393 research outputs found

    Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors v. angiotensin receptor blockers in the management of hypertension : a funder's perspective

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    BACKGROUND. Hypertension poses a huge financial risk to any funder/medical aid, including the risk-mitigating strategies provided by the managed care organisations that are required to manage patients with hypertension. The South African Hypertension Guideline states that the choice of therapy – an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) or an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) – should be based on cost and tolerability. OBJECTIVE. To assess the costs of ACEIs v. ARBs in the management of hypertensive patients and the prevention of cardiovascular complications for a private medical aid scheme in South Africa. METHOD. A Phase IV observational, retrospective cohort study of over 480 000 beneficiaries between 2010 and 2011 was undertaken. Hypertensive patients were identified by their chronic medication authorisation and were categorised into three groups: ACEI, ARB and combined groups. A cost-benefit analysis was performed on the claims data, comparing the input costs in rand against the downstream costs using analysis of variance. RESULTS. Data from 28 165 patients were included in the study. Based on the health economic analysis that was performed, there was no statistically significant difference in the input costs between the ACEI and the ARB groups. However, a statistically significant reduction in the downstream costs was observed in the ACEI group v. the ARB and combined groups (p<0.0001). CONCLUSION. It is more cost beneficial to treat chronic hypertensive patients with an ACEI than ARBs in preventing cardiovascular-related complications. It is recommended that managed care companies continue recommending ACEIs rather than ARBs in the treatment of hypertensive patients.http://www.samj.org.zaam201

    Optical coherence tomography for patch test grading: A prospective study on its use for noninvasive diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis

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    Background: The diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis should be confirmed by skin patch tests. Distinguishing between irritant and allergic reactions is sometimes difficult. Objectives: To analyse the in vivo morphological changes in patch test reactions compared to healthy skin, and to detect subclinical changes in doubtful reactions using optical coherence tomography (OCT). To develop an OCT-based algorithm to support patch-test grading. Methods: One hundred twenty-nine skin patch-test areas were scanned with OCT to evaluate the following features: architectural and vascular morphology, epidermal thickness, optical attenuation coefficient (AC), and blood flow at 0.1, 0.2, and 0.35 mm depth. Results: Most common OCT features of acute contact allergic reactions in patch tests were spongiosis with microvesicles (94.8%), macrovesicles (60.3%), and coalescing vesicles (46.6%), the latter useful in differentiating acute allergic from irritant dermatitis (P-value &lt;.05). Objective quantitative parameters correlated well with the severity grade: epidermal thickness due to spongiosis, AC (P-value &lt;.05) and blood flow at 0.2 and 0.35 mm (P-value &lt;.01). Conclusions: OCT as a noninvasive diagnostic tool, established for skin cancer diagnosis, is useful for evaluating contact allergic patch-test reactions. Not only morphological but also objective features such as blood flow and AC correlate with the reaction severity. Further studies are needed to explore the differences in irritant and allergic contact dermatitis

    A retrospective review of Listeria monocytogenes infection at Tygerberg Children’s Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa, from 2006 to 2016: Is empirical ampicillin still indicated after the first month of life?

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    Background. Ampicillin to treat Listeria monocytogenes (LM) infection is empirically added to the treatment of infants (&lt;3 months) with suspected sepsis or meningitis.Objectives. In view of limited LM cases, the paucity of South African (SA) data and an ampicillin shortage, our objective was to describe the occurrence of LM infections at Tygerberg Hospital (TBH), Cape Town, with the aim of rationalising the paediatric antibiotic policy.Methods. An 11-year (2006 - 2016) retrospective descriptive study of children (&lt;13 years) from TBH and referral hospitals with a positive blood or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culture for LM was conducted.Results. Of 26 children with positive cultures for LM, 23 (88.5%) were &lt;3 months of age; all were &lt;10 days old. Approximately half (56.5%, 13/23) were born at or referred to TBH. Presentation was on the day of delivery in 46.2% (6/13), 92.3% were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and 61.5% (8/13) died. Neonates treated at peripheral hospitals were statistically more likely than those treated at TBH to have a CSF culture obtained (90.0% v. 30.8%; p=0.005), and had higher platelet counts (239 × 109/L v. 107 × 109/L; p=0.004), lower C-reactive protein levels (64 mg/L v. 137 mg/L; p=0.013) and a lower mortality rate (0% v. 61.5%; p=0.002). The incidence of LM at TBH was 0.04/1 000 live births and 2.3/1 000 NICU admissions.Conclusions. As in other countries, the local neonatal LM incidence is low. Neonates present in the first week of life with severe disease and a high mortality rate. These data support a change in antibiotic policy, in keeping with international guidelines, limiting empirical ampicillin prescription to infants &lt;1 month of age.

    Active laser frequency stabilization using neutral praseodymium (Pr)

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    We present a new possibility for the active frequency stabilization of a laser using transitions in neutral praseodymium. Because of its five outer electrons, this element shows a high density of energy levels leading to an extremely line-rich excitation spectrum with more than 25000 known spectral lines ranging from the UV to the infrared. We demonstrate the active frequency stabilization of a diode laser on several praseodymium lines between 1105 and 1123 nm. The excitation signals were recorded in a hollow cathode lamp and observed via laser-induced fluorescence. These signals are strong enough to lock the diode laser onto most of the lines by using standard laser locking techniques. In this way, the frequency drifts of the unlocked laser of more than 30 MHz/h were eliminated and the laser frequency stabilized to within 1.4(1) MHz for averaging times >0.2 s. Frequency quadrupling the stabilized diode laser can produce frequency-stable UV-light in the range from 276 to 281 nm. In particular, using a strong hyperfine component of the praseodymium excitation line E = 16 502.616_7/2 cm^-1 -> E' = 25 442.742_9/2 cm^-1 at lambda = 1118.5397(4) nm makes it possible - after frequency quadruplication - to produce laser radiation at lambda/4 = 279.6349(1) nm, which can be used to excite the D2 line in Mg^+.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figure

    Conception and pilot testing of a self-management health application for patients with pollen-related allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma-the APOLLO app

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    Abstract It has been shown that pollen information services are an important self-management tool for patients with pollen-related allergic rhinitis (AR) and allergic asthma (AA). This study aimed to design an online application for patients with AR and AA, which supports patients to better manage their disease as well as to evaluate the app and present the first results of the pilot study. The pollen data were obtained from the electronic pollen information network of Bavaria, Germany. Participants were asked to fill in their allergy-related complaints in the app over a 60-day period. Subsequently, the app was evaluated. Indices and diagrams visualized the participants’ individual complaints as well as the daily pollen concentration in the air. In order to motivate participants to complete the app on a daily basis, we used elements of gamification. Two thirds of the participants (N = 46) reported feeling better informed about pollen counts and their allergy when using the app. The app's simple and comprehensible design was rated positively. More than 80% of the participants would recommend the app to their family and friends. The app can be a tool for patients with AR and AA to better understand their disease

    Connectivity between countries established by landbirds and raptors migrating along the African–Eurasian flyway

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    The conservation of long-distance migratory birds requires coordination between the multiple countries connected by the movements of these species. The recent expansion of tracking studies is shedding new light on these movements, but much of this information is fragmented and inaccessible to conservation practitioners and policy makers. We synthesized current knowledge on the connectivity established between countries by landbirds and raptors migrating along the African–Eurasian flyway. We reviewed tracking studies to compile migration records for 1229 individual birds, from which we derived 544 migratory links, each link corresponding to a species’ connection between a breeding country in Europe and a nonbreeding country in sub-Saharan Africa. We used these migratory links to analyze trends in knowledge over time and spatial patterns of connectivity per country (across species), per species (across countries), and at the flyway scale (across all countries and all species). The number of tracking studies available increased steadily since 2010 (particularly for landbirds), but the coverage of existing tracking data was highly incomplete. An average of 7.5% of migratory landbird species and 14.6% of raptor species were tracked per country. More data existed from central and western European countries, and it was biased toward larger bodied species. We provide species- and country-level syntheses of the migratory links we identified from the reviewed studies, involving 123 populations of 43 species, migrating between 28 European and 43 African countries. Several countries (e.g., Spain, Poland, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo) are strategic priorities for future tracking studies to complement existing data, particularly on landbirds. Despite the limitations in existing tracking data, our data and results can inform discussions under 2 key policy instruments at the flyway scale: the African–Eurasian Migratory Landbirds Action Plan and the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Birds of Prey in Africa and Eurasia.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Divergent foraging strategies during incubation of an unusually wide-ranging seabird, the Murphy’s petrel

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    Divergent foraging strategies may emerge within a population due to a combination of physiological and environmental factors; yet to persist, neither strategy should offer a consistent selective advantage over the alternative in the long term. Murphy’s petrels Pterodroma ultima from Henderson Island (24°20′S, 128°20′W) in the South Pacific Ocean are highly vagile, and exhibit two distinct foraging trip types during incubation; similar proportions of birds undertake either looping trips around the South Pacific Gyre to waters off Peru (hereafter “East”) or trips south-west of the colony towards the Subtropical Front (“South”) (mean maximum ranges of c. 3800 or 2000 km from the colony, respectively). However, the relative benefits of the distinct trip types remain unclear. Through tracking birds with GPS and salt-water immersion loggers in 2015, the fine-scale foraging behaviour was examined for East (trip durations: 14.1–19.8 days, maximum ranges 2387–4823 km) and South trips (12.9–25.8 days, 1565–1991 km). Data on behaviour classified from GPS tracks, the number of wet bouts per hour (a proxy for landing rates) and wind speeds, were used to distinguish two distinct foraging modes: birds on East trips spent more time in directed movement, whereas those on South trips spent a greater proportion of time in area-restricted search (ARS) behaviour. East trips were associated with higher overall mass gain, and wet bouts occurred in equal proportions during directed movement and ARS behaviour. This suggests that in unproductive marine environments, it may be more profitable to maximise area covered to increase the chances of encountering prey. Analysis of lower-resolution geolocator data (collected from 2011 to 2014) indicated that individuals were largely consistent in trip type between years. Since birds that conducted East trips were 19% lighter on departure from the colony and experienced more frequent tailwinds on foraging trips, we speculate that these birds may benefit from reduced movement costs, whilst also experiencing reduced competition for foraging opportunities

    Direct evidence of a prey depletion "halo" surrounding a pelagic predator colony

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    Colonially breeding birds and mammals form some of the largest gatherings of apex predators in the natural world and have provided model systems for studying mechanisms of population regulation in animals. According to one influential hypothesis, intense competition for food among large numbers of spatially constrained foragers should result in a zone of prey depletion surrounding such colonies, ultimately limiting their size. However, while indirect and theoretical support for this phenomenon, known as "Ashmole's halo," has steadily accumulated, direct evidence remains exceptionally scarce. Using a combination of vesselbased surveys and Global Positioning System tracking, we show that pelagic seabirds breeding at the tropical island that first inspired Ashmole's hypothesis do indeed deplete their primary prey species (flying fish; Exocoetidae spp.) over a considerable area, with reduced prey density detectable >150 km from the colony. The observed prey gradient was mirrored by an opposing trend in seabird foraging effort, could not be explained by confounding environmental variability, and can be approximated using a mechanistic consumption-dispersion model, incorporating realistic rates of seabird predation and random prey dispersal. Our results provide a rare view of the resource footprint of a pelagic seabird colony and reveal how aggregations of these central-place foraging, marine top predators profoundly influence the oceans that surround them

    A new, modern, cost-saving micro/macro method for the determination of serum fructosamine

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    Serum/plasma fructosamine (SeFa) concentration is a reliable indicator used in human diabetic control. Tests for monitoring the carbohydrate/energy metabolism of (farm) animals are less commonly performed in veterinary laboratories, since most of the reliable determinations, both automated and manual, are relatively expensive. The aim of this study was to develop a precise, money- (and time-) saving automated micro method for measuring SeFa. ELISA microplates (20 µL samples and 200 µL reagents) and an automatic microplate autoreader were used. The classical nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) stain reagent solution of Johnson et al. (1982) was modified using a SIGMA reagent to render it stable for up to one year. SeFa concentrations measured by the new method in 30 human blood plasma samples were compared with values obtained by the standard (generally used) LaRoche kit procedure. Fifteen cow, 13 dog and 18 chicken plasma samples were assayed by the new automated ‘micro’ method as well as by the manual test tube ‘macro’ method commonly used earlier. The modified reagent was applied for both methods. The coefficient of correlation (r) between the results obtained by the two methods was consistently between 0.94 and 0.98 (p < 0.001)