidad privada con experiencia en el diseño específico de sus procesos de admisión, se han obtenido evidencias de que aquél puede ayudar a promover la satisfacción de los estudiantes, así como servir para mejorar la percepción en términos de reputación e imagen de la universidad que los estudiantes tienen sobre ella, incentivándose por ello, según el modelo EFQM, una mejora en la gestión de la calidad basada en la excelencia por parte de la organización al promover el concepto fundamental de excelencia “añadir valor para el cliente”In the academic year 2017/18 there is an opportunity for the public Spanish universities to design specific processes of undergraduate admissions. With this aim, we have investigated whether proceeding in this direction helps to promote the quality of universities for their students. Taking as reference the structure of the EFQM model, we have studied the impact on student satisfaction regarding how to determine the admission of students and improving their perception in terms of the reputation and image of the institution. Following the completion of a questionnaire on a sample of 467 students from a private university with proven experience in the specific design of the admissions process, we have obtained evidence that a specific design can promote student satisfaction as well as serve to enhance the perception in terms of reputation and the image of the university students have of i

    Assessing attention deficit by binocular rivalry

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    Objective: To determine whether the frequency and duration of the periods of suppression of a percept in a binocular rivalry (BR) task can be used to distinguish between subjects with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and controls. Method: 122 participants (6 to 15 years) were assigned to three groups: ADHD Combined (ADHD-C), ADHD-Predominantly Inattentive (ADHD-I) and controls. They each performed a BR task and two measures were recorded: alternation rate and duration of exclusive dominance periods. Results: ADHD-C group presented fewer alternations and showed greater variability than did the control group; results for the ADHD-I group being intermediate between the two. The duration of dominance periods showed a differential profile: in control group it remained stable over time, whereas in the clinical groups it decreased logarithmically as the task progressed. Conclusions: The differences between groups in relation to the BR indicators can be attributed to the activity of involuntary inhibition

    Psychometric properties of a test for ADHD based on binocular rivalry

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    The psychometric properties of a Binocular Rivalry (BR)-based test on a group of 159 participants (57 with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD) aged between 6 and 15 years are presented. Two factors, which explained 56.82% of the variance, were obtained by exploratory factor analysis: (a) Alternations and Duration of exclusive dominances, and (b) Decision time. Reliability was excellent (Cronbach's á = .834 and .884). The ADHD group showed fewer alternations and longer duration of dominances and decision time than the control group. Correlations between measures of BR, IQ, working memory, and processing speed of the WISC-IV, and ADHD symptoms, assessed by parents and teachers, ranged between low and medium

    Estudio de la relación del Sistema de Gestión de calidad en los procesos de ASTINAVE EP y propuesta de implementación.

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    La presente tesis busca realizar un estudio sobre la relación que tiene la aplicación del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad en los procesos de la empresa ASTINAVE EP - Astilleros Navales del Ecuatorianos, empresa pública ubicada en la Provincia del Guayas, Cantón Guayaquil, cuyas líneas de negocio contemplan el diseño, construcción, modernización y mantenimiento de embarcaciones navales, para el sector de la defensa nacional y del sector industrial marítimo. Dentro del desarrollo de esta tesis se consideraron todos los aspectos que involucran los procesos actuales dentro de la empresa a fin de analizarlos y determinar las mejoras en cada uno de ellos para poder integrarlos al sistema de gestión, el cual constituye la base para lograr altos resultados en la calidad, que permite a la organización trabajar dentro de un proceso de mejora continua que garantice el incremento e integridad de su eficacia. La implementación de este Sistema constituye para ASTINAVE EP, una acción de orden estratégico que busca hacer más atractiva y consistente la oferta de valor de la empresa. El desarrollo de esta tesis plantea además, las diferentes etapas para la implementación del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad, basado en los resultados del diagnóstico de la situación actual, con lo cual se pueda garantizar su correcta ejecución

    The production and physicochemical properties of a biosurfactant mixture obtained from Sphingobacterium detergens

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    The commercial application of a new biosurfactant such as the one produced by Sphingobacterium detergens needs a cost-effective process and knowledge of its properties. In the present study, a specific medium and a downstream process have been developed to enhance biosurfactant production. Optimal concentrations of nutrients in MCA medium were (g/L) the following: KH2PO4, 1; K2HPO4, 2; CO(NH2)2 0.88; CaCl2 0.01; FeSO4·7H2O, 0.01; MgSO4·7H2O 0.5; KCl, 1.0; trace elements 0.05mL. Biosurfactant production in the MCA medium required a bacterial co-metabolism of glucose and an n-alkane. A fed-batch culture with supernatant lyophilization prior to organic extraction produced 466mg/L of organic extract, which represents a 6.9-fold increase in production. The newly obtained biosurfactant was a complex mixture of molecules. The three characterized fractions consisted of the complete fraction and two second-level purification fractions with apolar and polar characteristics. The complete and apolar fractions have been shown to self-aggregate in the form of lamellar liquid crystals at a high concentration and bilayers at lower concentrations. Negatively charged particles were identified, which were neutralized at a low pH with a concomitant increase in size. The pH affected the surface tension of the solutions congruently with phosphate headgroups.We are grateful to J. Caelles of the SAXS-WAXS service at IQAC for technical assistance with SAXS measurements. I. Carrera is acknowledged for experimental help with the physicochemical characterization. Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through projects CTQ2007-66244 and CTQ2010- 14897 and Generalitat de Catalunya though Grant 2009SGR1331 is gratefully acknowledged.Peer reviewe

    Bisphenol A in chronic kidney disease

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    Phenols are uremic toxins of intestinal origin formed by bacteria during protein metabolism. Of these molecules, p-cresol is the most studied and has been associated with renal function impairment and vascular damage. Bisphenol A (BPA) is a molecule with structural similarity with phenols found in plastic food and beverage containers as well as in some dialyzers. BPA is considered an environmental toxicant based on animal and cell culture studies. Japanese authorities recently banned BPA use in baby bottles based on observational association studies in newborns. BPA is excreted in urine and uremic patients present higher serum levels, but there is insufficient evidence to set cut-off levels or to link BPA to any harmful effect in CKD. However, the renal elimination and potential exposure during dialysis warrant the monitoring of BPA exposure and the design of observational studies in which the potential health risks of BPA for end-stage renal disease patients are evaluated.This research was supported by a grant from ISCIII and FEDER funds PS09/00447, Sociedad Española de Nefrologia, ISCIII-RETICREDinREN/RD06/0016, RD12/0021/,Comunidad de Madrid/CIFRA/S2010/BMD-2378, and salary support was from ERA/EDTA to Usama Elewa and Programa Intensificación Actividad Investigadora (ISCIII/Agencia Laín-Entralgo/CM) to Alberto Ortiz Arduán. ISC III (PI10/ 00072), RECAVA (RD06/0014/0038) and Lilly Foundation to Jesús Egido

    Usutu Virus in Migratory Song Thrushes, Spain

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    Our data imply that introduction of USUV (and potentially other flaviviruses such as West Nile virus lineage 2, which has not yet been detected in Spain) from Northern Europe, in addition to local endemicity and introduction from Africa, occurs, and that the zoonotic European USUV strain may be co-circulating with strains of African origin. At this time, it is not clear whether USUV strains of Spanish/African lineage differ in virulence for humans from strains from the European/African lineage. However, virus introduction by northern migrants, in combination with locally favorable conditions for vector populations, implies a risk for virus amplification and transmission and disease outbreaks in humans and horses outside the currently established mosquito-trapping period (May-October) of targeted flavivirus surveillance programs.Fil: Höfle, Ursula. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas; España;Fil: Gamino, Virginia. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas; España;Fil: Fernández de Mera, Isabel G.. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas; España;Fil: Mangold, Atilio Jose. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria, Rafaela; Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina;Fil: Ortíz, José Antonio. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas; España;Fil: de la Fuente, José. Oklahoma State University; Estados Unidos de América

    La Corte Penal Internacional. Obstáculos y posibilidades en El Salvador

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    Analizar los obstáculos y posibilidades que se encuentran en El Salvador para la ratificación o adhesión al Estatuto de Roma. Señalar los crímenes, procedimiento y sanciones que serán aplicados por la Corte Penal Internacional. En todo proceso de investigación al finalizar el mismo, es de vital importancia culminar la misma con conclusiones producto de dicho proceso para verificar el cumplimiento de cada objetivo, la verificación de las hipótesis, lo mismo que las respuestas al planteamiento del problema, siendo la conclusión de vital importancia, dado que ésta resume el proceso investigativo permitiendo proporcionar un enfoque científico de solución al objeto de estudio realizado, recomendando la misma a los Organismos correspondientes

    Caracterización de Operación de Montacarga para Identificación de Nivel de Riesgo Biomecánico en Empresa del Sector Minero: Un Caso de Estudio

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    This article presents a characterization of forklift operation in a mining company which allows identifying the biomechanical risk level due to activity exposure. A descriptive methodology was used to identify the biomechanical risk level through the development of the following phases: identification of forklift types used according to the technical literature, identification of biomechanical risks, and the execution of a workstation’s inspection by Ovako Working Analysis System method (OWAS) complemented with the Guide for Integral Attention in Occupational Safety and Health for non-specific low back pain and disc disease of occupational origin parameters. The results show the main forklift design characteristics that may represent a biomechanical risk factor. Besides, the biomechanical risks are identified and analyzed according to the organization's risk management tool, and the risk level inspection, evaluation, and determination of the forklift operator's work position are carried out. The study concludes the existence of precursor aspects of biomechanical risks in equipment, organizational factors, people, and the work environment. It also identifies 2 new biomechanical risks and determines low-risk levels for 100% of the inspected workstations.  Este artículo expone una caracterización de la operación de montacargas en una empresa del sector minero la cual permite identificar el nivel de riesgo biomecánico por exposición a la actividad. Se utilizó una metodología de tipo descriptiva con el fin de identificar el nivel de riesgo biomecánico a través del desarrollo de las siguientes fases: identificación de tipos de montacargas utilizados según literatura técnica, la identificación de riesgos biomecánicos y la ejecución de inspección de puestos de trabajo bajo método Sistema de análisis de trabajo Ovako (OWAS, por sus siglas en inglés) y parámetros de la Guía de Atención Integral en Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo para dolor lumbar inespecífico y enfermedad discal de origen ocupacional. Como resultados se expresan las principales características de diseño de los montacargas que pueden representar factor de riesgo biomecánico, se identifican y analizan los riesgos biomecánicos según herramienta de gestión de riesgos de la organización y se realizan inspección, evaluación y determinación del nivel de riesgos del puesto de trabajo del operador de montacargas. El estudio concluye la existencia de aspectos precursores de riesgos biomecánicos en los equipos, factores organizacionales, las personas y el entorno de trabajo. Además, identifica 2 nuevos riesgos biomecánicos y determina niveles de riesgos bajo para el 100% de los puestos de trabajos inspeccionados