2,318 research outputs found

    A prospective analysis of the injury incidence of young male professional football players on artificial turf

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    Background: The effects of synthetic surfaces on the risk of injuries is still debated in literature and the majority of published data seems to be contradictory. For such reasons the understanding of injury incidence on such surfaces, especially in youth sport, is fundamental for injury prevention. Objectives: The aim of this study was to prospectively report the epidemiology of injuries in young football players, playing on artificial turfs, during a one sports season. Patients and Methods: 80 young male football players (age 16.1 ± 3.7 years; height 174 ± 6.6 cm; weight 64.2 ± 6.3 kg) were enrolled in a prospective cohort study. The participants were then divided in two groups; the first included players age ranging from 17 to 19 (OP) whereas the second included players age ranging from 13 to 16 (YP). Injury incidence was recorded prospectively, according to the consensus statement for soccer. Results: A total of 107 injuries (35 from the OP and 72 from the YP) were recorded during an exposure time of 83.760 hours (incidence 1.28/1000 per player hours); 22 during matches (incidence 2.84/1000 per player hours, 20.5%) and 85 during training (incidence 1.15/1000 per player hours, 79.5%). Thigh and groin were the most common injury locations (33.6% and 21.5%, respectively) while muscle injuries such as contractures and strains were the most common injury typologies (68.23%). No statistical differences between groups were displayed, except for the rate of severe injuries during matches, with the OP displaying slightly higher rates compared to the YP. Severe injuries accounted for 10.28% of the total injuries reported. The average time lost due to injuries was 14 days. Re-injuries accounted for 4.67% of all injuries sustained during the season. Conclusions: In professional youth soccer injury rates are reasonably low. Muscle injuries are the most common type of injuries while groin and thigh the most common locations. Artificial turf pitches don’t seem to contribute to injury incidence in young football players

    Coupling of morphology to surface transport in ion-beam irradiated surfaces. I. Oblique incidence

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    We propose and study a continuum model for the dynamics of amorphizable surfaces undergoing ion-beam sputtering (IBS) at intermediate energies and oblique incidence. After considering the current limitations of more standard descriptions in which a single evolution equation is posed for the surface height, we overcome (some of) them by explicitly formulating the dynamics of the species that transport along the surface, and by coupling it to that of the surface height proper. In this we follow recent proposals inspired by ``hydrodynamic'' descriptions of pattern formation in aeolian sand dunes and ion-sputtered systems. From this enlarged model, and by exploiting the time-scale separation among various dynamical processes in the system, we derive a single height equation in which coefficients can be related to experimental parameters. This equation generalizes those obtained by previous continuum models and is able to account for many experimental features of pattern formation by IBS at oblique incidence, such as the evolution of the irradiation-induced amorphous layer, transverse ripple motion with non-uniform velocity, ripple coarsening, onset of kinetic roughening and other. Additionally, the dynamics of the full two-field model is compared with that of the effective interface equation.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures. Movies of figures 6, 7, and 8 available at http://gisc.uc3m.es/~javier/Movies

    Susceptibility of Vitis vinifera 'Semillon' and 'Chardonnay' to the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica

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    A study to assess the effect of the initial population (Pi) densities (0, 200, 400, 600 and 800 second stage juveniles (J2) kg-1 dry soil) of the root knot nematode, Meloidogyne javanica, on the growth, yield and juice characteristics of two white wine grapevine (Vitis vinifera) cvs. 'Semillon' and 'Chardonnay' was conducted in a vineyard located at the Centre for Irrigated Agriculture, Riverina, NSW, Australia. M. javanica J2 population densities in soil after harvest during 2004-2008 growing seasons increased gradually, year by year, and in most cases were higher where the initial densities were higher. Regression analysis revealed that yield, in general, was reduced significantly with the increase of the nematode population densities·kg-1 soil for both cultivars. After six years, the nematode population had increased by ca. 9.0-22.4 fold for 'Semillon' and 6.7-18.5 fold for 'Chardonnay'. All Pi densities significantly reduced Semillon yields in all years but only the highest level (800 J2·kg-1 dry soil) affected 'Chardonnay' yields. At the end of the experiment, M. javanica decreased yields by 15-20 % in Semillon but only 7-13 % in 'Chardonnay'. The nematode inoculation also caused a decrease in bunch numbers in 'Semillon' but not in 'Chardonnay'. This is the first study showing that 'Chardonnay' is less susceptible to M. javanica than 'Semillon'.

    Mineral sinks within ripening grape berries (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    Trends in the accumulation of mineral elements into the grape berry components give information about vascular flow into the berry. Shiraz berries were dissected into receptacle, skin, pulp, brush and seeds and the accumulation of 10 mineral elements into these components was followed through development. The elements were separated into two categories according to their accumulation pattern into the berry. The first group of elements continued to accumulate throughout berry growth and ripening, and was comprised of  phloem-mobile potassium, phosphorus, sulphur, magnesium, boron, iron and copper. The second group of elements accumulated mostly prior to veraison, and included the xylem-mobile minerals calcium, manganese and zinc. These results indicate that the xylem contribution to berry growth diminished after veraison. Berry fresh weight, dry weight, as well as berry sugar content, were all highly correlated with berry potassium content. While the pulp and skin were the strongest sinks for potassium and boron, seeds were the strongest sinks for calcium, phosphorus, sulphur, manganese and zinc. With the exception of calcium and manganese, seeds ceased to accumulate most elements during late ripening. The berry receptacle and brush did not accumulate any of the elements to levels above those of the other berry components at any stage of development. Therefore, they did not act as sinks for xylem- or phloem-mobile elements as vascular flow to the pulp and skin slowed.

    Sarcopenia as a Risk Factor for Alzheimer’s Disease: Genetic and Epigenetic Perspectives

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    Sarcopenia, defined as the age-associated loss of muscle mass and increased fragility with age, is increasing worldwide. The condition often precedes the development of Alzheimer’s disease, thereby decreasing the levels of mobility and physical activity in those affected. Indeed, the loss of muscle mass has, in some studies, been associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. However, a detailed understanding of the interplay between both conditions is not available and needs to be thoroughly addressed. In the following review, we focus on several genes, specifically APOE, BDNF, ACE, FTO, and FNDC5, that have been associated with both conditions. We also discuss the epigenetic regulation of each of these genes along with non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) that may have a role in the development of both the sarcopenic and Alzheimer’s disease phenotypes. Finally, we assert that the application of systems biology will unravel the relationship between sarcopenia and Alzheimer’s disease and believe that the prevention of muscle loss in older age will reduce the incidence of debilitating cognitive decline

    Wavelength Tunability of Ion-bombardment Induced Ripples on Sapphire

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    A study of ripple formation on sapphire surfaces by 300-2000 eV Ar+ ion bombardment is presented. Surface characterization by in-situ synchrotron grazing incidence small angle x-ray scattering and ex-situ atomic force microscopy is performed in order to study the wavelength of ripples formed on sapphire (0001) surfaces. We find that the wavelength can be varied over a remarkably wide range-nearly two orders of magnitude-by changing the ion incidence angle. Within the linear theory regime, the ion induced viscous flow smoothing mechanism explains the general trends of the ripple wavelength at low temperature and incidence angles larger than 30. In this model, relaxation is confined to a few-nm thick damaged surface layer. The behavior at high temperature suggests relaxation by surface diffusion. However, strong smoothing is inferred from the observed ripple wavelength near normal incidence, which is not consistent with either surface diffusion or viscous flow relaxation.Comment: Revtex4, 19 pages, 10 figures with JPEG forma

    Case Study based on Inequality Indices for the Assessments of Industrial Fleets

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    3rd IFAC Workshop on Advanced Maintenance Engineering, Services and Technology AMEST 2016: Biarritz, France, 19—21 October 2016. - IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 49, Issue 28, 2016, Pages 250-255This contribution illustrates the advantages of measures and indicators based on the notions of Shannon entropy which is widely implemented in thermodynamics, information theory, econometrics, and biology. The presented case study applies these indicators to a fleet of industrial assets, introducing innovatively the entropy concept to the field of availability. There is no reason to deal the effect of performance variables in assets independently without taking into account disparities in terms of reliability, operation hours, applied maintenance, operating conditions, and usage profiles, etc. Therefore, the characteristic of the method and their independence from the heterogeneity of the sample that compares is intended to be promising for applications in availability analysis. In other words, this research presents a derivation from well-known concepts such as the Gini, Hoover and Theil indices illustrating their application by the support of an example where attributes for different groups of assets are compared. To illustrate the application we are using two relevant and innovative scenarios as case study examples
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