29 research outputs found

    Spontaneous synchronization to speech reveals neural mechanisms facilitating language learning

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    We introduce a deceptively simple behavioral task that robustly identifies two qualitatively different groups within the general population. When presented with an isochronous train of random syllables, some listeners are compelled to align their own concurrent syllable production with the perceived rate, whereas others remain impervious to the external rhythm. Using both neurophysiological and structural imaging approaches, we show group differences with clear consequences for speech processing and language learning. When listening passively to speech, high synchronizers show increased brain-to-stimulus synchronization over frontal areas, and this localized pattern correlates with precise microstructural differences in the white matter pathways connecting frontal to auditory regions. Finally, the data expose a mechanism that underpins performance on an ecologically relevant word-learning task. We suggest that this task will help to better understand and characterize individual performance in speech processing and language learning

    Speech-to-Speech synchronization protocol to classify human participants as high or low auditory-motor synchronizers

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    The ability to synchronize a motor action to a rhythmic auditory stimulus is often considered an innate human skill. However, some individuals lack the ability to synchronize speech to a perceived syllabic rate. Here, we describe a simple and fast protocol to classify a single native English speaker as being or not being a speech synchronizer. This protocol consists of four parts: the pretest instructions and volume adjustment, the training procedure, the execution of the main task, and data analysis

    Fossil chironomids and ostracods from a 5000 years- sediment sequence of Laguna El Chaltel, southern Patagonia, Argentina

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    Lakes are excellent sensors of environmental change, including climate change. Chironomids (Insecta, Diptera) and ostracods (Crustacea) are among the most useful biological indicators for paleoenvironmental reconstruction found in lake sediments, due to their sensitiveness to environmental variables. However, the use of these microfossils in quaternary studies for southern Patagonia is still limited and poorly understood because of the paucity of regional taxonomic and palaeonvironmental knowledge. The multi-proxy study of lacustrine sediments from Laguna El Chaltel presented here aims to partially fill this gap. Laguna El Chaltel is a permanent lake located at 49"58'25"S, 71"06'53"W in southern Patagonia, Argentina, in the semidesert steppe east of the Andes. A 60.8-cm short sediment core has been analysed in order to obtain information about the paleoenvironmental evolution of the lake during the last ca. 5000 yr BP. The 210Pb237Cs dating gave an age of 4685 cal yr BP for the base of the core. The presence and abundance of littoral chironomids of the genus Polypedilum Kieffer suggest oscillations in the lake level during the timespan of the core, while variations in the relative abundance of the ostracod Limnocythere rionegroensis Cusminsky and Whatley indicate the onset of periods of evaporative concentration. Some geochemical and physical parameters such as TIC (total inorganic carbon), TOC (total organic carbon) and magnetic susceptibility show similar patterns evidencing important variations in lake dynamics.Simposio VIII: Paleoentomología y paleolimnología: objetivos particulares y comunesFacultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Microcrystalline silicon thin film transistors obtained by Hot-Wire CVD

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    Polysilicon thin film transistors (TFT) are of great interest in the field of large area microelectronics, especially because of their application as active elements in flat panel displays. Different deposition techniques are in tough competition with the objective to obtain device-quality polysilicon thin films at low temperature. In this paper we present the preliminary results obtained with the fabrication of TFT deposited by hot-wire chemical vapor deposition (HWCVD). Some results concerned with the structural characterization of the material and electrical performance of the device are presented

    Electronic transport in low temperature nanocrystalline silicon thin-film transistors obtained by Hot-Wire CVD

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    Hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) obtained by hot-wire chemical vapour deposition (HWCVD) at low substrate temperature (150 °C) has been incorporated as the active layer in bottom-gate thin-film transistors (TFTs). These devices were electrically characterised by measuring in vacuum the output and transfer characteristics for different temperatures. The field-effect mobility showed a thermally activated behaviour which could be attributed to carrier trapping at the band tails, as in hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H), and potential barriers for the electronic transport. Trapped charge at the interfaces of the columns, which are typical in nc-Si:H, would account for these barriers. By using the Levinson technique, the quality of the material at the column boundaries could be studied. Finally, these results were interpreted according to the particular microstructure of nc-Si:H

    Surface passivation of crystalline silicon by Cat-CVD amorphous and nanocrystalline thin silicon films

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    In this work, we study the electronic surface passivation of crystalline silicon with intrinsic thin silicon films deposited by Catalytic CVD. The contactless method used to determine the effective surface recombination velocity was the quasi-steady-state photoconductance technique. Hydrogenated amorphous and nanocrystalline silicon films were evaluated as passivating layers on n- and p-type float zone silicon wafers. The best results were obtained with amorphous silicon films, which allowed effective surface recombination velocities as low as 60 and 130 cms -1 on p- and n-type silicon, respectively. To our knowledge, these are the best results ever reported with intrinsic amorphous silicon films deposited by Catalytic CVD. The passivating properties of nanocrystalline silicon films strongly depended on the deposition conditions, especially on the filament temperature. Samples grown at lower filament temperatures (1600 °C) allowed effective surface recombination velocities of 450 and 600 cms -1 on n- and p-type silicon

    Thin Film Transistors obtained by Hot-Wire CVD

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    Hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon films obtained at low temperature (150-280°C) by hot wire chemical vapour deposition at two different process pressures were measured by Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectroscopy and photothermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS). A crystalline fraction >90% with a subgap optical absortion 10 cm -1 at 0.8 eV were obtained in films deposited at growth rates >0.8 nm/s. These films were incorporated in n-channel thin film transistors and their electrical properties were measured. The saturation mobility was 0.72 ± 0.05 cm 2/ V s and the threshold voltage around 0.2 eV. The dependence of their conductance activation energies on gate voltages were related to the properties of the material

    Progress in a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction emitters obtained by Hot-Wire CVD at 200°C

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    In this work, we investigate heterojunction emitters deposited by Hot-Wire CVD on p-type crystalline silicon. The emitter structure consists of an n-doped film (20 nm) combined with a thin intrinsic hydrogenated amorphous silicon buffer layer (5 nm). The microstructure of these films has been studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry in the UV-visible range. These measurements reveal that the microstructure of the n-doped film is strongly influenced by the amorphous silicon buffer. The Quasy-Steady-State Photoconductance (QSS-PC) technique allows us to estimate implicit open-circuit voltages near 700 mV for heterojunction emitters on p-type (0.8 Ω·cm) FZ silicon wafers. Finally, 1 cm 2 heterojunction solar cells with 15.4% conversion efficiencies (total area) have been fabricated on flat p-type (14 Ω·cm) CZ silicon wafers with aluminum back-surface-field contact