79 research outputs found

    Distribution of melanopsin positive neurons in pigmented and albino mice: evidence for melanopsin interneurons in the mouse retina.

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    Here we have studied the population of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) in adult pigmented and albino mice. Our data show that although pigmented (C57Bl/6) and albino (Swiss) mice have a similar total number of ipRGCs, their distribution is slightly different: while in pigmented mice ipRGCs are more abundant in the temporal retina, in albinos the ipRGCs are more abundant in superior retina. In both strains, ipRGCs are located in the retinal periphery, in the areas of lower Brn3a(+)RGC density. Both strains also contain displaced ipRGCs (d-ipRGCs) in the inner nuclear layer (INL) that account for 14% of total ipRGCs in pigmented mice and 5% in albinos. Tracing from both superior colliculli shows that 98% (pigmented) and 97% (albino) of the total ipRGCs, become retrogradely labeled, while double immunodetection of melanopsin and Brn3a confirms that few ipRGCs express this transcription factor in mice. Rather surprisingly, application of a retrograde tracer to the optic nerve (ON) labels all ipRGCs, except for a sub-population of the d-ipRGCs (14% in pigmented and 28% in albino, respectively) and melanopsin positive cells residing in the ciliary marginal zone (CMZ) of the retina. In the CMZ, between 20% (pigmented) and 24% (albino) of the melanopsin positive cells are unlabeled by the tracer and we suggest that this may be because they fail to send an axon into the ON. As such, this study provides the first evidence for a population of melanopsin interneurons in the mammalian retina

    Dependencia al ejercicio físico e indicadores del estado de ánimo en deportistas universitarios

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la prevalencia de la dependenciaal ejercicio físico en deportistas universitarios; analizar las diferenciasen función del sexo, modalidad deportiva y tiempo de entrenamiento.Además, analizar su relación y sensibilidad con los estados de ánimo. Participaron255 estudiantes (212 hombres y 43 mujeres) con edades comprendidasentre los 18 y 43 años (M = 21,25; DT = 4,28). Se administró la versiónespañola de la “Escala de Dependencia del Ejercicio- Revisada” (EDS-R;Sicilia y González, 2011) y el Profile of Mood States (POMS; McNair,Lorr y Droppleman, 1971). Los resultados mostraron una dependencia alejercicio físico representada en un 6% de los participantes del estudio, sindiferencias estadísticamente significativas en función del sexo o modalidaddeportiva. En cuanto al tiempo de entrenamiento sí aparecieron diferencias,siendo los que presentaban alta dedicación los que presentaban mayoressíntomas de dependencia al ejercicio físico, frente a los que presentaban unadedicación saludable. La dependencia al ejercicio se relacionó con un perfildel estado de ánimo de tensión, depresión, cólera, fatiga y debilidad. Losresultados han permitido identificar características del proceso de dependenciadel ejercicio e indicadores psicológicos que permiten detectar signosdel trastorno, mediante la evaluación psicológica durante los períodos deentrenamiento, para prevenir el desarrollo completo del problema

    A role for the outer retina in development of the intrinsic pupillary light reflex in mice.

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    Mice do not require the brain in order to maintain constricted pupils. However, little is known about this intrinsic pupillary light reflex (iPLR) beyond a requirement for melanopsin in the iris and an intact retinal ciliary marginal zone (CMZ). Here, we study the mouse iPLR in vitro and examine a potential role for outer retina (rods and cones) in this response. In wild-type mice the iPLR was absent at postnatal day 17 (P17), developing progressively from P21-P49. However, the iPLR only achieved ∼ 30% of the wild-type constriction in adult mice with severe outer retinal degeneration (rd and rdcl). Paradoxically, the iPLR increased significantly in retinal degenerate mice >1.5 years of age. This was accompanied by an increase in baseline pupil tone in the dark to levels indistinguishable from those in adult wild types. This rejuvenated iPLR response was slowed by atropine application, suggesting the involvement of cholinergic neurotransmission. We could find no evidence of an increase in melanopsin expression by quantitative PCR in the iris and ciliary body of aged retinal degenerates and a detailed anatomical analysis revealed a significant decline in melanopsin-positive intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) in rdcl mice >1.5 years. Adult mice lacking rod function (Gnat1(-/-)) also had a weak iPLR, while mice lacking functional cones (Cpfl5) maintained a robust response. We also identify an important role for pigmentation in the development of the mouse iPLR, with only a weak and transient response present in albino animals. Our results show that the iPLR in mice develops unexpectedly late and are consistent with a role for rods and pigmentation in the development of this response in mice. The enhancement of the iPLR in aged degenerate mice was extremely surprising but may have relevance to behavioral observations in mice and patients with retinitis pigmentosa

    Changes in Biomarkers of Redox Status in Saliva of Pigs after an Experimental Sepsis Induction

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    Saliva from pigs is gaining attention as an easy sample to obtain, being a source of biomarkers that can provide information on animal health and welfare. This study aimed to evaluate the changes that can occur in salivary biomarkers of the redox status of pigs with an experimentally induced sepsis. For that, the cupric reducing antioxidant capacity (CUPRAC), ferric reducing ability of saliva (FRAS), Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC), advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP), ferrous oxidation-xylenol orange (FOX), peroxide activity (POX-Act), and reactive oxygen-derived compounds (d-ROMs) were measured in the saliva of pigs with experimentally induced sepsis by endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS), non-septic inflammation induced by turpentine, and in healthy individuals before and after 3 h, 6 h, 24 h, and 48 h. AOPP, POX-Act, and d-ROMs in the sepsis group were higher than in the control from 3 h to 24 h after the inoculation. CUPRAC, FRAS, and TEAC were higher in sepsis than the control group at 24 h. These changes were of higher magnitude than those that occurred in the turpentine group. In conclusion, our findings reveal that sepsis produces changes in salivary biomarkers of redox status, which opens the possibility of using them as potential biomarkers in this species

    A genome-wide transcriptional study reveals that iron deficiency inhibits the yeast TORC1 pathway

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    Iron is an essential micronutrient that participates as a cofactor in a broad range of metabolic processes including mitochondrial respiration, DNA replication, protein translation and lipid biosynthesis. Adaptation to iron deficiency requires the global reorganization of cellular metabolism directed to optimize iron utilization. The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been widely used to characterize the responses of eukaryotic microorganisms to iron depletion. In this report, we used a genomic approach to investigate the contribution of transcription rates to the modulation of mRNA levels during adaptation of yeast cells to iron starvation. We reveal that a decrease in the activity of all RNA polymerases contributes to the down-regulation of many mRNAs, tRNAs and rRNAs. Opposite to the general expression pattern, many genes including components of the iron deficiency response, the mitochondrial retrograde pathway and the general stress response display a remarkable increase in both transcription rates and mRNA levels upon iron limitation, whereas genes encoding ribosomal proteins or implicated in ribosome biogenesis exhibit a pronounced fall. This expression profile is consistent with an activation of the environmental stress response. The phosphorylation stage of multiple regulatory factors strongly suggests that the conserved nutrient signaling pathway TORC1 is inhibited during the progress of iron deficiency. These results suggest an intricate crosstalk between iron metabolism and the TORC1 pathway that should be considered in many disorders.This work was supported by predoctoral contracts from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICINN) to AMR and LRA; a fellowship from the “Generalitat de Catalunya” (Spain) to SMM; European Union Funds (FEDER) and MICINN grants BIO2017-87828-C2-1-P to SP, BIO2017-87828-C2-2-P to MATR, BFU2016-77728-C3-3-P to JEPO, and BFU2015-71978-REDT to SP and JEPO; and Regional Government of Valencia PROMETEOII 2015/006 grant to JEPO

    Asymmetric cell division requires specific mechanisms for adjusting global transcription

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    Most cells divide symmetrically into two approximately identical cells. There are many examples, however, of asymmetric cell division that can generate sibling cell size differences. Whereas physical asymmetric division mechanisms and cell fate consequences have been investigated, the specific problem caused by asymmetric division at the transcription level has not yet been addressed. In symmetrically dividing cells the nascent transcription rate increases in parallel to cell volume to compensate it by keeping the actual mRNA synthesis rate constant. This cannot apply to the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, where this mechanism would provoke a never-ending increasing mRNA synthesis rate in smaller daughter cells. We show here that, contrarily to other eukaryotes with symmetric division, budding yeast keeps the nascent transcription rates of its RNA polymerases constant and increases mRNA stability. This control on RNA pol II-dependent transcription rate is obtained by controlling the cellular concentration of this enzyme

    Analysing biomarkers in oral fluid from pigs: influence of collection strategy and age of the pig

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    peer-reviewedBackground and objectives Oral fluid (OF) is an easy-to-collect, inexpensive, fast and non-invasive sample to characterize health and welfare status of the pig. However, further standardisation of the collection methods is needed in order to use it regularly in veterinary practice. Cotton ropes are routinely used to collect OF for pathogen detection but they may not be optimal for biomarker analysis due to sample contamination. This study compared two methods (cotton ropes and sponges) to collect porcine OF for biomarker analysis. A panel of 11 biomarkers of stress, inflammation, sepsis, immunity, redox status and general homeostasis was studied. Materials and methods Eighteen farrow-to-finish pig farms were included in the study. In each farm, three (for sponges) or four pens of pigs (for ropes) were sampled at four age categories: the week after weaning (5 weeks), before (11–12 weeks) and after (12–13 weeks) moving to finisher facility and the week before slaughter (22–25 weeks). In total, 288 OF samples were collected with cotton ropes and 216 with sponges and analysed for the biomarkers: cortisol, alpha-amylase, oxytocin (stress), haptoglobin (inflammation), procalcitonin (sepsis), adenosine deaminase, immunoglobulin G (immune system), ferric reducing antioxidant power (redox status), and creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase and total protein (general homeostasis). Samples were also scored visually for dirtiness using a score from 1 (clean) to 5 (very dirty). Results Rope-collected OF had higher levels of dirtiness (3.7 ± 0.04) compared to sponge-collected OF (2.7 ± 0.15) and had higher values than sponges for cortisol, procalcitonin, oxytocin, haptoglobin, total protein, lactate dehydrogenase and ferric reducing antioxidant power. All biomarkers decreased in value with age. Immunoglobulin G did not perform well for any of the two collection methods. Discussion and conclusion The results showed a clear effect of age on the biomarkers in OF collected with both, sponges or ropes. Sponges provided a cleaner sample than cotton ropes for biomarker analysis. Both methods are easy to apply under the commercial conditions in pig farms although sponges may take more time in early weaner stages. From a practical point of view, sampling with sponges achieved the best combination of reduced sampling time and low contamination

    Apoptosis, Toll-like, RIG-I-like and NOD-like receptors are pathways jointly Induced by diverse respiratory bacterial and viral pathogens

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    13 p.-5 fig.3 tab. Martínez, Isidoro et al.Lower respiratory tract infections are among the top five leading causes of human death. Fighting these infections is therefore a world health priority. Searching for induced alterations in host gene expression shared by several relevant respiratory pathogens represents an alternative to identify new targets for wide-range host-oriented therapeutics. With this aim, alveolar macrophages were independently infected with three unrelated bacterial (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Staphylococcus aureus) and two dissimilar viral (respiratory syncytial virus and influenza A virus) respiratory pathogens, all of them highly relevant for human health. Cells were also activated with bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) as a prototypical pathogen-associated molecular pattern. Patterns of differentially expressed cellular genes shared by the indicated pathogens were searched by microarray analysis. Most of the commonly up-regulated host genes were related to the innate immune response and/or apoptosis, with Toll-like, RIG-I-like and NOD-like receptors among the top 10 signaling pathways with over-expressed genes. These results identify new potential broad-spectrum targets to fight the important human infections caused by the bacteria and viruses studied here.Research activities in the participating laboratories received further funding from the following sources: Centro Nacional de Microbiología, ISCIII, PI15CIII/00024 and MINECO (SAF2015- 67033-R); Centro Nacional de Biotecnología, MINECO (BFU2014-57797-R); Hospital Universitari Germans Trias I Pujol, Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR 054/2011); Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular I, MINECO (SAF2015-65307-R); Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas, MINECO (SAF2012-39444-C01/02); Fundación de Investigación Sanitaria de las Islas Baleares, MINECO (SAF2012-39841); Instituto de Agrobiotecnología, MINECO (SAF2015-66520-R); Instituto de Química Física Rocasolano, MINECO (BFU2015-70052-R) and the Marie Curie Initial Training Network GLYCOPHARM (PITN-GA- 2012-317297). Subprograma Estatal de Formación (BES-2013- 065355).Peer reviewe

    A complete set of nascent transcription rates for yeast genes

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    The amount of mRNA in a cell is the result of two opposite reactions: transcription and mRNA degradation. These reactions are governed by kinetics laws, and the most regulated step for many genes is the transcription rate. The transcription rate, which is assumed to be exercised mainly at the RNA polymerase recruitment level, can be calculated using the RNA polymerase densities determined either by run-on or immunoprecipitation using specific antibodies. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the ideal model organism to generate a complete set of nascent transcription rates that will prove useful for many gene regulation studies. By combining genomic data from both the GRO (Genomic Run-on) and the RNA pol ChIP-on-chip methods we generated a new, more accurate nascent transcription rate dataset. By comparing this dataset with the indirect ones obtained from the mRNA stabilities and mRNA amount datasets, we are able to obtain biological information about posttranscriptional regulation processes and a genomic snapshot of the location of the active transcriptional machinery. We have obtained nascent transcription rates for 4,670 yeast genes. The median RNA polymerase II density in the genes is 0.078 molecules/kb, which corresponds to an average of 0.096 molecules/gene. Most genes have transcription rates of between 2 and 30 mRNAs/hour and less than 1% of yeast genes have >1 RNA polymerase molecule/gene. Histone and ribosomal protein genes are the highest transcribed groups of genes and other than these exceptions the transcription of genes is an infrequent phenomenon in a yeast cell

    Efecto de la bajada de peso y la competición sobre el perfil de estado de ánimo en deportes de combate

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    El propósito de este estudio ha sido describir los cambios que sufre el estado de ánimo que presentan los deportistas de combate durante las fases de bajada de peso y su posterior recuperación antes del comienzo de los eventos competitivos prioritarios de la temporada. Un total de 105 hombres y mujeres especialistas en las modalidades de combate de luchaolímpica, taekwondo y boxeo fueron pesados y contestaron la versión abreviada del Perfil de Estados de Ánimo (POMS) entre 30 y 60 minutos antes del pesaje oficial (PRE) y entre 30 y 60 minutos antes del comienzo del primer combate (POST) de sus respectivos campeonatos nacionales. Los resultados demostraron que las hubo mejoras significativas (p < .05) en lasdimensiones de Cólera, Fatiga y Depresión, aunque estos cambios no parecen estar relacionados con la variación porcentual de la masa corporal que experimentan los deportistas durante este mismo periodo (r < .261). Estos hallazgos nos indican que las 12-18 horas que separan el pesaje oficial y el comienzo del torneo en deportes de combate propician mejoras sustanciales en sus estados de ánimo, aunque estos cambios parecen ser independientesde sus fluctuación de la masa corporal