11 research outputs found

    Ansiedad idiomática y motivación hacia el español como lengua extranjera en estudiantes universitarios portugueses: un estudio exploratorio

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue comprobar el papel predictor de la ansiedad idiomática y la motivación integradora sobre el desempeño académico en Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE) en una muestra de 249 estudiantes universitarios portugueses, utilizando modelos de regresión lineal múltiple y jerárquica. Los resultados mostraron relaciones negativas entre ansiedad y desempeño académico, y positivas entre motivación integradora y desempeño académico, siendo el miedo a una evaluación negativa el predictor más importante de la nota. Actividades que aumentan las actitudes positivas hacia el español y ambientes de clase libres de ansiedad facilitan la adquisición y el aprendizaje de ELE.The aim of this study was to examine to what extent language anxiety and integrative motivation predict language achievement in Spanish as a second language in a sample of 249 Portuguese university students, using multiple and hierarchical linear regression models. Results showed negative relationships between language anxiety and course grade, and positive relationships between integrative motivation and course grade. Fear of negative evaluation was the only signifi - cant predictor on course grade. Activities that increase positive attitude towards Spanish and anxiety-free class climate facilitate the acquisition and learning of Spanish as a second language

    Empowerment, stress vulnerability and burnout among portuguese nursing staff

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    The work environment in Portuguese hospitals, characterized by economic cutbacks, can lead to higher levels of burnout experienced by nursing staff. Furthermore, vulnerability to stress can negatively affect the perception of burnout in the workplace. However, structural empowerment is an organizational process that can prevent and decrease burnout among nurses. Consequently, the aim of the study was to examine to what extent structural empowerment and vulnerability to stress can play a predictive role in core burnout in a sample of Portuguese nurses. A convenience sample of 297 nursing staff members from Portuguese hospitals was used in this study. Core burnout was negatively and significantly related to all the dimensions of structural empowerment, and it was positively and significantly related to vulnerability to stress. Regression models showed that core burnout was significantly predicted by access to funds, access to opportunities and vulnerability to stress. Organizational administrations must make every effort in designing interventions focused on structural empowerment, as well as interventions focused on individual interventions that enhance skills for coping with stress.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    On the Validation of the Passion Scale in Chinese

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    The Dualistic Model of Passion posits the existence of two types of passion, namely harmonious and obsessive passion. These two types of passion have been assessed through the Passion Scale. This scale has been validated in French and English and translated in several languages. The purpose of the present research was to translate and validate it in Chinese. To this end, 286 Chinese university students completed an online questionnaire in Chinese that contained the Passion Scale, the passion criteria, as well as measures of flow and positive and negative affect. Results provided support for the two-factor structure of the Passion Scale in Chinese and for the high reliability for both subscales (αHP=0.86αHP=0.86; αOP=0.82αOP=0.82). Furthermore, correlations between the harmonious and obsessive passion subscales and the passion criteria and flow and affect scales supported the convergent and divergent validity of the Chinese Passion Scale. Overall, these findings suggest that the Passion scale can be used in future research with Chinese participants

    Pasión por el Trabajo: Evidencias de Validez Discriminante, Predictiva e Incremental

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer la validez discriminante, predictiva e incremental de la pasión por el trabajo respecto a los constructos de flow, implicación y satisfacción laboral, respectivamente. Se realizó un estudio empírico-instrumental con una muestra no probabilística (510 trabajadores, 54% mujeres). Análisis de ecuaciones estructurales exploratorios (ESEM) mostraron saturaciones cruzadas inferiores a .30 y un adecuado ajuste de un modelo hepta-factorial oblicuo (GFI= .92, CFI= .90, TLI= .91, RMSEA=.04). Los valores de varianza media extraída, de su raíz cuadrada y de la proporción heterorasgo-monorasgo indicaron capacidad de discriminación entre los constructos (AVE > .50; √AVE 0.50; √AVE 0,50; √AVE < r; HTMT < 0,90) indicaram capacidade discriminante entre os conceitos. Análises de regressão múltipla hierárquica confirmaram a contribuição significativa da paixão na explicação da satisfação (paixão harmoniosa: β = 0,49, t = 10,96, p = 0,000; paixão obsessiva: β = 0,15, t = 3,82, p = 0,000; F(6.503) = 91,87, p = 0,000; R2 = 0,579). Os resultados demostraram que a paixão pelo trabalho é um constructo teórica e empiricamente diferente, capaz de explicar atitudes organizacionalmente relevantes.Fil: Salessi, Solana Magalí. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Instituto de Investigaciones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Omar, Alicia Graciela. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Instituto de Investigaciones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; Argentin