7 research outputs found


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    Çfarë është hemodializa? Hemodializa është një mënyrë për të pastruar gjakun dhe për të hequr peshën e tepërt që ka fituar trupi. Gjate dializës gjaku kalon në një drejtim dhe në drejtimin e kundërt kalon dializuesi, në këtë mënyrë filtri i përdorur pastron gjakun dhe heq kilet e tepërta. Gjaku i pastruar rikthehet në trup. Sa kohë zgjat një seancë hemodialize? Hemodializa kryhet në qendra të specializuara. Një seancë hemodialize zgjat nga 3 orë deri në 5 orë. Seancat kryhen tre herë në javë. Për shpeshtësinë e seancave tuaja vendos mjeku juaj i dializës. Gjate seancës së dializës pacientat mund të dëgjojnë muzikë, të plotësoni fjalëkryqe apo të lexojnë ndonjë libër. Zyrtarët shëndetësorë thonë se në bazë të të gjitha standardeve ndërkombëtare, ky repart duhet të jetë i vendosur në katin përdhese, nisur nga fakti se pacientët janë kryesisht të lidhur për karrocë ose shtrat

    Mechanisms of Ironic Meaning Formation in Literary Text (by Example of N. V. Gogol’s Novels “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”)

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    The article presents the analysis of irony as a textual category and an implicit form of expression of the author’s modality from the standpoint of cognitive linguistics. The status of the ironic assessment in the literary text is defined: its implicit character and the subjective nature is noted. The emphasis is on the deontic nature of ironic assessment: the opposition between the proper and the really existing in accordance with the generally accepted rules and values. It is emphasized that the interpretation of ironic meaning depends directly on the cognitive processes of a reader, that is, of an addressee of irony, based on the mental features of irony perception and decoding. It is noted that the main conditions for adequate decoding of irony in the literary text are the text shell of the work, which implements the author’s modality, and background knowledge of perceiving irony. The basic cognitive mechanisms of ironic meaning formation and their interrelation with intentions and critical assessment of the author in N. V. Gogol’s cycle “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” are established. It is concluded that the cognitive mechanisms of realization of ironic meaning are based on the conscious and purposeful violation of the author’s semantic integrity in a literary text, which is achieved in the analyzed works through a variety of cognitive techniques

    Means of Irony Expression in German Translations of Gogol’s Texts

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    The question of irony expression means in the original literary text and the degree of their identity in translation into German by the material of N. V. Gogol’s works and their German translations is considered. Traditional and modern definitions of irony in linguistics are given. The author defines the structural and functional status of irony as an implicit form of expression of the author’s modality that implements intentions, value positions, the worldview of a literary text author. The main linguistic means of its expression are revealed. The problem of identity of the translation of texts containing irony into another language is discussed. The features of the conveying ironic meanings in the literary text are revealed. The equivalent German translations of ironic contexts and problematic aspects of conveying ironic meaning into German in N. V. Gogol’s works are established and analyzed. The causes of distortion in ironic meanings in translations are established. It is concluded that irony realized in N. V. Gogol’s literary texts using a variety of linguistic means is characterized by the complexity of translation into a foreign language and in some cases can be classified as untranslatable

    German Constitutional Law in the UK Supreme Court

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    The outgoing tide of EU law will be Britain’s most significant constitutional change in recent times. In an era of uncertainties, the UK Supreme Court proved to be a guardian of the constitutional role of Parliament. The case of Miller, decided in the UK Supreme Court in 2017, proved that point. The highest court in the UK has therefore gained an important place in the global community of Constitutional Courts. This global community finds its legitimacy in the recognition of common values as well as the recognition of national variations. This article analyses to which extent common values, and in particular those found in German law, have influenced decisions in the House of Lords and UK Supreme Court. To do so, the author analyses decisions by the House of Lords and the Supreme Court and extrajudicial speeches by the Justices of the Supreme Court for references to German constitutional law. It identifies and maps the themes that have attracted the attention of the justices of the Supreme Court. More recently, the UK Supreme Court has referred to judgments and extrajudicial writing by German Constitutional Court judges. This was in the context of constitutional questions relating to the tension between membership within the EU and national identity, a theme which has occupied German judges for some time. As well as that, the interpretation of the European Convention on Human Rights has sparked an interest in German jurisprudence, in particular in the principle of proportionality

    Os Saberes Guarani e os Processos de Ensino e Aprendizagem no Colégio Estadual Indígena Teko Ñemoingo da aldeia Indígena Tekohá Ocoy - Paraná

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    Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Estudos Latino-Americanos da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcialà obtenção do título de Mestra em Estudos Latino-Americanos.Esta dissertação tem como objetivo discutir a educação escolar indígena, apresentar saberes originários Avá Guarani e identificar como os saberes indígenas estão presentes na tekoha e estimulam o ensino e a aprendizagem de estudantes indígenas Avá Guarani na aldeia de Ocoy, região oeste do Paraná no Colégio Teko Ñemoingo. Para realizar nossa pesquisa foi feita uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a temática indígena e educacional desde obras e documentos oficiais brasileiros como as Constituições, Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, (LDB), Referencial Curricular Nacional para as Escolas Indígenas, (RCNEI) e também documentos e leis internacionais, por exemplo, a Convenção 169 da Organização Internacional do Trabalho, (OIT), a Declaração das Nações Unidas sobre os Direitos dos Povos Indígenas (DNUDPI), Declaração Universal dos Direitos Linguísticos, (DUDL) entre outros. Além das fontes citadas, fazem parte desta pesquisa as narrativas, mitos e histórias junto à religião e à língua por meio das quais são transmitidos conhecimentos avá guarani, de geração a geração de forma oral, assim como depoimentos e ensinamento oferecidos pelos chamoĩkuéra, charrýikuéra na casa de reza e outros espaços sagrados da aldeia. Destacou-se o aprendizado realizado na família e na tekoha onde as crianças aprendem nossos costumes e tradições para a cultura manter-se viva. Reconheceu-se que os professores indígenas têm grande importância para transmitir às crianças os saberes junto com os conhecimentos do currículo escolar e dos livros. Procuramos mostrar nossas narrativas e falar como são importantes e não podem ser perdidas ou esquecidas, pois, vêm de nossos conhecimentos tradicionais, praticados há milhares de anos. A construção de fontes primárias foi realizada por meio de observações, registro das práticas indígenas, memórias e narrativas sagradas Avá Guarani dos saberes indígenas. Por fim, foram registradas algumas práticas escolares envolvendo conhecimentos ancestrais indígenas com conhecimentos externos, escolares/científicos dos quais as etnias também necessitam hoje para continuarem vivendo em comunidade. A escola, sendo intercultural e bilíngue, torna-se um espaço de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento de crianças e jovens indígenas, bem como de seus professores que aprendem e ensinam neste ambiente.Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Estudos Latino-Americanos da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino- Americana (UNILA

    Efficacy of parent-mediated communication-focused treatment in toddlers with autism (PACT) delivered via videoconferencing: A randomised controlled trial study protocol

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    International audienceIntroduction Intervention in the preschool period is currently recommended for autism spectrum disorder. Therapies delivered by parents are particularly suitable for young children. Preschool Autism Communication Trial (PACT) is a parent-mediated therapy that has shown a significant and sustained impact on autism symptom reduction. However, access to such evidence-based therapies for families is limited due to autism centres located in large urban areas. Using videoconferencing to deliver PACT training to parents may improve accessibility for families living in underserved areas. Methods and analysis This single-blind randomised controlled trial, involving six sites in France, will investigate the efficacy of a telehealth, videoconferencing-based, parent-mediated PACT therapy on autism symptoms, over a 12-month period. It will compare PACT plus treatment as usual (TAU) against TAU only in a cohort of 238 toddlers (119 per group) aged 18-36 months at inclusion and living with their families more than 40 min away from the specialist centres for autism. Primary outcome will include change of overall autism score on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale (ADOS) at 12 months. Secondary outcomes will measure change in child skills, child functioning, impact on parents (stress, health, priorities) and implementation characteristics. Repeated measures analyses will be used to test the effect of PACT intervention on the overall ADOS module 1 score over the 12-month study period. Linear mixed models will be used with time, treatment allocation and the interaction between treatment and time as fixed effects and individual variation as random effect. Ethics and dissemination This protocol (V.5, date: 25 October 2019) is approved by the French National Review Board (reference no 2018-A02516-49). The results will be disseminated via peer-reviewed journals Trial registration number NCT04244721

    Adaptive behaviors and related factors in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: Report from ELENA cohort

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    International audienceThere are strong individual differences in adaptive behaviors (AB) in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with conflicting results in literature about specific patterns and related factors. The present study aims to describe AB and identify related factors in terms of clinical and socio-familial characteristics in 875 children and adolescents with ASD in the multiregional ELENA cohort in France. Results showed that AB in children and adolescents with ASD were lower than in typically developing subjects, regardless of age group. AB were associated with clinical (gender, age at diagnosis, IQ, ASD severity, psychiatric comorbidities, motor and language skills, challenging behaviors), interventional (school attendance, special interventions) and familial characteristics (age, educational and socio-economic status of parents, household status, number of siblings). There is a need of interventions focusing on improvement of AB, tailored to children's characteristics