1,453 research outputs found

    Selforganized 3-band structure of the doped fermionic Ising spin glass

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    The fermionic Ising spin glass is analyzed for arbitrary filling and for all temperatures. A selforganized 3-band structure of the model is obtained in the magnetically ordered phase. Deviation from half filling generates a central nonmagnetic band, which becomes sharply separated at T=0 by (pseudo)gaps from upper and lower magnetic bands. Replica symmetry breaking effects are derived for several observables and correlations. They determine the shape of the 3-band DoS, and, for given chemical potential, influence the fermion filling strongly in the low temperature regime.Comment: 13 page

    The XENON100 exclusion limit without considering Leff as a nuisance parameter

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    In 2011, the XENON100 experiment has set unprecedented constraints on dark matter-nucleon interactions, excluding dark matter candidates with masses down to 6 GeV if the corresponding cross section is larger than 10^{-39} cm^2. The dependence of the exclusion limit in terms of the scintillation efficiency (Leff) has been debated at length. To overcome possible criticisms XENON100 performed an analysis in which Leff was considered as a nuisance parameter and its uncertainties were profiled out by using a Gaussian likelihood in which the mean value corresponds to the best fit Leff value smoothly extrapolated to zero below 3 keVnr. Although such a method seems fairly robust, it does not account for more extreme types of extrapolation nor does it enable to anticipate on how much the exclusion limit would vary if new data were to support a flat behaviour for Leff below 3 keVnr, for example. Yet, such a question is crucial for light dark matter models which are close to the published XENON100 limit. To answer this issue, we use a maximum Likelihood ratio analysis, as done by the XENON100 collaboration, but do not consider Leff as a nuisance parameter. Instead, Leff is obtained directly from the fits to the data. This enables us to define frequentist confidence intervals by marginalising over Leff.Comment: 10 pages;, 9 figures; references adde

    One-step replica symmetry breaking solution for a highly asymmetric two-sublattice fermionic Ising spin glass model in a transverse field

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    The one-step replica symmetry breaking (RSB) is used to study a two-sublattice fermionic infinite-range Ising spin glass (SG) model in a transverse field Γ\Gamma. The problem is formulated in a Grassmann path integral formalism within the static approximation. In this model, a parallel magnetic field HH breaks the symmetry of the sublattices. It destroys the antiferromagnetic (AF) order, but it can favor the nonergodic mixed phase (SG+AF) characterizing an asymmetric RSB region. In this region, intra-sublattice disordered interactions VV increase the difference between the RSB solutions of each sublattice. The freezing temperature shows a higher increase with HH when VV enhances. A discontinue phase transition from the replica symmetry (RS) solution to the RSB solution can appear with the presence of an intra-sublattice ferromagnetic average coupling. The Γ\Gamma field introduces a quantum spin flip mechanism that suppresses the magnetic orders leading them to quantum critical points. Results suggest that the quantum effects are not able to restore the RS solution. However, in the asymmetric RSB region, Γ\Gamma can produce a stable RS solution at any finite temperature for a particular sublattice while the other sublattice still presents RSB solution for the special case in which only the intra-sublattice spins couple with disordered interactions.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Bound hole states in a ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As environment

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    A numerical technique is developed to solve the Luttinger-Kohn equation for impurity states directly in k-space and is applied to calculate bound hole wave functions in a ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As host. The rich properties of the band structure of an arbitrarily strained, ferromagnetic zinc-blende semiconductor yields various features which have direct impact on the detailed shape of a valence band hole bound to an active impurity. The role of strain is discussed on the basis of explicit calculations of bound hole states.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Antiferromagnetic Ising spin glass competing with BCS pairing interaction in a transverse field

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    The competition among spin glass (SG), antiferromagnetism (AF) and local pairing superconductivity (PAIR) is studied in a two-sublattice fermionic Ising spin glass model with a local BCS pairing interaction in the presence of an applied magnetic transverse field Γ\Gamma. In the present approach, spins in different sublattices interact with a Gaussian random coupling with an antiferromagnetic mean J0J_0 and standard deviation JJ. The problem is formulated in the path integral formalism in which spin operators are represented by bilinear combinations of Grassmann variables. The saddle-point Grand Canonical potential is obtained within the static approximation and the replica symmetric ansatz. The results are analysed in phase diagrams in which the AF and the SG phases can occur for small gg (gg is the strength of the local superconductor coupling written in units of JJ), while the PAIR phase appears as unique solution for large gg. However, there is a complex line transition separating the PAIR phase from the others. It is second order at high temperature that ends in a tricritical point. The quantum fluctuations affect deeply the transition lines and the tricritical point due to the presence of Γ\Gamma.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, accepted Eur. Phys. J.

    Double Criticality of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model at T=0

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    Numerical results up to 42nd order of replica symmetry breaking (RSB) are used to predict the singular structure of the SK spin glass at T=0. We confirm predominant single parameter scaling and derive corrections for the T=0 order function q(a), related to a Langevin equation with pseudotime 1/a. a=0 and a=\infty are shown to be two critical points for \infty-RSB, associated with two discrete spectra of Parisi block size ratios, attached to a continuous spectrum. Finite-RSB-size scaling, associated exponents, and T=0-energy are obtained with unprecedented accuracy.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Nonanalytic quantum oscillator image of complete replica symmetry breaking

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    We describe the effect of replica symmetry breaking in the field distribution function P(h) of the T=0 SK-model as the difference between a split Gaussian and the first excited state ψ1\psi_1 of a weakly anharmonic oscillator with nonanalytic shift by means of the analogy P(h)ψ1(x)P(h)|\psi_1(x)|. New numerical calculations of the leading 100 orders of replica symmetry breaking (RSB) were performed in order to obtain P(h), employing the exact mapping between density of states ρ(E)\rho(E) of the fermionic SK-model and P(h) of the standard model, as derived by Perez-Castillo and Sherrington. Fast convergence towards a fixed point function ρ(E)\rho(E) for infinite steps of RSB is observed. A surprisingly small number of harmonic oscillator wave-functions suffices to represent this fixed point function. This allows to determine an anharmonic potential V(x) with nonanalytic shift, whose first excited state represents ρ(E)\rho(E) and hence P(h). The harmonic potential with unconventional shift V2(x)(xx0)2=(xx0sign(x))2V_2(x)\sim (|x|-x_0)^2=(x-x_0\,sign(x))^2 yields already a very good approximation, since anharmonic couplings of V(x)V2(x)xm,m>2,V(x)-V_2(x)\sim |x|^{m}, m>2, decay rapidly with increasing m. We compare the pseudogap-forming effect of replica symmetry breaking, hosted by the fermionic SK-model, with the analogous effect in the Coulomb glass as designed by Davies-Lee-Rice and described by M\"uller-Pankov.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phil. Mag., special edition in honour of David Sherrington's 70th birthda

    Fermionic SK-models with Hubbard interaction: Magnetism and electronic structure

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    Models with range-free frustrated Ising spin- and Hubbard interaction are treated exactly by means of the discrete time slicing method. Critical and tricritical points, correlations, and the fermion propagator, are derived as a function of temperature T, chemical potential \mu, Hubbard coupling U, and spin glass energy J. The phase diagram is obtained. Replica symmetry breaking (RSB)-effects are evaluated up to four-step order (4RSB). The use of exact relations together with the 4RSB-solutions allow to model exact solutions by interpolation. For T=0, our numerical results provide strong evidence that the exact density of states in the spin glass pseudogap regime obeys \rho(E)=const |E-E_F| for energies close to the Fermi level. Rapid convergence of \rho'(E_F) under increasing order of RSB is observed. The leading term resembles the Efros-Shklovskii Coulomb pseudogap of localized disordered fermionic systems in 2D. Beyond half filling we obtain a quadratic dependence of the fermion filling factor on the chemical potential. We find a half filling transition between a phase for U>\mu, where the Fermi level lies inside the Hubbard gap, into a phase where \mu(>U) is located at the center of the upper spin glass pseudogap (SG-gap). For \mu>U the Hubbard gap combines with the lower one of two SG-gaps (phase I), while for \mu<U it joins the sole SG-gap of the half-filling regime (phase II). We predict scaling behaviour at the continuous half filling transition. Implications of the half-filling transition between the deeper insulating phase II and phase I for delocalization due to hopping processes in itinerant model extensions are discussed and metal-insulator transition scenarios described.Comment: 29 pages, 26 Figures, 4 jpeg- and 3 gif-Fig-files include

    Akzeptanz von Tiergesundheitsplänen bei Landwirten – Ergebnisse einer Befragung bei 60 Betrieben

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    In organic farming the ambitious claims in enhancing and keeping animal health are often not realised. The implementation of animal health plans should clear this deficit effectively. Experiences with British and Danish herd health plans showed that the acceptance of plans is an essential part for its successful transfer into practice. But anyhow, this aspect has not been regarded sufficiently. To avoid similar mistakes like done in former institution tests a social study is integrated into German projects that deal with the implementation of animal health plans in poultry, dairy, and pig hus-bandry. To get more information about the acceptance, the study requires farmers’ attitudes to herd health plans, the motivation to animal health and financial and work capabilities as well