250 research outputs found

    Realt\ue0 e Modelli

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    Tra le varie proposte presenti nel libro, il laboratorio \u201cRealt\ue0 e modelli\u201d vuole evidenziare il ruolo chiave della matematica nella modellizzazione di fenomeni reali, puntando anche a sviluppare un\u2019attitudine sperimentale verso la disciplina. Presenta le attivit\ue0 svolte con gli studenti delle scuole superiori relative alla descrizione e allo studio qualitativo e numerico di alcuni semplici modelli matematici che si incontrano nella fisica e nella biologia e che sono descritti da equazioni differenziali ordinarie

    Análise do conteúdo de parasitoses em livros didáticos do Ensino Fundamental

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Biológicas. Biologia.O presente trabalho apresenta resultados de pesquisa referente ao trabalho de conclusão de curso, cujo objetivo é analisar como o conteúdo relativo ao tema parasitoses é abordado em livros didáticos para o ensino fundamental. O texto apresenta informações sobre a escolha dos livros a serem analisados e a definição dos critérios de análise. Os títulos escolhidos para análise são utilizados pela rede pública de ensino do município de Florianópolis. Durante o processo de elaboração foram construídos oito critérios: qualidade científica do conteúdo textual; forma de apresentação do tema no livro; características textuais; figuras e ilustrações; contextualização; interdisciplinaridade; atividades práticas e exercícios propostos; recursos adicionais. Os resultados indicam que os livros didáticos analisados apresentam aspectos positivos e negativos com relação aos critérios observados. Ainda que este trabalho tenha analisado apenas o conteúdo referente às parasitoses, ele pode auxiliar professores ou futuros professores que tenham interesse em desenvolver um olhar crítico para o livro didático, já que os critérios podem ser adequados aos outros conteúdos.This work presents the results from a research of the end of course assignment; the objective is to analyze how the parasistosis content is approached in the didactic book. The text presents information about the choice of the books analyzed used in the public system of basic education from Florianópolis. During the process eight criteria were built: scientific quality of the textual content; how the theme is present in the book; the textual characteristics ; the illustrations and figures; contextualization; interdisciplinarity; practical activities and proposed exercises; additional resources. The results show that the analyzed didactic books present positive and negative aspects in relation to the criteria observed. Even if the research considers only the parasitosis content, it can help teacher or future teachers that have interests in the subject to develop critic observation towards the didactic book, the criteria can be adapt to other contents

    A prática pedagógica como componente curricular na formação de professores: a visão de graduandos do curso de Ciências Biológicas (diurno) da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Científica e Tecnológica, Florianópolis, 2015.Este trabalho apresenta uma análise de como se dá um dos aspectos da formação de professores do curso de licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas (diurno) da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. A partir da reformulação da legislação para a educação no Brasil surgiram diversos documentos sobre a formação de professores que tinham como objetivo promover a mudança de paradigma nos cursos de licenciatura. A análise dos dispositivos legais permitiu perceber que estes tinham por objetivo a superação da racionalidade técnica e a valorização da racionalidade prática. Isso ocorreu num momento em que as pesquisas e teorias da área passam a valorizar a figura do professor como protagonista da sua prática. A Prática como Componente Curricular (PCC) surge como elemento obrigatório dos cursos de licenciatura e um espaço de reflexão sobre a atividade docente, sobre o ser professor. A PCC no currículo do curso analisado está presente em diversas disciplinas em todas as fases. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar como e se a PPCC contribui ou não para a formação de professores e construção de saberes docentes.Abstract : This research presents an analysis of how one of the aspects of the Science teacher?s formation happens in the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. After the reform of the laws that coordinates Brazilian?s education system, new official documents were written to promote a change of paradigm in the teacher formation courses. The analysis of those documents shows that they aim to overcome the technical rationality and prioritize the practical rationality. It happened during a time when the researches and theories of the area started to value the teachers as protagonist of its own professional practice. The Practice as a Curricular Component (PCC) was created as a mandatory element of teacher formation courses and is intended as a moment of review and consideration of the teacher role, about being a teacher. The PCC in the analysed curriculum is present in many disciplines. This dissertation goal is to evaluate whether the PCC contributes or not to teacher formation and to the construction of teacher?s knowledge

    Upregulation of miR-34a-5p, miR-20a-3p and miR-29a-3p by onconase in A375 melanoma cells correlates with the downregulation of specific onco-proteins

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    Onconase (ONC) is an amphibian secretory ribonuclease displaying cytostatic and cytotoxic activities against many mammalian tumors, including melanoma. ONC principally damages tRNA species, but also other non-coding RNAs, although its precise targets are not known. We investigated the ONC ability to modulate the expression of 16 onco-suppressor microRNAs (miRNAs) in the A375 BRAF-mutated melanoma cell line. RT-PCR and immunoblots were used to measure the expression levels of miRNAs and their regulated proteins, respectively. In silico study was carried out to verify the relations between miRNAs and their mRNA targets. A375 cell transfection with miR-20a-3p and miR-34a-5p mimics or inhibitors was performed. The onco-suppressors miR-20a-3p, miR-29a-3p and miR-34a-5p were highly expressed in 48-h ONC-treated A375 cells. The cytostatic effect of ONC in A375 cells was mechanistically explained by the sharp inhibition of cyclins D1 and A2 expression level, as well as by downregulation of retinoblastoma protein and cyclin-dependent-kinase-2 activities. Remarkably, the expression of kinases ERK1/2 and Akt, as well as of the hypoxia inducible factor-1α, was inhibited by ONC. All these proteins control pro-survival pathways. Finally, many crucial proteins involved in migration, invasion and metastatic potential were downregulated by ONC. Results obtained from transfection of miR-20a-3p and miR-34a-5p inhibitors in the presence of ONC show that these miRNAs may participate in the antitumor effects of ONC in the A375 cell line. In conclusion, we identified many intracellular downregulated proteins involved in melanoma cell proliferation, metabolism and progression. All mRNAs coding these proteins may be targets of miR-20a-3p, miR-29a-3p and/or miR-34a-5p, which are in turn upregulated by ONC. Data suggest that several known ONC anti-proliferative and anti-metastatic activities in A375 melanoma cells might depend on the upregulation of onco-suppressor miRNAs. Notably, miRNAs stability depends on the upstream regulation by long-non-coding-RNAs or circular-RNAs that can, in turn, be damaged by ONC ribonucleolytic activity

    Retinoids and cancer: antitumoral effects of ATRA, 9-cis RA and the new retinoid IIF on the HL-60 leukemic cell line.

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    Objective: To compare the antitumoral effects of all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) and 9-cis retinoic acid (9-cis RA) with those of 5-OH,11-O-hydrophenanthrene (IIF), a new derivative of retinoic acid. Materials and Methods: The effect of retinoids was tested on cell line HL-60. Cell differentiation and apoptosis were evaluated by morphological and biochemical analysis as bcl-2 protein and by DNA fragmentation assay. The ability to activate retinoic acid receptors (RAR) and/or retinoid X receptors (RXR) and to modulate gene expression was determined by transactivation assay. Results: With cell line HL-60, the antiproliferative effect of IIF was stronger than that of ATRA and 9-cis RA. Following retinoid treatment, cells appeared to differentiate and apoptotic cells were observed. The appearance of DNA laddering and a decrease in the amount of bcl-2 protein confirmed apoptosis. IIF transcriptionally activated RXR-γ more than RAR-α. Conclusion: The findings indicate that IIF transcriptionally activates RXR-γ preferentially, induces apoptosis and has a more antiproliferative activity than ATRA and 9-cis RA on cell line HL-60

    Human melanoma cells differentially express RNASEL/RNase-L and miR-146a-5p under sex hormonal stimulation

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    Polymorphisms in the ribonuclease L (RNASEL) coding gene and hsa-miR-146a-5p (miR-146a) have been associated with melanoma in a sex-specific manner. We hypothesized that RNASEL and miR-146a expression could be influenced by sex hormones playing a role in the female advantages observed in melanoma incidence and survival. Thus, we explored the effects of testosterone and 17β-estradiol on RNASEL and miR-146a expression in LM-20 and A375 melanoma cell lines. Direct targeting of miR-146a to the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of RNASEL was examined using a luciferase reporter system. Our results indicate that RNASEL is a direct target of miR-146a in both melanoma cell lines. Trough qPCR and western blot analyses, we explored the effect of miR-146a mimic transfection in the presence of each hormone either on RNASEL mRNA level or on protein expression of RNase-L, the enzyme codified by RNASEL gene. In the presence of testosterone or 17β-estradiol, miR-146a overexpression did not influence RNASEL transcript level in LM-20 cell line, but it slightly induced RNASEL mRNA level in A375 cells. Remarkably, miR-146a overexpression was able to repress the protein level of RNase-L in both LM-20 and A375 cells in the presence of each hormone, as well as to elicit high expression levels of the activated form of the extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK)1/2, hence confirming the pro-tumorigenic role of miR-146a overexpression in melanoma. Thereafter, we assessed if the administration of each hormone could affect the endogenous expression of RNASEL and miR-146a genes in LM-20 and A375 cell lines. Testosterone exerted no significant effect on RNASEL gene expression in both cell lines, while 17β-estradiol enhanced RNASEL transcript level at least in LM-20 melanoma cells. Conversely, miR-146a transcript augmented only in the presence of testosterone in either melanoma cell line. Importantly, each hormone acted quite the opposite regarding the RNase-L protein expression, i.e., testosterone significantly decreased RNase-L expression, whereas 17β-estradiol increased it. Overall, the data show that, in melanoma cells treated with 17β-estradiol, RNase-L expression increased likely by transcriptional induction of its gene. Testosterone, instead, decreased RNase-L expression in melanoma cell lines with a post-transcriptional mechanism in which miR-146a could play a role. In conclusion, the pro-tumor activity of androgen hormone in melanoma cells could be exacerbated by both miR-146a increase and RNase-L downregulation. These events may contribute to the worse outcome in male melanoma patients

    Results of a survey on elderly head and neck cancer patients on behalf of the Italian Association of Radiotherapy and Clinical Oncology (AIRO)

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    Problem. Over the years, evidence-based data and technical improvements have consolidated the central role of radiation therapy (RT) in head and neck cancer (HNC) treatment, even in the elderly. This survey aimed to describe the management of the elderly HNC patients among Italian Radiation Oncology Departments (RODs) and provide possible suggestions for improvement. Method of study. An online survey based on 43 questions was sent to RODs via email. For each RODs, a radiation oncologist with expertise in HNC was invited to answer questions addressing his/her demographic data, ROD multidisciplinary unit (MU) organisation and ROD management policy in elderly HNC patients. Results. In total, 68 RODs answered, representing centres located in 16 Italian regions. MU was considered the core of HNC patient management in almost all the country. However, in many RODs, there was minimal access to a routinely comprehensive geriatric assessment at diagnosis. Most treatments were reported by respondents as curative (89% on average) and the preferred treatment technique was intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). A considerable variation between RODs was found for RT target volumes. There was a relation between the specialist’s years of experience and type of concomitant systemic therapy prescribed. Conclusions. Substantial differences in elderly HNC management have been found, especially concerning patient clinical evaluation and target volume delineation. This survey shows the necessity to design a prospective national trial to provide a uniform treatment strategy and define an effective patient-centred approach

    Impact of an optimized epilepsy surgery imaging protocol for focal epilepsy: A monocentric prospective study

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    Objective: To evaluate in a real clinical scenario the impact of the ILAE-recommended "Harmonized neuroimaging of epilepsy structural sequences"- HARNESS protocol in patients affected by focal epilepsy. Methods: We prospectively enrolled focal epilepsy patients who underwent a structural brain MRI between 2020-2021 at Modena University Hospital. For all patients, MRIs were: a) acquired according to the HARNESS-MRI protocol (H-MRI); b) reviewed by the same neuroradiology team. MRI outcomes measures were: the number of positive (diagnostic) and negative MRI; the type of radiological diagnosis classified in: 1. Hippocampal Sclerosis; 2. Malformations of cortical development (MCD); 3. Vascular malformations; 4. Glial scars; 5. Low-grade epilepsy-associated tumours; 6. Dual pathology. For each patient we verified for previous MRI (without HARNESS protocol, noH-MRI) and the presence of clinical information in the MRI request form. Then the measured outcomes were reviewed and compared as appropriate. Results: A total of 131 patients with H-MRI were included in the study. 100 patients out from this cohort had at least one previous noH-MRI scan. Of those, 92/100 were acquired at the same Hospital than H-MRI and 71/92 on a 3T scanner. The HARNESS protocol revealed 81 (62%) positive and 50 (38%) negative MRI, and MCD was the most common diagnosis (60%). Among the entire pool of 100 noH-MRI, 36 resulted positive with a significant difference (p<.001) compared to H-MRI. Similar findings were observed when accounting for the expert radiologists (H-MRI= 57 positive; noH-MRI=33, p<.001) and the scanner field strength (H-MRI 43=positive, noH-MRI=23, p<.001), while clinical information were more present in H-MRI (p<.002). Significance: The adoption of a standardized and optimized MRI acquisition protocol together with adequate clinical information contribute to identify a higher number of potentially epileptogenic lesions (especially FCD) thus impacting concretely on the clinical management of patients with focal epilepsy.Objective: To evaluate in a real clinical scenario the impact of the ILAE-recommended "Harmonized neuroimaging of epilepsy structural sequences"-HARNESS protocol in patients affected by focal epilepsy.Methods: We prospectively enrolled focal epilepsy patients who underwent a structural brain MRI between 2020 and 2021 at Modena University Hospital. For all patients, MRIs were: (a) acquired according to the HARNESS-MRI protocol (H-MRI); (b) reviewed by the same neuroradiology team. MRI outcomes measures were: the number of positive (diagnostic) and negative MRI; the type of radiological diagnosis classified in: (1) Hippocampal Sclerosis; (2) Malformations of cortical development (MCD); (3) Vascular malformations; (4) Glial scars; (5) Low-grade epilepsy-associated tumors; (6) Dual pathology. For each patient we verified for previous MRI (without HARNESS protocol, noH-MRI) and the presence of clinical information in the MRI request form. Then the measured outcomes were reviewed and compared as appropriate.Results: A total of 131 patients with H-MRI were included in the study. 100 patients out from this cohort had at least one previous noH-MRI scan. Of those, 92/100 were acquired at the same Hospital than H-MRI and 71/92 on a 3T scanner. The HARNESS protocol revealed 81 (62%) positive and 50 (38%) negative MRI, and MCD was the most common diagnosis (60%). Among the entire pool of 100 noH-MRI, 36 resulted positive with a significant difference (p < .001) compared to H-MRI. Similar findings were observed when accounting for the expert radiologists (H-MRI = 57 positive; noH-MRI = 33, p < .001) and the scanner field strength (H-MRI 43 = positive, noH-MRI = 23, p < .001), while clinical information were more present in H-MRI (p < .002).Significance: The adoption of a standardized and optimized MRI acquisition protocol together with adequate clinical information contribute to identify a higher number of potentially epileptogenic lesions (especially FCD) thus impacting concretely on the clinical management of patients with focal epilepsy

    Psychological Factors Affecting the Willingness to Accept a Possible Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor (TKI) Discontinuation in Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) Patients

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    Purpose: Patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) who present a sustained deep molecular response (DMR) for a stable period of time might benefit from discontinuing tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). A significant number of patients seem able to reach this stage due to the availability of TKIs. However, many patients remain reluctant about TKI discontinuation and may refuse treatment interruption. The purpose of this study was to explore the clinical and psycho-cognitive factors that may influence the decision to discontinue TKI therapy, thereby gaining a better understanding of patients’ viewpoints on TKI discontinuation. Patients and Methods: One hundred and nineteen patients diagnosed with CML aged between 34 and 69 were enrolled (67 males and 52 females). Different clinical information and psycho-cognitive aspects such as attitude toward risk behaviours, risk preferences, need for cognitive closure, and tendency to resist to changes were assessed through the administration of a battery of questionnaires. Results: A higher tendency toward risk behaviours and the tendency to focus on possible gain in the short term rather than on losses might represent important predictors for the willingness to accept TKI discontinuation. Possible relapses following interruption of the therapy are the most common reason for concern. Furthermore, lower levels of resistance to change and having previously experienced the desire to interrupt the therapy might lead patients to accept a higher probability of relapse risk when facing such a decision. Conclusion: TKI discontinuation appears appealing and challenging at the same time for many CML patients, and different factors may influence this decision. Psychology plays a crucial role in assisting physician-patient communication and informed decisionmaking