11 research outputs found

    The inotropic consequences of selective Na+/Ca2+ exchanger inhibition is controlled by the actual transport balance

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    The major goal of the cardiac Ca2+ handling is to control the actual magnitude and kinetics of the cell contractions and therefore contribute to the regulation of the cardiac output. The Na+/Ca2+ exchanger has a crucial role in the beat-to-beat Ca2+ balance by extruding a relatively small fraction of the released Ca2+. Since the exchanger works Ca2+ influx, as well as Ca2+ efflux mode in the same heart cycle, its inhibition theoretically could lead to Ca2+ loss or Ca2+ gain. The functional consequence of these effects could be manifested in negative inotropy which may have antiarrhythmic effects during Ca2+ overload, or could cause positive inotropy which is desired in heart failure. However the exact electrophysiological mechanism which determines these two outcomes is not clarified because of the lack of selective inhibitors. In this thesis we would like to address these issues by using novel, selective NCX compounds. The main results can be summarized as follows: 1) The novel NCX inhibitor GYKB-6635 effectively suppressed both mode of the NCX current measured by conventional ramp protocol. Our study showed the GYKB-6635 did not influence the kinetics of the L-type Ca2+ current and major K+-currents therefore it could be considered a promising experimental tool for future NCX research. 2) The selective NCX inhibition is able to cause both positive and negative inotropy by ORM-10962 in the cardiac cells, depending on the experimental condition. When the reverse mode is facilitated Ca2+ loss, in the case of forward mode enhancement Ca2+ gain occurs. The major underlying mechanism is the actual Ca2+ level of the sarcoplasmic reticulum which strongly depends on the function of the NCX. 3) The selective NCX inhibition by ORM-10962 reverts the hypokalaemia induced positive inotropy: the low [K+]o increases the intracellular Na+ level of the cells which shifts the actual reversal potential of the NCX facilitating reverse mode. The selective NCX inhibition may inhibit preferentially the reverse mode of the NCX under this setting which decreases the intracellular Ca2+ and cell shortening

    Hydrothermal dolomitization of basinal deposits controlled by a synsedimentary fault system in Triassic extensional setting, Hungary

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    Dolomitization of relatively thick carbonate successions occurs via an effective fluid circulation mechanism, since the replacement process requires a large amount of Mg-rich fluid interacting with the CaCO3 precursor. In the western end of the Neotethys, fault-controlled extensional basins developed during the Late Triassic spreading stage. In the Buda Hills and Danube-East blocks, distinct parts of silica and organic matter-rich slope and basinal deposits are dolomitized. Petrographic, geochemical, and fluid inclusion data distinguished two dolomite types: (1) finely to medium crystalline and (2) medium to coarsely crystalline. They commonly co-occur and show a gradual transition. Both exhibit breccia fabric under microscope. Dolomite texture reveals that the breccia fabric is not inherited from the precursor carbonates but was formed during the dolomitization process and under the influence of repeated seismic shocks. Dolomitization within the slope and basinal succession as well as within the breccia zones of the underlying basement block is interpreted as being related to fluid originated from the detachment zone and channelled along synsedimentary normal faults. The proposed conceptual model of dolomitization suggests that pervasive dolomitization occurred not only within and near the fault zones. Permeable beds have channelled the fluid towards the basin centre where the fluid was capable of partial dolomitization. The fluid inclusion data, compared with vitrinite reflectance and maturation data of organic matter, suggest that the ascending fluid was likely hydrothermal which cooled down via mixing with marine-derived pore fluid. Thermal gradient is considered as a potential driving force for fluid flow

    Antiarrhythmic Potential of Drugs Targeting the Cardiac Ryanodine Receptor Ca2+ Release Channel: Case Study of Dantrolene

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    Driven by the limitations of the traditional antiarrhythmic pharmacology, current antiarrhythmic research is trying to identify new avenues for the development of specific and safe antiarrhythmic drugs. One of the most promising approaches in this field is the amelioration of the abnormal events in cellular Ca2+ handling originating from the dysfunction of ryanodine receptor Ca2+ release complex (RyR), which is an inevitable key factor in the pathology of myocardial dysfunction, remodeling and arrhythmogenesis. Accordingly, both in experimental and clinical situations, inhibition of abnormal activity of RyR, regardless of being the primary cause or a consequence during the pathogenesis appears to exert beneficial effect on disease outcome, including a marked antiarrhythmic defense. Considerable amount of our knowledge in this field originates from studies using dantrolene, a human drug with RyR stabilizing effect. Our review summarizes the cardiovascular pharmacology of dantrolene and the results of its use in experimental models of cardiac diseases, which emphasize a promising perspective for the possible antiarrhythmic application of RyR inhibition in the future

    Inotropic effect of NCX inhibition depends on the relative activity of the reverse NCX assessed by a novel inhibitor ORM-10962 on canine ventricular myocytes

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    Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) is the main Ca2+ transporter in cardiac myocytes. Its inhibition could be expected to exert positive inotropic action by accumulation of cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i). However, we have observed only a marginal positive inotropic effect upon selective inhibition of NCX, which was enhanced when forward activity was facilitated. Here we attempted to clarify the underlying mechanism of the limited inotropic action of selective NCX inhibition by a novel inhibitor ORM-10962 on canine ventricular myocytes. 1 microM ORM-10962 reduced the Ca2+ content of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) when the reverse NCX was favoured, while SR Ca2+ content was increased by ORM-10962 under conditions favouring the forward activity, like elevation of [Ca2+]i. L-type Ca2+ current (ICa) was not affected by 1 microM ORM-10962 in the absence of SR Ca2+ release, while ICa was suppressed by ORM-10962 during normal Ca2+ cycling. The apparent degree of forward NCX inhibition was dependent on the elevation of [Ca2+]i, suggesting that an increased driving force of forward NCX can also limit the accumulation of [Ca2+i]. We concluded that in healthy myocardium the possible positive inotropic potential of NCX inhibition is considerably weaker than it was expected earlier by theoretical assumptions. The underlying mechanism may involve the autoregulation of Ca2+ handling and/or the preserved inducibility of forward NCX by high [Ca2+]i. This limitation of selective NCX inhibition seen in undiseased myocardium requires further studies in failing heart, which may allow correct evaluation of the potential therapeutic value of selective NCX inhibitors in the treatment of heart failure

    The investigation of the cellular electrophysiological and antiarrhythmic effects of a novel selective sodium-calcium exchanger inhibitor, GYKB-6635, in canine and guinea-pig hearts

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    The sodium-calcium exchanger (NCX) is considered as the major transmembrane transport mechanism that controls Ca2+ homeostasis. Its contribution to the cardiac repolarization has not yet been directly studied due to lack of specific inhibitors, so that an urgent need for more selective compounds. In this study, the electrophysiological effects of GYKB-6635, a novel NCX inhibitor, on the NCX, L-type calcium, and main repolarizing potassium currents as well as action potential (AP) parameters were investigated. Ion currents and AP recordings were investigated by applying the whole-cell patch clamp and standard microelectrode techniques in canine heart at 37 degrees C. Effects of GYKB-6635 were studied in ouabain-induced arrhythmias in isolated guinea-pig hearts. At a concentration of 1 mumol/L, GYKB significantly reduced both the inward and outward NCX currents (57% and 58%, respectively). Even at a high concentration (10 mumol/L), GYKB-6635 did not change the ICaL, the maximum rate of depolarization (dV/dtmax), the main repolarizing K+ currents, and the main AP parameters. GYKB-6635 pre-treatment significantly delayed the time to the development of ventricular fibrillation (by about 18%). It is concluded that GYKB-6635 is a potent and highly selective inhibitor of the cardiac NCX and, in addition, it is suggested to also contribute to the prevention of DAD-based arrhythmias

    Increased Ca2+ content of the sarcoplasmic reticulum provides arrhythmogenic trigger source in swimming-induced rat athlete's heart model

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    Sudden cardiac death among top athletes is very rare, however, it is 2-4 times more frequent than in the age-matched control population. In the present study, the electrophysiological consequences of long-term exercise training were investigated on Ca2+ homeostasis and ventricular repolarization, together with the underlying alterations of ion channel expression, in a rat athlete's heart model. 12-week swimming exercise-trained and control Wistar rats were used. Electrophysiological data were obtained by using ECG, patch clamp and fluorescent optical measurements. Protein and mRNA levels were determined by the Western immunoblot and qRT-PCR techniques. Animals in the trained group exhibited significantly lower resting heart rate, higher incidence of extrasystoles and spontaneous Ca2+ release events. The Ca2+ content of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and the Ca2+ transient amplitude were significantly larger in the trained group. Intensive physical training is associated with elevated SR Ca2+ content, which could be an important part of physiological cardiac adaptation mechanism to training. However, it may also sensitize the heart for the development of spontaneous Ca2+ release and extrasystoles. Training-associated remodeling may promote elevated incidence of life threatening arrhythmias in top athletes