254 research outputs found

    Menopause status and attitudes in a Turkish midlife female population: an epidemiological study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is a well accepted status that socio-cultural characteristics may affect the onset of menopause and its characteristics. The aims of this study were to describe the prevalence rates of menopausal symptoms and these symptoms related factors, and to assess the women's attitudes towards some climacteric issues.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This survey was conducted between Jan., 1<sup>st </sup>2008 and March, 31<sup>st </sup>2008 to research the menopause status of the female population in a city of western Turkey. The study group consisted of 1551 women selected with a multistage area sampling method: a random sample of individuals aged 40-65 years. The questionnaire included questions pertaining to women's sociodemographic characteristics, women's menopausal status, some statements about the climacteric, use of hormones at menopause or before menopause, and some climacteric myths. The data was analyzed by Chi-square (x<sup>2</sup>) analysis and percent (%) ratios with a significant value of <it>P </it>< 0.05.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mean age of the women was 49.1 years. Over 90% of the women were of the negative opinion that the climacteric is "the end of youth", "the end of fecundity", and "the end of unclean days". Most women said that cessation of menstrual periods was the most positive thing because they do not have to wait for monthly bleedings, use sanitary equipment, or take birth control methods. There were significant connections between age groups and nearly all the items, with the exception of the items "the end of life" and "the end of fecundity". Among the women, hot flushes were the most common complaint occurring in 96.5% of women: being severe in 32.9%, moderate in 43.1% and mild in 20.4%. This was followed by low backache or muscle pain 95.0% (25.9% severe, 46.0% moderate and mild 23.1%), headache 91.7% (21.9% severe, 34.9% moderate and 34.9% mild) and feeling tired 91.0% (15.3% severe, 38.6% moderate and 37.1% mild).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Most of the women in this study had mixed ideas of opinions concerning the climacteric, and the majority was also suffering from climacteric complaints. This data could assist healthcare providers in the provision of culturally competent health care to midlife Turkish women.</p

    Traduire pour la presse sportive : l’exemple de la course à pied

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    Introduction La course Ă  pied est le sport le plus simple Ă  pratiquer : une paire de baskets (ou pas) et c’est parti. VĂ©ritable phĂ©nomĂšne mondial, elle se dĂ©cline en diffĂ©rentes disciplines plus courues les unes que les autres, allant de l’athlĂ©tisme sur piste Ă  l’ultrafond, en passant par le kilomĂštre vertical, et chacune a ses stars. Il existe de nombreux magazines de running dont la structure est similaire d’une discipline Ă  l’autre et d’un pays Ă  l’autre : plans et conseils d’entraĂźnement..

    Internationalization of service-learning : The Trinity University of Asia model

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    Premenopause merupakan masa transisi menopause yang ditandai dengan penurunan hormon estrogen. Hal ini akan memicu terjadinya perubahan komposisi tubuh yang mengakibatkan obesitas. Asupan kalori dan aktifitas fisik yang tidak sesuai merupakan faktor risiko yang dapat mempengaruhi perubahan tersebut.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan asupan kalori dan aktivitas fisik terhadap komposisi tubuh (FM,FFM) wanita premenopause di Kota Padang. Penelitian dengan desain cross-sectional study dilakukan terhadap 92 orang wanita premenopause, berusia 40 – 55 tahun. Penelitian dilakukan di 4 kecamatan dengan 8 kelurahan di Kota Padang. Sampel diambil secara multy stage random sampling. Data terdiri dari karakteristik, asupan kalori dan aktivitas fisik diperoleh melalui wawancara menggunakan kuesioner, FFQ dan IPAQ.Data diolah menggunakan komputer dan dianalisis dengan uji korelasi Pearson dan ONE-Way ANOVA. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rerata asupan kalori adalah 2014,68+3,19 Kal, FM dan FFM masing-masing adalah 22,63+7,80 kg dan 36,48+4,01 kg. Tidak terdapat korelasi antara asupan kalori dengan FM dan FFM. Rerata FM dan FFM lebih tinggi pada responden dengan aktifitas fisik berat. Terdapat hubungan antara aktifitas fisik dengan FM dan FFM.Aktifitas fisik merupakan faktor risiko terhadap komposisi tubuh sedangkan asupan kalori bukan faktor risiko

    Self-consistent absorption correction for quantifying very noisy X-ray maps: group III nitride nanowires as an example

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    Energy‐dispersive X‐ray mapping in a scanning transmission electron microscope is a method to visualize the spatial distribution of chemical elements in a sample. Quantification of the signal intensities depends on proper background elimination and correction of the self‐absorption and fluorescence of X‐ray lines in the sample. The latter become particularly relevant for slightly thicker and rough samples, small take‐off angles and low‐energetic X‐ray lines, for which we have recently introduced a self‐consistent absorption correction based on effective k*‐factors selected automatically from curves simulated as function of a K/L line intensity ratio of one of the heavier elements in the sample for ranges of different compositions. This has been shown to work well for thick and for rough samples. Correcting the background intensity to sub‐pixel accuracy is necessary for reliable quantification of very noisy maps. In this study, we show how this self‐consistent absorption correction method can be applied to InGaN and AlGaN layers in GaN nanowires, the net maps of which can be so noisy the layers can hardly be seen by the eye (a few counts per pixel) and the background is below a single count in each spectrum channel. The result indicates that background estimation for the Ga L‐line intensity using fractional counts from an interpolation of maps from neighbouring X‐ray lines of elements that are not actually present in the specimen is critical for quantification. The nanowires studied were between 66 and 375 nm thick

    Synaptic representation of locomotion in single cerebellar granule cells

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    The cerebellum plays a crucial role in the regulation of locomotion, but how movement is represented at the synaptic level is not known. Here, we use in vivo patch-clamp recordings to show that locomotion can be directly read out from mossy fiber synaptic input and spike output in single granule cells. The increase in granule cell spiking during locomotion is enhanced by glutamate spillover currents recruited during movement. Surprisingly, the entire step sequence can be predicted from input EPSCs and output spikes of a single granule cell, suggesting that a robust gait code is present already at the cerebellar input layer and transmitted via the granule cell pathway to downstream Purkinje cells. Thus, synaptic input delivers remarkably rich information to single neurons during locomotion. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.07290.00
