42 research outputs found


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    La investigaci贸n presente, en su versi贸n culminada, refiere acerca de: incidencia que ocurre en el acto procesal de la notificaci贸n de la resoluci贸n que corre traslado referente a la liquidaci贸n de pensiones alimenticias devengadas y el derecho a la tutela jurisdiccional efectiva del demandado en el Primer Juzgado de Paz Letrado del Distrito Judicial de Hu谩nuco, 2018, su contenido est谩 dividida en cinco cap铆tulos: El primer cap铆tulo concierne con la descripci贸n del problema que inicia cuando se notifica la resoluci贸n de practicada la liquidaci贸n de pensiones devengadas, donde se pone de conocimiento a las partes implicadas a trav茅s de sus abogados, y no en condici贸n personal al demandado. El segundo cap铆tulo hace un recuento acerca sobre aquellos antecedentes de investigaci贸n a nivel internacional, nacional y local, relacionado con estudios y trabajos de investigaci贸n considerando las plataformas te贸ricas que se desarrollaron en aplicaci贸n a su variable independiente el acto procesal de la notificaci贸n de la resoluci贸n que corre traslado la liquidaci贸n de pensiones alimenticias devengadas y su variable dependiente el derecho a la tutela jurisdiccional del demandado. El tercer cap铆tulo discurre en la metodolog铆a de la investigaci贸n presente manejada de tipo sustantiva, con la explicaci贸n en el tiempo sobre los expedientes que se sustanciaron en el Primer Juzgado de Paz Letrado del Distrito Judicial de Hu谩nuco periodo 2018, como base, su ejemplar est谩 compuesta por seis expedientes judiciales de asignaci贸n alimenticia, con las particulares se帽aladas. En el cap铆tulo cuarto se evidencia el resultado de la investigaci贸n presente, constituida por procesamiento de datos, contrastaci贸n y evaluaci贸n de hip贸tesis, y para terminar en el cap铆tulo quinto la Discusi贸n y debate de Resultados, conclusiones y recomendaciones.Tesi

    Solvencia y endeudamiento patrimonial en una empresa del sector minero registrada en la Bolsa de Valores, per铆odo 2017- 2021

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    La finalidad de esta tesis fue establecer el v铆nculo entre la solvencia y el endeudamiento patrimonial en una empresa minera registrada en la B.V Lima, 2017-2021. Se utiliz贸 la metodolog铆a de investigaci贸n aplicada de dise帽o no experimental, longitudinal y correlacional. Tom谩ndose como poblaci贸n, la informaci贸n de los estados financieros, considerando en cuenta como muestra los informes contables del 煤ltimo quinquenio (2017-2021), asimismo se utiliz贸 el muestreo intencional. El an谩lisis documental fue la t茅cnica que se aplic贸, conjuntamente del instrumento, el cual fue la ficha de investigaci贸n. Se emple贸 informaci贸n de fuentes secundarias validadas correspondientemente y por ello la validaci贸n de los indicadores fue realizada por auditores especializados a nivel mundial. El 铆ndice de correlaci贸n de Pearson dio como resultado 0.00001, en consecuencia, el v铆nculo entre la solvencia y endeudamiento patrimonial es significativo, adem谩s el coeficiente correlacional de Pearson es de 0.991 determinado un v铆nculo fuerte y directo

    Hydrogen-Rich Water Intake Accelerates Oral Palatal Wound Healing via Activation of the Nrf2/Antioxidant Defense Pathways in a Rat Model

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    The wound healing process attempts to restore the integrity and function of the injured tissue. Additionally, proinflammatory cytokines, growth factors, and oxidative stress play important roles in wound healing. The aim of this study was to determine whether hydrogen-rich water intake induces the activation of the Nrf2/antioxidant defense pathway in rat palatal tissue, thereby reducing systemic oxidative stress and proinflammatory cytokine levels and promoting healing-associated genes. A circular excisional wound was created in the oral palatal region, and the wound healing process was observed. The rats were divided into two experimental groups in which either hydrogen-rich water or distilled water was consumed. In the drinking hydrogen-rich water, the palatal wound healing process was accelerated compared to that in the control group. As molecular hydrogen upregulated the Nrf2 pathway, systemic oxidative stresses were decreased by the activation of antioxidant activity. Furthermore, hydrogen-rich water intake reduced proinflammatory cytokine levels and promoted the expression of healing-associated factors in rat palatal tissue. In conclusion, hydrogen-rich water intake exhibited multiple beneficial effects through activation of the Nrf2/antioxidant defense pathway. The results of this study support the hypothesis that oral administration of hydrogen-rich water benefits the wound healing process by decreasing oxidative stress and inflammatory responses

    Hydrogen-Rich Water Intake Accelerates Oral Palatal Wound Healing via Activation of the Nrf2/Antioxidant Defense Pathways in a Rat Model

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    The wound healing process attempts to restore the integrity and function of the injured tissue. Additionally, proinflammatory cytokines, growth factors, and oxidative stress play important roles in wound healing. The aim of this study was to determine whether hydrogen-rich water intake induces the activation of the Nrf2/antioxidant defense pathway in rat palatal tissue, thereby reducing systemic oxidative stress and proinflammatory cytokine levels and promoting healing-associated genes. A circular excisional wound was created in the oral palatal region, and the wound healing process was observed.The rats were divided into two experimental groups in which either hydrogen-rich water or distilled water was consumed. In the drinking hydrogen-rich water, the palatal wound healing process was accelerated compared to that in the control group. As molecular hydrogen upregulated the Nrf2 pathway, systemic oxidative stresses were decreased by the activation of antioxidant activity. Furthermore, hydrogen-rich water intake reduced proinflammatory cytokine levels and promoted the expression of healing-associated factors in rat palatal tissue. In conclusion, hydrogen-rich water intake exhibited multiple beneficial effects through activation of the Nrf2/antioxidant defense pathway.The results of this study support the hypothesis that oral administration of hydrogen-rich water benefits the wound healing process by decreasing oxidative stress and inflammatory responses

    Modelo prolab: Populab, plataforma digital para el sector salud en los niveles socioecon贸micos C, D y E de Lima Metropolitana

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    Las desigualdades econ贸micas existentes entre diversos sectores del pa铆s es una realidad. No es de extra帽ar que la poblaci贸n de bajos recursos dif铆cilmente pueda acceder a un servicio de salud integral y de calidad, y que el desarrollo de la asistencia sanitaria, en cuanto a nuevas tecnolog铆as, es limitado. Uno de los problemas que sufren los servicios complementarios privados de salud es que no cuentan con un plan ni con costos para implementar y mantener una plataforma con la cual puedan a administrar los datos de sus pacientes en forma digital. Y, m谩s bien, contin煤an gastando recursos como papeles, tinta, entre otros, para almacenar historiales m茅dicos en archivadores. La soluci贸n dise帽ada para resolver esta problem谩tica se denomina Populab, una plataforma virtual que busca simplificar la gesti贸n y almacenar informaci贸n, referente a la salud de los ciudadanos peruanos pertenecientes a los niveles socioecon贸micos C, D y E, a trav茅s de tecnolog铆as existentes en el mercado. Durante el proceso de dise帽o, el prototipo fue probado en diferentes laboratorios de an谩lisis y centros de diagn贸stico por im谩genes ubicados en la ciudad de Lima, para dar con una soluci贸n 贸ptima que se adec煤e a la correcta gesti贸n y manejo por parte de m煤ltiples usuarios. Asimismo, se realizaron hip贸tesis respecto a la factibilidad de las proyecciones de afiliaci贸n y ventas, en relaci贸n con el presupuesto comercial. Mediante la simulaci贸n de Montecarlo, se ratific贸 que, bajo diferentes escenarios de variaciones en las ventas y el presupuesto, el valor del proyecto se asemeja al esperado. Por 煤ltimo, se corrobor贸 la viabilidad financiera junto con la necesidad de inversi贸n que tendr铆a la plataforma, seg煤n los diferentes escenarios de crecimiento nacional. Por tanto, se concluye que Populab es un modelo de negocio innovador, porque en los niveles socioecon贸micos abordados los establecimientos de salud no cuentan con la tecnolog铆a que facilite la gesti贸n, el almacenamiento y la generaci贸n de historiales m茅dicos digitales para pacientes. De igual manera, se considera como un modelo sostenible por estar alineado a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), que contribuyen con la salud y conservaci贸n del medio ambiente. Igualmente, genera un valor financiero por el crecimiento exponencial proyectado, basado en sus ventas, afiliaci贸n y mantenimiento de informaci贸n para usuarios directos (laboratorios de an谩lisis cl铆nicos y centros de diagn贸sticos por im谩genes) y usuarios finales (pacientes y m茅dicos). Respecto al an谩lisis financiero, se proyecta un VAN de S/ 2麓052,384 y una TIR de 118.65%, sin considerar el invaluable impacto y beneficio social en la poblaci贸n, por lo que se recomienda llevar el proyecto a la realidad aplicada en el Per煤 y planificar una posible expansi贸n en pa铆ses de la regi贸n.The existing economic inequalities between various sectors of the country is a reality. It is not surprising that the low-income population hardly has access to a comprehensive and quality health service, and that the development of health care, in terms of new technologies, is limited. One of the problems that private complementary health services suffer is that they do not have a plan or costs to implement and maintain a platform with which they can manage their patients' data digitally. And, rather, they continue to spend resources such as paper, ink, among others, to store medical records in filing cabinets. The solution designed to solve this problem is called Populab, a virtual platform that seeks to simplify management and store information regarding the health of Peruvian citizens belonging to socioeconomic levels C, D and E, through existing technologies in the market. During the design process, the prototype was tested in different analysis laboratories and diagnostic imaging centers located in the city of Lima, to find an optimal solution that is suitable for correct management and handling by multiple users. Likewise, hypotheses were made regarding the feasibility of the projections of affiliation and sales, in relation to the commercial budget. Through the Montecarlo simulation, it was confirmed that, under different scenarios of variations in sales and the budget, the value of the project is similar to that expected. Finally, the financial viability was corroborated together with the need for investment that the platform would have, according to the different scenarios of national growth. Therefore, it is concluded that Populab is an innovative business model, because in the socioeconomic levels addressed, health establishments do not have the technology that facilitates the management, storage, and generation of digital medical records for patients. Similarly, it is considered a sustainable model because it is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which contribute to the health and conservation of the environment. Likewise, it generates a financial value due to the projected exponential growth, based on its sales, affiliation and maintenance of information for direct users (clinical analysis laboratories and diagnostic imaging centers) and end users (patients and doctors). Regarding the financial analysis, a NPV of S/ 2麓052,384 and an IRR of 118.65% are projected, without considering the invaluable impact and social benefit on the population, for which it is recommended to bring the project to the applied reality in Peru and planning a possible expansion in countries of the region


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    In periodontitis, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by neutrophils induces oxidative stress and deteriorates surrounding tissues. Antioxidants reduce damage caused by ROS and are used to treat diseases involving oxidative stress. This study summarizes the different effects of resveratrol, quercetin, and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs) under oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide. Real-time cytotoxicity analyses reveals that resveratrol and quercetin enhanced cell proliferation even under oxidative stress. Of the antioxidants tested, resveratrol is the most effective at inhibiting ROS production. HGFs incubated with resveratrol and quercetin up-regulate the transcription of type I collagen gene after 3 h, but only resveratrol sustained this up-regulation for 24 h. A measurement of the oxygen consumption rate (OCR, mitochondrial respiration) shows that resveratrol generates the highest maximal respiratory capacity, followed by quercetin and NAC. Simultaneous measurement of OCR and the extracellular acidification rate (non-mitochondrial respiration) reveals that resveratrol and quercetin induce an increase in mitochondrial respiration when compared with untreated cells. NAC treatment consumes less oxygen and enhances more non-mitochondrial respiration. In conclusion, resveratrol is the most effective antioxidant in terms of real-time cytotoxicity analysis, reduction of ROS production, and enhancement of type I collagen synthesis and mitochondrial respiration in HGFs

    Molecules involved in the sperm interaction in the human uterine tube: a histochemical and immunohistochemical approach

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    In humans, even where millions of spermatozoa are deposited upon ejaculation in the vagina, only a few thousand enter the uterine tube (UT). Sperm transiently adhere to the epithelial cells lining the isthmus reservoir, and this interaction is essential in coordinating the availability of functional spermatozoa for fertilization. The binding of spermatozoa to the UT epithelium (mucosa) occurs due to interactions between cell-adhesion molecules on the cell surfaces of both the sperm and the epithelial cell. However, in humans, there is little information about the molecules involved. The aim of this study was to perform a histological characterization of the UT focused on determining the tissue distribution and deposition of some molecules associated with cell adhesion (F-spondin, galectin-9, osteopontin, integrin 伪V/尾3) and UT鈥檚 contractile activity (TNF伪-R1, TNF伪-R2) in the follicular and luteal phases. Our results showed the presence of galectin-9, F-spondin, osteopontin, integrin 伪V/尾3, TNF伪-R1, and TNF伪-R2 in the epithelial cells in ampullar and isthmic segments during the menstrual cycle. Our results suggest that these molecules could form part of the sperm-UT interactions. Future studies will shed light on the specific role of each of the identified molecules

    Markedly Divergent Tree Assemblage Responses to Tropical Forest Loss and Fragmentation across a Strong Seasonality Gradient

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    We examine the effects of forest fragmentation on the structure and composition of tree assemblages within three seasonal and aseasonal forest types of southern Brazil, including evergreen, Araucaria, and deciduous forests. We sampled three southernmost Atlantic Forest landscapes, including the largest continuous forest protected areas within each forest type. Tree assemblages in each forest type were sampled within 10 plots of 0.1 ha in both continuous forests and 10 adjacent forest fragments. All trees within each plot were assigned to trait categories describing their regeneration strategy, vertical stratification, seed-dispersal mode, seed size, and wood density. We detected differences among both forest types and landscape contexts in terms of overall tree species richness, and the density and species richness of different functional groups in terms of regeneration strategy, seed dispersal mode and woody density. Overall, evergreen forest fragments exhibited the largest deviations from continuous forest plots in assemblage structure. Evergreen, Araucaria and deciduous forests diverge in the functional composition of tree floras, particularly in relation to regeneration strategy and stress tolerance. By supporting a more diversified light-demanding and stress-tolerant flora with reduced richness and abundance of shade-tolerant, old-growth species, both deciduous and Araucaria forest tree assemblages are more intrinsically resilient to contemporary human-disturbances, including fragmentation-induced edge effects, in terms of species erosion and functional shifts. We suggest that these intrinsic differences in the direction and magnitude of responses to changes in landscape structure between forest types should guide a wide range of conservation strategies in restoring fragmented tropical forest landscapes worldwide