57 research outputs found

    Online-Marktplatz fĂŒr regionale Lebensmittel in Sachsen: Bedarfs- und Machbarkeitsstudie fĂŒr einen „Online-Marktplatz fĂŒr regionale Lebensmittel in Sachsen“

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    Die Publikation informiert umfassend zum Thema „Online-Marktplatz fĂŒr regionale Lebensmittel in Sachsen“. Anhand von drei potentiellen GeschĂ€ftsmodellen werden die Chancen und Risiken eines Online-Marktplatzes dargestellt. Detaillierte Analysen und Berechnungen zeigen die Möglichkeiten zur Umsetzung. Die Veröffentlichung richtet sich an Landwirte, Unternehmer des ErnĂ€hrungsgewerbes und Akteure aus dem Online-Handel. Redaktionsschluss: 15.06.202

    Towards the Development, Maintenance, and Standardized Phenotypic Characterization of Single‐Seed‐Descent Genetic Resources for Common Bean

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    The optimal use of legume genetic resources represents a key prerequisite for coping with current agriculture-related societal challenges, including conservation of agrobiodiversity, agricultural sustainability, food security, and human health. Among legumes, the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is the most economically important for human consumption, and its evolutionary trajectories as a species have been crucial to determining the structure and level of its present and available genetic diversity. Genomic advances are considerably enhancing the characterization and assessment of important genetic variants. For this purpose, the development and availability of, and access to, well-described and efficiently managed genetic resource collections that comprise pure lines derived by single-seed-descent cycles will be paramount for the use of the reservoir of common bean variability and for the advanced breeding of legume crops. This is one of the main aims of the new and challenging European project INCREASE, which is the implementation of Intelligent Collections with appropriate standardized protocols that must be characterized, maintained, and made available, along with the related data, to users such as breeders and researchers

    On blocks of defect two and one simple module, and Lie algebra structure of HHÂč

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    Let k be a field of odd prime characteristic p. We calculate the Lie algebra structure of the first Hochschild cohomology of a class of quantum complete intersections over k. As a consequence, we prove that if B is a defect 2-block of a finite group algebra kGkG whose Brauer correspondent C has a unique isomorphism class of simple modules, then a basic algebra of B is a local algebra which can be generated by at most 2√I elements, where I is the inertial index of B, and where we assume that k is a splitting field for B and C

    Assessment of the quality of accession describing metadata on plant genetic resources

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    In the wide-ranging field of biodiversity conservation, genebanks play a major role in the preservation of cultivated plants. An important focus of genebanks is the comprehensive documentation of the maintained material. This is a prerequisite to enable users to select the most suitable material for e.g. research or breeding programs (Hoisington et al. 1999). The German Federal ex situ Genebank for Agricultural and Horticultural Crops, which is being hosted at IPK, is the largest genebank in Western Europe. Within the multitude of data associated with plant material (e.g. from various -omics areas or conservation management), the so-called passport data represent the most original and oldest data in genebanks. These metadata are often subject to heterogeneity due to historically different collection and curation, especially if they were received from different institutions around the world. This leads to difficulties in handling these data and can result in misinterpretations. In addition, there are correlations between the individual attributes of the passport data which can lead to a different importance of the individual data points for the users. Major challenges for users are to estimate completeness, correctness and reliability of these data. Thus, it is necessary to assess the quality of these data by defining a suitable set of metrics. Unfortunately, classical data quality measurement metrics, e.g. (Klier 2008), are not sufficient to fulfill the users' needs. Depending on the intention of the user, a different focus is placed on the data. Moreover, the individual attributes of the respective areas can be related to each other. Therefore, a single index value for estimating the quality of a passport record is not sufficient. Rather, it seems to be more promising to generate more differentiated quality statements. We are working on a metrics system that is sensitive to the users' focus. Through a practical set of rules of data quality metrics for accession-related data, the user will be able to influence the weighting of individual domains (e.g. geographical origin, biological status) according to their context (fit-for-use index). The presentation will discuss the background and will give an overview of the progress of this research activity

    Best practices for setting up a repository of phenotypic data for European germplasm holdings

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    The European Search Catalogue for Plant Genetic Resources, EURISCO, provides information about more than 1.9 million accessions of crop plants and their wild relatives, preserved ex situ by almost 400 institutes in Europe and beyond (Weise et al. 2017). EURISCO, which is being maintained on behalf of the European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources, is based on a network of National Inventories of 43 member countries. It represents an important effort for the preservation of the world's agrobiological diversity by providing information about the large genetic diversity kept by the collaborating institutions. Besides the classical passport data, in 2016, EURISCO started to additionally collect phenotypic data about the documented germplasm accessions. The selection of genebank material for both research and breeding purposes is increasingly carried out through the selection of specific phenotypic values, e.g. flowering time or plant height. Thus, these data are of high importance to users of plant genetic resources (PGR) since they determine the value of the respective germplasm. However, because there are no commonly agreed standards existing within the genebank community, this kind of data is very difficult to handle. In this context, the challenges range from synonymous/homonymous descriptor names over different rating scales to different/insufficient amounts of meta information, thus hampering both integration and cross-experiment comparison of data. The presentation will illustrate the approach followed within EURISCO, together with the challenges resulting therefrom. Using this as a solid basis for a discussion about the utilization of this kind of data, the presentation shall be regarded as a call for cooperation

    Online-Marktplatz fĂŒr regionale Lebensmittel in Sachsen: Bedarfs- und Machbarkeitsstudie fĂŒr einen „Online-Marktplatz fĂŒr regionale Lebensmittel in Sachsen“

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    Die Publikation informiert umfassend zum Thema „Online-Marktplatz fĂŒr regionale Lebensmittel in Sachsen“. Anhand von drei potentiellen GeschĂ€ftsmodellen werden die Chancen und Risiken eines Online-Marktplatzes dargestellt. Detaillierte Analysen und Berechnungen zeigen die Möglichkeiten zur Umsetzung. Die Veröffentlichung richtet sich an Landwirte, Unternehmer des ErnĂ€hrungsgewerbes und Akteure aus dem Online-Handel. Redaktionsschluss: 15.06.202

    Online-Marktplatz fĂŒr regionale Lebensmittel in Sachsen: Bedarfs- und Machbarkeitsstudie fĂŒr einen „Online-Marktplatz fĂŒr regionale Lebensmittel in Sachsen“

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    Die Publikation informiert umfassend zum Thema „Online-Marktplatz fĂŒr regionale Lebensmittel in Sachsen“. Anhand von drei potentiellen GeschĂ€ftsmodellen werden die Chancen und Risiken eines Online-Marktplatzes dargestellt. Detaillierte Analysen und Berechnungen zeigen die Möglichkeiten zur Umsetzung. Die Veröffentlichung richtet sich an Landwirte, Unternehmer des ErnĂ€hrungsgewerbes und Akteure aus dem Online-Handel. Redaktionsschluss: 15.06.202

    EURISCO update 2023: the European Search Catalogue for Plant Genetic Resources, a pillar for documentation of genebank material

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    The European Search Catalogue for Plant GeneticResources (EURISCO) is a central entry point for information on crop plant germplasm accessions frominstitutions in Europe and beyond. In total, it providesdata on more than two million accessions, making animportant contribution to unlocking the vast geneticdiversity that lies deposited in >400 germplasm collections in 43 countries. EURISCO serves as the reference system for the Plant Genetic Resources Strategy for Europe and represents a significant approachfor documenting and making available the world’sagrobiological diversity. EURISCO is well establishedas a resource in this field and forms the basis for awide range of research projects. In this paper, wepresent current developments of EURISCO, which isaccessible at http://eurisco.ecpgr.org
