99 research outputs found

    Inter-species differences in regulation of the progranulin–sortilin axis in TDP-43 cell models of neurodegeneration

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    Cytoplasmic aggregates and nuclear depletion of the ubiquitous RNA-binding protein TDP-43 have been described in the autoptic brain tissues of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTLD) patients and both TDP-43 loss-of-function and gain-of-function mechanisms seem to contribute to the neurodegenerative process. Among the wide array of RNA targets, TDP-43 regulates progranulin (GRN) mRNA stability and sortilin (SORT1) splicing. Progranulin is a secreted neurotrophic and neuro-immunomodulatory factor whose endocytosis and delivery to the lysosomes are regulated by the neuronal receptor sortilin. Moreover, GRN loss-of-function mutations are causative of a subset of FTLD cases showing TDP-43 pathological aggregates. Here we show that TDP-43 loss-of-function differently affects the progranulin\u2013sortilin axis in murine and human neuronal cell models. We demonstrated that although TDP-43 binding to GRN mRNA occurs similarly in human and murine cells, upon TDP-43 depletion, a different control of sortilin splicing and protein content may determine changes in extracellular progranulin uptake that account for increased or unchanged secreted protein in murine and human cells, respectively. As targeting the progranulin\u2013sortilin axis has been proposed as a therapeutic approach for GRN-FTLD patients, the inter-species differences in TDP-43-mediated regulation of this pathway must be considered when translating studies from animal models to patients

    Relating the rate of growth of metal nanoparticles to cluster size distribution in electroless deposition

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    Electroless deposition on patterned silicon substrates enables the formation of metal nanomaterials with tight control over their size and shape. In the technique, metal ions are transported by diffusion from a solution to the active sites of an autocatalytic substrate where they are reduced as metals upon contact. Here, using diffusion limited aggregation models and numerical simulations, we derived relationships that correlate the cluster size distribution to the total mass of deposited particles. We found that the ratio ξ between the rates of growth of two different metals depends on the ratio γ between the rates of growth of clusters formed by those metals through the linearity law ξ = 14(γ - 1). We then validated the model using experiments. Different from other methods, the model derives k using as input the geometry of metal nanoparticle clusters, decoded by SEM or AFM images of samples, and a known reference

    Nano-topography Enhances Communication in Neural Cells Networks

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    Abstract Neural cells are the smallest building blocks of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Information in neural networks and cell-substrate interactions have been heretofore studied separately. Understanding whether surface nano-topography can direct nerve cells assembly into computational efficient networks may provide new tools and criteria for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. In this work, we used information theory approaches and functional multi calcium imaging (fMCI) techniques to examine how information flows in neural networks cultured on surfaces with controlled topography. We found that substrate roughness S a affects networks topology. In the low nano-meter range, S a  = 0–30 nm, information increases with S a . Moreover, we found that energy density of a network of cells correlates to the topology of that network. This reinforces the view that information, energy and surface nano-topography are tightly inter-connected and should not be neglected when studying cell-cell interaction in neural tissue repair and regeneration

    Synthesis of plasmonic gold nanoparticles on soft materials for biomedical applications

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    Plasmonic metal nanomaterials are usually supported by rigid substrates, typically made of silicon or glass. Recently, there has been growing interest in developing soft plasmonic devices. Such devices are low weight, low cost, exhibit elevated flexibility and improved mechanical properties. Moreover, they maintain the features of conventional nano-optic structures, such as the ability to enhance the local electromagnetic field. On account of these characteristics, they show promise as efficient biosensors in biological, medical, and bio-engineering applications. Here, we demonstrate the fabrication of soft polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) plasmonic devices. Using a combination of techniques, including electroless deposition, we patterned thin membranes of PDMS with arrays of gold nanoparticle clusters. Resulting devices show regular patterns of gold nanoparticles extending over several hundreds of microns and are moderately hydrophilic, with a contact angle of about 80°. At the nanoscale, scanning electron and atomic force microscopy of samples reveal an average particle size of ∼50 nm. The nanoscopic size of the particles, along with their random distribution in a cluster, promotes the enhancement of electromagnetic fields, evidenced by numerical simulations and experiments. Mechanical characterization and the stress-strain relationship indicate that the device has a stiffness of 2.8 MPa. In biological immunoassay tests, the device correctly identified and detected anti-human immunoglobulins G (IgG) in solution with a concentration of 25 μg/ml

    Superhydrophobic lab-on-chip measures secretome protonation state and provides a personalized risk assessment of sporadic tumour

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    Secretome of primary cultures is an accessible source of biological markers compared to more complex and less decipherable mixtures such as serum or plasma. The protonation state (PS) of secretome reflects the metabolism of cells and can be used for cancer early detection. Here, we demonstrate a superhydrophobic organic electrochemical device that measures PS in a drop of secretome derived from liquid biopsies. Using data from the sensor and principal component analysis (PCA), we developed algorithms able to efficiently discriminate tumour patients from non-tumour patients. We then validated the results using mass spectrometry and biochemical analysis of samples. For the 36 patients across three independent cohorts, the method identified tumour patients with high sensitivity and identification as high as 100% (no false positives) with declared subjects at-risk, for sporadic cancer onset, by intermediate values of PS. This assay could impact on cancer risk management, individual’s diagnosis and/or help clarify risk in healthy populations

    Lysophosphatidic acid and sphingosine-1-phosphate promote morphogenesis and block invasion of prostate cancer cells in three-dimensional organotypic models

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    Normal prostate and some malignant prostate cancer (PrCa) cell lines undergo acinar differentiation and form spheroids in three-dimensional (3-D) organotypic culture. Acini formed by PC-3 and PC-3M, less pronounced also in other PrCa cell lines, spontaneously undergo an invasive switch, leading to the disintegration of epithelial structures and the basal lamina, and formation of invadopodia. This demonstrates the highly dynamic nature of epithelial plasticity, balancing epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition against metastable acinar differentiation. This study assessed the role of lipid metabolites on epithelial maturation. PC-3 cells completely failed to form acinar structures in delipidated serum. Adding back lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) rescued acinar morphogenesis and repressed invasion effectively. Blocking LPA receptor 1 (LPAR1) functions by siRNA (small interference RNA) or the specific LPAR1 inhibitor Ki16425 promoted invasion, while silencing of other G-protein-coupled receptors responsive to LPA or S1P mainly caused growth arrest or had no effects. The G-proteins Gα12/13 and Gαi were identified as key mediators of LPA signalling via stimulation of RhoA and Rho kinases ROCK1 and 2, activating Rac1, while inhibition of adenylate cyclase and accumulation of cAMP may be secondary. Interfering with these pathways specifically impeded epithelial polarization in transformed cells. In contrast, blocking the same pathways in non-transformed, normal cells promoted differentiation. We conclude that LPA and LPAR1 effectively promote epithelial maturation and block invasion of PrCa cells in 3-D culture. The analysis of clinical transcriptome data confirmed reduced expression of LPAR1 in a subset of PrCa's. Our study demonstrates a metastasis-suppressor function for LPAR1 and Gα12/13 signalling, regulating cell motility and invasion versus epithelial maturation

    Seismic fragility test of a 6-inch diameter pipe system

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    This report contains the test results and assessments of seismic fragility tests performed on a 6-inch diameter piping system. The test was funded by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and conducted by ETEC. The objective of the test was to investigate the ability of a representative nuclear piping system to withstand high level dynamic seismic and other loadings. Levels of loadings achieved during seismic testing were 20 to 30 times larger than normal elastic design evaluations to ASME Level D limits would permit. Based on failure data obtained during seismic and other dynamic testing, it was concluded that nuclear piping systems are inherently able to withstand much larger dynamic seismic loadings than permitted by current design practice criteria or predicted by the probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) methods and several proposed nonlinear methods of failure analysis

    Small-world networks of neuroblastoma cells cultured in three-dimensional polymeric scaffolds featuring multi-scale roughness

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    Understanding the mechanisms underlying cell-surface interaction is of fundamental importance for the rational design of scaffolds aiming at tissue engineering, tissue repair and neural regeneration applications. Here, we examined patterns of neuroblastoma cells cultured in three-dimensional polymeric scaffolds obtained by two-photon lithography. Because of the intrinsic resolution of the technique, the micrometric cylinders composing the scaffold have a lateral step size of ~200 nm, a surface roughness of around 20 nm, and large values of fractal dimension approaching 2.7. We found that cells in the scaffold assemble into separate groups with many elements per group. After cell wiring, we found that resulting networks exhibit high clustering, small path lengths, and small-world characteristics. These values of the topological characteristics of the network can potentially enhance the quality, quantity and density of information transported in the network compared to equivalent random graphs of the same size. This is one of the first direct observations of cells developing into 3D small-world networks in an artificial matrix
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