1,474 research outputs found

    A History of Federal Aid to Education

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    La experiencia totalitaria en Europa después de la IIGM. Voces de mujer: exilio, denuncia y escritura en lengua francesa. Oana Orlea y Rouja Lazarova

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    La experiencia totalitaria en Europa después de la IIGM deja una larga estela de consecuencias que se caracterizan, desde la perspectiva artística y literaria, por la opresión y la falta de libertad de expresión. La vivencia del exilio a partir de los años 80 en Francia abre la posibilidad a muchos escritores de denunciar lo vivido por medio de la expresión literaria en lengua francesa. Nuestro análisis se centra en el estudio del universo narrativo de las autoras Oana Orlea (1935), de origen rumano, y Rouja Lazarova (1968), de origen búlgaro, exiliadas en Francia en 1980 y 1991, respectivamente. Ambas autoras, en el marco de la ficción, introducen voces de mujer y proyectan su experiencia autobiográfica antes y después del exilio y adoptan la palabra para denunciar los abusos del régimen totalitarioTotalitarian experience in Europe after WWII leaves a long trail of consequences that are characterized, from the artistic and literary perspective, by oppression and lack of freedom of expression. The experience of exile from the 80s in France opens the possibility to denounce what many writers lived through literary expression in French. Our analysis focuses on the study of narrative universe of the authors Oana Orlea (1935), of Romanian origin, and Rouja Lazarova (1968) of Bulgarian origin, exiled in France in 1980 and 1991, respectively. Both authors, in the context of fiction, introduced women’s voices, cast their autobiographical experience before and after the exile and take the floor to denounce the abuses of the totalitarian regim

    Modelling and 3D Visualisation of Landscape Changes in the Rosia Montana Basin

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    The town of Rosia Montana is located above one of the largest gold and other precious metal deposits in Europe. Gold and silver have been mined for centuries here, even as early as pre-roman times. Since then, and predominantly in the 20th century the landscape has undergone significant changes. Until the dawn of open pit mining the ores were extracted using shafts and tunnels, leaving little if any traces on the surface. Large-scale open cast mining began in the first half of the 20th century and two large pits were excavated in the immediate vicinity of the little town. After a few decades these were closed down, relocating the mining activities into a neighbouring valley. Presently the Rosia Montana Gold Corporation is planning on reopening the gold deposits in the area by starting the largest open cast mine site in Europe. The project aroused much controversy and international protests regarding its consequences on the population and the environment. The current study aims to model the landscape in the past in some selected time periods. In addition, a significant section will attempt to predict and visualise the future landscape after the full development of the project. Also, a time series animation is included to demonstrate the changes in time.

    A History of Federal Aid to Education

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    Mapping soil erosion susceptibility using GIS techniques within the Danube floodplain, the Calafat - Turnu Măgurele sector (Romania)

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    The Danube floodplain, the Calafat - Turnu Măgurele sector, through its main features (topographic and climatic characteristics, land use and soil type) and human activities, constitutes an area exposed to soil erosion. The main objective of the present research is to map soil erosion susceptibility using the GIS techniques for the computation and representation of areas, which are exposed to soil erosion correlated with the field data for the validation. Analyzing the entire model, the relatively simple methodology, the database consistence, the comparability of the results with the existent soil erosion values at national and local scale, we can say that the model was applied with success in the studied area (areas and classes of water erosion susceptibility: very low, low, moderate, high - Ciupercenii Noi, Desa, Măceşu de Jos, Grojdibodu, Orlea, very high - Rast, Negoi, Catane, Bistreţ, Goicea; areas and classes of wind erosion susceptibility: very low, low, moderate - Ciupercenii Noi, Dăbuleni, Ianca, high - Calafat, Poiana Mare, Desa, Goicea, Piscu Vechi, very high - Poiana Mare, Rast, Negoi, Bistreţ, Gighera, Orlea. The soil erosion susceptibility map can be useful for planning erosion control measures and for selecting suitable sites for runoff plot experiments

    How Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act Failed Displaced New Orleans Voters

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    The research carried out in Olt County regarding invasive and potentially invasive alogen plant species is a necessary step in order to complete the information on their distribution at the national level. The data obtained will be able to be used for a careful monitoring of these plants and the adoption of the necessary management measures regarding the eradication or prevention of their introduction and spread. In this sense, an inventory of invasive and potentially invasive plant species identified on the territory of Olt county is presented, with information on the geographical origin, life form, biological form, an assessment of the degree of invasiveness, chorological data, habitat, as well as aspects related to the impact they exert on native vegetation, human health or the economy. The preliminary analysis of the list of invasive and potentially invasive alogen plants identified in Olt County highlights, in particular, the presence of some species of concern for the European Union (such as Ailanthus altissima, Asclepias syriaca and Elodea nuttallii). Besides these, the most widespread invasive species found in Olt county are Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Robinia pseudoacacia, Morus alba, Amorpha fruticosa, Acer negundo, Amaranthus retroflexus, Erigeron annuus, E. canadensis, Lycium barbarum, Sorghum halepense, Xanthium orientale subsp.italicum. It is well known that the impact of invasive species on the environment, the economy and in some situations even on human health is major and that is why these organisms must be subject to an extensive and continuous monitoring process. Also, in order to control the introduction and spread of invasive and potentially invasive species, a series of appropriate management measures are required


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    Notes on contributors to Explorations in Ethnic Studies, vol. 5, no.1, 198

    Lena Constante. Experiencia carcelaria y búsqueda de la palabra liberadora en lengua francesa

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    Lena Constante (1909-2005), escritora de origen rumano elige la lengua francesa para escribir su testimonio en las cárceles rumanas entre 1950 y 1957. Su vivencia, en un contexto de opresión totalitaria y de injusta acusación, expresa de modo somero las condiciones políticas en las que se produjeron los acontecimientos. Ahora bien, la autora desarrolla todo un conjunto de estrategias transgresoras, ligadas a la composición verbal que plasma en su obra autobiográfica L’évasion silencieuse. Trois mille jours seule dans les prisons roumaines (1990). Lejos de alcanzar la felicidad, realiza su propio camino de liberación interior frente al silencio, el aislamiento y las torturas impuestas.  Palabras clave: Lena Constante; cárcel; silencio; escritura; francés; transgresión-liberación.Lena Constante (1909-2005), writer of Romanian origin choose the French language to write her testimony in Romanian prisons between 1950 and 1957. Her experience, in a context of totalitarian oppression and unjust accusation, express in a cursory manner the political conditions in which the events occurred. However, the author develops a set of transgressive strategies linked to the verbal composition reflected in her autobiographical work L’évasion silencieuse. Mille trois jours seule dans les prisons roumaines (1990). Far from achieving happiness, makes her inner journey against the silence, the isolation and the imposed tortures. Keywords: Lena Constante; jail; silence; writing; French; transgression; release

    Prolegomena to a Study of the Religious and Cultural Networks Linking the Romanian Communities of Medieval Transylvania

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    International audienceA critical survey of the religious medieval monuments and art of the western Carpathian mountains, Lower Mureş Valley, and the Hațeg region witnesses to the history of Romanian communities in what was once part of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary. As such, the interpretation of this peripheral artistic corpus remains a never-ending matter of dispute among the religious and cultural complexities of Transylvanian society. This paper asserts that while Transylvania lies outside the usual geographical boundaries of the Balkans, medieval Transylvanian Romanians largely followed cultural norms from south of the Danube, and thus belong within the Balkan milieu