16 research outputs found

    Sarilumab plus standard of care vs standard of care for the treatment of severe COVID-19: a phase 3, randomized, open-labeled, multi-center study (ESCAPE study)

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    Background Among interleukin-6 inhibitors suggested for use in COVID-19, there are few robust evidences for the efficacy of sarilumab. Herein, we evaluated the efficacy and safety of sarilumab in severe COVID-19.Methods In this phase 3, open-labeled, randomized clinical trial, conducted at 5 Italian hospitals, adults with severe COVID-19 pneumonia (excluding mechanically ventilated) were randomized 2:1 to receive intravenous sarilumab (400 mg, repeatable after 12 h) plus standard of care (SOC) (arm A) or to continue SOC (arm B). Randomization was web-based. As post-hoc analyses, the participants were stratified according to baseline inflammatory parameters. The primary endpoint was analysed on the modified Intention-To-Treat population, including all the randomized patients who received any study treatment (sarilumab or SOC). It was time to clinical improvement of 2 points on a 7-points ordinal scale, from baseline to day 30. We used Kaplan Meier method and log-rank test to compare the primary outcome between two arms, and Cox regression stratified by clinical center and adjusted for severity of illness, to estimate the hazard ratio (HR). The trial was registered with EudraCT (2020-001390-76).Findings Between May 2020 and May 2021, 191 patients were assessed for eligibility, of whom, excluding nine dropouts, 176 were assigned to arm A (121) and B (55). At day 30, no significant differences in the primary endpoint were found (88% [95% CI 81-94] in arm A vs 85% [74-93], HR 1.07 [0.8-1.5] in arm B; log-rank p = 0.50). After stratifying for inflammatory parameters, arm A showed higher probability of improvement than B without statistical significance in the strata with C reactive protein (CRP) < 7 mg/dL (88% [77-96] vs 79% [63-91], HR 1.55 [0.9-2.6]; log-rank p = 0.049) and in the strata with lymphocytes <870/mmc (90% [79-96]) vs (73% [55-89], HR 1.53 [0.9-2.7]; log-rank p = 0.058). Overall, 39/121 (32%) AEs were reported in arm A and 14/55 (23%) in B (p = 0.195), while serious AEs were 22/121 (18%) and 7/55 (11%), respectively (p = 0.244). There were no treatment-related deaths.Interpretation The efficacy of sarilumab in severe COVID-19 was not demonstrated both in the overall and in the stratified for severity analysis population. Exploratory analyses suggested that subsets of patients with lower CRP values or lower lymphocyte counts might have had benefit with sarilumab treatment, but this finding would require replication in other studies. The relatively low rate of concomitant corticosteroid use, could partially explain our results.Funding This study was supported by INMI "Lazzaro Spallanzani" Ricerca Corrente Linea 1 on emerging and ree-merging infections, funded by Italian Ministry of Health.Copyright (c) 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Switching from TDF to TAF or dual therapy (DT)-based regimens in HIV-infected individuals with viral load <= 50 copies/ml: does eGFR matter?

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    reserved98noOur aim was to evaluate the association between recent eGFR values and risk of switching from TDF to TAF or dual therapy (DT) in real life. HIV-positive patients achieving HIV-RNA ≤50 copies/mL for the first time after starting a TDF-based regimen were included. Kaplan–Meier (KM) curves and Cox regression models were used to estimate the time from TDF to switch to TAF or DT. 1486 participants were included: median (IQR) age 36 (30–42) years; baseline CKD-EPI eGFR 99.92 (86.47–111.4) mL/min/1.73m2. We observed a consistently higher proportion of people with HIV-RNA ≤50 copies/mL who switched from TDF to TAF rather than to DT. By competing risk analysis, at 2 years from baseline, the probability of switching was 3.5% (95% CI 2.6–4.7%) to DT and 46.7% (42.8–48.5%) to TAF. A significantly higher probability of switching to TAF was found for patients receiving INSTI at baseline versus NNRTIs and PI/b [KM, 65.6% (61.7–69.4%) vs. 4.0% (1.8–6.1%) and 59.9% (52.7–67.2%), respectively; P &lt; 0.0001]. eGFR &lt;60 mL/min/1.73m2 both as time-fixed covariate at baseline or as current value was associated with a higher risk of switching to DT [aHR 6.68 (2.69–16.60) and 8.18 (3.54–18.90); P &lt; 0.001] but not to TAF-based cART [aHR 0.94 (0.39–2.31), P = 0.897; and 1.19 (0.60–2.38), P = 0.617]. Counter to our original hypothesis, current eGFR is used by clinicians to guide switches to DT but does not appear to be a key determinant for switching to TAF.mixedA Vergori, R Gagliardini, N Gianotti, A Gori, M Lichtner, A Saracino, A De Vito, A Cascio, A Di Biagio, A d'Arminio Monforte, A Antinori, A Cozzi-Lepri on behalf of the ICONA Foundation Study Network, A. Giacometti, A. Costantini, V. Barocci; G. Angarano, L. Monno, E. Milano; F. Maggiolo, C. Suardi ; P. Viale, V. Donati, G. Verucchi ; F. Castelnuovo, C. Minardi, E. Quiros Roldan ; B. Menzaghi, C. Abeli ; L. Chessa, F. Pes ; B. Cacopardo, B. Celesia ; J. Vecchiet, K. Falasca (Chieti); A. Pan, S. Lorenzotti ; L. Sighinolfi; Daniela Segala ; P. Blanc, F. Vichi ; G. Cassola, M. Bassetti, A. Alessandrini, N. Bobbio, G. Mazzarello ; M. Lichtner, L. Fondaco (Latina); P. Bonfanti, C. Molteni ; A. Chiodera, P. Milini ; G. Nunnari, G. Pellicanò ; A. d’Arminio Monforte, M. Galli, A. Lazzarin, G. Rizzardini, M. Puoti, A. Castagna, E.S. Cannizzo, M.C. Moioli, R. Piolini, D. Bernacchia, A. Poli, C. Tincati, C. Mussini, C. Puzzolante ; C. Migliorino, G. Lapadula ; V. Sangiovanni, G. Borgia, V. Esposito, G. Di Flumeri, I. Gentile, V. Rizzo ; A.M. Cattelan, S. Marinello ; A. Cascio, C. Colomba ; D. Francisci, E. Schiaroli; G. Parruti, F. Sozio ; C. Lazzaretti, R. Corsini ; M. Andreoni, A. Antinori, R. Cauda, A. Cristaudo, V. Vullo, R. Acinapura, S. Lamonica, M. Capozzi, A. Mondi, A. Cingolani, M. Rivano Capparuccia, G. Iaiani, A. Latini, G. Onnelli, M.M. Plazzi, G. De Girolamo, A. Vergori; M. Cecchetto, F. Viviani; G. Madeddu, A. De Vito ; B. Rossetti, F. Montagnani ; A. Franco, R. Fontana Del Vecchio ; C.Di Giuli; P. Caramello, G. Di Perri, S. Bonora, G.C. Orofino, M. Sciandra; C. Tascini, A. Londer; V. Manfrin, G. Battagin ; G. Starnini, A. IalungoVergori, A; Gagliardini, R; Gianotti, N; Gori, A; Lichtner, M; Saracino, A; De Vito, A; Cascio, A; Di Biagio, A; d'Arminio Monforte, A; Antinori, A; Cozzi-Lepri on behalf of the ICONA Foundation Study Network, A; Giacometti, A.; Costantini, A.; Barocci, V.; Angarano, G.; Monno, L.; Milano, E.; C. Suardi, F. Maggiolo; Viale, P.; Donati, V.; Verucchi, G.; Castelnuovo, F.; Minardi, C.; Quiros Roldan, E.; C. Abeli, B. Menzaghi; F. Pes, L. Chessa; B. Celesia, B. Cacopardo; K. Falasca (Chieti), J. Vecchiet; S. Lorenzotti, A. Pan; Sighinolfi, L.; Segala, Daniela; F. Vichi, P. Blanc; Cassola, G.; Bassetti, M.; Alessandrini, A.; Bobbio, N.; Mazzarello, G.; L. Fondaco (Latina), M. Lichtner; C. Molteni, P. Bonfanti; P. Milini, A. Chiodera; G. Pellicanò, G. Nunnari; d’Arminio Monforte, A.; Galli, M.; Lazzarin, A.; Rizzardini, G.; Puoti, M.; Castagna, A.; Cannizzo, E. S.; Moioli, M. C.; Piolini, R.; Bernacchia, D.; Poli, A.; Tincati, C.; Mussini, C.; Puzzolante, C.; G. Lapadula, C. Migliorino; Sangiovanni, V.; Borgia, G.; Esposito, V.; Di Flumeri, G.; Gentile, I.; Rizzo, V.; S. Marinello, A. M. Cattelan; C. Colomba, A. Cascio; E. Schiaroli, D. Francisci; F. Sozio, G. Parruti; R. Corsini, C. Lazzaretti; Andreoni, M.; Antinori, A.; Cauda, R.; Cristaudo, A.; Vullo, V.; Acinapura, R.; Lamonica, S.; Capozzi, M.; Mondi, A.; Cingolani, A.; Rivano Capparuccia, M.; Iaiani, G.; Latini, A.; Onnelli, G.; Plazzi, M. M.; De Girolamo, G.; Vergori, A.; F. Viviani, M. Cecchetto; A. De Vito, G. Madeddu; F. Montagnani, B. Rossetti; R. Fontana Del Vecchio, A. Franco; Di Giuli, C.; Caramello, P.; Di Perri, G.; Bonora, S.; Orofino, G. C.; Sciandra, M.; A. Londer, C. Tascini; G. Battagin, V. Manfrin; A. Ialungo, G. Starnin

    Evaluation of HIV transmission clusters among natives and foreigners living in Italy

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    We aimed at evaluating the characteristics of HIV-1 molecular transmission clusters (MTCs) among natives and migrants living in Italy, diagnosed between 1998 and 2018. Phylogenetic analyses were performed on HIV-1 polymerase (pol) sequences to characterise subtypes and identify MTCs, divided into small (SMTCs, 2-3 sequences), medium (MMTCs, 4-9 sequences) and large (LMTCs, ≥10 sequences). Among 3499 drug-naïve individuals enrolled in the Italian Cohort Naive Antiretroviral (ICONA) cohort (2804 natives; 695 migrants), 726 (20.8%; 644 natives, 82 migrants) were involved in 228 MTCs (6 LMTCs, 36 MMTCs, 186 SMTCs). Migrants contributed 14.4% to SMTCs, 7.6% to MMTCs and 7.1% to LMTCs, respectively. HIV-1 non-B subtypes were found in 51 MTCs; noteworthy was that non-B infections involved in MTCs were more commonly found in natives (n = 47) than in migrants (n = 4). Factors such as Italian origin, being men who have sex with men (MSM), younger age, more recent diagnosis and a higher CD4 count were significantly associated with MTCs. Our findings show that HIV-1 clustering transmission among newly diagnosed individuals living in Italy is prevalently driven by natives, mainly MSM, with a more recent diagnosis and frequently infected with HIV-1 non-B subtypes. These results can contribute to monitoring of the HIV epidemic and guiding the public health response to prevent new HIV infections

    Evaluation of HIV transmission clusters among natives and foreigners living in Italy

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    We aimed at evaluating the characteristics of HIV-1 molecular transmission clusters (MTCs) among natives and migrants living in Italy, diagnosed between 1998 and 2018. Phylogenetic analyses were performed on HIV-1 polymerase (pol) sequences to characterise subtypes and identify MTCs, divided into small (SMTCs, 2-3 sequences), medium (MMTCs, 4-9 sequences) and large (LMTCs, ≥10 sequences). Among 3499 drug-naïve individuals enrolled in the Italian Cohort Naive Antiretroviral (ICONA) cohort (2804 natives; 695 migrants), 726 (20.8%; 644 natives, 82 migrants) were involved in 228 MTCs (6 LMTCs, 36 MMTCs, 186 SMTCs). Migrants contributed 14.4% to SMTCs, 7.6% to MMTCs and 7.1% to LMTCs, respectively. HIV-1 non-B subtypes were found in 51 MTCs; noteworthy was that non-B infections involved in MTCs were more commonly found in natives (n = 47) than in migrants (n = 4). Factors such as Italian origin, being men who have sex with men (MSM), younger age, more recent diagnosis and a higher CD4 count were significantly associated with MTCs. Our findings show that HIV-1 clustering transmission among newly diagnosed individuals living in Italy is prevalently driven by natives, mainly MSM, with a more recent diagnosis and frequently infected with HIV-1 non-B subtypes. These results can contribute to monitoring of the HIV epidemic and guiding the public health response to prevent new HIV infections

    The impact of DAA-mediated HCV eradication on CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocyte trajectories in HIV/HCV coinfected patients: Data from the ICONA Foundation Cohort

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    HCV infection has been hypothesized as a contributor of poor CD4+ recovery in patients living with HIV (PLWHIV). Aim of this study was to evaluate CD4+, CD8+ cells and CD4/CD8 ratio trends before and after HCV treatment with direct acting agents (DAA) in PLWHIV. HIV/HCV patients enrolled in ICONA and HepaICONA cohorts with HIV-RNA 6450&nbsp;copies/ml who achieved a sustained viral response after DAA treatment were studied. A linear regression model was used to investigate CD4+, CD8+ and CD4/CD8 changes 12&nbsp;months before and after DAA treatment. A total of 939 HIV/HCV patients were included, 225 (24.0%) female, median age: 53&nbsp;years (IQR 50\u201356). At DAA initiation, CD4+ T cell count was &lt;350&nbsp;cells/mm3 in 164 patients (17.5%), and 246 patients (26.2%) had liver stiffness&gt;12.5&nbsp;kPa. Trends of CD4+ and CD4/CD8 ratio were similar before and after DAA in all study populations (CD4+ change +17.6 cells/mm3 (95%CI 1233.5; 69.4, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.494); CD4/CD8 change 0.013 (95%CI 120.061; 0.036, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.611). However, patients treated with ribavirin (RBV)-free DAA showed a significant decrease in CD8+ cells ( 12204.3 cells/mm3, 95%CI 12375.0;-33.4, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.019), while patients treated with RBV experienced CD8+ cell increase (+141.2 cells/mm3, 95%CI 40.3; 242.1, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.006). In conclusion, HCV eradication following DAA treatment does not seem to have an impact on CD4+ T cell recovery in PLWHIV. However, a fast decline of CD8+T cells has been observed in patients treated without RBV, suggesting a favourable effect of HCV clearance on the general state of immune activation

    The impact of DAA-mediated HCV eradication on CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocyte trajectories in HIV/HCV coinfected patients: Data from the ICONA Foundation Cohort

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    HCV infection has been hypothesized as a contributor of poor CD4+ recovery in patients living with HIV (PLWHIV). Aim of this study was to evaluate CD4+, CD8+ cells and CD4/CD8 ratio trends before and after HCV treatment with direct acting agents (DAA) in PLWHIV. HIV/HCV patients enrolled in ICONA and HepaICONA cohorts with HIV-RNA≤50&nbsp;copies/ml who achieved a sustained viral response after DAA treatment were studied. A linear regression model was used to investigate CD4+, CD8+ and CD4/CD8 changes 12&nbsp;months before and after DAA treatment. A total of 939 HIV/HCV patients were included, 225 (24.0%) female, median age: 53&nbsp;years (IQR 50–56). At DAA initiation, CD4+ T cell count was &lt;350&nbsp;cells/mm3 in 164 patients (17.5%), and 246 patients (26.2%) had liver stiffness&gt;12.5&nbsp;kPa. Trends of CD4+ and CD4/CD8 ratio were similar before and after DAA in all study populations (CD4+ change +17.6 cells/mm3 (95%CI −33.5; 69.4, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.494); CD4/CD8 change 0.013 (95%CI −0.061; 0.036, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.611). However, patients treated with ribavirin (RBV)-free DAA showed a significant decrease in CD8+ cells (−204.3 cells/mm3, 95%CI −375.0;-33.4, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.019), while patients treated with RBV experienced CD8+ cell increase (+141.2 cells/mm3, 95%CI 40.3; 242.1, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.006). In conclusion, HCV eradication following DAA treatment does not seem to have an impact on CD4+ T cell recovery in PLWHIV. However, a fast decline of CD8+T cells has been observed in patients treated without RBV, suggesting a favourable effect of HCV clearance on the general state of immune activation

    Safety and efficacy of ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir/dasabuvir plus ribavirin in patients over 65&amp;nbsp;years with HCV genotype 1 cirrhosis

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    Purpose: To analyse safety and efficacy of treatment based on ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir/dasabuvir plus ribavirin in the sub-group of GT1 patients older than 65\ua0years. Methods: We collected data extracted from the ABACUS compassionate-use nationwide Italian programme, in patients with cirrhosis due to hepatitis C virus (HCV) Genotype-1 (GT1) or 4 and at high risk of decompensation. GT1-HCV-infected patients received once-daily ombitasvir/paritaprevir, with the pharmacokinetic enhancer ritonavir (25/150/100\ua0mg) and twice-daily dasabuvir (250\ua0mg) plus Ribavirin (RBV) (OBV/PTV/r + DSV + RBV) for 12 (GT1b) or 24 (GT1a) weeks. Endpoints were to evaluate safety and efficacy, the latter defined as HCV RNA negative 12\ua0weeks after the end of treatment (SVR12). Results: Patients who suffered any adverse event (AE) were 74/240 (30.8%); 13/240 (5.4%) discontinued the treatment. A multivariate analysis found albumin < 3.5\ua0g/dL (OR 2.04: 95% CI 1.0\u20134.2, p < 0.05) and hypertension (OR 4.6: 95% CI 2.3\u20139.2, p < 0.001) as variables independently associated with AE occurrence. The SVR12 was 95% (228/240). Multivariate analysis identified baseline bilirubin < 2\ua0mg/dL (OR 4.9: 95% CI 1.17\u201320.71, p = 0.029) as the only variable independently associated with SVR12. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that OBV/PTV/r + DSV + RBV is safe and effective in real-life use in patients with compensated cirrhosis, HCV-GT1 infection, and age over 65

    Safety and efficacy of ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir/dasabuvir plus ribavirin in patients over 65&amp;nbsp;years with HCV genotype 1 cirrhosis

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    Purpose: To analyse safety and efficacy of treatment based on ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir/dasabuvir plus ribavirin in the sub-group of GT1 patients older than 65\ua0years. Methods: We collected data extracted from the ABACUS compassionate-use nationwide Italian programme, in patients with cirrhosis due to hepatitis C virus (HCV) Genotype-1 (GT1) or 4 and at high risk of decompensation. GT1-HCV-infected patients received once-daily ombitasvir/paritaprevir, with the pharmacokinetic enhancer ritonavir (25/150/100\ua0mg) and twice-daily dasabuvir (250\ua0mg) plus Ribavirin (RBV) (OBV/PTV/r + DSV + RBV) for 12 (GT1b) or 24 (GT1a) weeks. Endpoints were to evaluate safety and efficacy, the latter defined as HCV RNA negative 12\ua0weeks after the end of treatment (SVR12). Results: Patients who suffered any adverse event (AE) were 74/240 (30.8%); 13/240 (5.4%) discontinued the treatment. A multivariate analysis found albumin < 3.5\ua0g/dL (OR 2.04: 95% CI 1.0\u20134.2, p < 0.05) and hypertension (OR 4.6: 95% CI 2.3\u20139.2, p < 0.001) as variables independently associated with AE occurrence. The SVR12 was 95% (228/240). Multivariate analysis identified baseline bilirubin < 2\ua0mg/dL (OR 4.9: 95% CI 1.17\u201320.71, p = 0.029) as the only variable independently associated with SVR12. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that OBV/PTV/r + DSV + RBV is safe and effective in real-life use in patients with compensated cirrhosis, HCV-GT1 infection, and age over 65

    Ombitasvir, paritaprevir, and ritonavir, with or without dasabuvir, plus ribavirin for patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 1 or 4 infection with cirrhosis (ABACUS): a prospective observational study

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    BACKGROUND: We ran a compassionate use nationwide programme (ABACUS) to provide access to ombitasvir, paritaprevir, and ritonavir, with dasabuvir, plus ribavirin for hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1 infection and ombitasvir, paritaprevir, and ritonavir, plus ribavirin for HCV genotype 4 infection in patients with cirrhosis at high risk of decompensation while approval of these regimens was pending in Italy. METHODS: In this prospective observational study, we collected data from a compassionate use nationwide programme from March 17, 2014, to May 28, 2015. Patients with HCV genotype 1 infection and cirrhosis at high risk of decompensation were given coformulated ombitasvir (25 mg), paritaprevir (150 mg), and ritonavir (100 mg) once daily and dasabuvir (250 mg) twice daily for 12 weeks (patients with HCV genotype 1b infection) or 24 weeks (patients with HCV genotype 1a infection). Patients with HCV genotype 4 infection were given coformulated ombitasvir (25 mg), paritaprevir (150 mg), and ritonavir (100 mg) once per day for 24 weeks. All patients were given weight-based ribavirin. The primary efficacy endpoint was sustained virological response at week 12 after the end of treatment (SVR12), analysed by intention-to-treat. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to identify baseline characteristics associated with SVR12. Adverse events were recorded throughout the study. FINDINGS: 728 (96%) of 762 patients with cirrhosis who were given ombitasvir, paritaprevir, and ritonavir, with or without dasabuvir, plus ribavirin therapy for 12 or 24 weeks achieved SVR12. Logistic regression analyses identified that bilirubin concentrations of less than 2 mg/dL were associated with SVR12 (odds ratio [OR] 4·76 [95% CI 1·83-12·3]; p=0·001). 166 (23%) of 734 patients included in safety analyses had an adverse event. 25 (3%) patients discontinued treatment because of adverse events. Asthenia was the most commonly reported adverse event, occurring in 36 (5%) patients. INTERPRETATION: Our findings suggest that the safety and effectiveness of ombitasvir, paritaprevir, and ritonavir, with or without dasabuvir, plus ribavirin in patients with HCV genotype 1 or 4 infection and cirrhosis at high risk of decompensation in a real-life setting are similar to those reported in clinical trials. The concordance with clinical trials provides reassurance that the reported efficacy of this treatment in clinical trials will translate to its use in routine clinical practic

    HBcAb Positivity Increases the Risk of Severe Hepatic Fibrosis Development in HIV/HCV-Positive Subjects From the ICONA Italian Cohort of HIV-Infected Patients

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of anti-HBc (HBcAb) positivity on the progression of liver fibrosis (Fibrosis-4 score &gt;3.25) in the Italian cohort of HIV-infected individuals na\uefve to antiretroviral treatment (ICONA)