2,566 research outputs found

    Two-body problem in periodic potentials

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    We investigate the problem of two atoms interacting via a short range s-wave potential in the presence of a deep optical lattice of arbitrary dimension DD. Using a tight binding approach, we derive analytical results for the properties of the bound state and the scattering amplitude. We show that the tunneling through the barriers induces a dimensional crossover from a confined regime at high energy to an anisotropic three dimensional regime at low energy. The critical value of the scattering length needed to form a two-body bound state shows a logaritmic dependence on the tunneling rate for D=1 and a power law for D>1D>1. For the special case D=1, we also compare our analytical predictions with exact numerics, finding remarkably good agreement

    Lattice modulation spectroscopy of strongly interacting bosons in disordered and quasi-periodic optical lattices

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    We compute the absorption spectrum of strongly repulsive one-dimensional bosons in a disordered or quasi-periodic optical lattice. At commensurate filling, the particle-hole resonances of the Mott insulator are broadened as the disorder strength is increased. In the non-commensurate case, mapping the problem to the Anderson model allows us to study the Bose-glass phase. Surprisingly we find that a perturbative treatment in both cases, weak and strong disorder, gives a good description at all frequencies. In particular we find that the infrared absorption rate in the thermodynamic limit is quadratic in frequency. This result is unexpected, since for other quantities like the conductivity in one dimensional systems, perturbation theory is only applicable at high frequencies. We discuss applications to recent experiments on optical lattice systems, and in particular the effect of the harmonic trap.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Attractive Fermi gases with unequal spin populations in highly elongated traps

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    We investigate two-component attractive Fermi gases with imbalanced spin populations in trapped one dimensional configurations. The ground state properties are determined within local density approximation, starting from the exact Bethe-ansatz equations for the homogeneous case. We predict that the atoms are distributed according to a two-shell structure: a partially polarized phase in the center of the trap and either a fully paired or a fully polarized phase in the wings. The partially polarized core is expected to be a superfluid of the FFLO type. The size of the cloud as well as the critical spin polarization needed to suppress the fully paired shell, are calculated as a function of the coupling strength.Comment: Final accepted versio

    Sound propagation and oscillations of a superfluid Fermi gas in the presence of a 1D optical lattice

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    We develop the hydrodynamic theory of Fermi superfluids in the presence of a periodic potential. The relevant parameters governing the propagation of sound (compressibility and effective mass) are calculated in the weakly interacting BCS limit. The conditions of stability of the superfluid motion with respect to creation of elementary excitations are discussed. We also evaluate the frequency of the center of mass oscillation when the superfluid gas is additionally confined by a harmonic trap.Comment: Version accepted in Phys. Rev. A. It contains a discussion on the dynamical instability of Fermi superfluids in optical lattice

    In-Plane Conductivity Anisotropy in Underdoped Cuprates in the Spin-Charge Gauge Approach

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    Applying the recently developed spin-charge gauge theory for the pseudogap phase in cuprates, we propose a self-consistent explanation of several peculiar features of the far-infrared in-plane AC conductivity, including a broad peak as a function of frequency and significant anisotropy at low temperatures, along with a similar temperature-dependent in-plane anisotropy of DC conductivity in lightly doped cuprates. The anisotropy of the metal-insulator crossover scale is considered to be responsible for these phenomena. The obtained results are in good agreement with experiments. An explicit proposal is made to further check the theory.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Fully Quantum Scalable Description of Driven-Dissipative Lattice Models

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    Methods for modeling large driven-dissipative quantum systems are becoming increasingly urgent due to recent experimental progress in a number of photonic platforms. We demonstrate the positive-P method to be ideal for this purpose across a wide range of parameters, focusing on the archetypal driven-dissipative Bose-Hubbard model. Notably, these parameters include intermediate regimes where interactions and dissipation are comparable, and especially cases with low occupations for which common semiclassical approximations can break down. The presence of dissipation can alleviate instabilities in the method that are known to occur for closed systems, allowing the simulation of dynamics up to and including the steady state. Throughout the parameter space of the model, we determine the magnitude of dissipation that is sufficient to make the method useful and stable, finding its region of applicability to be complementary to that of the truncated Wigner method. We then demonstrate its use in a number of examples with nontrivial quantum correlations, including a demonstration of solving the urgent open problem of large and highly nonuniform systems with tens of thousands of sites

    Long-time behavior of the momentum distribution during the sudden expansion of a spin-imbalanced Fermi gas in one dimension

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    We study the sudden expansion of spin-imbalanced ultracold lattice fermions with attractive interactions in one dimension after turning off the longitudinal confining potential. We show that the momentum distribution functions of majority and minority fermions approach stationary values quickly due to a quantum distillation mechanism that results in a spatial separation of pairs and majority fermions. As a consequence, Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) correlations are lost during the expansion. Furthermore, we argue that the shape of the stationary momentum distribution functions can be understood by relating them to the integrals of motion in this integrable quantum system. We discuss our results in the context of proposals to observe FFLO correlations, related to recent experiments by Liao et al., Nature 467, 567 (2010).Comment: 8 pages including supplementary material, 9 eps figures, revised version as published, some text moved to the supplemental materia