912 research outputs found

    Biological data from post mortem analysis of otters in Hungary

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    In this paper we examined the characteristics of reproduction parameters, stomach content and inner organ weights on carcasses (male, n=67, female n=57, unknown n=3) of otters (Lutra lutra) collected in Hungary between 1999 and 2006. Most otter carcasses (90.6%) were collected as road casualties. In breeding females (n=28), the mean (±SE) number of placental scars was 2.22±0.17. One female was pregnant (3 embryos). Suckling were detected at four females, the number of active teats (2-4) equalling the number of placental scars. Reproduction period, calculated from the age of juveniles, was long (from winter to summer). No seasonal difference was found in the gonado-somatic index values of adult males, and births were estimated to have occurred from winter to summer. The stomach was empty in 31% of the cases, while mean weight of the stomach content was 49 g the main food eaten by otters was small-size, non-commercial fish. In the adult age group, the organ weight index of the kidneys (P<0.01) and adrenal glands (P<0.05) was greater in females, while in case of the other organs: heart, liver, spleen, tyroid glands and lungs no significant difference was found

    The Influence of Specimen Thickness on the High Temperature Corrosion Behavior of CMSX-4 during Thermal-Cycling Exposure

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    CMSX-4 is a single-crystalline Ni-base superalloy designed to be used at very high temperatures and high mechanical loadings. Its excellent corrosion resistance is due to external alumina-scale formation, which however can become less protective under thermal-cycling conditions. The metallic substrate in combination with its superficial oxide scale has to be considered as a composite suffering high stresses. Factors like different coefficients of thermal expansion between oxide and substrate during temperature changes or growing stresses affect the integrity of the oxide scale. This must also be strongly influenced by the thickness of the oxide scale and the substrate as well as the ability to relief such stresses, e.g., by creep deformation. In order to quantify these effects, thin-walled specimens of different thickness (t = 100500 lm) were prepared. Discontinuous measurements of their mass changes were carried out under thermal-cycling conditions at a hot dwell temperature of 1100 C up to 300 thermal cycles. Thin-walled specimens revealed a much lower oxide-spallation rate compared to thick-walled specimens, while thinwalled specimens might show a premature depletion of scale-forming elements. In order to determine which of these competetive factor is more detrimental in terms of a component’s lifetime, the degradation by internal precipitation was studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in combination with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Additionally, a recently developed statistical spallation model was applied to experimental data [D. Poquillon and D. Monceau, Oxidation of Metals, 59, 409–431 (2003)]. The model describes the overall mass change by oxide scale spallation during thermal cycling exposure and is a useful simulation tool for oxide scale spallation processes accounting for variations in the specimen geometry. The evolution of the net-mass change vs. the number of thermal cycles seems to be strongly dependent on the sample thickness

    RXTE Spectral Observations of the 1996-97 Outburst of the Microquasar GRO J1655-40

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    Excellent coverage of the entire 16-month 1996-97 outburst cycle of GRO J1655-40 was provided by RXTE. We present a full spectral analysis of these data, which includes 52 PCA spectra from 2.5-20 keV and HEXTE spectra above 20 keV. We also include a nearly continuous ASM light curve with several intensity measurements per day. The data are interpreted in the context of the multicolor blackbody disk/power-law model. The source is observed in the very high, high/soft, and low/hard outburst states. During the very high state, the source exhibits intense hard flares on time scales of hours to days which are correlated with changes in both the fitted temperature and radius of the inner accretion disk. During the high/soft state, the spectrum is dominated by the soft thermal emission from the accretion disk with spectral parameters that suggest approximately constant inner disk radius and temperature. We find that a tight relationship exists between the observed inner radius of the disk and the flux in the power-law component. During intense hard flares, the inner disk radius is observed to decrease by as much as a factor of three on a time scale of days. The apparent decrease of the inner disk radius observed during the flares may be due to the failure of the multicolor disk model caused by a steepening of the radial temperature profile in the disk coupled with increased spectral hardening and not physical changes of the inner disk radius. Assuming that our spectral model is valid during periods of weak power-law emission, our most likely value for the inner disk radius implies a* < 0.7. Such a low value for the black hole angular momentum is inconsistent with the relativistic frame dragging and the `diskoseismic' models as interpretations for the 300 Hz X-ray QPO seen during some of these RXTE observations.Comment: 34 pages including 9 figures and 3 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Our interpretation of the data and the main conclusions have been significantly revise

    Refined Neutron-Star Mass Determinations for Six Eclipsing X-Ray Pulsar Binaries

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    We present an improved method for determining the mass of neutron stars in eclipsing X-ray pulsar binaries and apply the method to six systems, namely Vela X-1, 4U 1538-52, SMC X-1, LMC X-4, Cen X-3, and Her X-1. In previous studies to determine neutron star mass, the X-ray eclipse duration has been approximated analytically by assuming the companion star is spherical with an effective Roche lobe radius. We use a numerical code based on Roche geometry with various optimizers to analyze the published data for these systems, which we supplement with new spectroscopic and photometric data for 4U 1538-52. This allows us to model the eclipse duration more accurately and thus calculate an improved value for the neutron star mass. The derived neutron star mass also depends on the assumed Roche lobe filling factor beta of the companion star, where beta = 1 indicates a completely filled Roche lobe. In previous work a range of beta between 0.9 and 1.0 was usually adopted. We use optical ellipsoidal lightcurve data to constrain beta. We find neutron star masses of 1.77 +/- 0.08 M_{sun} for Vela X-1, 0.87 +/- 0.07 M_{sun} for 4U 1538-52 (eccentric orbit), 1.00 +/- 0.10 M_{sun} for 4U 1538-52 (circular orbit), 1.04 +/- 0.09 M_{sun} for SMC X-1, 1.29 +/- 0.05 M_{sun} for LMC X-4, 1.49 +/- 0.08 M_{sun} for Cen X-3, and 1.07 +/- 0.36 M_{sun} for Her X-1. We discuss the limits of the approximations that were used to derive the earlier mass determinations, and we comment on the implications our new masses have for observationally refining the upper and lower bounds of the neutron star mass distribution.Comment: 10 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Modeling the Jet Kinematics of the Black Hole Microquasar XTE J1550-564: A Constraint on Spin-Orbit Alignment

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    Measurements of black hole spin made using the continuum-fitting method rely on the assumption that the inclination of the black hole's spin axis to our line of sight is the same as the orbital inclination angle of the host binary system. The X=ray and radio jet data available for the microquasar XTE J1550-564 offer a rare opportunity to test this assumption. Following the work of others, we have modeled these data and thereby determined the inclination angle of the jet axis, which is presumed to be aligned with the black hole's spin axis. We find a jet inclination angle of approximately 71 degrees and place an upper limit on the difference between the spin and orbital inclinations of < 12 degrees (90% confidence). Our measurement tests for misalignment along the line of sight while providing no constraint perpendicular to this plane. Our constraint on the misalignment angle supports the prediction that the spinning black hole in XTE J1550-564 has aligned itself with the orbital plane and provides support for the measurement of its spin via the continuum-fitting method. Our conclusions are based on a simple and reasonable model of a pair of symmetric jets propagating into a low density cavity whose western wall is approximately 20% closer to XTE J1550-564 than its eastern wall.Comment: ApJ, in press. 26 manuscript pages including 6 figure

    Misalignment of the microquasar V4641 Sgr (SAX J1819.3--2525)

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    In the microquasar V4641 Sgr the spin of the black hole is thought to be misaligned with the binary orbital axis. The accretion disc aligns with the black hole spin by the Lense-Thirring effect near to the black hole and further out becomes aligned with the binary orbital axis. The inclination of the radio jets and the FeKαK\alpha line profile have both been used to determine the inclination of the inner accretion disc but the measurements are inconsistent. Using a steady state analytical warped disc model for V4641 Sgr we find that the inner disc region is flat and aligned with the black hole up to about 900Rg900 R_{\rm g}. Thus if both the radio jet and fluorescent emission originates in the same inner region then the measurements of the inner disc inclination should be the same.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    V4641Sgr - Super-Eddington source enshrouded by an extended envelope

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    An optical spectroscopy of an unusual fast transient V4641 Sgr constrains its mass to 8.7-11.7M_sun (9.6M_sun is the best fit value) and the distance to 7.4--12.3 kpc (Orosz et al. 2001). At this distance the peak flux of 12 Crab in the 2--12 keV energy band, measured by ASM/RXTE, implies the X-ray luminosity exceeding 2-3e39 erg/s, i.e. near or above the Eddington limit for a 9.6M_sun black hole. An optical photometry shows that at the peak of the optical outburst the visual magnitude increased by Delta m_V > 4.7^m relative to the quiescent level and reached m_V < 8.8^m. An assumption that this optical emission is due to irradiated surface of an accretion disk or a companion star with the the black body shape of the spectrum would mean that the bolometric luminosity of the system exceeds L>3e41 erg/s > 300 L_Edd. We argue that the optical data strongly suggest presence of an extended envelope surrounding the source which absorbs primary X-rays flux and reemits it in optical and UV. The data also suggests that this envelope should be optically thin in UV, EUV and soft X-rays. The observed properties of V4641 Sgr at the peak of an optical flare are very similar to those of SS433. This envelope is likely the result of near or super Eddington rate of mass accretion onto the black hole and it vanishes during subsequent evolution of the source when apparent luminosity drops well below the Eddington value. Thus this transient source provides us direct proof of the dramatic change in the character of an accretion flow at the mass accretion rate near or above the critical Eddington value as predicted long time ago by the theoretical models.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to A&A Letter
