98 research outputs found

    A study of the association between one carbon metabolism and blood pressure in adults and transgenerationally between pregnant women and their children.

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    El metabolisme monocarbonat i el polimorfisme MTHFR 677 C>T s’ha associat amb la pressió arterial i la hipertensió. Es creu que el mecanisme associat és la programació fetal. Un estat adequat de nutrients del metabolisme monocarbonat s’ha associat a efectes beneficiosos en la població adulta i a l’embaràs, des de el desenvolupament in utero fins a etapes posteriors de la vida incluint la infància i l’edat adulta. L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi és explorar les associacions entre els nutrients del metabolisme monocarbonat, incloent les vitamines del grup B i la homocisteïna així com el polimorfisme MTHFR 677C>T i la pressió arterial i la hipertensió en dos poblacions, una población adulta i un estudi mare-nen amb un seguiment durant l’embaràs i el nen als 7.5 anys. 788 participants seleccionats a partir del cens van participar a l’estudi. Aquesta población no està exposada a la fortificació de àcid fòlic ni prenen suplements de vitamina. Estar al 3r tercil de tHcy aumenta el risc de tenir hipertensió 1.8 vegades [OR=1.8 (1.0, 3.3)] en la población total. Estratificant per edat només els >50 anys van trobar una associació amb hipertensió [OR= 2.5 (1.2, 5.4)]. Ser TT augmenta el risc d’hipertensió comparat amb alters genotips en tots els models de gent ≤ 50 anys [OR= 8.2 (1.3, 53.9)]. Al Reus-Tarragona Birth Cohort 212 mare-nen díades es van seguir durant l’embaràs i en els nens als 7.5 anys. La prevalença d’hipertensió en els nens era de 6.2%. El genotip CT en el nen augmenta el risc de prehipertensió/hipertensió 6.5 vegades [OR= 6.5 (1.0, 43.5)] ens els models de pressió arterial en la consulta. El genotip MTHFR 677 CT en les mares augmenta el risc de tenir prehipertensió/hipertensió 7.4 vegades [OR= 7.4 (1.0, 55.0)] tot després d’haver ajustat per factors clàssics d’hipertensió.El metabolisme monocarbonado y el polimorfismo MTHFR 677 C>T se ha asociado con la presión arterial y la hipertensión. Se cree que el mecanismo asociado es la programación fetal. Un estado adequado de nutrientes del metabolisme monocarbonado se ha asociado a efectos beneficiosos en la población adulta i en el embarazo, des de el desarrollo in utero hasta etapas posteriores de la vida incluyendo la infancia y la edad adulta. El objetivo de esta tesi es explorar las associaciones entre los nutrientes del metabolismo monocarbonado, incluyendo las vitaminas del grup B y la homocisteína así como el polimorfismo MTHFR 677C>T y la presión arterial i la hipertensión en dos poblaciones, una población adulta y un estudio madre-niño con un seguimiento durante el embarazo y al niño a los 7.5 años. 788 participantes seleccionados a partir del censo participaron en el estudio. Esta población no está expuesta a la fortificación de ácido fólico ni toman suplementos de vitaminas. Estar en el 3r tercil de tHcy aumenta el riesgo de hipertensión 1.8 veces [OR=1.8 (1.0, 3.3)] en la población total. Estratificando por edad sólo los >50 años encontraron una asociación con hipertensión [OR= 2.5 (1.2, 5.4)]. Ser TT aumenta el riesgo de hipertensión comparado con otros genotipos en todos los modelos de gente ≤ 50 años [OR= 8.2 (1.3, 53.9)]. En el Reus-Tarragona Birth Cohort 212 madre-niño díadas se siguieron durante el embarazo y los niños a los 7.5 años. La prevalencia de hipertensión en los niños era de 6.2%. El genotipo CT en el niño aumenta el riesgo de prehipertensión/hipertensión 6.5 veces [OR= 6.5 (1.0, 43.5)] ens los modelos de presión arterial en la consulta. El genotipo MTHFR 677 CT en las madres aumenta el riesgo de tener prehipertensión/ hipertensión 7.4 veces [OR= 7.4 (1.0, 55.0)] después de ajustar por factores clásicos de hipertensión.One carbon metabolism nutrients and the MTHFR 677 C>T polymorphism have been found to be associated with blood pressure and hypertension. and the mechanism associated is thoughtIt is possible that the underlying mechanism may involve to be fetal programming.. An adequate status of 1C metabolism nutrients has been proven to be beneficial for some health outcomes in adults population and also in pregnancy, from in utero development until later in life including childhood and adulthood. The aim of this thesis is to explore the associations between 1C metabolism nutrients, including B-vitamins and tHcy, as well as the MTHFR 677C>T polymorphism, and blood pressure and hypertension in two different populations, an adult population and a mother-child study with follow-up during pregnancy and children at 7.5 years. Seven hundred and eighty eight participants randomly selected from the population town halls' registers participated in the population study. This population is unexposed to mandatory folic acid fortification and B vitamin supplement use. Being in the 3rd tertile of tHcy compared to the 1st increases the risk of having hypertension 1.8 times [OR=1.8 (1.0, 3.3)] in the total population. Stratifying for age, showed that the association in the >50 years group [OR= 2.5 (1.2, 5.4)] drives the overall result. only the people in the >50 years group showed an association with hypertension [OR= 2.5 (1.2, 5.4)]. Having the TT genotype increases the risk of having hypertension compared to the other genotypes in all models of people aged ≤ 50 years [OR= 8.2 (1.3, 53.9)]. In the Reus-Tarragona Birth Cohort two hundred and twelve mother-child dyads were followed up during pregnancy and children at 7.5 years. The prevalence of child hypertension was 6.2%. Child CT genotype increases the risk of having prehypertension/+hypertension 6.5 times [OR= 6.5 (1.0, 43.5)] in the office BP model. Maternal MTHFR 677 CT genotype increases the risk of having prehypertension/ hypertension and prehypertension 7.4 times [OR= 7.4 (1.0, 55.0)]. The association between the genotypes and prehypertension/ hypertension is maintained aftereven adjusting for classical other risk factors

    Un reusenc a Santes Creus.L'abat Andreu Port

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    Eumelanin and pheomelanin are predominant pigments in bumblebee (Apidae: Bombus) pubescence

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    Background: Bumblebees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Bombus) are well known for their important inter- and intra-specific variation in hair (or pubescence) color patterns, but the chemical nature of the pigments associated with these patterns is not fully understood. For example, though melanization is believed to provide darker colors, it still unknown which types of melanin are responsible for each color, and no conclusive data are available for the lighter colors, including white. Methods: By using dispersive Raman spectroscopy analysis on 12 species/subspecies of bumblebees from seven subgenera, we tested the hypothesis that eumelanin and pheomelanin, the two main melanin types occurring in animals, are largely responsible for bumblebee pubescence coloration. Results: Eumelanin and pheomelanin occur in bumblebee pubescence. Black pigmentation is due to prevalent eumelanin, with visible signals of additional pheomelanin, while the yellow, orange, red and brown hairs clearly include pheomelanin. On the other hand, white hairs reward very weak Raman signals, suggesting that they are depigmented. Additional non-melanic pigments in yellow hair cannot be excluded but need other techniques to be detected. Raman spectra were more similar across similarly colored hairs, with no apparent effect of phylogeny and both melanin types appeared to be already used at the beginning of bumblebee radiation. Discussion: We suggest that the two main melanin forms, at variable amounts and/or vibrational states, are sufficient in giving almost the whole color range of bumblebee pubescence, allowing these insects to use a single precursor instead of synthesizing a variety of chemically different pigments. This would agree with commonly seen color interchanges between body segments across Bombus species

    La subfamilia Bombinae (Him., Apidae) de la fauna española

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    Tesis Univ. Complutense de Madrid, 1984.Depto. de Genética, Fisiología y MicrobiologíaFac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEProQuestpu

    Spatial distribution modelling reveals climatically suitable areas for bumblebees in undersampled parts of the Iberian Peninsula

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    The Iberian Peninsula supports a high diversity of bumblebees, with 38 species all of which are at or near the south-western edge of their range. We might expect them to be threatened by climate change, but their distributions within Iberia are poorly documented. In this study, we examine the climatic conditions that explain the distribution of Iberian bumblebees. Species distribution models (SDMs) were built using a presence-only technique (Maxent), incorporating presence data of Iberian bumblebees (initially 5795 records for 38 species) with seven climatic variables. We observed that: (i) mountain regions were highlighted as rich in species (bumblebee hot spots); (ii) rare species are climatic specialist species that mainly inhabit mountain regions; (iii) common species are more tolerant of a broader range of climates, notably of higher temperatures; (iv) some areas of Iberia are largely undersampled, including areas predicted to support high bumblebee diversity. We identify areas where targeted searches may reveal undiscovered populations of rare bumblebee species. Obtaining a good knowledge of the current distribution of species is a vital first step towards devising approaches for their conservation

    El código de barras de ADN confirma la distribución de Bombus magnus (Vogt, 1911) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) en la península Ibérica

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    Bombus magnus (Vogt, 1911) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) is one of the three cryptic species belonging to the lucorum complex besides B. lucorum (Linnaeus, 1761) and B. cryptarum (Fabricius, 1775). In the Iberian Peninsula, only B. lucorum and B. magnus are present but the presence of this last species south of the Pyrenees has not yet been confirmed. Given their morphological similarity, we used the DNA barcode region for the identification of 113 individuals of this species complex in an Iberian sampling. Results confirm the presence of B. magnus in the Pyrenees and extend its current distribution to the Northern Iberian Plateau. Given these results, we suggest that the distribution and conservation status of this species in the Iberian Peninsula should be revised.Bombus magnus (Vogt, 1911) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) es una de las tres especies crípticas pertenecientes al complejo lucorum junto con B. lucorum (Linnaeus, 1761) y B. cryptarum (Fabricius, 1775). En la península Ibérica solo se encuentran B. lurocum y B. magnus pero la presencia de esta última no ha sido confirmada al sur de los Pirineos. Dada su similitud morfológica, usamos la región del código de barras de ADN para identificar 113 individuos de este complejo de especies en un muestreo ibérico. Los resultados confirman la presencia de B. magnus en los Pirineos y amplían su distribución actual hacia la meseta Norte ibérica. Dados estos resultados, sugerimos que ha de revisarse su distribución y el estado de conservación de esta especie en la península Ibérica

    Searching for Molecular Markers to Differentiate Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus) Subspecies in the Iberian Peninsula

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    Bumblebees (genus Bombus Latreille) are pollinator insects of great ecological and economic importance, which commercial use for pollination has increased since the 80s. However, the introduction of foreign Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus) has resulted in a decline of native bumblebee populations in Japan, Chile or Argentina among others. To study the potential introgression of commercial B. terrestris into the Iberian endemic subspecies Bombus terrestris lusitanicus Krüger, it is necessary to find a precise molecular marker that differentiates both subspecies. For this purpose, comparative analyses were carried out between B. t. lusitanicus and B. t. terrestris (Linnaeus) from Spain and from Belgium by sequencing the nuclear genes elongation factor 1-α and arginine kinase and the mitochondrial gene 16S ribosomal RNA, and genotyping with eleven microsatellite loci. No differentiation was observed at the nuclear level, but haplotypes found within the 16S sequence correlated with the morphological characterization of the subspecies. In a case study including individuals sampled before the establishment of bumblebee rearing companies and others from recent samplings, we detected hybrid individuals (those with non-matching morphological subspecies and 16S haplotype) more frequently in the south supporting the naturalization of commercial B. t. terrestris and introgression events between both subspecies. This marker should be used in Iberian populations with the aim to support management and conservation actions in endemic populations of B. t. lusitanicus

    Preliminary report on cross-species microsatellite amplification for bumblebee biodiversity and conservation studies

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    The Iberian Peninsula holds a high diversity of bumblebees but there is a general lack of information about their biodiversity in this area. To overcome this and facilitate conservation studies, we present two novel multiplex assays for the amplification of six and five microsatellite loci respectively. Both assays successfully amplified for most of the studied species in the Iberian populations. Sibling workers and population genetic parameters were analysed in the managed species B. terrestris and in the wild species B. monticola and B. mesomelas, demonstrating the capability of these multiplex assays for biodiversity studies of both managed and wild bumblebee species

    Lisa through the canvas

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    [Resumen] Lisa a través del lienzo es una appserie de animación infantil dirigida a niños y niñas de 8 y 9 años. El objetivo del proyecto es acercar a los niños al mundo de la historia del arte de una forma amena, a través de los episodios de la serie, de 6 minutos de duración. Además, el proyecto cuenta con una aplicación para dispositivos móviles que actúa como soporte principal y ofrece contenidos adicionales educativos para que los niños aprendan más sobre el mundo del arte.[Resumo] Lisa a través do lenzo é unha appserie de animación infantil dirixida a nenos e nenas de 8 e 9 anos. O obxectivo do proxecto é acercar aos nenos ao mundo da historia do arte dunha forma amena, a través dos episodios da serie, de 6 minutos de duración. Ademáis, o proxecto conta cunha aplicación para dispositivos móbiles que actúa como soporte principal e ofrece contidos adicionais educativos para que os nenos aprendan máis sobre o mundo do arte.[Abstract] Lisa through the canvas is an animation appseries meant for 8 and 9 years old children. The objective of this project is bring the kids to the History of Art world in a enjoyable way, through the episodes of the series, which are 6 minutes long. Moreover, the project counts with an app for mobile devices that features aditional educative content so the kids can learn more about art.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.COM). Comunicación audiovisual. Curso 2018/201

    Epidemiological study of honeybee pathogens in Europe: The results of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)

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    As a part of a Pilot Monitoring Program of honey bee health coordinated by the EURL (European Union Reference Laboratory) and according to the criteria established for Spain, 14 apiaries in Castilla-La Mancha were selected at random and sampled during the autumns of 2012-2014 to identify the most prevalent nosogenic agents, potentially those related to the honey bee colony collapse phenomenon. In all the apiaries studied, Nosema ceranae was the most prevalent pathogen detected over the three years, confirming the worldwide spread of this microsporidian, a pathogen that negatively affects honey bee health at an individual and colony level. Trypanosomatids were also very prevalent in honey bee colonies, although the majority of Trypanosomatids detected were not Crithidia mellificae but rather the genetically distinct Lotmaria passim lineage. We also detected Varroa destructor mites, and the particularly high prevalence in 2014 suggests a possible problem regarding mite control in field conditions that requires attention. In agreement with data from other regions, the BQCV and DWV were the most prevalent viruses in honey bee colonies and thus, the Varroa-DVW interaction may be an important cause of bee colony mortality. While there was little evidence of a relationship between the BQCV virus and N. ceranae under field conditions during 2012, this was not the case in 2013 and 2014. Finally, the AKI-complex or LSV-complex was not detected. The information obtained in this study should help orientate future plans for honey bee disease control