11 research outputs found

    Barreiras à entrada em mercados alimentares: uma discussão das evidências recentes

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    Este artigo discute os aspectos mais salientes e constitutivos da estrutura de mercado de alimentos nos países desenvolvidos, especialmente enfatizando aqueles relacionados às magnitudes e à intensidade das barreiras à entrada, tais como os custos de publicidade e propaganda (P&P), as estratégias de diferenciação de produtos e os gastos com pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D). Derivadamente, destacam-se ainda alguns pontos sobre as estratégias competitivas das grandes empresas alimentícias, permitindo a melhor compreensão do padrão concorrencial vigente nos mercados alimentícios e das exigências que esse padrão coloca para as estratégias das empresas de menor porte, notadamente os reflexos que a crescente internacionalização produtiva e comercial desses mercados podem acarretar para as empresas de menor porte econômico que atuam restritas aos mercados domésticos

    Tendências recentes na indústria de defensivos agrícolas no Brasil

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    Este artigo analisa as tendências recentes da indústria de defensivos agrícolas no Brasil, privilegiando o comportamento das filiais brasileiras de grandes empresas de defensivos. A partir de um acompanhamento sistemático de informações qualitativas e quantitativas dessas empresas, discutem-se as principais mudanças nas suas estratégias tecnológicas, produtivas e comerciais sob a perspectiva da reestruturação produtiva e comercial no âmbito da globalização.This paper analyzes the recent trends in the agrochemicals industry in Brazil, looking at the behavior of the Brazilian units of the biggest multinational companies. We discuss the main changes in the technological and commercial strategies, ftom a perspective of productive and commercial transformations in the scenario of globalization

    Uma aplicação da heurística da ancoragem e ajustamento considerando diferentes estratos socioeconômicos no Município de Fortaleza-CE

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    A Economia Comportamental avança como alternativa à abordagem mainstream econômica, pressupondo que a racionalidade limitada dos agentes os conduz a regras simplificadoras na tomada de decisão, as heurísticas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar os efeitos da heurística da ancoragem e ajustamento em estimativas numéricas de itens de consumo entre os estratos socioeconômicos de indivíduos fortalezenses. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa empírica com análise posterior nos moldes estatísticos propostos por Jacowitz e Kahneman. Os resultados indicaram uma grande influência do efeito ancoragem nas decisões desses agentes. O Estrato Baixo foi mais influenciado pelas âncoras que o Médio, que sofreu maior influência que o Alto. Concluiu-se que a estratificação socioeconômica afetou as estimativas numéricas dos indivíduos no ambiente de consum

    Estudo do processo de inovação tecnológica no setor agroindustrial : estudos de caso na cadeia produtiva de leite fluido no sistema setorial de inovação da França

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    Essa pesquisa possui, como principal objetivo, contribuir para a compreensão da dinâmica associada à implementação de inovações tecnológicas no setor agroindustrial. A abordagem dos Sistemas Setoriais de Inovação (SSI) e o método de estudos de caso foram aplicados para avaliar o fenômeno de inovação tecnológica em agroindústrias processadoras de leite fluido no sistema setorial de inovação da França. O SSI da cadeia de leite fluido na França pode ser caracterizado pelas consistentes oportunidades de mercado, mas baixa apropriabilidade – em função da intensidade da concorrência vertical e spillovers - e fraca cumulatividade no nível da firma – decorrente da relevância do desenvolvimento externo de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (P&D) e das características da base de conhecimento acessada. Contudo as experiências inovadoras, descritas nos estudos de caso, demonstram que esses parâmetros podem ser flexibilizados com o aumento do nível de apropriabilidade (i) pelo pioneirismo associado com a exploração de ativos complementares discricionários, principalmente imagem de marca, ou (ii) pelo pioneirismo associado com o acesso a vantagens competitivas decorrentes do acúmulo de experiência em tecnologias incipientes.The aim of this study is to evaluate the dynamics related to the implementation of technological innovations in the food processing industry. We use case studies and the sectorial innovation system approach to give evidence about the innovation process carried out by fluid milk processors in the French sectorial innovation system. The SIS of fluid milk in France is characterized by a high level of market opportunities and low appropriability – considering the fiercely vertical competition and spillovers – and low cumulativity at the firm level – as a consequence of the external character of R&D sources and the characteristics of the knowledge base. Nevertheless, the innovative projects described in the case studies evidenced that those parameters can be relaxed with an increasing level of appropriability (i) as a consequence of pioneering associated with the exploration of complementary assets (especially brand image) or (ii) pioneering associated with tacit learning in the development of new technologies

    Sectorial innovation systems : an application of the concept in the brazialian and french fluid milk production chain

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    The aim of this study is to test a new framework in order to evaluate some fundamental institutional, technological and organizational factors in the innovation process carried out by food processing firms. We use case studies and the sectoral innovation system - SIS approach to give evidence about the innovation process carried out by fluid milk processors in the French and Brazilian sectoral innovation system. The SIS´ approach is defined as the system of firms active in developing and making a sector’s products and in generating and utilizing a sector’s technologies; such a system of firms is related in two different ways: through processes of interaction and cooperation in artifact-technology development and through processes of competition and selection in innovative and market activities. The forces that account for the dynamics of SIS and shape their spatial boundaries are represented in the concept of “technological regime” which is defined by the level and type of opportunity and appropriability conditions, by the cumulativeness of technological knowledge, by the nature of knowledge, and the means of technology transmission and communication. We choose a research design with one unity of analysis (food processors that recently launched new products and explored new markets in the fluid milk production chain) and multiple case studies (two firms in Brazil and two in France which launched some of the principal product innovations in this market during the 90’s, respectively: Premium UHT milk, sterilized milk, organic UHT milk, and microfiltrated milk). The structure and strategies developed by suppliers, the dairy industry and the retail food distribution system are undergoing rapid change in those countries helping to show the robustness of the phenomenon across different and complex contexts. Afterwards, we compare enterprises with the same structural profile in the two countries: multinational enterprises – MNE (very large multi-product/brand firms) and small and medium enterprises - SME. This configuration is specially useful and robust to confront the theoretical basis, where each case is selected by the researcher to confirm convergent or contrasting evidence between the cases. Finally, the empirical observations are compared with similar and conflicting theory about innovation in the food industry in the hope to generalize them to theoretical propositions

    Sectorial innovation systems : an application of the concept in the brazialian and french fluid milk production chain

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    The aim of this study is to test a new framework in order to evaluate some fundamental institutional, technological and organizational factors in the innovation process carried out by food processing firms. We use case studies and the sectoral innovation system - SIS approach to give evidence about the innovation process carried out by fluid milk processors in the French and Brazilian sectoral innovation system. The SIS´ approach is defined as the system of firms active in developing and making a sector’s products and in generating and utilizing a sector’s technologies; such a system of firms is related in two different ways: through processes of interaction and cooperation in artifact-technology development and through processes of competition and selection in innovative and market activities. The forces that account for the dynamics of SIS and shape their spatial boundaries are represented in the concept of “technological regime” which is defined by the level and type of opportunity and appropriability conditions, by the cumulativeness of technological knowledge, by the nature of knowledge, and the means of technology transmission and communication. We choose a research design with one unity of analysis (food processors that recently launched new products and explored new markets in the fluid milk production chain) and multiple case studies (two firms in Brazil and two in France which launched some of the principal product innovations in this market during the 90’s, respectively: Premium UHT milk, sterilized milk, organic UHT milk, and microfiltrated milk). The structure and strategies developed by suppliers, the dairy industry and the retail food distribution system are undergoing rapid change in those countries helping to show the robustness of the phenomenon across different and complex contexts. Afterwards, we compare enterprises with the same structural profile in the two countries: multinational enterprises – MNE (very large multi-product/brand firms) and small and medium enterprises - SME. This configuration is specially useful and robust to confront the theoretical basis, where each case is selected by the researcher to confirm convergent or contrasting evidence between the cases. Finally, the empirical observations are compared with similar and conflicting theory about innovation in the food industry in the hope to generalize them to theoretical propositions