178 research outputs found

    Trust and Control: The Value Effect of Venture Capital Term Sheet Provisions as Risk Allocation Tools

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    The parties to a venture funding agreement are in a state of coopetition. The parties account for perceived risk in the entrepreneur-investor relationship through varying levels of control demanded from and trust afforded to the other party. The level of risk perceived by each party may differ along individual aspects of the prospective equity deal. The provisions of the term sheet delineate the subjective risk perceptions of each party to the transaction by allocating control or trusting a party with decision-making rights. When negotiating term sheet provisions, a party should seek to understand and recognize the risk perceived by the other party and attempt to afford the level of control or trust necessary to achieve a relational agreement that provides the greatest value for the parties collectively. An optimal allocation of control and trust adequately captures the perceived risk of each party, promotes cooperation between the parties, and ultimately facilitates the performance of the business venture. Understanding the subjective risk perceptions of each party to the investment transaction will facilitate the objective of negotiating a term sheet that maximizes the value created for all parties

    Trust and Control: The Value Effect of Venture Capital Term Sheet Provisions as Risk Allocation Tools

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    The parties to a venture funding agreement are in a state of coopetition. The parties account for perceived risk in the entrepreneur-investor relationship through varying levels of control demanded from and trust afforded to the other party. The level of risk perceived by each party may differ along individual aspects of the prospective equity deal. The provisions of the term sheet delineate the subjective risk perceptions of each party to the transaction by allocating control or trusting a party with decision-making rights. When negotiating term sheet provisions, a party should seek to understand and recognize the risk perceived by the other party and attempt to afford the level of control or trust necessary to achieve a relational agreement that provides the greatest value for the parties collectively. An optimal allocation of control and trust adequately captures the perceived risk of each party, promotes cooperation between the parties, and ultimately facilitates the performance of the business venture. Understanding the subjective risk perceptions of each party to the investment transaction will facilitate the objective of negotiating a term sheet that maximizes the value created for all parties

    Exploring the Role of L2 Experience-Related Factors in Cross-Language Lexical Priming

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    Research on multilingual lexical organization is coming to a consensus, led by a growing body of studies (e.g., De Groot, Delmaar & Lupker, 2000; Dijkstra, Grainger & Van Heuven, 1999; Kroll & Stewart, 1994; Van Heuven, Schriefers, Dijkstra & Hagoort, 2008), whereby the multilingual lexicon is seen as a unitary system and cross-linguistic competition occurs during lexical access. This increasing agreement on the basic structure of the multilingual lexicon is leading researchers towards a more thorough exploration of the nature of the relationships established between words from different languages

    Are translation equivalents really equivalent? Evidence from concreteness effects in translation priming.

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    Submitted to and accepted for publication in International Journal of Bilingualism: https://journals.sagepub.com/home/ijb.Translation equivalents intuitively seem to overlap in meaning. Moreover, the models of the bilingual lexicon often represent the meaning shared between two translations as a holistic node in the semantic network. However, research on semantic representation and processing questions this holistic approach. For instance, abstract words are assumed to be more language-dependent, while concrete words’ meanings are seen as more consistent cross-linguistically. The non-cognate translation priming paradigm offers an ideal methodological setting to study semantic overlap (proxied by concreteness) between translations. Priming effects between non-cognate translation equivalents are assumed to emerge due to spreading activation at the semantic level. Hence, a larger semantic overlap between translation prime-target pairs should lead to larger priming effects. Nevertheless, the evidence from previous translation priming studies investigating concreteness displays a blurry picture, potentially reflecting a shared limitation: their relatively small sample sizes. We overcame this problem by analyzing the largest translation priming dataset to date

    Análisis de la legislación en materia migratoria e inconvenientes para el flujo de personas extranjeras

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    El objetivo de este estudio es: Analizar la legislación ecuatoriana en materia migratoria y los inconvenientes para el flujo de personas extranjeras. Esto se desarrolla a través de un estudio con enfoque cualitativo, y el empleo de métodos como el analítico-sintético y el inductivo. Tomando en cuenta aportes significativos, con especial interés en el impacto de la aplicación normativa migratoria en el flujo de personas extranjeras cuya garantía constitucional de protección integral, debe ser respetada e implementada por las autoridades competentes, considerando que los abusos y discriminaciones en el contexto laboral y social, son una violación a los derechos de las personas, cuyas sanciones no se implementan adecuadamente por los operadores de justicia, siendo el aspecto negativo de más interés y relevancia. Se concluye en términos generales, que, la política migratoria del actual Gobierno ha sido aplaudida a nivel mundial por los entendidos, al ser uno de los pocos países del mundo, que trata el tema de la movilidad humana bajo el principio de la ciudadanía universal, sin embargo, sí que hacen falta cambios en materia laboral, para que este sea justo e igualitario con los migrantes. Palabras clave: Legislación, migración, flujo de personas, extranjeros.   ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to analyze the Ecuadorian legislation on migration and the drawbacks for the flow of foreigners. This is developed through a study with a qualitative approach, and the use of methods such as bibliographic and documentary analysis, taking into account significant contributions, with special interest in the impact of the application of immigration regulations on the flow of foreigners whose constitutional guarantee of comprehensive protection, must be respected and implemented by the competent authorities, considering that abuses and discrimination in the labor and social context are a violation of the rights of people, whose sanctions are not adequately implemented by justice operators, being the negative aspect of more interest and relevance. It is concluded in general terms that the immigration policy of the current Government has been applauded worldwide by experts, as it is one of the few countries in the world that deals with the issue of human mobility under the principle of universal citizenship, without However, changes are needed in labor matters, so that it is fair and equal with migrants. Keywords: Legislation, migration, flow of people, foreigners

    Modelado del musculo del brazo con redes neuronales para estimar el momento en un sistema exoesquelético

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    En este artículo se presenta un sistema exoesquelético en el brazo humano, que permite una interacción natural entre el operador y la máquina a través de señales electromiográficas, señales cinéticas y cinemáticas.  Por medio de estas señales biológicas y mecánicas es posible estimar el momento realizado por el operador sobre una carga específica, para obtener la referencia deseada en el actuador del exoesqueleto. Se modela el músculo del brazo a través del entrenamiento de redes neuronales, variando los parámetros del algoritmo, el número de capas ocultas y el número de neuronas. Se realiza el entrenamiento con siete variables de entrada y uno de salida, que corresponden a señales preprocesadas y posteriormente se realiza la validación del modelo con los mejores resultados

    Programa de turismo de conservación para la gestión de visitantes en la Cooperativa servicios turísticos, acuícola, ecológica, ambiental Casa Carey R.L. ubicada en el área protegida Estero Padre Ramos, comunidad Venecia, municipio El Viejo, departamento Chinandega–agosto 2021

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    Actualmente en el Área Protegida Reserva Natural Estero Padre Ramos se está ejecutando un programa de conservación de la Tortuga Carey (Eretmochelys imbricata) en los que participan habitantes de las comunidades Padre Ramos, Venecia y El Tintal; los cuales decidieron crear una cooperativa conocida como Cooperativa de servicios turísticos, acuícola, ecológica, ambiental Casa Carey R.L, la cual está en proceso de legalización. Esta cooperativa se caracteriza por promover el turismo de conservación o ecoturismo, por ello, en el siguiente estudio se pudo identificar el potencial turístico con el que cuenta y que se puede desarrollar, por esta razón, el objetivo general es "Diseñar el programa de turismo de conservación para la gestión de visitantes en la Cooperativa de servicios turísticos, acuícola, ecológica, ambiental Casa Carey R.L. ubicada en el área protegida Estero Padre Ramos, comunidad Padre Ramos, municipio de El Viejo, departamento de Chinandega en el año 2021", que será de utilidad para la cooperativa y para la comunidad local Por consiguiente se diseñó un programa de turismo de conservación para la gestión del visitante en la cooperativa con subprogramas tales como, planificación, cumplimiento de regulaciones, productos turísticos, organización y recursos humanos, interpretación ambiental, necesidades de investigación, estrategias de comercialización o comunicación y monitoreo de resultados en los cuales contienen definidas propuestas que permitirá a la cooperativa tener metas y objetivos claros, una mejor organización y coordinación, identificar sobre los temas a investigar y capacitarse , además de tener diversas estrategias de comercializació