16 research outputs found

    Year-to-year dynamics of trophic links of the main commercial fishes in the Barents Sea as indicating the state of ecosystem

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    Ecosystem dynamics and optimal long-term harvest in the Barents Sea fisheries. Proceedings of the 11th Russian-Norwegian Symposium. Murmansk, 15-17 August 2005

    Year-to-year dynamics of trophic links of the main commercial fishes in the Barents Sea as indicating the state of ecosystem

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    Ecosystem dynamics and optimal long-term harvest in the Barents Sea fisheries. Proceedings of the 11th Russian-Norwegian Symposium. Murmansk, 15-17 August 2005

    Year-to-year dynamics of trophic links of the main commercial fishes in the Barents Sea as indicating the state of ecosystem [presentation]

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    Ecosystem dynamics and optimal long-term harvest in the Barents Sea fisheries. Proceedings of the 11th Russian-Norwegian Symposium. Murmansk, 15-17 August 2005

    Climate variations and the state of zooplankton in the Barents Sea

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    We present data on zooplankton biomass distribution in August-September 2005-2006 obtained in the integrated ecosystem system survey for the Barents Sea performed by Russian and Norwegian vessels. In order to establish the general regularities of plankton biomass, data collected in the central latitudinal zone of the Barents Sea in individual years (cold 1987, moderate warm 1989, anomalous warm 2002, 2004, 2005) were analysed. Considerable annual differences in the species and age structure of plankton community in water masses of different origin depending on dynamics of the ice cover in that part of the sea were found. In 2002, owing to the northerly position of the ice edge in summer, the plankton community was characterized by its mixed composition (Atlantic and Arctic species) and high abundance. In 2005 when the advective processes were weak and the eastern areas became free from ice later, a considerable reduction in the abundance of warm-water species was observed. When the position of the ice edge was most southerly in 2004, the bulk of the plankton community was made up of Arctic species and a lack of warm-water species was recorded. In 1987 and 1989, high horizontal gradients of water temperature in the areas of Atlantic and interactions of Arctic water masses were, together with anomalous ice distribution, the main factors influencing the state of zooplankton

    20th anniversary of the PINRO-IMR cooperation in the investigations of fish feeding in the Barents Sea: results and perspectives

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    Since 1986 the Institute of Marine Research, (IMR), Norway and the Knipovich Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (PINRO), Russia, have carried out a joint research program on the trophic relationships in the Barents Sea. As part of this program, the two institutions have exchanged quantitative diet data from fish in the Barents Sea, mainly cod. Diet data can give information about important trophic links in the ecosystem and the strenght of those links. Therefore, diet data is important for quantifying interactions between fish stocks, e.g. by calculating how natural mortality due to predation influences their dynamics. In this paper we give an overview of diet data collected by IMR and PINRO during the last 20 years, and present some results and perspectives for future work