784 research outputs found

    Letter from [?] to John Muir, 1907 Aug 14.

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    A. G. BARBER, PRES. & TREAS.F. A. BARBER, VICE PRES.FOUNDED 1889.INCORPORATED 1894.R. C. THOMPSON, ASST. TREAS.,MANAGER.W. W. SLADE, SECRETARY,SUPERINTENDENT.GLOBE OPTICAL COMPANYTHE HOUSE OF NEW ENGLANDMANUFACTURERS IMPORTERS EXPORTERSOPTICAL GOODS.MARLBORO BUILDING, 403 WASHINGTON ST.SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS,EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT.NEW ENGLAND AGENTSHARDYS OPHTHALMOMETERSDE-ZENGS LUMINOUSINSTRUMENTSSHUR-ON & SO-EASYMOUNTINGSMAKERS OFTORIC AND SPECIAL LENSES.INVISIBLE BIFOCALS.OPTICAL MACHINERYAND WORK BENCHES.GLOBE TABLES AND CABINETS.GLOBE EAR-PHONES.Los Angeles, Calif.August 14, 1907.John Muir,Martinez, Cal.Dear Mr. Muir:As you will see by this letter, I have returned from the Sierra Club outing, and am feeling finely; ready for another year of hard work.I am sending you under separate cover, catalogue of Microscopes and Accessories, made by the Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., of Rochester, New york. I wrote Mr. Edw. Bausch from camp, explaining what you wanted in the way of a Microscope, and a letter just received, advising Stands AH or BH, illustrated on pages 21 and 22 of catalogue.I should advise Stand BH4 as being the best all round Microscope for such work as you want. By reference to page 63, you will see that with the two-inch eye-piece, and the 2/3 objective, you will get 41 diameters, while with the one-inch eye-piece and 1/6 objective, you will get 585 diameters; thus giving you quite a range of power, with a very low priced Microscope.For the proper illumination of opaque objects, I should recommend using the new Vertical Illuminator, illustrated on page 72. This illuminator has recently been improved, and the price changed to $7.50.I believe I mentioned Dissecting Microscopes; the Y Stand illustrated on page 52, is very good, but you can get only 40 diameters magnification, and the lens giving\u27 this power is of short focus, with very small field.Pocket Magnifiers are illustrated on page 59, and as you will note, have recently been raised in price. These are not mounted in Aluminum, as you mentioned to me, but the German Silver is said to be stiffer and meanly as light.I shall be in San Francisco, Monday, the 19th inst., and if you would like to have me send you a Microscope and some Magnify-0391

    Frequency stability of a self-phase-locked degenerate continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator

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    The properties of a self-phase-locked by-2-divider optical parametric oscillator are presented. A locking range of up to 156 MHz is measured, and the divider's relative frequency stability is shown to be better than 6/spl times/10/sup -14/

    3D Additive Manufacturing Symposium & Workshop

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    The IMI /3M BIC 3D Additive Manufacturing Symposium and Workshop was hosted by 3M Buckley Innovation Centre on March 17th 2015. The event was attended by the major players in precision engineering, 3D additive design and manufacturing: Representatives from EOS, Renishaw, HK 3D Printing IMI Plc Senior Management team, design engineers, programmers and academics from the University of Huddersfield School of Art Design & Architecture, 3M Buckley centre 3D printing management and designers shared their experiences and latest solutions to expand the potential of innovation and professional enterprise for design, prototyping and manufacturing. This publication showcases the keynote innovation presentations given at the IMI/3M BIC 3D Additive Manufacturing symposium. The main themes included focus on research, design, concept actualisation, prototyping, and engineering solutions. This is a unique visual documentary of the evolutions in additive manufacturing and provides a snaphsot of latest 3D technology solutions in 2015

    Incremental concept learning with few training examples and hierarchical classification

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    Object recognition and localization are important to automatically interpret video and allow better querying on its content. We propose a method for object localization that learns incrementally and addresses four key aspects. Firstly, we show that for certain applications, recognition is feasible with only a few training samples. Secondly, we show that novel objects can be added incrementally without retraining existing objects, which is important for fast interaction. Thirdly, we show that an unbalanced number of positive training samples leads to biased classi er scores that can be corrected by modifying weights. Fourthly, we show that the detector performance can deteriorate due to hard-negative mining for similar or closely related classes (e.g., for Barbie and dress, because the doll is wearing a dress). This can be solved by our hierarchical classi cation. We introduce a new dataset, which we call TOSO, and use it to demonstrate the e ectiveness of the proposed method for the localization and recognition of multiple objects in images.This research was performed in the GOOSE project, which is jointly funded by the enabling technology program Adaptive Multi Sensor Networks (AMSN) and the MIST research program of the Dutch Ministry of Defense. This publication was supported by the research program Making Sense of Big Data (MSoBD).peer-reviewe

    Nonlinear propagation in silicon-based plasmonic waveguides from the standpoint of applications

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    Abstract: Silicon-based plasmonic waveguides can be used to simultaneously transmit electrical signals and guide optical energy with deep subwavelength localization, thus providing us with a well needed connecting link between contemporary nanoelectronics and silicon photonics. In this paper, we examine the possibility of employing the large third-order nonlinearity of silicon to create active and passive photonic devices with silicon-based plasmonic waveguides. We unambiguously demonstrate that the relatively weak dependance of the Kerr effect, two-photon absorption (TPA), and stimulated Raman scattering on optical intensity, prevents them from being useful in μm-long plasmonic waveguides. On the other hand, the TPA-initiated free-carrier effects of absorption and dispersion are much more vigorous, and have strong potential for a variety of practical applications. Our work aims to guide research efforts towards the most promising nonlinear optical phenomena in the thriving new field of silicon-based plasmonics

    Urbani objekti

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    Oblici našeg vremena nalaze se na istom putu kojim su koračali naši stari da bi došli do svojih divnih hramova, katedrala ili dvoraca, za koje nisu imali nikakvih predložaka, ali su odgovarali njihovim zamislima i željama, idejama i idealima koji su bili bliski njihovoj čežnji. Već odgovarajuće sročen zadatak izaziva predodžbe koje kroz građevinsko – tehničke mogućnosti vremena i uz uvažavanje uvjeta okoline dobivaju konkretne oblike, koji pokazuju samo udaljenu sličnost s onime do tada poznatim. Usporedi li se npr. današnji industrijski kompleks, svijetao, prostran, prikladnih proporcija i vitke lagane konstrukcije, s manufakturom iz 18. stoljeća ili zanatskom radionicom 15. stoljeća, bit će i najuskogrudnijem konzervatoru očita nadmoć naših novogradnji. To znači: svagdje gdje graditeljski zadaci služe stvarnoj potrebi našeg vremena, mogu se od živućeg, vremenu prilagođenog arhitekta očekivati djela koja mogu podnijeti usporedbu s najboljim građevinama starih, dapače ih i zasjeniti.The forms of our time are on the same path by which our ancestors went to reach its beautiful temples, cathedrals or castles, for which they had no templates, but they answered their ideas and desires, ideas and ideals which-were close to their longing . Already appropriate task causes notions that the building - technical possibilities of time and taking into account the environmental conditions receive concrete forms, which show only a remote similarity to what until then known. If we compare, for example,today's industrial complex, bright, spacious, suitable proportions and slender lightweight construction, with manufactory from the 18th century or 15th century trade workshop, there will be obvious superiority of new buildings. This means that wherever the construction tasks serve a real need of our time, can be of living, time custom architect expect works that can not bear comparison with the best of old buildings, and indeed overshadow them