80 research outputs found

    An annotated list of cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali) of the coastal waters of Sakhalin Island and the adjacent southern part of the Sea of Okhotsk

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    An annotated list of cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali) is given for the first time in the 200-year history of studying the ichthyofauna of Sakhalin Island and adjacent waters of the southern part of the Sea of Okhotsk (including the coast of Hokkaido Island) and the northern Sea of Japan. The list includes 43 species in two classes, eight orders, 16 families, and 25 genera. Information on nature conservation status, English and Latin names, depths of habitat, and distribution within the coastal waters of Sakhalin are presented. For a number of species caught off the coast of Sakhalin and in the adjacent waters, information is provided on collection specimens confirming their presence in the region under study. For a number of species of the Rajiformes order (Arctoraja parmifera, A. smirnovi, A. simoterus), the modern ranges and taxonomic status are being refined in the light of new data. The taxonomic status of the so-called “disputed” taxa is discussed as well as the validity of the species considered in the Bathyraja matsubarai complex. Based on the study of the collections, Arctoraja simoterus, previously unknown in the waters of Russia, as well as Myliobatis tobijei, caught in the Bering Sea, has been discovered, which significantly expands the range of this species to the north

    Sexually Dimorphic Morphological Characters in Five North Atlantic Deepwater Skates (Chondrichthyes: Rajiformes)

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    Skates exhibit a variety of manifestations of sexual dimorphism. However, this phenomenon has been poorly documented in deepwater species. New data on the sexual dimorphism of five species of deepwater skates from the North Atlantic Ocean are presented: Amblyraja jenseni, Bathyraja pallida, Bathyraja richardsoni, Rajella bigelowi, and R. kukujevi. These skates exhibit sexual dimorphism most frequently in interorbital width, disc length and width, length of the third gill slit, horizontal diameter of the orbit, length of the fifth gill slit, space between the first and fifth gill slits, length of the second dorsal fin base, mouth width, length and width of each lobe of the nasal curtain, distance from the snout to the center of anus, distance from the snout tip to the point of maximum disc width, length of the lateral fold, length of the orbit + spiracle (measured together), tail height at the pelvic fin tips, and the number of median thorns

    Semiorthogonal decompositions of derived categories of equivariant coherent sheaves

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    Let X be an algebraic variety with an action of an algebraic group G. Suppose X has a full exceptional collection of sheaves, and these sheaves are invariant under the action of the group. We construct a semiorthogonal decomposition of bounded derived category of G-equivariant coherent sheaves on X into components, equivalent to derived categories of twisted representations of the group. If the group is finite or reductive over the algebraically closed field of zero characteristic, this gives a full exceptional collection in the derived equivariant category. We apply our results to particular varieties such as projective spaces, quadrics, Grassmanians and Del Pezzo surfaces.Comment: 28 pages, uses XY-pi

    Nuevos datos sobre la distribución y la composición de tallas de la mielga del Pacífico norte Squalus suckleyi (Girard, 1854)

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    The results of long-term research on the spatial and vertical distribution of the North Pacific spiny dogfish Squalus suckleyi in the North Pacific Ocean and its size composition are presented. In total, data from 7059 catches of this species were analyzed (3178 with associated capture depth). The description of size composition is based on measurements of 413 specimens caught by driftnets, 328 by pelagic trawls and 722 by bottom trawls. This species was found to be most widely distributed in the North Pacific in the summer and autumn months during feeding migrations. Seasonal and long-term changes in the spatial distribution were observed. A wide distribution of S. suckleyi in the Bering Sea was recorded after the year 2000, which is likely associated with recent climate change. Occurrence of the species in the water column and near the bottom differed considerably. In the water column, the maximum number of captures was observed within the upper 25 m layer (about 90%). Near the bottom, this species was most abundant at depths less than 50 m (over 45%) and within a depth range of 101-200 m (about 50%). The catch of S. suckleyi during the daytime was considerably larger than in the night, possibly due to vertical diurnal migrations. This species was found at water temperatures ranging from 0 to 12.7°C, and maximum catches were observed at temperatures over 8°C. Size compositions of bottom and pelagic trawl catches were similar (mean length 69.1 and 68.6 cm respectively) while driftnet catches were composed of larger specimens (mean length 75.3 cm).Se presentan los resultados de un estudio a largo plazo sobre la distribución espacial y vertical y la composición de tallas de la mielga del Pacífico norte, Squalus suckleyi. Se analizó la captura de 7059 ejemplares de esta especie (de los que 3178 disponían de datos de profundidad de captura). La composición de tallas se basó en las medidas de 413 ejemplares capturados mediante redes de deriva, 328 por arrastres pelágicos y 722 por arrastres de fondo. La especie se distribuye más ampliamente en el Pacífico norte durante los meses de verano y otoño, asociada a migraciones alimentarias. Se observaron cambios estacionales y a largo plazo en la distribución espacial. En el Mar de Bering se registró una amplia distribución de S. suckleyi después de 2000, probablemente asociada a cambios climáticos recientes. La presencia de la especie en la columna de agua y cerca del fondo difiere notablemente. En la columna, el número máximo de capturas (cerca del 90%) se observó en los primeros 25 m de profundidad. Cerca del fondo, la especie fue más abundante a profundidades menores de 50 m (más del 45%) y en el rango 101-200 m (cerca del 50%). Las capturas de S. suckleyi durante el día fueron considerablemente mayores que durante la noche, posiblememente debido a migraciones verticales diurnas. La especie se registró en un rango de temperaturas de 0 a 12.7°C, y las capturas máximas se dieron por encima de 8°C. La composición de tallas de los arrastres pelágicos y de fondo fue similar (talla media de 69.1 y 68.6 cm, respectivamente), mientras que las capturas mediante redes de deriva presentaron ejemplares mayores (talla media: 75.3 cm)

    Age and growth of blue Antimora Antimora rostrata (Moridae) in Southwestern Greenland waters

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    The results of determination of age and study on growth of blue antimora Antimora rostrata from the waters of Southwestern Greenland are presented. The results are based on the analysis of 200 fish otoliths. In the catches, we found specimens of antimora with total lengths of 18−70 cm, body weights of 23−2731 g, at the age of 7−38 years. Minimal age of males (not considering juvenile individuals) was 10 years at body length of 27−33 cm; maximal age was 18 years at 42 cm. Minimal age of females was 9 years at length of 21–27 cm; maximal age was 38 years at 70 cm. The rate of linear growth in blue antimora from Southwestern Greenland waters is comparable to that in the fish from New Zealand and Ross Sea waters but considerably lower than indicated earlier for fish from the waters of Iceland, Greenland, and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The age of reaching sexual maturity in males and females is preliminary determined as 15 and 19−20 years, respectively

    Growth and age of the roughhead grenadier Macrourus berglax in waters off Southwest Greenland

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    Data on the age and growth of the roughhead grenadier Macrourus berglax from waters off Southwest Greenland have been obtained based on the analysis of otoliths. Specimens with a preanal length of 5−39 cm, a weight of 7−5275 g, and age from 2 to 22 years are recorded in trawl catches. Roughhead grenadier exhibits a similar rate of linear growth in waters off Southwest Greenland and other parts of the range in the Northwest Atlantic. No considerable differences from the rate of the linear growth calculated earlier from scales for the species in waters off West Greenland have been found. In the recent period, the rate of weight gain in roughhead grenadier in waters off Southwest Greenland has been lower than in the Northwest Atlantic in the first half of the 1980s. The age of mass maturation in males (7–9 years) and females (16–17 years) in waters off West and East Greenland is somewhat higher than in coastal waters of Norway and the Northwest Atlantic

    Genomic signatures of freshwater adaptation in Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii)

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    Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) is an essential target of commercial fishing in the North Pacific Ocean. Previous studies have suggested the existence of marine and lake ecological forms of this species within its range. The lake ecological form of herring has a shortened life cycle, spending the winter and spawning in brackish waters near the shoreline without long migrations for feed-ing; it also has a relatively smaller body size than the marine form. Genetic-based studies have shown that brackish water Pacific herring not only can be distinguished as a separate lake eco-logical form but possibly has its genetic legacy. Here, as part of an ongoing study, using ddRAD-sequencing data for marine and lake ecological forms from a total of 54 individuals and methods of comparative bioinformatics, we describe genomic signatures of freshwater adaptivity in Pacific herring. In total, 253 genes containing discriminating SNPs were found, and part of those genes was organized into genome clusters, also known as “genomic islands of divergence”. Moreover, the Tajima’s D test showed that these loci are under directional selection in the lake populations of the Pacific herring. Yet, most discriminating loci between the lake and marine eco-logical forms of Pacific herring do not intersect (by gene name) with those in other known marine fish species with known freshwater/brackish populations. However, some are associated with the same physiological trait—osmoregulation.publishedVersio

    Into the deep: New data on the lipid and fatty acid profile of redfish Sebastes mentella inhabiting different depths in the Irminger Sea

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    New data on lipid and fatty acid profiles are presented, and the dynamics of the studied components in muscles in the males and females of the beaked redfish, Sebastes mentella, in the depth gradient of the Irminger Sea (North Atlantic) is discussed. The contents of the total lipids (TLs), total phospholipids (PLs), monoacylglycerols (MAGs), diacylglycerols (DAGs), triacylglycerols (TAGs), cholesterol (Chol), Chol esters, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs), and wax esters were determined by HPTLC; the phosphatidylserine (PS), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylinositol (PI), phosphatidylcholine (PC), and lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) were determined by HPLC; and fatty acids of total lipids were determined using GC. The Chol esters prevailed in muscles over the storage TAGs, and the wax ester content was high, which is a characteristic trait of vertically migrating species. Specific dynamics in certain PL in redfish were found to be depended on depth, suggesting that PLs are involved in the re-arrangement of the membrane physicochemical state and the maintenance of motor activity under high hydrostatic pressure. The high contents of DHA and EPA were observed in beaked redfish muscles is the species’ characteristic trait. The MUFAs in muscles include dietary markers of zooplankton (copepods)—20:1(n-9) and 22:1(n-11), whose content was found to be lower in fish sampled from greater depth

    New data on the distribution and size composition of the North Pacific spiny dogfish <i>Squalus suckleyi</i> (Girard, 1854)

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    The results of long-term research on the spatial and vertical distribution of the North Pacific spiny dogfish Squalus suckleyi in the North Pacific Ocean and its size composition are presented. In total, data from 7059 catches of this species were analyzed (3178 with associated capture depth). The description of size composition is based on measurements of 413 specimens caught by driftnets, 328 by pelagic trawls and 722 by bottom trawls. This species was found to be most widely distributed in the North Pacific in the summer and autumn months during feeding migrations. Seasonal and long-term changes in the spatial distribution were observed. A wide distribution of S. suckleyi in the Bering Sea was recorded after the year 2000, which is likely associated with recent climate change. Occurrence of the species in the water column and near the bottom differed considerably. In the water column, the maximum number of captures was observed within the upper 25 m layer (about 90%). Near the bottom, this species was most abundant at depths less than 50 m (over 45%) and within a depth range of 101-200 m (about 50%). The catch of S. suckleyi during the daytime was considerably larger than in the night, possibly due to vertical diurnal migrations. This species was found at water temperatures ranging from 0 to 12.7°C, and maximum catches were observed at temperatures over 8°C. Size compositions of bottom and pelagic trawl catches were similar (mean length 69.1 and 68.6 cm respectively) while driftnet catches were composed of larger specimens (mean length 75.3 cm)