33 research outputs found

    Molecular mechanism of MBX2319 inhibition of Escherichia coli AcrB multidrug efflux pump and comparison with other inhibitors

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    Efflux pumps of the resistance nodulation division (RND) superfamily, such as AcrB, make a major contribution to multidrug resistance in Gram-negative bacteria. The development of inhibitors of the RND pumps would improve the efficacy of current and next-generation antibiotics. To date, however, only one inhibitor has been cocrystallized with AcrB. Thus, in silico struc- ture-based analysis is essential for elucidating the interaction between other inhibitors and the efflux pumps. In this work, we used computer docking and molecular dynamics simulations to study the interaction between AcrB and the compound MBX2319, a novel pyranopyridine efflux pump inhibitor with potent activity against RND efflux pumps of Enterobacteriaceae species, as well as other known inhibitors (D13-9001, 1-[1-naphthylmethyl]-piperazine, and phenylalanylarginine-ß-naphthyl-amide) and the binding of doxorubicin to the efflux-defective F610A variant of AcrB. We also analyzed the binding of a sub- strate, minocycline, for comparison. Our results show that MBX2319 binds very tightly to the lower part of the distal pocket in the B protomer of AcrB, strongly interacting with the phenylalanines lining the hydrophobic trap, where the hydrophobic por- tion of D13-9001 was found to bind by X-ray crystallography. Additionally, MBX2319 binds to AcrB in a manner that is similar to the way in which doxorubicin binds to the F610A variant of AcrB. In contrast, 1-(1-naphthylmethyl)-piperazine and phenylalanylarginine-ß-naphthylamide appear to bind to somewhat different areas of the distal pocket in the B protomer of AcrB than does MBX2319. However, all inhibitors (except D13-9001) appear to distort the structure of the distal pocket, impairing the proper binding of substrates

    Determination of Preferred pH for Root-knot Nematode Aggregation Using Pluronic F-127 Gel

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    Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are obligate endoparasites of a wide range of plant species. The infective stage is attracted strongly to and enters host roots at the zone of elongation, but the compounds responsible for this attraction have not been identified. We developed a simple assay to investigate nematode response to chemical gradients that uses Pluronic F-127, a synthetic block copolymer that, as a 23% aqueous solution, forms a liquid at low temperature and a gel at room temperature. Test chemicals are put into a modified pipette tip, or ‘chemical dispenser,’ and dispensers are inserted into the gel in which nematodes have been dispersed. Meloidogyne hapla is attracted to pH gradients formed by acetic acid and several other Brønsted acids and aggregates between pH 4.5 and 5.4. While this pH range was attractive to all tested root-knot nematode strains and species, the level of aggregation depended on the species/strain assessed. For actively growing roots, the pH at the root surface is most acidic at the zone of elongation. This observation is consistent with the idea that low pH is an attractant for nematodes. Root-knot nematodes have been reported to be attracted to carbon dioxide, but our experiments suggest that the observed attraction may be due to acidification of solutions by dissolved CO2 rather than to CO2 itself. These results suggest that Pluronic F-127 gel will be broadly applicable for examining responses of a range of organisms to chemical gradients or to each other

    The Cyst Nematode SPRYSEC Protein RBP-1 Elicits Gpa2- and RanGAP2-Dependent Plant Cell Death

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    Plant NB-LRR proteins confer robust protection against microbes and metazoan parasites by recognizing pathogen-derived avirulence (Avr) proteins that are delivered to the host cytoplasm. Microbial Avr proteins usually function as virulence factors in compatible interactions; however, little is known about the types of metazoan proteins recognized by NB-LRR proteins and their relationship with virulence. In this report, we demonstrate that the secreted protein RBP-1 from the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida elicits defense responses, including cell death typical of a hypersensitive response (HR), through the NB-LRR protein Gpa2. Gp-Rbp-1 variants from G. pallida populations both virulent and avirulent to Gpa2 demonstrated a high degree of polymorphism, with positive selection detected at numerous sites. All Gp-RBP-1 protein variants from an avirulent population were recognized by Gpa2, whereas virulent populations possessed Gp-RBP-1 protein variants both recognized and non-recognized by Gpa2. Recognition of Gp-RBP-1 by Gpa2 correlated to a single amino acid polymorphism at position 187 in the Gp-RBP-1 SPRY domain. Gp-RBP-1 expressed from Potato virus X elicited Gpa2-mediated defenses that required Ran GTPase-activating protein 2 (RanGAP2), a protein known to interact with the Gpa2 N terminus. Tethering RanGAP2 and Gp-RBP-1 variants via fusion proteins resulted in an enhancement of Gpa2-mediated responses. However, activation of Gpa2 was still dependent on the recognition specificity conferred by amino acid 187 and the Gpa2 LRR domain. These results suggest a two-tiered process wherein RanGAP2 mediates an initial interaction with pathogen-delivered Gp-RBP-1 proteins but where the Gpa2 LRR determines which of these interactions will be productive

    Structure–activity exploration of a small-molecule Lipid II inhibitor

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    Steven Fletcher,1 Wenbo Yu,1,2 Jing Huang,1,2 Steven M Kwasny,3 Jay Chauhan,1 Timothy J Opperman,3 Alexander D MacKerell Jr,1,2 Erik PH de Leeuw4 1Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2Computer-Aided Drug Design Center, University of Maryland, School of Pharmacy, Baltimore, MD, 3Microbiotix, Inc., Worcester, MA, 4Institute of Human Virology and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Maryland, School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA Abstract: We have recently identified low-molecular weight compounds that act as inhibitors of Lipid II, an essential precursor of bacterial cell wall biosynthesis. Lipid II comprises specialized lipid (bactoprenol) linked to a hydrophilic head group consisting of a peptidoglycan subunit (N-acetyl glucosamine [GlcNAc]–N-acetyl muramic acid [MurNAc] disaccharide coupled to a short pentapeptide moiety) via a pyrophosphate. One of our lead compounds, a diphenyl-trimethyl indolene pyrylium, termed BAS00127538, interacts with the MurNAc moiety and the isoprenyl tail of Lipid II. Here, we report on the structure–activity relationship of BAS00127538 derivatives obtained by in silico analyses and de novo chemical synthesis. Our results indicate that Lipid II binding and bacterial killing are related to three features: the diphenyl moiety, the indolene moiety, and the positive charge of the pyrylium. Replacement of the pyrylium moiety with an N-methyl pyridinium, which may have importance in stability of the molecule, did not alter Lipid II binding or antibacterial potency. Keywords: computer-aided drug design, Lipid II, antibiotics, phospholipi

    Lack of AcrB efflux function confers loss of virulence to Salmonella Typhimurium

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    AcrAB-TolC is the paradigm resistance-nodulation-division (RND) multidrug resistance efflux system in Gram-negative bacteria, with AcrB being the pump protein in this complex. We constructed a non-functional AcrB mutant by substituting D408, a highly conserved residue essential for proton translocation. Western blotting confirmed that the AcrB D408A mutant had the same native level of expression of AcrB as the parental strain. The mutant had no growth deficiencies in rich or minimal media. However, compared with wild-type SL1344, the mutant had increased accumulation of the Hoechst 33342 dye, decreased efflux of ethidium bromide and was multidrug hyper-susceptible. The D408A mutant was attenuated in vivo in a mouse model and showed significantly reduced invasion into intestinal epithelial cells and macrophages in vitro. A dose dependent inhibition of invasion was also observed when two different efflux pump inhibitors were added to the wild-type strain during infection of epithelial cells. RNAseq revealed down-regulation of bacterial factors necessary for infection, including those in the Salmonella Pathogenicity Islands 1, 2 and 4, quorum sensing genes and phoPQ. Several general stress response genes were up-regulated, probably due to retention of noxious molecules inside the bacterium. Unlike loss of AcrB protein, loss of efflux function did not induce overexpression of other RND efflux pumps. Our data suggests that gene deletion mutants are unsuitable for studying membrane transporters and, importantly, that inhibitors of AcrB efflux function will not induce expression of other RND pumps