6 research outputs found

    Discovery of a brown dwarf companion to the star HIP 64892

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    International audienceWe report the discovery of a bright, brown dwarf companion to the star HIP 64892, imaged with VLT/SPHERE during the SHINE exoplanet survey. The host is a B9.5V member of the Lower-Centaurus-Crux subgroup of the Scorpius Centaurus OB association. The measured angular separation of the companion (1.2705 ± 0.0023”) corresponds to a projected distance of 159 ± 12 AU. We observed the target with the dual-band imaging and long-slit spectroscopy modes of the IRDIS imager to obtain its spectral energy distribution (SED) and astrometry. In addition, we reprocessed archival NACO L-band data, from which we also recover the companion. Its SED is consistent with a young (<30 Myr), low surface gravity object with a spectral type of M9γ ± 1. From comparison with the BT-Settl atmospheric models we estimate an effective temperature of Teff = 2600 ± 100 K, and comparison of the companion photometry to the COND evolutionary models yields a mass of ~29−37 MJ at the estimated age of 16−7+15 Myr for the system. The star HIP 64892 is a rare example of an extreme-mass ratio system (q ~ 0.01) and will be useful for testing models relating to the formation and evolution of such low-mass objects

    Post-conjunction detection of β Pictoris b with VLT/SPHERE

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    accepted by A&AInternational audienceContext. With an orbital distance comparable to that of Saturn in the solar system, β Pictoris b is the closest (semi-major axis ≃9 au) exoplanet that has been imaged to orbit a star. Thus it offers unique opportunities for detailed studies of its orbital, physical, and atmospheric properties, and of disk-planet interactions. With the exception of the discovery observations in 2003 with NaCo at the Very Large Telescope (VLT), all following astrometric measurements relative to β Pictoris have been obtained in the southwestern part of the orbit, which severely limits the determination of the planet’s orbital parameters.Aims. We aimed at further constraining β Pictoris b orbital properties using more data, and, in particular, data taken in the northeastern part of the orbit.Methods. We used SPHERE at the VLT to precisely monitor the orbital motion of beta β Pictoris b since first light of the instrument in 2014.Results. We were able to monitor the planet until November 2016, when its angular separation became too small (125 mas, i.e., 1.6 au) and prevented further detection. We redetected β Pictoris b on the northeast side of the disk at a separation of 139 mas and a PA of 30° in September 2018. The planetary orbit is now well constrained. With a semi-major axis (sma) of a = 9.0 ± 0.5 au (1σ), it definitely excludes previously reported possible long orbital periods, and excludes β Pictoris b as the origin of photometric variations that took place in 1981. We also refine the eccentricity and inclination of the planet. From an instrumental point of view, these data demonstrate that it is possible to detect, if they exist, young massive Jupiters that orbit at less than 2 au from a star that is 20 pc away

    SPHERE: the exoplanet imager for the Very Large Telescope

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    International audienceObservations of circumstellar environments that look for the direct signal of exoplanets and the scattered light from disks have significant instrumental implications. In the past 15 years, major developments in adaptive optics, coronagraphy, optical manufacturing, wavefront sensing, and data processing, together with a consistent global system analysis have brought about a new generation of high-contrast imagers and spectrographs on large ground-based telescopes with much better performance. One of the most productive imagers is the Spectro-Polarimetic High contrast imager for Exoplanets REsearch (SPHERE), which was designed and built for the ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile. SPHERE includes an extreme adaptive optics system, a highly stable common path interface, several types of coronagraphs, and three science instruments. Two of them, the Integral Field Spectrograph (IFS) and the Infra-Red Dual-band Imager and Spectrograph (IRDIS), were designed to efficiently cover the near-infrared range in a single observation for an efficient search of young planets. The third instrument, ZIMPOL, was designed for visible polarimetric observation to look for the reflected light of exoplanets and the light scattered by debris disks. These three scientific instruments enable the study of circumstellar environments at unprecedented angular resolution, both in the visible and the near-infrared. In this work, we thoroughly present SPHERE and its on-sky performance after four years of operations at the VLT

    The B-Star Exoplanet Abundance Study: a co-moving 16–25 M Jup companion to the young binary system HIP 79098

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    9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&AInternational audienceWide low-mass substellar companions are known to be very rare among low-mass stars, but appear to become increasingly common with increasing stellar mass. However, B-type stars, which are the most massive stars within ~150 pc of the Sun, have not yet been examined to the same extent as AFGKM-type stars in that regard. In order to address this issue, we launched the ongoing B-star Exoplanet Abundance Study (BEAST) to examine the frequency and properties of planets, brown dwarfs, and disks around B-type stars in the Scorpius-Centaurus (Sco-Cen) association; we also analyzed archival data of B-type stars in Sco-Cen. During this process, we identified a candidate substellar companion to the B9-type spectroscopic binary HIP 79098 AB, which we refer to as HIP 79098 (AB)b. The candidate had been previously reported in the literature, but was classified as a background contaminant on the basis of its peculiar colors. Here we demonstrate that the colors of HIP 79098 (AB)b are consistent with several recently discovered young and low-mass brown dwarfs, including other companions to stars in Sco-Cen. Furthermore, we show unambiguous common proper motion over a 15-year baseline, robustly identifying HIP 79098 (AB)b as a bona fide substellar circumbinary companion at a 345+/-6 AU projected separation to the B9-type stellar pair. With a model-dependent mass of 16-25 Mjup yielding a mass ratio of <1%, HIP 79098 (AB)b joins a growing number of substellar companions with planet-like mass ratios around massive stars. Our observations underline the importance of common proper motion analysis in the identification of physical companionship, and imply that additional companions could potentially remain hidden in the archives of purely photometric surveys