56 research outputs found

    Reflection of political restructuring on urban symbols: the case of presidential palace in Ankara, Turkey

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    Ankara, capital of Turkey has been the revolution space of the country after the proclamation of republic in 1923. The city has carried out the urban symbols of the republican ideology and modernity vision created by the nationalist administrators and elites. The newly established state used architecture and urban planning in transmitting the ideals of national unity and sovereignty by breaking off its ties from Ottoman heritage. After the span of eighty years, Turkey has experienced a new political hegemony. Post-2000s’ political approach changed the urban symbols of early Republican period and redesigned the capital in line with its ideological basis. One of the most concrete transformations is observed in the presidential palace of the country which conveys the political intents of each period through its spatial and architectural organizations. This study, therefore, aims to put forward the change in urban symbols and their meanings by focusing on the presidential palace. The palaces are investigated in observational domains; their spatial configurations, buildings, and symbols in relation to the political intents on urban areas and public realm. This paper concludes that in both periods presidential palaces with respect to their spatial and architectural designs are regarded as the icons in representing the dominant political power; the former used it as an instrument of national sovereignty whereas the latter used it as a mark of dominancy over the nation

    Deconstructive Analysis of Netflix Series Hollywood

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    Deconstruction, put forward by Jacques Derrida, is a theory that combines literature and philosophy to reveal the structural hegemonies, hierarchies in the language, and to find alterations and instabilities in the language called “logos”. The Netflix miniseries Hollywood (2020) is created and produced by Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan. It is suitable for deconstructive analysis, as it tells about a permanent displacement, inconsistencies, changes and plays in meaning, gender confusions and the establishment of new hierarchies instead of the fallen ones. Deconstruction technique has been conducted on film criticism in various ways. Case study of this research; the Hollywood series, which has claimed itself to have been a production against sexist and racist discrimination in the 1940s Hollywood, will be shown to have unconsciously constructed new hierarchies and hegemonies while fighting the existing taboos. The aim of this study is to contribute former practices of the use of deconstruction in film criticism. As a result of this study, it has been revealed that Netflix series Hollywood feeds the hegemonies it criticizes and serves those structures

    Gama amino butirik asit (GABA) reseptörlerinin genetik polimorfizmleri ile idiyopatik jeneralize epilepsi arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılması

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    TÜBİTAK TBAG Proje01.03.2012Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological diseases worldwide. Gamma amino butyric acid (GABA), the most important inhibitory neurotransmitter of the central nervous system, and its receptors are commonly mentioned in the pathophysiology of epilepsies. Some of the single nucleotide polymorphisms in the genes encoding GABA receptors have been reported to increase susceptibility to temporal lobe epilepsy. There are a limited number of studies analyzing the relationship of GABA receptors and idiopathic epilepsy, which is the most widespread (65%) when etiologically classified. In Turkish population, genetic polymorphisms of GABAA, GABAB1 and GABAB2 receptors have not been studied before. For these reasons, in this study we aimed to determine the frequencies of genetic polymorphisms of GABA receptors A, B1 and B2 in Turkish population by PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism) method, and to investigate the correlation between these polymorphisms and idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE). A second aim of this study was to analzye the role of GABA receptor polymorphisms in differential diagnosis of pschogenic non-epileptic seizure (PNES). In this context, 196 IGE patients, 107 PNES subjects and 109 controls were inculded in this study. Polymorphic allele frequencies were very close to each other in the three groups (0.457 in IGE patients, 0.453 in PNES patients and 0.427 in controls) for the GABAA α1 rs2279020 polymorphism. A statistically significant relationship was not found between this polymorphism and IGE. We did not observe polymorphic alleles in Turkish population for GABAA 2 rs17852044, GABAA 3 rs79829085 and GABAB1 G1465A. For GABAB1 C59T polymorphism, when IGE patients and PNES subjects were compared, C59T polymorphism was found to increase IGE risk 1,5 times, but this result was not significant (P=0.164). The frequency of C59T polymorphism in control population was found as 0.110 in this study. We observed that four polymorphisms found on GABAB2 gene (rs3780428-rs1999501- rs967932-rs94688) did not constitute a significant risk for IGE when considered alone. When the genotype combinations were taken into account, we concluded that having polymorphic homozygote genotype for rs944688 and wild type genotype for rs967932 and rs1999501 had 15 times protective effect against IGE for PNES subjects (P=0.001). The same genotype combination constituted 12 times protective effect against IGE in control subjects (P=0.009). This triple combined genotype can be used to differentiate subjects who have psychogenic seizures (PNES) from those having epileptic seizures. All of the studied polymoprhisms were studied for the first time in Turkish populatio

    Adapazarı örneğinde işyerlerinin afet sonrası iyileşme süreci ve yer seçim kararları.

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    Turkey has been less responsive to changes in global policies of risk reduction and resilience compared to developed countries. Turkish administrations usually concentrate on allocating resources for the compensation of survivors and recovery procedures. The post-disaster implementations focus on households and usually compel them to leave their current accommodation and move elsewhere. Whereas business enterprises mostly maintain their location and property in the disaster hit areas. Due to lack of appropriate policy and tools, businesses often remain in their facilities or make their own location choices as a part of their recovery strategy. Since physical damage in facilities is not the only determinant of business disruption, it is required to define the factors that lead to disparities in recovery among businesses. In this regard, this study explores the factors that affect recovery process of businesses in the city of Adapazarı heavily damaged in the 1999 Earthquake. The main argument of the study is that urban spatial structure of Adapazarı is fragmented due to the implemented recovery policies which isolated business recovery from household recovery. In the absence of a coherent policy in monitoring the business recovery processes, it is highly relevant to understand the strategy and decisions of the business enterprises in their own efforts of recovery. This should allow planners to asses whether such independent recovery decisions could be compatible with some overall urban spatial structure. For the purposes of research an empirical investigation was carried out surveying a sample of business enterprises in Adapazarı. According to the analysis of results of the empirical research, the most notable impact on business recovery positively associated with „finance, insurance and real estate (FIRE) sector‟ and negatively correlated with „trade sector‟, „service sector‟, and with variables expressing states of „being financially in trouble‟, and „taking more damage‟. The variables of „educational level‟, „construction sector‟ and „extent of damage‟ are found to contribute significantly to firm mobility. In addition, variables of „having disaster experience‟ and „owner-occupation‟ are negatively correlated with business relocation. The post-disaster location choices of firms determine the new structure of the city not necessarily in conformity with spatial decisions concerning the residential recovery processes and spatial structure they manifest. The outcome of the study is that the interventions in the recovery period in the form of strict provision of new resettlement districts in Adapazarı could not contribute to the creation of a safer spatial, environmental, economic and social context due to the inadequacy of policies designed for business recovery.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    The role of lifeline losses in business continuity in the case of Adapazari, Turkey

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    Despite the fact that one of the main reasons for business discontinuity after the shock of a natural disaster is lifeline outages, individual preparedness and recovery efforts have been given priority. This paper focuses on the significance of lifeline services for business continuity in order to highlight the necessity for collective action to achieve community recovery. Post-disaster research was conducted on a sample of business survivors in the town of Adapazari, which was severely affected by an earthquake in 1999. The study looked into the dependence of businesses on various infrastructure systems and the effects on those businesses of lifeline outages. The findings of the study address the need for community-level actions that are beyond the capability of any individual firm and which will ensure the continuity of business. © 2014 Taylor & Francis

    Reading Vulnerabilities Through Urban Planning History: An Earthquake-Prone City, Adapazarı Case From Turkey

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    Agglomeration of urban population, inadequate institutional capacity, unplanned urbanization, dense built environment, and industrial concentration are considered as the main causes of urban vulnerabilities against encountered disturbances. Planning decisions which regulate these factors are expected to make contribution to safer urban and social contexts and resilience of cities. However, in developing countries such as Turkey where disaster management is not an integrated part of urban planning process, planning decisions may serve for the construction of vulnerabilities. This study reads urban vulnerabilities with respect to urban structuring led by planning decisions. In doing so, an earthquake-prone city, Adapazari was selected to investigate urban vulnerability according to different planning periods and disaster history. The outcome of this study is that planning decisions disregarding urban risks may not contribute to the creation of a safer spatial and social context with respect to disaster mitigation, rather serve to reproduction of urban vulnerabilities

    Lessons learned from businesses to ensure community level recovery in a postdisaster period: case from Adapazari, Turkey

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    This study argues that businesses, as principal units of both the economy and the urban environment, show different performances in the postdisaster period that in turn affect the community-level recovery. To this end, the paper examines the long-term recovery process of businesses through empirical research in Adapazari, Turkey, which was greatly challenged by the 1999 earthquake. A total of 232 respondent firms there were selected through stratified random sampling. Data were gathered via questionnaire designed to identify the factors that determined their success during the recovery process. It is hypothesized that the recovery performance of businesses is affected by a number of factors that are categorized thus: internal factors, response capacity, and the extent of damage within the business recovery model. The findings of the study indicate that business recovery is associated positively with operating in the finance, insurance, and real estate (FIRE) sector, but negatively correlated with operating in the trade and service sectors, and with variables expressing the states of being financially in trouble and taking more damage. A policy frame is provided for the integration of business recovery into community recovery by focusing on the predictors of business vulnerability and loss. © 2015 American Society of Civil Engineers

    Nanoparçacık ve biomoleküllerin kütle ve sertliklerinin nanoelektromekanik sistemler ile ölçülmesi

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Thesis (M.S.): Bilkent University, Department of Mechanical, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University, 2018.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 61-65).Mass spectrometry (MS) is a technique used frequently in mass measurements in order to identify mass of the molecules. Nanoelectromechanical systems are highly sensitive to adhered species, thus using NEMS devices, it is possible to perform NEMS-MS where not only the inertial mass of the molecules but also the position of the adhered particle can be found out by resolving the adsorbateinduced frequency shifts in the first two modes.By using frequency shifts obtained from three mechanical modes, it is possible to obtain stiffness of the adsorbate in addition to its mass and position on the resonator when the Youngs modulus of the analyte and the resonant structure are comparable. For soft analytes, multimode information can be used to obtain shape properties of analytes and allows for image reconstruction from global image features. In order to conduct our experiments, we fabricate NEMS resonators whose transduction method is electrothermal actuation and piezoresistive detection. Fabrications of the devices are completed in National Nanotechnology Research Center (UNAM) in Bilkent University and Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center (SUNUM).Initially, low vacuum apparatus is built to perform NEMS-MS using Electrospray Ionization(ESI) for molecule delivery. In order to direct particles to resonator, the fabrication of a doubly clamped beam is planned in a way that the orifice was etched through silicon wafer from the backside with KOH etch.This fabrication method, however, is tedious and hard to fabricate consistently.Then, Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption and Ionization (MALDI) is implemented to deliver particles towards the resonator.Different analyte types which are gold nanoparticles, centrosome organelles of HeLa cells and M13ke bacteriophages are used in the experiments.We use first four out-of-plane modes of the doublyclamped beam resonator for real-time study of the adsorbates. For biomolecule detection, care was taken to prevent uniform coverage of matrix molecules. Phaselocked-loop(PLL) operation is simultaneously performed for the first four modes of the resonator.Using frequency shifts of the four modes due to the adsorption, we propose a method in which we assume the analytes adhered on the beam are hemispherical to obtain mass and stiffness, size and positions of the analytes. Using three mechanical modes, stiffness, mass and position vaues are calculated.by Ezgi Orhan.M.S