48 research outputs found

    The corporate governance contribution as a creation of value for commercial partnerships between service providers and logistic operators

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    This theoretical research identified the possibility that Governance factors contribute as evidence of value in the relationships of commercial partnerships between Logistic Operators and service providers. The data analysis allowed to identify three possible levels of grouping due to the variables of facilitators of proximity of partnerships that showed that it is possible to have a relationship with transparence between the client company and its suppliers. Most of these groups of suppliers were characterized by the intention to share operating profits with the client company, with little tolerance to financial risks of joint investments and a tendency to sign future supply contracts. Transparency, ethics and corporate responsibility have contributed to the consolidation of these groupings of partnerships among companies, as well as creating a mutual and evolutionary process of full confidence in such a way that Corporate Governance becomes the main value factor for this relationship

    Strategic Groups and Competitive Priorities in Lean Production Environments: Challenges of Production Management

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    This paper explores how the choices and implementation of lean production practices are influenced by performance goals prioritized by firms in the context of operations strategy. We analyzed a set of fifty-six companies in the auto parts industry in Campinas and Jundiai region, divided into four strategic groups. These groups of firms that adopt similar strategic orientations were used to investigate the relationship between implementation of lean manufacturing practices and choice of performance objectives. The results suggest that consideration of strategic groups can improve the understanding of how performance objectives can define lean manufacturing practices adopted by manufacturing companies


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    This paper aims to analyze the benefits of Modular Consortium (MC) and Industrial Condominium (IC) adopted by four auto makers located on Brazil, using exploratory case study conducted in 2013. The key element of success for modern companies or in other words, modern management is the alignment of operation strategy with production practice. It was concluded that although both of models have a positive impact of competitive priority like quick decision making in the production process, gains in stock level reduction and integration of the physical flow and information between the manufacturer and suppliers. On the other hand both of models have negative impact like loss of flexibility in case of a change in suppliers and logistics and problems that may arise as a result of modulists producing modules in other factories

    Competitive dysfunction in pharmacies compounding: a Brazilian experience

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    This research aims to investigate the level of gaps in services offered by compounding pharmacies in Brazil. The research was conducted with a sample of 306 respondents comprised of owners, pharmacists and customers. We sought to assess the extent of gaps regarding competitive, strategic and operational dysfunctions, checking which are significant and the results of the service provided in relation to competitive factors valued by customers. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire validated model as SERVQUAL, published by Parasuraman et al. (1988). The statistical analysis used the software BioEstat v.05. The results demonstrate that there is a strong adhesion of the samples obtained and the quality dimension that stood out was reliability. In relation to the dysfunctions researched, the results pointed to a perfect interaction between agents which led us to accept that, as part of the pharmacies researched, there is no significant competitive dysfunction

    A Inovação pós crise - Um estudo da variação das inovações protegidas por patente após as epidemias virais

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    Não podemos ficar parados em período de crise, inovar é a única saída (Frabasile, 2017). Aproveitando essa afirmação, este artigo evidencia o aumento no volume de inovações protegidos por patentes após as epidemias de H3N2 (gripe de Hong Kong) e a H1N1 (Gripe Suína), de forma longitudinal. O montante de 4,6% do total de inovações médicas concedidas por meio de patentes estão relacionados com as epidemias de gripe estudadas. O relatório da OMS Expenditure in Health as % of GDP foi o ponto de partida para a construção do estudo exploratório, selecionando o campo Tecnologia Médica como ponto de partida. Adicionalmente, foram incluídos dados de outras bases como o PATENTSCOPE e a ESPACENET que contribuíram para quantificar a importância da inovação médica no cenário apresentado. Ao se contrapor ao juramento médico, a patente é uma ferramenta que auxilia na identificação da inovação em bases confiáveis, promovendo a difusão tecnológica qualificada, e a importância financeira das inovações no ambiente foram levadas em consideração, mostrando que investir na pesquisa médica pode auxiliar na busca por uma fatia dos 612,7 Bilhões de dólares que serão gastos em saúde pelas pessoas em 2025 (Fortune business insights, 2019)


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    The present work argues that the responsible persons for the function production in the small and medium companies (SMC) should know how to formulate and to implement production strategies to the competitive advantages that the organization looks for to conquer, to maintain and to enlarge, or, in other words, aligned to the business strategy. For so much, it recommends the use of the model of fields and weapons of the competition (FWC). Besides considerations about production strategy and competitive advantage in the SMC, the work presents a synthesis of the model of FWC, that it is a model quite adapted to formulate the business strategy so much as the production strategies. Field of the competition is where the company looks for competitive advantage and it is defined by the business strategy. Competition weapon is a factor that the organization uses to reach competitive advantage in a field of the competition and it is defined by the operational strategy. For each field of the competition there is a group of appropriate weapons, and the company should make use of them to overcome the competitors. The objective of this work is to determine that group of weapons.O presente trabalho argumenta que os responsáveis pela função produção nas pequenas e médias empresas - PMEs devem saber formular e implementar estratégias de produção alinhadas às vantagens competitivas que a organização busca conquistar, manter e ampliar, ou, em outras palavras, alinhadas à estratégia de negócio. Para tanto, recomenda o uso do modelo de campos e armas da competição. Além de fazer considerações sobre estratégia de produção e vantagem competitiva nas pequenas e médias empresas, o trabalho apresenta uma síntese do modelo de campos e armas da competição, que é um modelo bastante adequado para formular tanto a estratégia de negócio quanto as estratégias de produção. Campo da competição é o locus onde a empresa busca vantagem competitiva como preço, qualidade ou prazo de entrega, e é definido pela estratégia de negócio. Uma boa estratégia exige um ou dois campos principais, que não sejam excludentes, e um ou dois campos coadjuvantes. Arma de competição é um meio que a organização utiliza para alcançar vantagem competitiva em um campo da competição e é definida pela estratégia operacional. Para cada campo da competição há um conjunto de armas adequadas, chamadas de armas relevantes, de que a empresa deve fazer uso para vencer os concorrentes. Como determinar esse conjunto de armas é o objetivo deste trabalho