7 research outputs found

    The Team Orienteering Problem with Overlaps : An Application in Cash Logistics

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    The team orienteering problem (TOP) aims at finding a set of routes subject to maximum route duration constraints that maximize the total collected profit from a set of customers. Motivated by a real-life automated teller machine cash replenishment problem that seeks for routes maximizing the number of bank account holders having access to cash withdrawal, we investigate a generalization of the TOP that we call the team orienteering problem with overlaps (TOPO). For this problem, the sum of individual profits may overestimate the real profit. We present exact solution methods based on column generation and a metaheuristic based on large neighborhood search to solve the TOPO. An extensive computational analysis shows that the proposed solution methods can efficiently solve synthetic and real-life TOPO instances. Moreover, the proposed methods are competitive with the best algorithms from the literature for the TOP. In particular, the exact methods can find the optimal solution of 371 of the 387 benchmark TOP instances, 33 of which are closed for the first time

    The team orienteering problem with overlaps: An application in cash logistics

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    The team orienteering problem (TOP) aims at finding a set of routes subject to maximum route duration constraints that maximize the total collected profit from a set of customers. Motivated by a real-life automated teller machine cash replenishment problem that seeks for routes maximizing the number of bank account holders having access to cash withdrawal, we investigate a generalization of the TOP that we call the team orienteering problem with overlaps (TOPO). For this problem, the sum of individual profits may overestimate the real profit. We present exact solution methods based on column generation and a metaheuristic based on large neighborhood search to solve the TOPO. An extensive computational analysis shows that the proposed solution methods can efficiently solve synthetic and real-life TOPO instances. Moreover, the proposed methods are competitive with the best algorithms from the literature for the TOP. In particular, the exact methods can find the optimal solution of 371 of the 387 benchmark TOP instances, 33 of which are closed for the first time

    Distribution with Quality of Service Considerations: The Capacitated Routing Problem with Profits and Service Level Requirements

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    Inspired by a problem arising in cash logistics, we propose the Capacitated Routing Problem with Profits and Service Level Requirements (CRPPSLR). The CRPPSLR extends the class of Routing Problems with Profits by considering customers requesting deliveries to their (possibly multiple) service points. Moreover, each customer imposes a service level requirement specifying a minimum-acceptable bound on the fraction of its service points being delivered. A customer-specific financial penalty is incurred by the logistics service provider when this requirement is not met. The CRPPSLR consists in finding vehicle routes maximizing the difference between the collected revenues and the incurred transportation and penalty costs in such a way that vehicle capacity and route duration constraints are met. A fleet of homogeneous vehicles is available for serving the customers. We design a branch-and-cut algorithm and evaluate the usefulness of valid inequalities that have been effectively used for the capacitated vehicle routing problem and, more recently, for other routing problems with profits. A real-life case study taken from the cash supply chain in the Netherlands highlights the relevance of the problem under consideration. Computational results illustrate the performance of the proposed solution approach under different input parameter settings for the synthetic instances. For instances of real-life problems, we distinguish between coin and banknote distribution, as vehicle capacities only matter when considering the former. Finally, we report on the effectiveness of the valid inequalities in closing the optimality gap at the root node for both the synthetic and the real-life instances and conclude with a sensitivity analysis on the most significant input parameters of our model

    ATM cash replenishment under varying population coverage requirements

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    Inspired by an automated teller machine (ATM) cash replenishment problem involving population coverage requirements (PCRs) in the Netherlands, we propose the vehicle tour problem with minimum coverage requirements. In this problem, a set of minimum-cost routes is constructed subject to constraints on the duration of each route and the population coverage of the replenished ATMs. A compact formulation incorporating a family of valid inequalities and an efficient tour-splitting metaheuristic are proposed and tested on 77 instances derived from real-life data involving up to 98 ATMs and 237,604 citizens and on 144 newly generated synthetic instances. Our results for the real-life instances indicate significant cost differences in replenishing ATMs for seven major Dutch cities when the PCRs vary. Additionally, we illustrate the impact of different PCRs on the ATM replenishment costs for seven major cities in the Netherlands by presenting an aggregated cost evaluation of 11 PCRs involving 1,003,519 citizens, 338 ATMs, and 19 cash distribution vehicles

    Efficient Reconfiguration of Processing Modules on {FPGA}s for Space Instruments

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    We consider optimization techniques for a problem that requires a valid \u000Ascheduling and allocation of tasks on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). A \u000Aconcrete application on a scientific space instrument arises in the context of \u000AESA's Solar Orbiter mission; making use of dynamic reconfiguration allows a \u000Agood and flexible use of resources, but the resulting packing and scheduling \u000Aproblems in the presence of inhomogeneous allocation resources are quite \u000Achallenging. In our scenario, modules are described by three parameters: their \u000Aresource demands for different types of resources, their priority, and their \u000Aclock frequency. These are to be allocated on an FPGA that provides a number of \u000Adifferent resources that are available at specific locations. We first present \u000Aan Integer Program that partitions the tasks in such a way that all constraints \u000Acan be met and the reconfiguration overhead is minimized, and then give methods \u000Afor allocating the processing modules of the partitioned tasks on the FPGA. We \u000Aevaluate our methods on a real application of the Solar Orbiter PHI instrument. \u000AThe results obtained indicate computational efficiency and a remarkable \u000Asolution quality