30 research outputs found

    Single-Cell Reconstruction of Oxytocinergic Neurons Reveals Separate Hypophysiotropic and Encephalotropic Subtypes in Larval Zebrafish

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    Oxytocin regulates a diverse set of processes including stress, analgesia, metabolism, and social behavior. How such diverse functions are mediated by a single hormonal system is not well understood. Different functions of oxytocin could be mediated by distinct cell groups, yet it is currently unknown whether different oxytocinergic cell types exist that specifically mediate peripheral neuroendocrine or various central neuromodulatory processes via dedicated pathways. Using the Brainbow technique to map the morphology and projections of individual oxytocinergic cells in the larval zebrafish brain, we report here the existence of two main types of oxytocinergic cells: those that innervate the pituitary and those that innervate diverse brain regions. Similar to the situation in the adult rat and the adult midshipman, but in contrast to the situation in the adult trout, these two cell types are mutually exclusive and can be distinguished based on morphological and anatomical criteria. Further, our results reveal that complex oxytocinergic innervation patterns are already established in the larval zebrafish brain

    Iron-meditated fungal starvation by lupine rhizosphere-associated and extremotolerant Streptomyces sp. S29 desferrioxamine production

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    Open Access via the RSC Open Access Agreement. Acknowledgements SAJ would like to thank the University of Aberdeen for funding doctoral studies through and Elphinstone Scholarship. DL would like to thank the Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID) for funding doctoral studies through ‘Beca nacional de doctorado’ Scholarship. ED would like to thank the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research – Sudan, together with the University of Khartoum, for joint funding of master's studies. We would like to thank to Valeria Razmilic and Jean Franco Castro for their valuable advice and work in the setup of Lupine Streptomyces culture collection. We would also like to thank the support team at GNPS and Justin J. J. van der Hooft at MS2LDA for help with data deposition and for help at any stage of running the relevant workflows.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Dos enfoques de salud mental en docentes de Latinoamérica: una revisión sistemática

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    Introduction: Mental health is an integral component in the well-being of individuals in all their areas of development, therefore this research emphasizes the work context of teachers, glimpsing two approaches, the first, focused on the disease, in which signs, symptoms, damage, problems and mental disorders are evoked; and the second, the positive approach, which exposes it as the optimal functioning of the person, where their qualities are enhanced and maximum personal development is facilitated. Objective: To analyze, through a systematic review, the advances in empirical research in the approach to mental health in teachers in Latin America from a positive and disease-centered approach. Methodology: The PRISMA-P methodology was applied, which is a protocol guide for the development of systematic reviews; the selected databases were SCIELO, EBSCO and ScienceDirect. Results and discussion: 30 articles included, where the period 2014-2019 was the most published (63.3%), the country with the most publications was Brazil (40%), primary and secondary contexts predominate (53.3%) and the most representative approach was focused on the disease (70%). Conclusions: From the empirical evidence, studying mental health in teachers in Latin America is linked to an approach focused on the disease, which accounts for the need to address a comprehensive vision of mental health in teachers within the investigations to be carried out regarding the theme.Introducción: La salud mental es un componente integral en el bienestar de los individuos en todos sus ámbitos de desarrollo, por ende esta investigación enfatiza en el contexto laboral de los docentes, vislumbrando dos enfoques, el primero, centrado en la enfermedad, en la cual se evocan signos, síntomas, daños, problemáticas y trastornos mentales; y el segundo, el enfoque positivo, que la expone como el funcionamiento óptimo de la persona, donde se potencien sus cualidades y se facilite el desarrollo personal máximo. Objetivo: Analizar mediante una revisión sistemática los avances de investigaciones empíricas en el abordaje de la salud mental en docentes de Latinoamérica desde el enfoque positivo y centrado en la enfermedad. Metodología: Se aplicó la metodología PRISMA-P, la cual es una guía protocolaria para el desarrollo de revisiones sistemáticas; las bases de datos seleccionadas fueron SCIELO, EBSCO y ScienceDirect. Resultados y discusión: 30 artículos incluidos, donde el periodo 2014-2019 fue de mayor publicación (63.3%), el país con más publicaciones fue Brasil (40%), predominan los contextos de primaria y secundaria (53.3%) y el enfoque más representativo fue el centrado en la enfermedad (70%). Conclusiones: Desde la evidencia empírica, estudiar la salud mental en docentes de Latinoamérica se vincula a un enfoque centrado en la enfermedad, que da cuenta de la necesidad de abordar una visión integral sobre salud mental en los docentes dentro de las investigaciones a realizarse respecto al tema

    Diálogos y autorreferencia: procesos de cambio en psicoterapia desde la perspectiva de los actos de habla

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    El presente artículo es producto del estudio realizado en el marco de la investigación de proceso en psicoterapia basada en los Indicadores de Cambio Genéricos (Krause et al., 2006a). Junto con la Teoría de los Actos de Habla (Searle, 2002; Aristegui et al., 2005) se propone utilizar el modelo del self dialógico (Hermans, 1996; Valsiner, 2007) como dispositivo para caracterizar y diferenciar los episodios de cambio y estancamiento en la conversación terapéutica. La unidad de análisis del estudio está constituida por extractos de dos terapias de distintas orientaciones teóricas con episodios de cambio y estancamiento previamente identificados a través de los indicadores derivados a partir de la teoría del cambio subjetivo. El estudio de los episodios de cambio señala características dialógicas de la conversación terapéutica que suponen un juego de lenguaje autorreferencial en el cual terapeuta y consultante van construyendo una descripción de la posición del yo (sujeto) que se compromete con acciones intencionales ilocutivas. El estudio y comparación de los episodios de cambio con episodios de estancamiento integra en la discusión las distinciones foco de la experiencia en primera persona y simetría veritativa aplicadas a la noción de performatividad-autorreferencial y la nociones dialógicoautodialógico, según la teoría del self dialógico (Hermans, 1996; Valsiner, 2007; Anderson, 1999)

    ¿Does the infrastructure development or for infrastructure development?

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    El presente ensayo tiene como objeto la realización de una serie de reflexiones relacionadas con la gestión del riesgo en la infraestructura como factor de desarrollo en Colombia, analizando los dos últimos planes de desarrollo del país en los se considera que “La infraestructura tiene un impacto directo sobre el crecimiento”, con el fin de conocer los enfoque de las políticas públicas nacionales respecto al tema. De igual manera se realiza un acercamiento conceptual a la noción de gestión del riesgo y su relación con el desarrollo y articulación el proceso de formulación de políticas públicas y se propone la gestión del riesgo como referente de enfoque en la generación de política pública de infraestructura.This paper aims at conducting a series of reflections related to risk management in infrastructure as a development in Colombia, analyzing the last two development plans in the country is considered "The infrastructure has a direct impact on growth", in order to understand the approach of national public policy on the issue. Similarly a conceptual approach to the concept of risk management and its relationship to joint development and the formulation of public policy is made, as regards risk management approach in generating public infrastructure policy is proposed

    Enzymatic lysis of microbial cells

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    Cell wall lytic enzymes are valuable tools for the biotechnologist, with many applications in medicine, the food industry, and agriculture, and for recovering of intracellular products from yeast or bacteria. The diversity of potential applications has conducted to the development of lytic enzyme systems with specific characteristics, suitable for satisfying the requirements of each particular application. Since the first time the lytic enzyme of excellence, lysozyme, was discovered, many investigations have contributed to the understanding of the action mechanisms and other basic aspects of these interesting enzymes. Today, recombinant production and protein engineering have improved and expanded the area of potential applications. In this review, some of the recent advances in specific enzyme systems for bacteria and yeast cells rupture and other applications are examined. Emphasis is focused in biotechnological aspects of these enzymes.The authors would like to thank the CONICYT (Project 1030797) and the Millennium Scientific Initiative (Millennium Institutes) (ICM-P99-031) for financial support

    Thermostabilization of a Cytochrome P450 Peroxygenase

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    Some like it hot: We previously described a laboratory‐evolved variant of the cytochrome P450 BM‐3 heme domain which functions as a peroxide‐driven hydroxylase (peroxygenase, see picture). This biocatalyst does not require additional proteins or NADPH to drive hydroxylation and is amenable to further improvements through protein engineering. Here we describe a thermostable variant whose half‐life at 57.5 °C is 50 times that of the F87A variant and 250 times that of the wildtype holoenzyme

    Thermostabilization of a Cytochrome P450 Peroxygenase

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    Some like it hot: We previously described a laboratory‐evolved variant of the cytochrome P450 BM‐3 heme domain which functions as a peroxide‐driven hydroxylase (peroxygenase, see picture). This biocatalyst does not require additional proteins or NADPH to drive hydroxylation and is amenable to further improvements through protein engineering. Here we describe a thermostable variant whose half‐life at 57.5 °C is 50 times that of the F87A variant and 250 times that of the wildtype holoenzyme