43 research outputs found

    Hydrochemical characterization of a mine water geothermal energy resource in NW Spain

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    Abandoned and flooded mine networks provide underground reservoirs of mine water that can be used as a renewable geothermal energy source. A complete hydrochemical characterization of mine water is required to optimally design the geothermal installation, understand the hydraulic behavior of the water in the reservoir and prevent undesired effects such as pipe clogging via mineral precipitation. Water pumped from the Barredo-Figaredo mining reservoir (Asturias, NW Spain), which is currently exploited for geothermal use, has been studied and compared to water from a separate, nearby mountain mine and a river that receives mine water discharge and partially infiltrates into the mine workings. Although the hydrochemistry was altered during the flooding process, the deep mine waters are currently near neutral, net alkaline, high metal waters of Na-HCO3 type. Isotopic values suggest that mine waters are closely related to modern meteoric water, and likely correspond to rapid infiltration. Suspended and dissolved solids, and particularly iron content, of mine water results in some scaling and partial clogging of heat exchangers, but water temperature is stable (22 °C) and increases with depth, so, considering the available flow (> 100 L s− 1), the Barredo-Figaredo mining reservoir represents a sustainable, long-term resource for geothermal use

    Human activities, biostratigraphy and past environment revealed by small-mammal associations at the chalcolithic levels of El Portalón de Cueva Mayor (Atapuerca, Spain)

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    The Chalcolithic levels of El Portalón de Cueva Mayor (Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain) offer a good opportunity to test whether the small-mammal contents of different archaeo-stratigraphical units may be useful to characterize them as independent entities. With that purpose, we studied representative samples of small-mammal remains from the two main contexts identified: the Early Chalcolithic (EC) funerary context and the Late Chalcolithic (LC) habitat/stabling context, with the latter comprising three different archaeological units according to their origin, namely prepared floors, activity floors and stabling surfaces or fumiers. Following the distribution of taxa in their respective contexts, we performed several statistical tests to check for significant discrepancies between archaeological units. The exclusive presence of certain taxa, together with the statistical difference in relative taxonomic ratios, points to the integrity and unpolluted condition of the EC context. The interspersed arrangement of the different LC context’s units made them prone to inter-pollution as they are not statistically different. The unexpected presence of Pliomys lenki and Chionomys nivalis in the prepared floors evidences their Upper Pleistocene allochthonous origin. The EC levels of El Portalón contribute the first Holocene records of nine taxa in the Sierra de Atapuerca. An environment dominated by woodland, shrubland and wet meadows, with moderate presence of grassland, inland wetlands and rocky areas, is inferred from the small-mammal association of the EC levels

    Las asociaciones de ostrácodos en secuencias aluviales como indicadores de cambios ambientales holocenos (Bardenas Reales de Navarra, Cuenca del Ebro, NE Península Ibérica)

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    En este trabajo se estudian las asociaciones de ostrácodos identificadas en tres unidades aluviales preservadas en Bardenas Reales de Navarra (Cuenca del Ebro, NE Península Ibérica), para reconstruir la evolución paleoambiental de esta área durante el Holoceno final. Las especies de ostrácodos más comunes en las muestras estudiadas son Ilyocypris bradyi Sars y Paralimnocythere aff. psammophila (Flössner), acompañadas por Pseudocandona albicans (Brady). Las variaciones en su abundancia relativa a lo largo de dichas unidades aluviales permiten caracterizar cambios internos en el ambiente de depósito. Así, la unidad depositada entre 4763±87 y 2848±55 años cal. BP presenta como especie más abundante a I. bradyi, lo que indica la existencia de pequeños arroyos o riachuelos con agua corriente que se desarrollaron probablemente en llanuras de inundación fluviales. Sin embargo, de 2848±55 a 836±65 años cal. BP Paralimnocythere aff. psammophila es la especie dominante, representando el establecimiento de un medio acuático efímero y de aguas estancadas, posiblemente relacionado con condiciones climáticas más áridas (Anomalía Climática Medieval). Finalmente, la asociación de ostrácodos identificada en el Reciente (191±97 a 127±82 años cal. BP) está constituida principalmente por I. bradyi, que indicaría la presencia de nuevo de aguas corrientes. Esta última asociación parece estar vinculada a la influencia de condiciones climáticas húmedas y frías (Pequeña Edad del Hielo) durante el Reciente en esta área. Por lo tanto, la evolución paleoambiental para el Holoceno final de Bardenas Reales de Navarra, identificada a partir de las asociaciones de ostrácodos, muestra una buena correlación con los cambios climáticos rápidos holocenos deducidos en otros registros continentales del NE de la Península Ibérica. In this paper, the ostracod assemblages identified in three alluvial units preserved in Bardenas Reales de Navarra (Ebro Basin, NE Iberian Peninsula) have been studied, with the aim of reconstructing the palaeoenvironmental evolution of this area during the late Holocene. The most common ostracod species in the studied samples are Ilyocypris bradyi Sars and Paralimnocythere aff. psammophila (Flössner), accompanied by Pseudocandona albicans (Brady). Variations in their relative abundance along these alluvial units allow us to characterize internal changes in the depositional environment. Thus, the unit deposited between 4763±87 and 2848±55 years cal. BP is dominated by I. bradyi, indicating the presence of small streams with running water developed probably in fluvial flood plains. Nevertheless, from 2848±55 to 836±65 years cal. BP Paralimnocythere aff. psammophila is the dominant species, representing the establishment of an ephemeral and stagnant aquatic environment, mainly related with more arid climatic conditions (Medieval Warm Period). Finally, the ostracod assemblage identified in Recent times (191±97 to 127±82 years cal. BP) is mainly dominated by I. bradyi, which indicates the presence of running waters. This later assemblage probably defines the influence of cold and wet climatic phase (Little Ice Age) during Recent times in this area. The palaeoenvironmental evolution identified from the late Holocene according to ostracod assemblages in Bardenas Reales de Navarra shows good correlation with rapid climatic changes deduced from other continental records of the NE Iberian Peninsula

    Evaluación clínica y hoja de registro de cuidados de enfermería del sistema de control fecal en pacientes críticos

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    Fecal incontinence in critical patients predisposes them to several complications as: tissue viability problems, infections, or patients well-being effects. This kind of problems could increase average stay hospital, with economic and health system repercussions.The evidence shows that traditional managements of fecal incontinence have adverse outcomes which are unresolved.The Flexi-seal® management system (FMS), reduces these complications, and its effectiveness is based on different studies (Martínez Estadella G et al, 2006), (Ares Sánchez M et al, 2006) (Bordes J et all, 2007), (Pelleschi ME, 2008).It is necessary to describe the insertion technique, and Nursing interventions orientated to patients who need Flexi-seal® management system (FMS), in order to improve Nursing Cares.La incontinencia fecal en los Pacientes Críticos produce una serie de complicaciones como son: el deterioro de la integridad cutánea de la piel, infecciones, alteración en la autoestima del paciente, etc. Esta serie de problemas puede ocasionar un aumento en la media de estancia de los pacientes ingresados con repercusiones sanitarias y económicas.La evidencia científica nos indica que los sistemas tradicionales utilizados para la incontinencia fecal producen diferentes problemas potenciales aún sin solucionar.El sistema de control de la incontinencia fecal Flexi-Seal® FMS (Fig. nº1) produce una reducción de estos problemas y su efectividad está basada en diferentes estudios recientes que así lo demuestran (Martínez Estadella, G. et al, 2006), (Ares Sánchez, M. et al, 2006) (Bordes, J. et al, 2007), (Pelleschi, ME, 2008).Es necesario describir tanto la técnica de inserción como los Cuidados de Enfermería de este nuevo dispositivo de incontinencia fecal

    Fecal management in critical patients: clinical evaluation and nursing record.

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    La incontinencia fecal en los Pacientes Críticos produce una serie de complicaciones como son: el deterioro de la integridad cutánea de la piel, infecciones, alteración en la autoestima del paciente, etc. Esta serie de problemas puede ocasionar un aumento en la media de estancia de los pacientes ingresados con repercusiones sanitarias y económicas. La evidencia científica nos indica que los sistemas tradicionales utilizados para la incontinencia fecal producen diferentes problemas potenciales aún sin solucionar. El sistema de control de la incontinencia fecal Flexi-Seal® FMS (Fig. nº1) produce una reducción de estos problemas y su efectividad está basada en diferentes estudios recientes que así lo demuestran (Martínez Estadella, G. et al, 2006), (Ares Sánchez, M. et al, 2006) (Bordes, J. et al, 2007), (Pelleschi, ME, 2008). Es necesario describir tanto la técnica de inserción como los Cuidados de Enfermería de este nuevo dispositivo de incontinencia fecal.ABSTRACT Fecal incontinence in critical patients predisposes them to several complications as: tissue viability problems, infections, or patients well-being effects. This kind of problems could increase average stay hospital, with economic and health system repercussions. The evidence shows that traditional managements of fecal incontinence have adverse outcomes which are unresolved. The Flexi-seal® management system (FMS), reduces these complications, and its effectiveness is based on different studies (Martínez Estadella G et al, 2006), (Ares Sánchez M et al, 2006) (Bordes J et all, 2007), (Pelleschi ME, 2008). It is necessary to describe the insertion technique, and Nursing interventions orientated to patients who need Flexi-seal® management system (FMS), in order to improve Nursing Cares

    Evolving landscapes during the Middle Paleolithic in southeast Zagros (Iran): insights from the small mammal and palynological records

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    Located in the Zagros range, 10 km southeast of the city of Arsanjan (Fars-south, Iran), Tang-e Shekan is an archaeological cave deposit chrono-culturally comprising the Middle- and Upper-Paleolithic, Epipaleolithic and the Proto-Neolithic, this mainly based in the analysis of the lithic assemblage. Wet-sieving techniques using fine meshes allowed the retrieval of 268 small mammal remains from the sediments of the different stratigraphic units, subsequently attributed to 14 taxa including “insectivores” s.l. (Crocidura cf. suaveolens, Hemiechinus auritus), rodents (Meriones cf. persicus, Rhombomys opimus, Allactaga cf. elater, Calomyscus bailwardi, Apodemus cf. flavicollis, Mus musculus, Ellobius cf. lutescens, Microtus spp., Cricetulus migratorius), lagomorphs (Ochotona rufescens, Lepus sp.) and unidentified bats (Chiroptera). In this study, we use small mammals as palaeoecological proxies to infer the distribution and evolution of the landscape at the foothills of southeast Zagros during the Middle Paleolithic. We then compare our results to those obtained from other sites of similar chronology in the region and with the evidence so far available from palynological records to get a more reliable scenario. Prior to this, we carefully examine the taphonomic biases affecting the samples, particularly those related to the origin of the accumulation, to prevent further misleading interpretations

    Heavy metals and metalloids in sediments of the Nalon River estuary saltmarsh (Northern Spain)

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    El estuario del r\uedo Nal\uf3n ha venido recibiendo durante los \ufaltimos 200 a\uf1os un aporte continuo de materiales procedentes de actividades minero-industrial es localizadas en su cuenca hidrogr\ue1fica.Como consecuencia de los aportes de metales y metaloides en diferentes fases, los sedimentos del estuario han visto incrementadas significativamente sus concentraciones en algunos elementos con respecto al fondo geoqu\uedmico natural de la zona. La aplicaci\uf3n al estudio de \uedndices normalizados de referencia como el \ucdndice de Geoacumulaci\uf3n o el Factor de Enriquecimiento han mostrado que a determinadas profundidades los sedimentos de las marismas presentan concentraciones especialmente elevadas en As, Pb y Zn, y estas anomal\uedas geoqu\uedmicas se consideran atribuibles a la actividad antropog\ue9nica como fuente principal de aporte

    Blast furnace and metallurgical coke's reactivity and its determination by thermal gravimetric analysis

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    © 2015 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. The aim of the present work is to adapt tests that are typically used for blast furnace cokes, such as coke reactivity index (CRI) and coke strength after reaction, to ferroalloy production in electric furnaces by developing easier equipment that meets with ISO 18894 standards. Moreover, a new technique has also been developed using thermal gravimetric analysis in order to quickly, inexpensively and reliably find the CRI parameter. As result of this work, a polynomial relationship between coke's reactivity and mass loss slopes of the record line obtained in the gravimetric thermal analysis tests was found.Peer Reviewe

    Agronomic and Metabolomic Side-Effects of a Divergent Selection for Indol-3-Ylmethylglucosinolate Content in Kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala)

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    Brassica oleracea var. acephala (kale) is a cruciferous vegetable widely cultivated for its leaves and flower buds in Europe and a food of global interest as a “superfood”. Brassica crops accumulate phytochemicals called glucosinolates (GSLs) which play an important role in plant defense against biotic stresses. Studies carried out to date suggest that GSLs may have a role in the adaptation of plants to different environments, but direct evidence is lacking. We grew two kale populations divergently selected for high and low indol-3-ylmethylGSL (IM) content (H-IM and L-IM, respectively) in different environments and analyzed agronomic parameters, GSL profiles and metabolomic profile. We found a significant increase in fresh and dry foliar weight in H-IM kale populations compared to L-IM in addition to a greater accumulation of total GSLs, indole GSLs and, specifically, IM and 1-methoxyindol-3-ylmethylGSL (1MeOIM). Metabolomic analysis revealed a significant different concentration of 44 metabolites in H-IM kale populations compared to L-IM. According to tentative peak identification from MS interpretation, 80% were phenolics, including flavonoids (kaempferol, quercetin and anthocyanin derivates, including acyl flavonoids), chlorogenic acids (esters of hydroxycinnamic acids and quinic acid), hydroxycinnamic acids (ferulic acid and p-coumaric acid) and coumarins. H-IM kale populations could be more tolerant to diverse environmental conditions, possibly due to GSLs and the associated metabolites with predicted antioxidant potential.publishedVersio