1,942 research outputs found

    The Stability and Growth Pact from the Perspective Of the New Member States

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the fiscal characteristics of the new members in the light of the requirements of the SGP and the criticisms levelled against the Pact and to see in what ways their initial conditions differ from those faced by the current euro zone countries in the run-up to the adoption of the euro. Overall, because of the lower debt levels and greater yield convergence already achieved, the new members will be able to rely less on gains from yield convergence than the current euro zone members were able to do. EU accession will also have a negative net impact on the budgets of the new members in the early years of membership. We also look at the cyclical sensitivities of the budgets and find that in the new members the smoothing capacity of the automatic stabilizers might be weaker than in the current euro zone members. Beyond these general characteristics, we also emphasize that there are large differences in the starting fiscal positions of the new members. Some of the policy implications of our findings are discussed.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/40095/3/wp709.pd

    The expected effect of the euro on the Hungarian monetary transmission

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    The most important mechanism through which monetary policy affects the real economy in Hungary is the exchange rate channel. With euro adoption, this mechanism will largely disappear and the impact of monetary policy will be transmitted via the interest rate channel, presently seen as rather weak. This has raised concerns that the influence of monetary policy on the real economy in Hungary could be very limited after euro adoption. On top of this, other concerns have been voiced as regards potential asymmetries in the wage-setting behaviour, the exchange rate and credit channels. Based on the experience of today’s euro area participating countries and the structural characteristics of the Hungarian economy, this paper argues that after euro adoption 1) we may expect a broadening of the scope of the interest rate channel of monetary policy after euro adoption, 2) there are no institutional obstacles in the way of the effective functioning of the expectations channel in Hungary 3) substantially different monetary conditions from that in the euro area as a result of a different trade orientation are unlikely, and, finally 4) some asymmetries in the balance sheet channel may continue to exist for some time between Hungary and the core euro area countries but its effect will be significantly smaller after euro zone entry.monetary transmission mechanism, transmission channels, EMU participation.

    The Stability and Growth Pact from the Perspective of the New Member States

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the fiscal characteristics of the new members in the light of the requirements of the SGP and the criticisms levelled against the Pact and to see in what ways their initial conditions differ from those faced by the current euro zone countries in the run-up to EMU. Overall, because of the lower debt levels and greater yield convergence already achieved, the new members will be able to rely less on gains from yield convergence than the current eurozone members were able to do in the run-up to EMU. EU accession will also have a negative net impact on the budgets of the new members in the early years of membership. We also look at the cyclical sensitivities of the budgets and find that in the new members the smoothing capacity of the automatic stabilizers might be weaker than in the current euro zone members. Beyond these general characteristics, we also emphasize that there are large differences in the starting fiscal positions of the new members. Some of the policy implications of our findings are discussed.EU enlargement, fiscal policy, fiscal rules, Stability and Growth Pact.

    The sustainability of the Hungarian pension system: a reassessment

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    This paper gives a reassessment of the sustainability of the reformed Hungarian pension system with a special focus on whether the introduction of the fully funded pillar in 1998 has led to any improvement in the sustainability of the pension system. After a brief description of the 1997/1998 reform of the Hungarian pension system, we present results from simulations with a revised pension model. Our results show that 1) the pension system, in its present form, is unsustainable with net implicit public liabilities in the system around 240% of GDP, unless corrective measures are taken. 2) The series of policy measures taken since the 1997/1998 reform account for nearly three-fourths of the net liability implicit in the pension system, reflecting a policy reversal: an alarming tendency of undoing the progress made by the reform in terms of improving the system’s sustainability. 3) The funded pillar can help in lowering net implicit liabilities if the transition costs involved in the reform are financed by budgetary adjustment. 4) The returns recorded so far in the private pension funds fall short of expectations and, on the condition that these low returns persist, the second pillar is projected to provide annuities that do not make up for the reduction in benefits received from the public pillar. This conclusion is valid even if we compare a hypothetical balanced full pay-as-you-go (PAYG) system with a sustainable multi-pillar system.ageing, pension system, social security, fiscal sustainability.

    The Stability and Growth Pact from the Perspective Of the New Member States

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the fiscal characteristics of the new members in the light of the requirements of the SGP and the criticisms levelled against the Pact and to see in what ways their initial conditions differ from those faced by the current euro zone countries in the run-up to the adoption of the euro. Overall, because of the lower debt levels and greater yield convergence already achieved, the new members will be able to rely less on gains from yield convergence than the current euro zone members were able to do. EU accession will also have a negative net impact on the budgets of the new members in the early years of membership. We also look at the cyclical sensitivities of the budgets and find that in the new members the smoothing capacity of the automatic stabilizers might be weaker than in the current euro zone members. Beyond these general characteristics, we also emphasize that there are large differences in the starting fiscal positions of the new members. Some of the policy implications of our findings are discussed.EU enlargement, fiscal policy, fiscal rules, Stability and Growth Pact

    Semantic Compression of Episodic Memories

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    Storing knowledge of an agent's environment in the form of a probabilistic generative model has been established as a crucial ingredient in a multitude of cognitive tasks. Perception has been formalised as probabilistic inference over the state of latent variables, whereas in decision making the model of the environment is used to predict likely consequences of actions. Such generative models have earlier been proposed to underlie semantic memory but it remained unclear if this model also underlies the efficient storage of experiences in episodic memory. We formalise the compression of episodes in the normative framework of information theory and argue that semantic memory provides the distortion function for compression of experiences. Recent advances and insights from machine learning allow us to approximate semantic compression in naturalistic domains and contrast the resulting deviations in compressed episodes with memory errors observed in the experimental literature on human memory.Comment: CogSci201

    Piston Ring Tribology in Internal Combustion Engines

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    TĂ©mou bakalĂĄrskej prĂĄce je tribolĂłgia piestnych krĂșĆŸkov spaÄŸovacĂ­ch motorov. PrĂĄca je rozdelenĂĄ do 7 kapitol. PrvĂĄ kapitola sa zaoberĂĄ piestnymi krĂșĆŸkami, poĆŸiadavkami na piestne krĂșĆŸky, popisom hlavnĂœch funkciĂ­ piestnych krĂșĆŸkov, typmi piestnych krĂșĆŸkov, kompresnĂœmi krĂșĆŸkami a stieracĂ­mi krĂșĆŸkami. Na zĂĄver tejto kapitoly sĂș uvedenĂ© informĂĄcie o kinematike piestnych krĂșĆŸkov. DruhĂĄ kapitola uvĂĄdza mechanizmus trenia a mazania piestnych krĂșĆŸkov, venuje sa tribolĂłgii, treniu, histĂłrii pozorovania trenia, mechanizmom trenia a vhodnosti trenia. Okrem toho prĂĄca obsahuje informĂĄcie o mazanĂ­, konkrĂ©tne o spĂŽsobe mazania motorov s vnĂștornĂœm spaÄŸovanĂ­m a reĆŸimoch mazania. Tretia kapitola sa zaoberĂĄ hydrodynamickĂœm mazanĂ­m. TĂ©mou ĆĄtvrtej kapitoly je medznĂ© mazanie. Piata kapitola uvĂĄdza informĂĄcie o zmieĆĄanom mazanĂ­. Trenie v olejovej vrstve je tĂ©mou ĆĄiestej kapitoly. PoslednĂĄ siedma kapitola sa venuje treniu kontaktu nerovnostĂ­ styčnĂœch plĂŽch.The theme of the thesis is tribology of piston rings for internal combustion engines. The work is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter deals with the piston rings, piston rings requirements, describes the main functions of piston rings, types of piston rings, compression rings and oil control rings. Finally, this chapter provides information about the kinematics of piston rings. The second chapter presents the mechanism of friction and lubrication of piston rings, is dedicated to tribology, friction, friction observation history, mechanism of friction and friction suitability. In addition, the work contains information about lubrication, specifically about a lubrication way of internal combustion engines and lubrication regimes. The third chapter deals with hydrodynamic lubrication. The theme of the fourth chapter is boundary lubrication. The fifth chapter provides information about mixed lubrication. Friction in the oil film is the theme of the sixth chapter. Last seventh chapter deals with dry contact friction due to surface roughness contact.
